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We're making changes to how you buy HDD and flash products from the Western Digital family of brands.
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We're making changes to how you buy HDD and flash products from the Western Digital family of brands.
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We're making changes to how you buy HDD and flash products from the Western Digital family of brands.
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We're making changes to how you buy HDD and flash products from the Western Digital family of brands.
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Päivitetty viimeksi 1. lokakuuta 2020
Tätä Hyväksyttävää käyttöä koskevaa käytäntöä sovelletaan Western Digital Technologies, Inc. -yhtiön ja sen tytäryhtiöiden (yhdessä ”WDT”) tarjoamien verkkopalveluiden käyttöön sinun toimestasi. Näihin verkkopalveluihin sisältyy palveluita, joiden avulla voit päästä sisältöihin ja materiaaleihin sekä lähettää, ladata, tallentaa, jakaa, julkaista, välittää, näyttää tai muuten asettaa muiden saataville sisältöä ja materiaaleja (”Palvelut”). Tämän Hyväksyttävää käyttöä koskevan käytännön piiriin kuuluvissa Palveluissa on linkki tähän Hyväksyttävää käyttöä koskevaan käytäntöön.
Sitoudut käyttämään Palveluita vastuullisesti ja takaat ja vakuutat, että
Jos Palveluita käyttäessäsi kohtaat sisältöä tai toimintaa, jonka uskot olevan tämän Hyväksyttävää käyttöä koskevan käytännön vastaista tai jonka muuten koet olevan sopimatonta, voit ilmoittaa asiasta ottamalla yhteyttä WDT:hen osoitteen kautta tai lähettämällä sähköpostia osoitteeseen SUPPORT@WDC.COM.
WDT voi päivittää tai muuttaa tätä Hyväksyttävää käyttöä koskevaa käytäntöä ajoittain. Hyväksymällä tämän Hyväksyttävää käyttöä koskevan käytännön muutokset, esimerkiksi jatkamalla Palveluiden käyttöä sen jälkeen, kun sinulle on hyvissä ajoin ilmoitettu muutoksista, suostut noudattamaan tämän Hyväksyttävää käyttöä koskevan käytännön sovellettavia muutoksia.
Hyväksyttävää käyttöä koskevan käytännön noudattamisen laiminlyöminen saattaa johtaa Palveluiden keskeyttämiseen ja/tai irtisanomiseen.
Last Updated October 1, 2020
This Acceptable Use Policy governs your use of online and related services and software offered by Western Digital Technologies, Inc. and its affiliates (collectively, “WDT”), including services and software that may allow you to access, submit, upload, store, share, post, transmit, publish, display, or otherwise make available to others content and materials (“Services”). Services that are governed by this Acceptable Use Policy will expressly link to this Acceptable Use Policy.
You agree to use the Services responsibly, and you represent and agree that:
If while using the Services, you encounter content or activity you believe is in violation of this Acceptable Use Policy, or that you otherwise find inappropriate, you may report it by contacting WDT through or by sending an email to SUPPORT@WDC.COM.
WDT may update or modify this Acceptable Use Policy from time to time. By accepting any modifications to this Acceptable Use Policy, including, by continuing to use the Services after reasonable notice is provided to you, you are agreeing to be bound by the applicable modifications to this Acceptable Use Policy.
Your failure to comply with the Acceptable Use Policy may result in suspension and/or termination of the Services.
Last Updated October 1, 2020
This Acceptable Use Policy governs your use of online and related services and software offered by Western Digital Technologies, Inc. and its affiliates (collectively, “WDT”), including services and software that may allow you to access, submit, upload, store, share, post, transmit, publish, display, or otherwise make available to others content and materials (“Services”). Services that are governed by this Acceptable Use Policy will expressly link to this Acceptable Use Policy.
You agree to use the Services responsibly, and you represent and agree that:
If while using the Services, you encounter content or activity you believe is in violation of this Acceptable Use Policy, or that you otherwise find inappropriate, you may report it by contacting WDT through or by sending an email to SUPPORT@WDC.COM.
WDT may update or modify this Acceptable Use Policy from time to time. By accepting any modifications to this Acceptable Use Policy, including, by continuing to use the Services after reasonable notice is provided to you, you are agreeing to be bound by the applicable modifications to this Acceptable Use Policy.
Your failure to comply with the Acceptable Use Policy may result in suspension and/or termination of the Services.
Last Updated October 1, 2020
This Acceptable Use Policy governs your use of online and related services and software offered by Western Digital Technologies, Inc. and its affiliates (collectively, “WDT”), including services and software that may allow you to access, submit, upload, store, share, post, transmit, publish, display, or otherwise make available to others content and materials (“Services”). Services that are governed by this Acceptable Use Policy will expressly link to this Acceptable Use Policy.
You agree to use the Services responsibly, and you represent and agree that:
If while using the Services, you encounter content or activity you believe is in violation of this Acceptable Use Policy, or that you otherwise find inappropriate, you may report it by contacting WDT through or by sending an email to SUPPORT@WDC.COM.
WDT may update or modify this Acceptable Use Policy from time to time. By accepting any modifications to this Acceptable Use Policy, including, by continuing to use the Services after reasonable notice is provided to you, you are agreeing to be bound by the applicable modifications to this Acceptable Use Policy.
Your failure to comply with the Acceptable Use Policy may result in suspension and/or termination of the Services.
Last Updated October 1, 2020
This Acceptable Use Policy governs your use of online and related services and software offered by Western Digital Technologies, Inc. and its affiliates (collectively, “WDT”), including services and software that may allow you to access, submit, upload, store, share, post, transmit, publish, display, or otherwise make available to others content and materials (“Services”). Services that are governed by this Acceptable Use Policy will expressly link to this Acceptable Use Policy.
You agree to use the Services responsibly, and you represent and agree that:
If while using the Services, you encounter content or activity you believe is in violation of this Acceptable Use Policy, or that you otherwise find inappropriate, you may report it by contacting WDT through or by sending an email to SUPPORT@WDC.COM.
WDT may update or modify this Acceptable Use Policy from time to time. By accepting any modifications to this Acceptable Use Policy, including, by continuing to use the Services after reasonable notice is provided to you, you are agreeing to be bound by the applicable modifications to this Acceptable Use Policy.
Your failure to comply with the Acceptable Use Policy may result in suspension and/or termination of the Services.
Last Updated October 1, 2020
This Acceptable Use Policy governs your use of online and related services and software offered by Western Digital Technologies, Inc. and its affiliates (collectively, “WDT”), including services and software that may allow you to access, submit, upload, store, share, post, transmit, publish, display, or otherwise make available to others content and materials (“Services”). Services that are governed by this Acceptable Use Policy will expressly link to this Acceptable Use Policy.
You agree to use the Services responsibly, and you represent and agree that:
If while using the Services, you encounter content or activity you believe is in violation of this Acceptable Use Policy, or that you otherwise find inappropriate, you may report it by contacting WDT through or by sending an email to SUPPORT@WDC.COM.
WDT may update or modify this Acceptable Use Policy from time to time. By accepting any modifications to this Acceptable Use Policy, including, by continuing to use the Services after reasonable notice is provided to you, you are agreeing to be bound by the applicable modifications to this Acceptable Use Policy.
Your failure to comply with the Acceptable Use Policy may result in suspension and/or termination of the Services.
Last Updated October 1, 2020
This Acceptable Use Policy governs your use of online and related services and software offered by Western Digital Technologies, Inc. and its affiliates (collectively, “WDT”), including services and software that may allow you to access, submit, upload, store, share, post, transmit, publish, display, or otherwise make available to others content and materials (“Services”). Services that are governed by this Acceptable Use Policy will expressly link to this Acceptable Use Policy.
You agree to use the Services responsibly, and you represent and agree that:
If while using the Services, you encounter content or activity you believe is in violation of this Acceptable Use Policy, or that you otherwise find inappropriate, you may report it by contacting WDT through or by sending an email to SUPPORT@WDC.COM.
