Política de uso aceitável
Verkkopalveluiden hyväksyttävää käyttöä koskeva käytäntö
Päivitetty viimeksi 1. lokakuuta 2020
Tätä Hyväksyttävää käyttöä koskevaa käytäntöä sovelletaan Western Digital Technologies, Inc. -yhtiön ja sen tytäryhtiöiden (yhdessä ”WDT”) tarjoamien verkkopalveluiden käyttöön sinun toimestasi. Näihin verkkopalveluihin sisältyy palveluita, joiden avulla voit päästä sisältöihin ja materiaaleihin sekä lähettää, ladata, tallentaa, jakaa, julkaista, välittää, näyttää tai muuten asettaa muiden saataville sisältöä ja materiaaleja (”Palvelut”). Tämän Hyväksyttävää käyttöä koskevan käytännön piiriin kuuluvissa Palveluissa on linkki tähän Hyväksyttävää käyttöä koskevaan käytäntöön.
Sitoudut käyttämään Palveluita vastuullisesti ja takaat ja vakuutat, että
- et väärinkäytä Palveluita millään tavoin;
- et käytä Palveluita päästäksesi sellaiseen sisältöön tai lähettääksesi, ladataksesi, tallentaaksesi, jakaaksesi, julkaistaksesi, välittääksesi, näyttääksesi tai asettaaksesi muutoin muiden saataville sellaista sisältöä, joka on uhkaavaa, herjaavaa, ahdistelevaa, haitallista, väkivaltaista, pornografista, siveetöntä, rikkomuksellista, halventavaa, kunniaa loukkaavaa, yksityisyyttä loukkaavaa, rienaavaa, syrjivää, loukkaavaa, vihapuhetta, pelottavaa, häiritsevää tai muutoin sopimatonta;
- et käytä Palveluita vaaniaksesi, uhkaillaksesi, ahdistellaksesi, vahingoittaaksesi tai kiusataksesi muita;
- et käytä Palveluita käyttääksesi alaikäisiä hyväksesi millään tavalla;
- et käytä Palveluita jakaaksesi, julkaistaksesi, välittääksesi, näyttääksesi tai asettaaksesi muuten muiden saataville ei-toivottua tai valtuuttamatonta mainontaa, myynninedistämismateriaalia, roskapostia, ketjukirjeitä, pyramidihuijauksia tai muunlaista kaupittelua;
- et käytä Palveluita petolliseen tai harhaanjohtavaan toimintaan, kuten toisen henkilön tai tahon esittämiseen, väärien tietojen antamiseen suhteestasi toiseen henkilöön tai tahoon tai tunnisteiden manipuloimiseen sisältösi alkuperän salaamiseksi (mukaan lukien IP-osoitteen väärentäminen ja tietojenkalastus);
- et käytä Palveluita ladataksesi, tallentaaksesi, jakaaksesi, julkaistaksesi, välittääksesi tai asettaaksesi muuten saataville ohjelmistoviruksia tai muita tietokonekoodeja, -tiedostoja tai -ohjelmia, jotka on suunniteltu keskeyttämään, tuhoamaan tai rajoittamaan minkä tahansa tietokoneohjelmiston tai -laitteiston toiminnallisuutta;
- et toimi tavalla, joka vaikuttaa negatiivisesti toisen käyttäjän mahdollisuuksiin käyttää Palveluita;
- et häiritse, keskeytä, rasita tai ylikuormita Palveluita tai palvelimia, verkkoja, järjestelmiä tai muita Palveluihin yhdistettyjä laitteita, etkä toimi minkään Palveluihin yhdistettyjen verkkojen vaatimusten, menettelyiden, käytäntöjen tai sääntöjen vastaisesti;
- et muuta, mukauta tai hakkeroi Palveluita tai yritä muuten hankkia luvatonta pääsyä Palveluihin tai palvelimille, verkkoihin, järjestelmiin tai muihin Palveluihin yhdistettyihin laitteisiin;
- sisältösi ei sisällä mitään laitonta, etkä riko Palveluiden käyttöösi liittyen mitään sovellettavia paikallisia, alueellisia, kansallisia tai kansanvälisiä lakeja, mukaan lukien tietosuojalait ja vienti- ja tuontivalvontalait, Yhdysvaltain Securities and Exchange Commissionin määräykset, kansallisten ja muiden arvopaperipörssien säännöt, mukaan lukien New York Stock Exchange, American Stock Exchange ja NASDAQ, sekä kaikki lainvoimaiset määräykset;
- omistat kaiken sisältösi tai olet hankkinut kaikki luvat, vapautukset, oikeudet tai lisenssit, joita toimintasi edellyttää (ja sallit WDT:n tehdä velvollisuutensa);
- et käytä Palveluita päästäksesi terroristiseen sisältöön tai lähettääksesi, ladataksesi, tallentaaksesi, jakaaksesi, julkaistaksesi, välittääksesi, näyttääksesi tai tuodaksesi muuten muiden saataville terroristista sisältöä tai antaaksesi aineellista tukea tai resursseja mille tahansa terroristijärjestölle (tai salataksesi tai peittääksesi tällaisen aineellisen tuen tai resurssien luonteen, sijainnin, lähteen tai omistajuuden);
