We're making changes to how you buy HDD and flash products from the Western Digital family of brands.
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We're making changes to how you buy HDD and flash products from the Western Digital family of brands.
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We're making changes to how you buy HDD and flash products from the Western Digital family of brands.
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We're making changes to how you buy HDD and flash products from the Western Digital family of brands.
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We're making changes to how you buy HDD and flash products from the Western Digital family of brands.
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Western Digital has separated into two independent companies and the support process for your Western Digital and Sandisk brand HDD and flash products may have changed.
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SanDisk’s Extreme Team Ambassadors, Bob and Dawn Davis, will be showcasing and discussing their extensive career in wedding photography. Come listen and learn about what gear they use and why, and tips and tricks to capture the perfect shot. Watch a real photoshoot where Bob and Dawn will utilize Westcott lighting gear to illuminate their subject, and how they keep their photos safe and secure with SanDisk and G-Technology storage solutions during the process. There will be time for Q&A during and after the event, and we will be raffling off some G-Technology hard drives and a personalized signed copy of Bob’s book “Lights, Camera, Capture.”
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