WDT may update or modify this Acceptable Use Policy from time to time. By accepting any modifications to this Acceptable Use Policy, including, by continuing to use the Services after reasonable notice is provided to you, you are agreeing to be bound by the applicable modifications to this Acceptable Use Policy.
Your failure to comply with the Acceptable Use Policy may result in suspension and/or termination of the Services.
Last Updated October 1, 2020
This Acceptable Use Policy governs your use of online and related services and software offered by Western Digital Technologies, Inc. and its affiliates (collectively, “WDT”), including services and software that may allow you to access, submit, upload, store, share, post, transmit, publish, display, or otherwise make available to others content and materials (“Services”). Services that are governed by this Acceptable Use Policy will expressly link to this Acceptable Use Policy.
You agree to use the Services responsibly, and you represent and agree that:
If while using the Services, you encounter content or activity you believe is in violation of this Acceptable Use Policy, or that you otherwise find inappropriate, you may report it by contacting WDT through or by sending an email to SUPPORT@WDC.COM.
WDT may update or modify this Acceptable Use Policy from time to time. By accepting any modifications to this Acceptable Use Policy, including, by continuing to use the Services after reasonable notice is provided to you, you are agreeing to be bound by the applicable modifications to this Acceptable Use Policy.
Your failure to comply with the Acceptable Use Policy may result in suspension and/or termination of the Services.
Sist oppdatert 1. oktober 2020
Denne policyen for akseptabel bruk styrer din bruk av nettbaserte- og relaterte tjenester og programvare som tilbys av Western Digital Technologies, Inc. og dets tilknyttede selskaper (samlet «WDT»), inkludert tjenester og programvare som gir deg tillatelse til å få tilgang til, sende inn, laste opp, lagre, dele, poste, overføre, publisere, vise eller på annen måte gjøre tilgjengelig for annet innhold og materiale («Tjenester»). Tjenester som er underlagt policyen for akseptabel bruk, vil eksplisitt referere til denne policyen for akseptabel bruk.
Du samtykker i å bruke Tjenestene på en ansvarlig måte, og du representerer og samtykker i følgende:
Hvis du oppdager innhold eller aktivitet mens du bruker Tjenestene som du mener bryter med policyen for akseptabel bruk, eller som du på andre måter mener er upassende, kan du rapportere det ved å kontakte WDT via eller ved å sende en e-post til SUPPORT@WDC.COM.
WDT kan oppdatere eller endre denne policyen for akseptabel bruk fra tid til annen. Ved å godta eventuelle endringer i policyen for akseptabel bruk, inkludert ved å fortsette å bruke Tjenestene etter at tilstrekkelig med varsler har blitt kommunisert til deg, samtykker du i å være bundet av slike endringer i denne policyen for akseptabel bruk.
Din manglende overholdelse av policyen for akseptabel bruk kan føre til suspensjon og/eller avslutning av Tjenestene.
上一次更新: 2020年10月1日
可接受使用政策对您使用 Western Digital Technologies, Inc.及其附属公司(统称“WDT”)提供的在线及相关服务和软件进行管理,包括可允许您访问、提交、上载、存储、共享、发帖、传播、发布、展示或者以其他方式向其他人披露内容及材料的服务和软件(“服务”)。受可接受使用政策管理的服务将明确链接至可接受使用政策。
如果您使用服务时遇到您认为违反可接受使用政策的内容或者活动,或者您发现不合适的其他内容,您可通过或者发送电邮至 SUPPORT@WDC.COM联系 WDT,将该内容上报。
WDT 可不时更新或者修订可接受使用政策。接受可接受使用政策的任何修改,包括向您提供合理通知后继续使用服务,即表示您同意受约于可接受使用政策的适用改修。
Τελευταία ενημέρωση στις 1 Οκτωβρίου 2020
Η παρούσα Πολιτική Αποδεκτής Χρήσης διέπει την εκ μέρους σας χρήση των ηλεκτρονικών και σχετικών υπηρεσιών και του λογισμικού που παρέχονται από την Western Digital Technologies, Inc. και τις συγγενείς εταιρείες της (συλλήβδην, η «WDT»), συμπεριλαμβανομένων των υπηρεσιών και του λογισμικού που μπορεί να σας επιτρέπουν να προσπελάζετε, υποβάλλετε, στέλνετε, αποθηκεύετε, κοινοποιείτε, αναρτάτε, μεταβιβάζετε, δημοσιεύετε, προβάλλετε ή διαθέτετε με άλλο τρόπο περιεχόμενο ή υλικά («Υπηρεσίες») σε τρίτους. Οι Υπηρεσίες, που διέπονται από την παρούσα Πολιτική Αποδεκτής Χρήσης, θα συνδέονται ρητώς με την παρούσα Πολιτική Αποδεκτής Χρήσης.
Συμφωνείτε να χρησιμοποιείτε τις Υπηρεσίες με υπευθυνότητα και δηλώνετε και συμφωνείτε ότι:
Εάν, κατά τη χρήση των Υπηρεσιών, εντοπίσετε περιεχόμενο ή δραστηριότητα που πιστεύετε ότι παραβιάζει την παρούσα Πολιτική Αποδεκτής Χρήσης ή θεωρείτε ότι είναι ανάρμοστα με άλλον τρόπο, μπορείτε να το αναφέρετε επικοινωνώντας με την WDT μέσω της διαδικτυακής τοποθεσίας ή στέλνοντας email στη διεύθυνση SUPPORT@WDC.COM.
Η WDT δύναται κατά καιρούς να ενημερώνει ή να τροποποιεί την παρούσα Πολιτική Αποδεκτής Χρήσης. Με την αποδοχή τυχόν τροποποιήσεων στην παρούσα Πολιτική Αποδεκτής Χρήσης, όπως, μεταξύ άλλων, με τη συνέχιση χρήσης των Υπηρεσιών μετά την αποστολή εύλογης ειδοποίησης σε εσάς, συμφωνείτε να δεσμεύεστε από τις αντίστοιχες τροποποιήσεις στην παρούσα Πολιτική Αποδεκτής Χρήσης.
Η εκ μέρους σας μη συμμόρφωση με την Πολιτική Αποδεκτής Χρήσης ενδέχεται να έχει ως αποτέλεσμα την αναστολή ή/και την παύση των Υπηρεσιών.
Zuletzt aktualisiert am 1. Oktober 2020
Diese Richtlinien zur akzeptablen Nutzung regeln Ihre Nutzung von Online- und zugehörigen Diensten und Software, die von Western Digital Technologies, Inc. sowie deren Tochter- oder Verbundunternehmen (im Folgenden zusammenfassend „WDT“) angeboten werden, einschließlich der Dienste und Software, mithilfe derer Sie auf Inhalte oder Materialien zugreifen, sie absenden, hochladen, speichern, teilen, posten, übertragen, veröffentlichen, anzeigen oder anderen anderweitig zur Verfügung stellen können („Dienste“). Die durch diese Richtlinien zur akzeptablen Nutzung geregelten Dienste beziehen sich ausdrücklich auf diese Richtlinien zur akzeptablen Nutzung.
Sie erklären sich damit einverstanden, die Dienste verantwortungsvoll zu nutzen und sichern zu, dass;
Sollten Sie während der Nutzung der Dienste Inhalte oder Aktivitäten bemerken, die Ihrer Ansicht nach diese Richtlinien zur akzeptablen Nutzung verletzen oder die Sie anderweitig unangemessen halten, können Sie sie melden, in dem Sie WDT wie folgt kontaktieren oder per E-Mail an SUPPORT@WDC.COM.