- sisältösi ja Palveluun liittyvä toimintasi ei loukkaa tai riko minkään toisen osapuolen oikeuksia, eikä edistä oikeuksien loukkaamista tai muuta laitonta toimintaa taikka rohkaise edellä mainittuihin, ja et käytä Palveluita päästäksesi sellaiseen sisältöön tai lähettääksesi, ladataksesi, tallentaaksesi, jakaaksesi, julkaistaksesi, välittääksesi, näyttääksesi tai asettaaksesi muuten muiden saataville sellaista sisältöä, joka loukkaa jonkun osapuolen patenttia, tavaramerkkiä, liikesalaisuutta, tekijänoikeutta tai muuta immateriaalioikeutta;
- et käytä Palveluita päästäksesi sellaiseen sisältöön tai lähettääksesi, ladataksesi, tallentaaksesi, jakaaksesi, julkaistaksesi, välittääksesi, näyttääksesi tai asettaaksesi muuten muiden saataville sellaista sisältöä, jota sinulla ei lain, sopimussuhteen tai luottamusaseman nojalla ole oikeutta asettaa saataville (mukaan lukien sisäpiiritiedot, omistusoikeudelliset tiedot tai luottamukselliset tiedot, jotka on saatu tai luovutettu työsuhteessa tai salassapitosopimuksen nojalla);
- et käytä Palveluita kerätäksesi tai tallentaaksesi muiden henkilötietoja sovellettavan lain vastaisesti tai tässä kohdassa määritettyihin kiellettyihin toimiin liittyen;
- et alilisensoi, myy edelleen, vuokraa, liisaa, siirrä tai luovuta Palveluita tai niiden käyttömahdollisuutta (ellei kirjallisella sopimuksella ole toisin sovittu) tai tarjoa Palveluita osa-aikaperiaatteella millekään kolmannelle osapuolelle;
- Et käännä takaisin, takaisinmallinna, erottele osiin, pura salausta tai yritä hankkia Palveluiden lähdekoodia;
- Et yritä millään tavalla tai keinolla kiertää tai poistaa käytöstä Palveluja tai muita teknologisia ominaisuuksia tai Palvelujen toimintoja, ohjaimin pääsy ja tekijänoikeuksien suojausmekanismit mukaan luettuina
- Et poista tai muuta mitään tavaramerkkejä, logoja, tai tekijänoikeusmerkintöjä, tai muita omistajuustunnuksia, merkkien selityksiä, symboleja tai etikettejä Palvelusta tai Palvelussa tai Palvelujen yhteydestä; ja
- et julkaise kohtuuttoman paljon tai kohtuuttoman pitkiä kommentteja Palveluiden käytön yhteydessä
- et manipuloi tai väärinkäytä mitään suosituksia tai kampanjoita, esimerkiksi saadaksesi useamman kuin yhden ilmaisen kokeilujakson.
Jos Palveluita käyttäessäsi kohtaat sisältöä tai toimintaa, jonka uskot olevan tämän Hyväksyttävää käyttöä koskevan käytännön vastaista tai jonka muuten koet olevan sopimatonta, voit ilmoittaa asiasta ottamalla yhteyttä WDT:hen osoitteen https://support-eu.wd.com kautta tai lähettämällä sähköpostia osoitteeseen SUPPORT@WDC.COM.
WDT voi päivittää tai muuttaa tätä Hyväksyttävää käyttöä koskevaa käytäntöä ajoittain. Hyväksymällä tämän Hyväksyttävää käyttöä koskevan käytännön muutokset, esimerkiksi jatkamalla Palveluiden käyttöä sen jälkeen, kun sinulle on hyvissä ajoin ilmoitettu muutoksista, suostut noudattamaan tämän Hyväksyttävää käyttöä koskevan käytännön sovellettavia muutoksia.
Hyväksyttävää käyttöä koskevan käytännön noudattamisen laiminlyöminen saattaa johtaa Palveluiden keskeyttämiseen ja/tai irtisanomiseen.
Acceptable Use Policy for Online Services
Last Updated October 1, 2020
This Acceptable Use Policy governs your use of online and related services and software offered by Western Digital Technologies, Inc. and its affiliates (collectively, “WDT”), including services and software that may allow you to access, submit, upload, store, share, post, transmit, publish, display, or otherwise make available to others content and materials (“Services”). Services that are governed by this Acceptable Use Policy will expressly link to this Acceptable Use Policy.