WDT ist berechtigt, die vorliegenden Richtlinien zur akzeptablen Nutzung jederzeit zu aktualisieren oder zu ergänzen. Durch das Annehmen von Änderungen dieser Richtlinien zur akzeptablen Nutzung, darunter durch Fortsetzung der Nutzung der vertragsgegenständlichen Dienste nach einer angemessenen Vorankündigung hierzu Ihnen gegenüber, erklären Sie Ihr Einverständnis, an die Geltung der betreffenden Änderungen der vorliegenden Richtlinien zur akzeptablen Nutzung gebunden zu sein.
Ihr Versäumnis, diese Richtlinien zur akzeptablen Nutzung einzuhalten, kann die Aussetzung und/oder Kündigung der Dienste zur Folge haben.
Last Updated October 1, 2020
This Acceptable Use Policy governs your use of online and related services and software offered by Western Digital Technologies, Inc. and its affiliates (collectively, “WDT”), including services and software that may allow you to access, submit, upload, store, share, post, transmit, publish, display, or otherwise make available to others content and materials (“Services”). Services that are governed by this Acceptable Use Policy will expressly link to this Acceptable Use Policy.
You agree to use the Services responsibly, and you represent and agree that:
If while using the Services, you encounter content or activity you believe is in violation of this Acceptable Use Policy, or that you otherwise find inappropriate, you may report it by contacting WDT through or by sending an email to SUPPORT@WDC.COM.
WDT may update or modify this Acceptable Use Policy from time to time. By accepting any modifications to this Acceptable Use Policy, including, by continuing to use the Services after reasonable notice is provided to you, you are agreeing to be bound by the applicable modifications to this Acceptable Use Policy.
Your failure to comply with the Acceptable Use Policy may result in suspension and/or termination of the Services.
Laatst bijgewerkt op 1 oktober 2020
Dit Beleid voor acceptabel gebruik is van toepassing op uw gebruik van online en gerelateerde diensten en software die door Western Digital Technologies, Inc. en zijn gelieerde ondernemingen (gezamenlijk 'WDT') worden aangeboden, met inbegrip van diensten en software waarmee u toegang kunt krijgen tot inhoud en materialen of deze kunt indienen, uploaden, opslaan, delen, posten, verzenden, publiceren, weergeven of anderszins beschikbaar stellen aan anderen ('Diensten'). Bij de beschrijving van Diensten die onder dit Beleid voor acceptabel gebruik vallen, zal uitdrukkelijk naar dit beleid worden verwezen.
U stemt ermee in om de Diensten op verantwoorde wijze te gebruiken en u verklaart en gaat akkoord met het volgende:
Als u tijdens het gebruik van de Diensten op inhoud of een activiteit stoot die volgens u in strijd is met dit Beleid voor acceptabel gebruik of die u anderszins ongepast vindt, kunt u dit melden door contact op te nemen met WDT via of door te mailen naar SUPPORT@WDC.COM.
WDT kan dit Beleid voor aanvaardbaar gebruik van tijd tot tijd bijwerken of wijzigen. Door wijzigingen van dit Beleid voor acceptabel gebruik te aanvaarden, wat onder meer het geval is als u de Diensten na het verstrijken van een redelijke kennisgevingstermijn blijft gebruiken, gaat u ermee akkoord gebonden te zijn aan de toepasselijke wijzigingen van dit Beleid voor acceptabel gebruik.
Als u het Beleid voor acceptabel gebruik niet naleeft, kan dat ertoe leiden dat de Diensten worden opgeschort en/of beëindigd.
Last Updated October 1, 2020
This Acceptable Use Policy governs your use of online and related services and software offered by Western Digital Technologies, Inc. and its affiliates (collectively, “WDT”), including services and software that may allow you to access, submit, upload, store, share, post, transmit, publish, display, or otherwise make available to others content and materials (“Services”). Services that are governed by this Acceptable Use Policy will expressly link to this Acceptable Use Policy.
You agree to use the Services responsibly, and you represent and agree that:
If while using the Services, you encounter content or activity you believe is in violation of this Acceptable Use Policy, or that you otherwise find inappropriate, you may report it by contacting WDT through or by sending an email to SUPPORT@WDC.COM.
WDT may update or modify this Acceptable Use Policy from time to time. By accepting any modifications to this Acceptable Use Policy, including, by continuing to use the Services after reasonable notice is provided to you, you are agreeing to be bound by the applicable modifications to this Acceptable Use Policy.
Your failure to comply with the Acceptable Use Policy may result in suspension and/or termination of the Services.
Last Updated October 1, 2020
This Acceptable Use Policy governs your use of online and related services and software offered by Western Digital Technologies, Inc. and its affiliates (collectively, “WDT”), including services and software that may allow you to access, submit, upload, store, share, post, transmit, publish, display, or otherwise make available to others content and materials (“Services”). Services that are governed by this Acceptable Use Policy will expressly link to this Acceptable Use Policy.
You agree to use the Services responsibly, and you represent and agree that:
If while using the Services, you encounter content or activity you believe is in violation of this Acceptable Use Policy, or that you otherwise find inappropriate, you may report it by contacting WDT through or by sending an email to SUPPORT@WDC.COM.
WDT may update or modify this Acceptable Use Policy from time to time. By accepting any modifications to this Acceptable Use Policy, including, by continuing to use the Services after reasonable notice is provided to you, you are agreeing to be bound by the applicable modifications to this Acceptable Use Policy.
Your failure to comply with the Acceptable Use Policy may result in suspension and/or termination of the Services.
Last Updated October 1, 2020
This Acceptable Use Policy governs your use of online and related services and software offered by Western Digital Technologies, Inc. and its affiliates (collectively, “WDT”), including services and software that may allow you to access, submit, upload, store, share, post, transmit, publish, display, or otherwise make available to others content and materials (“Services”). Services that are governed by this Acceptable Use Policy will expressly link to this Acceptable Use Policy.
You agree to use the Services responsibly, and you represent and agree that:
If while using the Services, you encounter content or activity you believe is in violation of this Acceptable Use Policy, or that you otherwise find inappropriate, you may report it by contacting WDT through or by sending an email to SUPPORT@WDC.COM.
WDT may update or modify this Acceptable Use Policy from time to time. By accepting any modifications to this Acceptable Use Policy, including, by continuing to use the Services after reasonable notice is provided to you, you are agreeing to be bound by the applicable modifications to this Acceptable Use Policy.
Your failure to comply with the Acceptable Use Policy may result in suspension and/or termination of the Services.
עודכנה לאחרונה ב-1 באוקטובר, 2020. מדיניות זו נכתבה בלשון זכר מטעמי נוחות בלבד והיא מיועדת לגברים ולנשים כאחד.
'מדיניות השימוש הנאות' הזו מסדירה את השימוש שלך בתוכנות ובשירותים מקוונים וקשורים המוצעים על-ידי Western Digital Technologies, Inc. והחברות המסונפות לה (WDT), לרבות תוכנות ושירותים שעשויים לאפשר לך לבצע גישה אל, שליחה, העלאה, אחסון, שיתוף, רישום, שידור, פרסום, הצגה או הנגשה באופן אחר לאחרים של תוכן וחומרים (ה'שירותים'). השירותים שאינם מוסדרים על-פי 'מדיניות השימוש הנאות' הזו יקושרו אליה במפורש.
אתה מסכים להשתמש ב'שירותים' באופן אחראי ומצהיר ומסכים כי:
אם במהלך השימוש ב'שירותים' אתה נתקל בתוכן או בפעילות שלדעתך מפרים את 'מדיניות השימוש הנאות' הזו, או שמסיבה אחרת אינם הולמים לדעתך, באפשרותך לדווח על כך באמצעות פניה ל-WDT דרך האתר או על-ידי שליחת דוא"ל לכתובת SUPPORT@WDC.COM.
WDT רשאית לעדכן או לשנות את 'מדיניות השימוש הנאות' הזו מעת לעת. הסכמתך לכל שינוי ב'מדיניות השימוש הנאות' הזו, לרבות על ידי המשך השימוש ב'שירותים' לאחר שנמסרה לך הודעה זמן סביר מראש, מהווה את הסכמתך להיות מחויב על-פי השינויים המתאימים ל'מדיניות השימוש הנאות' הזו.
אי ציות שלך לתנאי 'מדיניות השימוש הנאות' עשוי להוביל להשעיית ה'שירותים' ו/או לסיומם.
Naposledy změněno: 1. října, 2020
Tyto Zásady přijatelného používání upravují vaše používání online služeb a souvisejících služeb a softwaru nabízených společností Western Digital Technologies, Inc. a jejími přidruženými subjekty (společně dále jen „WDT“), včetně služeb a softwaru, které vám mohou umožňovat přístup, odesílání, nahrávání, ukládání, sdílení, zveřejňování, přenášení, publikování, zobrazování nebo jiné zpřístupňování obsahu a materiálů ostatním (dále jen „Služby“). Služby, které se řídí těmito Zásadami přijatelného používání, budou přímo odkazovat na tyto Zásady přijatelného používání.
Souhlasíte, že budete Služby využívat odpovědně, a stvrzujete a souhlasíte s tím, že:
Pokud během používání Služeb narazíte na obsah nebo činnost, které jsou podle vás porušením těchto Zásad přijatelného používání nebo které jsou podle vás jinak nevhodné, můžete je nahlásit společnosti WDT na stránce nebo zasláním e-mailu na adresu SUPPORT@WDC.COM.
Společnost WDT může tyto Zásady přijatelného používání čas od času aktualizovat nebo měnit. Tím, že akceptujete jakékoli změny těchto Zásad přijatelného používání, včetně toho, že budete pokračovat ve využívání Služeb po uplynutí přiměřené výzvy, která je vám poskytnuta, souhlasíte s tím, že budete vázáni příslušnými změnami těchto Zásad přijatelného používání.
Nedodržení těchto Zásad přijatelného používání z vaší strany může mít za následek pozastavení a/nebo ukončení Služeb.
最終更新日 2020年10月 1日
この受け入れ可能な使用ポリシーは、ウェスタンデジタル Technologies、Inc.およびその関連会社(以下、総称して「WDT」)が提供するアクセス、送信、アップロード、保存、共有、投稿、送信、公開、表示、または他のコンテンツや素材を利用可能にするサービスおよびソフトウェアなどのオンラインおよび関連サービス、ならびにソフトウェアの使用を規定しています(「サービス」)。この受け入れ可能な使用ポリシーが適用されるサービスは、この受け入れ可能な使用ポリシーに明示的にリンクします。
サービスの使用中に、本受け入れ可能な使用ポリシーに違反していると思われるコンテンツまたはアクティビティに遭遇された場合、または不適切と思われる場合は、からWDTに連絡するか、 SUPPORT@WDC.COMにメールしてください。
آخر تحديث 1 أكتوبر 2020
تعمل سياسة الاستخدام المقبول هذه على حوكمة استخدامك للخدمات والبرامج عبر الإنترنت وذات الصلة التي تقدمها شركة Western Digital Technologies، Inc، والشركات التابعة لها (المشار إليها مجتمعة باسم("WDT" ، بما في ذلك الخدمات والبرامج التي قد تسمح لك بالوصول إلى الخدمات أو إرسالها أو تحميلها أو تخزينها أو مشاركتها أو نقلها أو نشرها أو عرضها أو إتاحة المحتوى والمواد للآخرين بأي صورة أخرى (المشار إليها فيما يلي باسم "الخدمات"). سترتبط الخدمات الخاضعة لسياسة الاستخدام المقبول هذه صراحة بسياسة الاستخدام المقبول.
أنت توافق على استخدام الخدمات بمسؤولية، وتقر وتوافق على ما يلي:
إذا كنت تستخدم الخدمات، فقد تواجه محتوى أو نشاطًا تعتقد أنه ينتهك سياسة الاستخدام المقبول، أو تجد أنه غير مناسب بطريقة أخرى، فيمكنك الإبلاغ عن ذلك عن طريق الاتصال بـ WDT من خلال أو عن طريق إرسال البريد الإلكتروني إلى SUPPORT@WDC.COM
قد تُحدِّث شركة WDT سياسة الاستخدام المقبول هذه أو تعدلها من وقت لآخر. ويعني قبولك لأي تعديلات على سياسة الاستخدام المقبول هذه، بما في ذلك من خلال الاستمرار في استخدام الخدمات بعد إشعارك بها على نحو معقول، أنك توافق على الالتزام بذلك التطبيق الذي جرى على هذه سياسة الاستخدام المقبول هذه.
قد يؤدي عدم امتثالك لسياسة الاستخدام المقبول إلى تعليق و/أو إنهاء الخدمات.
Zuletzt aktualisiert am 1. Oktober 2020
Diese Richtlinien zur akzeptablen Nutzung regeln Ihre Nutzung von Online- und zugehörigen Diensten und Software, die von Western Digital Technologies, Inc. sowie deren Tochter- oder Verbundunternehmen (im Folgenden zusammenfassend „WDT“) angeboten werden, einschließlich der Dienste und Software, mithilfe derer Sie auf Inhalte oder Materialien zugreifen, sie absenden, hochladen, speichern, teilen, posten, übertragen, veröffentlichen, anzeigen oder anderen anderweitig zur Verfügung stellen können („Dienste“). Die durch diese Richtlinien zur akzeptablen Nutzung geregelten Dienste beziehen sich ausdrücklich auf diese Richtlinien zur akzeptablen Nutzung.
Sie erklären sich damit einverstanden, die Dienste verantwortungsvoll zu nutzen und sichern zu, dass;
Sollten Sie während der Nutzung der Dienste Inhalte oder Aktivitäten bemerken, die Ihrer Ansicht nach diese Richtlinien zur akzeptablen Nutzung verletzen oder die Sie anderweitig unangemessen halten, können Sie sie melden, in dem Sie WDT wie folgt kontaktieren oder per E-Mail an SUPPORT@WDC.COM.
WDT ist berechtigt, die vorliegenden Richtlinien zur akzeptablen Nutzung jederzeit zu aktualisieren oder zu ergänzen. Durch das Annehmen von Änderungen dieser Richtlinien zur akzeptablen Nutzung, darunter durch Fortsetzung der Nutzung der vertragsgegenständlichen Dienste nach einer angemessenen Vorankündigung hierzu Ihnen gegenüber, erklären Sie Ihr Einverständnis, an die Geltung der betreffenden Änderungen der vorliegenden Richtlinien zur akzeptablen Nutzung gebunden zu sein.
Ihr Versäumnis, diese Richtlinien zur akzeptablen Nutzung einzuhalten, kann die Aussetzung und/oder Kündigung der Dienste zur Folge haben.
Utoljára módosítva: 2020. október 1
A jelen Elfogadható használatra vonatkozó szabályzat szabályozza a Western Digital Technologies, Inc. és kapcsolt vállalkozásai (a továbbiakban együttesen: „WDT”) által kínált online, és az ezekhez kapcsolódó egyéb szolgáltatások és szoftverek Ön általi igénybevételét, amelyek lehetővé tehetik, hogy Ön tartalmakhoz és anyagokhoz férjen hozzá, valamint ilyeneket töltsön fel, tároljon, osszon meg, tegyen közzé, jelenítsen meg vagy bocsásson mások rendelkezésére egyéb módokon (a továbbiakban: „Szolgáltatások”). A jelen Elfogadható használatra vonatkozó szabályzat hatálya alá tartozó Szolgáltatások kifejezetten hivatkoznak a jelen Elfogadható használatra vonatkozó szabályzatra.
Ön vállalja, hogy a Szolgáltatásokat felelős módon használja, valamint kijelenti és vállalja, hogy:
Ha a Szolgáltatások igénybevétele során olyan tartalmat vagy tevékenységet észlel, amely az Ön megítélése szerint jelen Elfogadható használatra vonatkozó szabályzatba ütközik vagy amelyet egyébként kifogásolhatónak tart, akkor jelentse azt a WDT felé a weboldalon vagy a SUPPORT@WDC.COM e-mail-címre küldött e-mailben.
WDT időről időre frissítheti vagy módosíthatja ezt az Elfogadható használatra vonatkozó szabályzatot. A jelen Elfogadható használatra vonatkozó szabályzat bármely módosításának elfogadásával Ön ezen módosításokat magára nézve kötelezőnek ismeri el. A módosítás elfogadásának minősül az is, ha Ön a Szolgáltatásokat a vonatkozó módosításról szóló, észszerű időben megadott tájékoztatást követően továbbra is igénybe veszi.
Ha Ön nem tartja be az Elfogadható használatra vonatkozó szabályzatban foglaltakat, az a Szolgáltatások biztosításának felfüggesztését, illetve beszüntetését eredményezheti.
可接受使用政策對您使用 Western Digital Technologies, Inc.及其附屬公司(統稱「WDT」)提供的線上及相關服務和軟體進行管理,包括可允許您訪問、提交、上載、存儲、共用、發帖、傳播、發佈、展示或者以其他方式向其他人披露內容及材料的服務和軟體(「服務」)。受本可接受使用政策管理的服務將明確連結至可接受使用政策。
如果您使用服務時遇到您認為違反可接受使用政策的內容或者活動,或者您發現不合適的其他內容,您可通過 或者發送電郵至 SUPPORT@WDC.COM 聯繫 WDT,報告該內容。
WDT 可不時更新或者修訂可接受使用政策。接受可接受使用政策的任何修改,包括向您提供合理通知後繼續使用服務,即表示您同意受約於可接受使用政策的適用改修。
마지막 업데이트: 2020년10월 1일
본 허용 가능한 사용 정책은 Western Digital Technologies, Inc. 및 그 계열사 (총칭하여 “WDT”) 가 제공하는 온라인 및 관련 서비스 및 소프트웨어 사용에 적용됩니다. 여기에는 귀하가 다른 콘텐츠에 액세스, 제출, 업로드, 저장, 공유, 게시, 전송, 게시, 게시, 게시, 게시, 게시, 게시, 표시 또는 기타 방식으로 제공할 수 있는 서비스 및 소프트웨어가 포함됩니다.자료 (“서비스”). 본 사용 정책의 적용을 받는 서비스는 본 허용 가능한 사용 정책에 명시적으로 링크됩니다.
귀하는 책임감 있게 서비스를 이용할 것에 동의하며, 다음의 사항을 진술하고 이에 동의합니다:
서비스를 사용하는 동안 본 허용 가능한 사용 정책을 위반하거나 부적절한 것으로 판단되는 콘텐츠 또는 활동을 발견하는 경우을 통해 WDT에 신고하거나 SUPPORT@WDC.COM으로 이메일을 보내 신고할 수 있습니다.
WDT는 이 허용 가능한 사용 정책을 수시로 업데이트하거나 수정할 수 있습니다. 합당한 통지가 제공된 후 지속적인 서비스의 사용을 포함하여 본 허용 가능한 사용 정책에 대한 모든 수정 사항을 수락함으로써 귀하는 본 허용 가능한 사용 정책의 수정 사항의 적용을 받는 다는데 동의하게 됩니다.
허용 가능한 사용 정책을 준수하지 않을 경우 서비스가 일시 정지되거나 종료될 수 있습니다.
Última atualização em 1º de outubro de 2020
Esta “Política de uso aceitável” rege seu uso de serviços on-line, serviços relacionados e software oferecidos pela Western Digital Technologies, Inc. e suas afiliadas (coletivamente, “WDT”), incluindo serviços e software que podem permitir que você acesse, envie, carregue, armazene, compartilhe, publique, transmita, divulgue, exiba ou disponibilize de outra forma a outras pessoas o conteúdo e os materiais (“Serviços”). Os Serviços que são regidos por esta “Política de uso aceitável” estão expressamente associados a esta “Política de uso aceitável”.
Você concorda em usar os Serviços de forma responsável e declara e concorda que:
Se, ao usar os Serviços, você encontrar conteúdos ou atividades que acredita que estão violando esta "Política de uso aceitável" ou que considera serem inadequados, poderá denunciar contatando a WDT por meio do link ou pelo e-mail SUPPORT@WDC.COM.
A WDT pode atualizar ou modificar esta "Política de uso aceitável" periodicamente. Ao aceitar quaisquer modificações a esta "Política de uso aceitável" incluindo, ao continuar a usar os Serviços depois que um aviso plausível lhe for fornecido, você concorda em se comprometer com as modificações aplicáveis a esta "Política de uso aceitável".
Sua falha em cumprir a "Política de uso aceitável" pode resultar na suspensão e/ou rescisão dos Serviços.
Naposledy zmenené 1 októbra 2020
Tieto Zásady prijateľného používania regulujú vaše používanie online a súvisiacich služieb a softvéru, ktoré ponúka spoločnosť Western Digital Technologies, Inc. a jej pobočky (súhrnne len ako „spoločnosť WDT“), vrátane služieb a softvéru, na základe ktorých môžete mať prístup k obsahu a materiálom, odovzdávať ich, načítavať, ukladať, zdieľať, zverejňovať, prenášať, publikovať, zobrazovať alebo inak sprístupňovať iným stranám („Služby“). Služby, ktoré sa riadia týmito Zásadami prijateľného používania, budú výslovne odkazovať na tieto Zásady primeraného používania.
Zaväzujete sa k zodpovednému využívaniu Služieb a vyhlasujete a súhlasíte, že:
Ak sa počas používania Služieb stretnete s obsahom alebo činnosťou, o ktorej sa domnievate, že je porušením tých Zásad primeraného používania, alebo ktoré budete považovať inak za nevhodné, môžete nám to oznámiť kontaktovaním spoločnosti WDT na adrese https://support-eu.wd.comalebo odoslaním e-mailu na adresu SUPPORT@WDC.COM.
Spoločnosť WDT môže príležitostne tieto Zásady primeraného používania aktualizovať alebo upraviť. Akceptovaním úprav v týchto Zásadách primeraného používania vrátane toho, že budete pokračovať vo využívaní Služieb aj po primeranom upozornení, súhlasíte s tým, že budete viazaní príslušnými úpravami týchto Zásad primeraného používania.
Ak nebudete tieto Zásady primeraného používania dodržiavať, môže to mať za následok prerušenie a/alebo ukončenie Služieb.
Última actualización: Octubre 1, 2020
Esta Política de Uso Aceptable rige su uso de los servicios y software en línea y relacionados ofrecidos por Western Digital Technologies, Inc. y sus filiales (colectivamente, "WDT"), incluyendo servicios que pueden permitirle acceder, presentar, cargar, almacenar, compartir, enviar, transmitir, publicar, mostrar o de cualquier otra forma poner a disposición de otros contenidos y materiales ("Servicios"). Los servicios que se rigen por esta Política de Uso Aceptable se vincularán expresamente a esta Política de Uso Aceptable.
Usted acepta utilizar los Servicios de manera responsable, y declara y acepta que:
Si durante el uso de los Servicios, usted encuentra contenido o actividad que considera que infringe esta Política de Uso Aceptable, o que de otro modo considera inapropiada, puede notificarlo contactando con WDT a través de o enviando un correo electrónico a SUPPORT@WDC.COM.
WDT podrá actualizar o modificar esta Política de Uso Aceptable cada cierto tiempo. Al aceptar cualquier modificación de esta Política de Uso Aceptable, usted acepta estar obligado por las modificaciones aplicables a esta Política de Uso Aceptable, que incluyen, continuar utilizando los Servicios después de que se le proporcione un aviso razonable.
El incumplimiento de la Política de Uso Aceptable puede ocasionar la suspensión y/o rescisión de los Servicios.
Ultimo aggiornamento 1 ottobre 2020
Questa Politica sull’Uso Accettabile regolamenta l’uso dei servizi on-line e collegati nonché del software offerti da Western Digital Technologies, Inc. e relative affiliate (collettivamente, “WDT”), compresi i servizi e il software che possono permettere all’utente di accedere, inoltrare, caricare, archiviare, condividere, postare, trasmettere, pubblicare, mostrare o rendere altresì disponibili ad altri contenuti e materiali (“Servizi”). I Servizi regolamentati da questa Politica per l’Uso Accettabile fanno espresso riferimento a questa Politica per l’Uso Accettabile.
L'utente accetta di usare i Servizi in modo responsabile e dichiara e conviene quanto segue:
Qualora durante l'uso dei Servizi l'utente si imbatta in contenuti o attività che ritenga siano in violazione della presente Politica sull'Uso Accettabile, o che ritenga altresì non appropriati, può segnalarlo contattando WDT tramite o inviare un'e-mail a SUPPORT@WDC.COM.
WDT può aggiornare o modificare di volta in volta la presente Politica sull'Uso Accettabile. Accettando eventuali modifiche alla presente Politica sull'Uso Accettabile o continuando a utilizzare i Servizi dopo avere ricevuto una notifica ragionevole, l'utente accetta di vincolarsi alle modifiche applicabili alla presente Politica sull'Uso Accettabile.
Il mancato rispetto della Politica sull'Uso Accettabile può generare la sospensione e/o l'interruzione dei Servizi.
Ostatnia aktualizacja dnia 1 października 2020 r.
Niniejsza Polityka Dozwolonego Użytku Usług Internetowych reguluje korzystanie przez Użytkownika z usług internetowych i powiązanych oraz oprogramowania oferowanych przez spółkę Western Digital Technologies Inc. i podmioty z nią powiązane (dalej łącznie „WDT”), w tym usług i oprogramowania pozwalających Użytkownikowi na dostęp do, przekazywanie, wysyłanie, przechowywanie, współdzielenie, zamieszczanie, transmisję, publikowanie, wyświetlanie lub inne udostępnianie treści i materiałów innym osobom („Usługi”). Usługi regulowane niniejszą Polityką Dozwolonego Użytku zawierać będą wyraźne łącza do niniejszej Polityki Dozwolonego Użytku.
Użytkownik wyraża zgodę na korzystanie z Usług w sposób odpowiedzialny, a także na następujące postanowienia:
Jeśli podczas korzystania z Usług Użytkownik natknie się na treści lub działania, które jego zdaniem stanowią naruszenie niniejszej Polityki dozwolonego użytku lub są z innych powodów niestosowne, może je zgłosić, kontaktując się z WDT pod adresem lub wysyłając e-mail na adres SUPPORT@WDC.COM.
WDT może okresowo aktualizować lub zmieniać niniejszą Politykę Dozwolonego Użytku. Akceptując wszelkie zmiany niniejszej Polityki Dozwolonego Użytku, w tym poprzez dalsze korzystanie z Usług po uprzednim powiadomieniu Użytkownika, Użytkownik wyraża zgodę na związanie takimi zmianami niniejszej Polityki Dozwolonego Użytku.
Nieprzestrzeganie niniejszej Polityki Dozwolonego Użytku może skutkować zawieszeniem lub zakończeniem świadczenia Usług.
Дата последних изменений: 1 октября 2020 г.
Настоящая Политика приемлемого использования регулирует использование вами онлайн- и иных сервисов, а также программного обеспечения, предлагаемых компанией Western Digital Technologies, Inc. и ее аффилированными лицами (далее совместно именуемыми «WDT»), включая сервисы и программное обеспечение, которые могут позволить вам получать доступ, отправлять, загружать, хранить, передавать, публиковать, демонстрировать или иным образом предоставлять доступ к другому контенту и материалам (далее по тексту — «Сервисы»). Сервисы, на которые распространяется настоящая Политика приемлемого использования, будут прямо связаны с настоящей Политикой приемлемого использования.
Вы соглашаетесь ответственно пользоваться Сервисами, а также заявляете и соглашаетесь с изложенным ниже.
Если в ходе использования Сервисов вы обнаружите контент или действия, которые, по вашему мнению, нарушают настоящую Политику приемлемого использования или которые вы иным образом сочтете неприемлемыми, вы можете сообщить об этом, связавшись с компанией WDT по адресу или отправив сообщение по адресу SUPPORT@WDC.COM.
Компания WDT имеет право в соответствующих случаях вносить изменения или поправки в настоящую Политику приемлемого использования. Принимая любые изменения к настоящей Политике приемлемого использования, в том числе продолжая пользоваться Сервисами после того, как вам будет предоставлено предварительное уведомление, вы соглашаетесь, что такие изменения к настоящей Политике приемлемого использования имеют для вас обязательную силу.
Несоблюдение вами Политики приемлемого использования может привести к приостановке и/или прекращению вашего допуска к Сервисам.
Last Updated October 1, 2020
This Acceptable Use Policy governs your use of online and related services and software offered by Western Digital Technologies, Inc. and its affiliates (collectively, “WDT”), including services and software that may allow you to access, submit, upload, store, share, post, transmit, publish, display, or otherwise make available to others content and materials (“Services”). Services that are governed by this Acceptable Use Policy will expressly link to this Acceptable Use Policy.
You agree to use the Services responsibly, and you represent and agree that:
If while using the Services, you encounter content or activity you believe is in violation of this Acceptable Use Policy, or that you otherwise find inappropriate, you may report it by contacting WDT through or by sending an email to SUPPORT@WDC.COM.
WDT may update or modify this Acceptable Use Policy from time to time. By accepting any modifications to this Acceptable Use Policy, including, by continuing to use the Services after reasonable notice is provided to you, you are agreeing to be bound by the applicable modifications to this Acceptable Use Policy.
Your failure to comply with the Acceptable Use Policy may result in suspension and/or termination of the Services.
Ultima actualizare la 1 octombrie 2020
Prezenta Politică de utilizare acceptabilă guvernează utilizarea de către dvs. a serviciilor și produselor software online și asociate oferite de Western Digital Technologies, Inc. și afiliații săi (denumiți în mod colectiv „WDT”), inclusiv serviciile și produsele software care vă pot permite să accesați, remiteți, încărcați, stocați, postați, transmiteți, publicați, afișați sau puneți la dispoziția altor persoane în orice mod conținut și materiale („Servicii”). Serviciile guvernate de prezenta Politică de utilizare acceptabilă vor fi legate în mod expres de prezenta Politică de utilizare acceptabilă.Sunteți de acord să utilizați Serviciile în mod responsabil, și declarați și conveniți că:
Dacă, în timpul utilizării Serviciilor, intrați în contact cu conținut sau activități despre care credeți că încalcă prezenta Politică de utilizare acceptabilă, sau le considerați neadecvate, le puteți raporta contactând WDT la adresa sau prin trimiterea unui e-mail la SUPPORT@WDC.COM.
WDT poate actualiza sau modifica prezenta Politică de utilizare acceptabilă la anumite intervale de timp. Prin acceptarea oricăror modificări aduse prezentei Politici de utilizare acceptabilă, inclusiv prin continuarea utilizării Serviciilor după primirea unei notificări rezonabile, sunteți de acord să deveniți obligat prin modificările aplicabile aduse prezentei Politici de utilizare acceptabilă.
Nerespectarea Politicii de utilizare acceptabilă poate conduce la suspendarea și/sau oprirea furnizării Serviciilor.
Senast uppdaterad den 1 oktober 2020
Denna Policy för korrekt användning av Onlinetjänster reglerar din användning av onlinetjänster, relaterade tjänster och programvaror som erbjuds av Western Digital Technologies, Inc. och dess associerade företag (gemensamt kallade ”WDT”), inklusive tjänster som gör det möjligt att komma åt, skicka, ladda upp, lagra, dela, publicera, överföra, visa eller på annat sätt tillgängliggöra innehåll och material (”Tjänster”). Tjänster som regleras av denna Policy för korrekt användning kommer uttryckligen att länka till denna Policy för korrekt användning.
Du samtycker till att använda Tjänsterna på ett ansvarsfullt sätt och intygar och garanterar följande:
Om du vid användning av Tjänsterna stöter på innehåll eller aktivitet som du tror bryter mot denna Policy om korrekt användning, eller som du på annat sätt finner olämplig, kan du anmäla det genom att kontakta WDT på eller genom att skicka ett e-postmeddelande på SUPPORT@WDC.COM.
WDT kan uppdatera eller ändra denna Policy om korrekt användning emellanåt. Genom att acceptera eventuella ändringar av denna Policy om korrekt användning, inklusive, genom att fortsätta att använda Tjänsterna efter ett rimligt tillkännagivande har levererats till dig, accepterar du att vara bunden av tillämpliga ändringar i denna Policy om korrekt användning.
Underlåtenhet att följa denna Policy om korrekt användning kan leda till upphävning och/eller avslutande av Tjänsterna.
Last Updated October 1, 2020
This Acceptable Use Policy governs your use of online and related services and software offered by Western Digital Technologies, Inc. and its affiliates (collectively, “WDT”), including services and software that may allow you to access, submit, upload, store, share, post, transmit, publish, display, or otherwise make available to others content and materials (“Services”). Services that are governed by this Acceptable Use Policy will expressly link to this Acceptable Use Policy.
You agree to use the Services responsibly, and you represent and agree that:
If while using the Services, you encounter content or activity you believe is in violation of this Acceptable Use Policy, or that you otherwise find inappropriate, you may report it by contacting WDT through or by sending an email to SUPPORT@WDC.COM.
WDT may update or modify this Acceptable Use Policy from time to time. By accepting any modifications to this Acceptable Use Policy, including, by continuing to use the Services after reasonable notice is provided to you, you are agreeing to be bound by the applicable modifications to this Acceptable Use Policy.
Your failure to comply with the Acceptable Use Policy may result in suspension and/or termination of the Services.
Last Updated October 1, 2020
This Acceptable Use Policy governs your use of online and related services and software offered by Western Digital Technologies, Inc. and its affiliates (collectively, “WDT”), including services and software that may allow you to access, submit, upload, store, share, post, transmit, publish, display, or otherwise make available to others content and materials (“Services”). Services that are governed by this Acceptable Use Policy will expressly link to this Acceptable Use Policy.
You agree to use the Services responsibly, and you represent and agree that:
If while using the Services, you encounter content or activity you believe is in violation of this Acceptable Use Policy, or that you otherwise find inappropriate, you may report it by contacting WDT through or by sending an email to SUPPORT@WDC.COM.
WDT may update or modify this Acceptable Use Policy from time to time. By accepting any modifications to this Acceptable Use Policy, including, by continuing to use the Services after reasonable notice is provided to you, you are agreeing to be bound by the applicable modifications to this Acceptable Use Policy.
Your failure to comply with the Acceptable Use Policy may result in suspension and/or termination of the Services.
Terakhir Diperbarui Oktober 1, 2020
Kebijakan Penggunaan yang Diperbolehkan ini mengatur penggunaan layanan online dan hal terkait serta perangkat lunak oleh Anda yang ditawarkan oleh Western Digital Technologies, Inc. dan afiliasinya (secara bersama-sama, “WDT”), termasuk layanan dan perangkat lunak yang mungkin memungkinkan Anda mengakses, menyerahkan, mengunggah, menyimpan, membagikan, memposting, mengirimkan, mempublikasikan, menampilkan, atau menyediakan konten dan materi kepada orang lain (“Layanan”). Layanan yang diatur oleh Kebijakan Penggunaan yang Diperbolehkan ini akan secara tegas terikat dengan Kebijakan Penggunaan yang Diperbolehkan ini.
Anda setuju untuk menggunakan Layanan secara bertanggung jawab, dan Anda menyatakan dan menyetujui bahwa:
Jika saat menggunakan Layanan, Anda menemukan konten atau aktivitas yang Anda yakini melanggar Kebijakan Penggunaan yang Diperbolehkan ini, atau yang menurut Anda tidak patut, Anda dapat melaporkannya dengan menghubungi WDT melalui atau dengan mengirim email ke SUPPORT@WDC.COM.
WDT dapat memperbarui atau mengubah Kebijakan Penggunaan yang Diperbolehkan ini dari waktu ke waktu. Dengan menerima perubahan apa pun terhadap Kebijakan Penggunaan yang Diperbolehkan ini, termasuk, dengan terus menggunakan Layanan setelah pemberitahuan yang wajar diberikan kepada Anda, Anda setuju untuk terikat oleh perubahan yang berlaku pada Kebijakan Penggunaan yang Diperbolehkan ini.
Kegagalan Anda untuk mematuhi Kebijakan Penggunaan yang Diperbolehkan ini dapat mengakibatkan penangguhan dan/atau penghentian Layanan.
En Son 1 Ekim 2020 Tarihinde Güncellenmiştir.
Western Digital Technologies, Inc. ve bağlı şirketleri (birlikte “WDT”) tarafından sunulan içerik ve materyallere erişmenize, bunları göndermenize, yüklemenize, saklamanıza, paylaşmanıza, gönderi olarak paylaşmanıza, iletmenize, yayımlamanıza, görüntülemenize veya bunları başka şekillerde başkalarının erişimine sunmanıza olanak sağlayan hizmetler ve yazılım dâhil olmak üzere çevrimiçi ve ilgili hizmetleri (“Hizmetler”) ve yazılımı kullanımınız işbu Kabul Edilebilir Kullanım Politikasına tabidir. İşbu Kabul Edilebilir Kullanım Politikasına tabi Hizmetlerde açıkça işbu Kabul Edilebilir Kullanım Politikasına bağlantı verilecektir.
Hizmetleri sorumluluk bilinci ile kullanmayı kabul etmektesiniz, ayrıca:
Hizmetleri kullanımınız sırasında işbu Kabul Edilebilir Kullanım Politikasını ihlal ettiğini düşündüğünüz veya başka nedenlerle uygunsuz bulduğunuz bir içerik veya faaliyet ile karşılaşırsanız bunu adresinden veya SUPPORT@WDC.COM adresine e-posta göndermek suretiyle irtibata geçerek WDT'ye bildirebilirsiniz.
WDT, işbu Kabul Edilebilir Kullanım Politikasını muhtelif zamanlarda güncelleyebilir veya değiştirebilir. Size makul bildirimde bulunulduktan sonra Hizmetleri kullanmaya devam etmek suretiyle dâhil olmak üzere işbu Kabul Edilebilir Kullanım Politikasındaki değişiklikleri kabul ederek, işbu Kabul Edilebilir Kullanım Politikasındaki geçerli değişikliklerin bağlayıcılığını kabul etmektesiniz.
Kabul Edilebilir Kullanım Politikasına uymamanız hâlinde Hizmetleri kullanımınız askıya alınabilir ve/veya durdurulabilir.
Senest opdateret 1. oktober 2020
Disse Regler om acceptabel brug gælder for din brug af onlinetjenester og lignende tjenester og software, som udbydes af Western Digital Technologies, Inc. og dennes datterselskaber (samlet "WDT"), herunder tjenester og software, som kan gøre det muligt for dig at tilgå, sende, uploade, gemme, dele, lægge op, overføre, offentliggøre, vise eller på anden vis gøre noget indhold eller materialer ("Tjenester") tilgængelige for andre. Tjenester, der er underlagt disse Regler om acceptabel brug, vil være udtrykkeligt forbundet med disse Regler om acceptabel brug.
Du accepterer at bruge Tjenesterne ansvarligt, og du erklærer og accepterer, at:
Hvis du, mens du bruger Tjenesterne, støder på indhold eller aktiviteter, som du mener overtræder disse Regler om acceptabel brug, eller som du på anden vis finder upassende, kan du rapportere dette ved at kontakte WDT på eller ved at sende en e-mail til SUPPORT@WDC.COM.
WDT kan fra tid til anden opdatere eller ændre disse Regler om acceptabel brug. Ved accept af en ændring af disse Regler om acceptabel brug, herunder, ved fortsat at bruge Tjenesterne efter du har modtaget et rimeligt varsel, accepterer du at være bundet af de gældende ændringer i disse Regler om acceptabel brug.
Din manglende overholdelse af Regler om acceptabel brug kan medføre suspendering og/eller opsigelse af Tjenesterne.
Dernière mise à jour : 1er octobre 2020
La présente Politique d’utilisation acceptable régit votre utilisation des logiciels et services en ligne et connexes proposés par Western Digital Technologies, Inc. et ses sociétés affiliées (collectivement désignées « WDT »), y compris, les logiciels et services susceptibles de vous permettre d’accéder à des contenus et à des éléments, ainsi que de les envoyer, de les téléverser, de les stocker, de les partager, de les publier, de les transmettre, de les éditer, de les afficher ou de les mettre à disposition de toute autre manière en faveur de tiers (« Services »). Les Services régis par la présente Politique d’utilisation acceptable établiront un lien exprès avec cette dernière.
Vous acceptez d’utiliser les Services de manière responsable, et vous déclarez et acceptez que :
Si, lors de l’utilisation des Services, vous rencontrez tout contenu ou activité qui, de votre avis, enfreint la présente Politique d’utilisation acceptable, ou que vous trouvez inapproprié pour tout autre motif, vous pourrez le signaler en contactant WDT sur le lien suivant ou en envoyant un courrier électronique à l’adresse SUPPORT@WDC.COM.
WDT pourra mettre à jour ou modifier la présente Politique d’utilisation acceptable en tant que de besoin. En acceptant toute modification de la présente Politique d’utilisation acceptable, y compris en continuant à utiliser les Services après avoir reçu un préavis raisonnable à ce propos, vous convenez d’être lié par de telles modifications à ladite Politique.
Votre non-respect de la Politique d’utilisation acceptable pourra entraîner la suspension et/ou la résiliation des Services.
Cập Nhật Lần Cuối Ngày 1 Tháng 10, 2020
Chính Sách Sử Dụng Được Chấp Nhận này chi phối việc bạn sử dụng các dịch vụ và phần mềm trực tuyến và có liên quan do Western Digital Technologies, Inc. và các chi nhánh của nó cung cấp (gọi chung là “WDT”), bao gồm các dịch vụ và phần mềm cho phép bạn truy cập, gửi, tải lên, lưu trữ, chia sẻ, đăng, truyền tải, xuất bản, hiển thị hoặc cung cấp nội dung và tài liệu cho người khác (“Dịch Vụ”). Những dịch vụ chịu sự chi phối của Chính Sách Sử Dụng Được Chấp Nhận này sẽ liên kết một cách rõ ràng với Chính Sách Sử Dụng Được Chấp Nhận.
Bạn đồng ý sử dụng Dịch Vụ một cách có trách nhiệm và bạn tuyên bố và đồng ý rằng:
Khi sử dụng Dịch Vụ, nếu bạn gặp phải nội dung hoặc hành động nào mà bạn cho rằng đã vi phạm Chính Sách Sử Dụng Được Chấp Nhận này hoặc nếu bạn thấy không phù hợp, bạn có thể tố giác bằng cách liên hệ với WDT qua hoặc gửi email tới SUPPORT@WDC.COM.
WDT có thể cập nhật hoặc thay đổi Chính Sách Sử Dụng Được Chấp Nhận này bất cứ khi nào. Bằng cách chấp nhận bất kỳ sự thay đổi nào đối với Chính Sách Sử Dụng Được Chấp Nhận này, bao gồm việc tiếp tục sử dụng Dịch Vụ sau khi được thông báo thích hợp, bạn đã đồng ý bị ràng buộc bởi các thay đổi hiện hành đối với Chính Sách Sử Dụng Được Chấp Nhận này.
Nếu bạn không tuân thủ Chính Sách Sử Dụng Được Chấp Nhận có thể tạm dừng và/hoặc chấm dứt Dịch Vụ.
Last Updated October 1, 2020
This Acceptable Use Policy governs your use of online and related services and software offered by Western Digital Technologies, Inc. and its affiliates (collectively, “WDT”), including services and software that may allow you to access, submit, upload, store, share, post, transmit, publish, display, or otherwise make available to others content and materials (“Services”). Services that are governed by this Acceptable Use Policy will expressly link to this Acceptable Use Policy.
You agree to use the Services responsibly, and you represent and agree that:
If while using the Services, you encounter content or activity you believe is in violation of this Acceptable Use Policy, or that you otherwise find inappropriate, you may report it by contacting WDT through or by sending an email to SUPPORT@WDC.COM.
WDT may update or modify this Acceptable Use Policy from time to time. By accepting any modifications to this Acceptable Use Policy, including, by continuing to use the Services after reasonable notice is provided to you, you are agreeing to be bound by the applicable modifications to this Acceptable Use Policy.
Your failure to comply with the Acceptable Use Policy may result in suspension and/or termination of the Services.
แก้ไขล่าสุดวันที่ 1 ตุลาคม 2563
นโยบายการใช้งานที่ยอมรับได้นี้นำเสนอโดย Western Digital Technologies, Inc. และบริษัทในเครือ (รวมเรียกว่า “WDT”) เพื่อกำกับการใช้บริการทางออนไลน์และซอฟต์แวร์ของคุณ ซึ่งรวมถึงบริการและซอฟต์แวร์ที่เกี่ยวข้องที่อนุญาตให้คุณเข้าถึง ส่งมอบ อัพโหลด จัดเก็บ แชร์ โพสต์ ส่งต่อ ตีพิมพ์ จัดแสดงหรือทำให้มีขึ้นโดยวิธีการอื่นใดซึ่งข้อมูลและเนื้อหาใดๆ (”บริการ”) บริการเหล่านี้ได้รับการกำกับโดยนโยบายการใช้งานที่ยอมรับได้นี้จะเชื่อมโยงให้เห็นอย่างชัดแจ้งตามนโยบายการใช้งานที่ยอมรับได้นี้
คุณยอมรับที่จะใช้บริการนี้ด้วยความรับผิดชอบ และคุณรับรองและตกลงว่า:
ในระหว่างการใช้บริการ หากคุณพบเนื้อหา หรือกิจกรรมที่คุณเชื่อว่าเป็นการฝ่าฝืนนโยบายการใช้งานที่ยอมรับได้ หรือคุณเห็นว่าไม่เหมาะสม คุณอาจรายงานเรื่องนี้โดยการติดต่อกับ WTD ผ่านทาง Kebijakan Penggunaan yang Diperbolehkan หรือส่งอีเมลมาที่ SUPPORT@WDC.COM
WDT อาจปรับปรุงหรือแก้ไขนโยบายการใช้งานที่ยอมรับได้นี้เป็นครั้งคราว ด้วยการตกลงต่อนโยบายการใช้งานที่ยอมรับได้นี้ รวมถึงด้วยการใช้บริการต่อไปหลังจากมีการแจ้งอย่างเหมาะสมแก่คุณ คุณตกลงที่จะรับการผูกมัดโดยการแก้ไขดังกล่าวต่อนโยบายการใช้งานที่ยอมรับได้นี้
หากคุณไม่ปฏิบัติตามนโยบายการใช้งานที่ยอมรับได้นี้ อาจส่งผลให้ระงับและ/หรือยกเลิกการใช้บริการนี้
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