You agree to use the Services responsibly, and you represent and agree that:
- You will not misuse or abuse the Services in any manner;
- You will not use the Services to access, submit, upload, store, share, post, transmit, publish, display, or otherwise make available to others any content that is threatening, abusive, harassing, harmful, violent, pornographic, obscene, tortious, defamatory, libelous, invasive of another’s privacy, profane, discriminatory, offensive, hate speech, intimidating, disruptive, or otherwise objectionable;
- You will not use the Services to stalk, threaten, harass, harm, or bully others;
- You will not use the Services to exploit or abuse minors in any way;
- You will not use the Services to share, post, transmit, publish, display, or otherwise make available to others any unsolicited or unauthorized advertising, promotional materials, junk mail, spam, chain letters, pyramid schemes, or any other form of solicitation;
- You will not use the Services to engage in activity that is fraudulent, misleading, or deceptive, including by impersonating another person or entity, falsely stating or otherwise misrepresenting your affiliation with a person or entity, or manipulating identifiers in order to disguise the origin of any of your content (including spoofing or phishing);
- You will not use the Services to upload, store, share, post, transmit, or otherwise make available any software viruses or any other computer code, files, or programs designed to interrupt, destroy, or limit the functionality of any computer software or hardware;
- You will not act in a manner that negatively affects another user’s ability to use the Services;
- You will not interfere with, disrupt, burden, overload, hack, or otherwise attempt to gain unauthorized access to the Services or servers, networks, systems, or other devices connected to the Services, or disobey any requirements, procedures, policies, or regulations of networks connected to the Services;
- You will not modify, translate, adapt, or create derivative works of the Services;
- Your content will not contain anything that is unlawful, and you will not violate any applicable local, state, national, or international law in connection with your use of the Services, including any data privacy or export or import control laws, any regulations promulgated by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, any rules of any national or other securities exchange, including the New York Stock Exchange, the American Stock Exchange, or the NASDAQ, and any regulations having the force of law;
- You own all of your content or have obtained all permissions, releases, rights, or licenses required to engage in your activities (and allow WDT to perform its obligations) without obtaining any further releases or consents;
- You will not use the Services to access, submit, upload, store, share, post, transmit, publish, display, or otherwise make available any terrorist content or provide material support or resources to (or conceal or disguise the nature, location, source, or ownership of material support or resources for) any terrorist organization(s);
- Your content and your activities in connection with the Services will not infringe or violate the rights of any other party and will not contribute to or encourage infringing or otherwise unlawful conduct, and you will not use the Services to access, submit, upload, store, share, post, transmit, publish, display, or otherwise make available any content in a manner that infringes any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright, or other proprietary right of any party;
- You will not use the Services to access, submit, upload, store, share, post, transmit, publish, display, or otherwise make available to others any content that you do not have a right to make available under any law or under a contractual or fiduciary relationship (including inside, proprietary, or confidential information learned of or disclosed as part of an employment relationship or under a nondisclosure agreement);
- You will not use the Services to collect or store personal information about others in violation of any applicable law or in connection with any of the prohibited conduct and activities set forth in this Section;
- You will not sublicense, resell, rent, lease, lend, transfer, assign, copy, distribute, encumber, or otherwise transfer, publish, or disclose the Services or its use (except as may otherwise be provided by written agreement), or offer the Services on a time-share basis to any third party;
- You will not decompile, reverse engineer, disassemble, decrypt, or attempt to derive the source code of the Services;
- You will not attempt to circumvent or disable the Services or any technology features or measures in the Services, including any access controls or copyright protection mechanisms, by any means or in any manner;
- You will not remove or alter any trademark, logo, copyright, or other proprietary notices, legends, symbols, or labels in or on the Services or used in connection with the Services;
- You will not post an unreasonable amount of comments or comments of unreasonable length in connection with your use of the Services; and
- You will not manipulate or abuse any referrals or promotions, including to get more than one free trial.
If while using the Services, you encounter content or activity you believe is in violation of this Acceptable Use Policy, or that you otherwise find inappropriate, you may report it by contacting WDT through https://support-en.wd.com/ or by sending an email to SUPPORT@WDC.COM.
WDT may update or modify this Acceptable Use Policy from time to time. By accepting any modifications to this Acceptable Use Policy, including, by continuing to use the Services after reasonable notice is provided to you, you are agreeing to be bound by the applicable modifications to this Acceptable Use Policy.
Your failure to comply with the Acceptable Use Policy may result in suspension and/or termination of the Services.
Acceptable Use Policy for Online Services
Last Updated October 1, 2020
This Acceptable Use Policy governs your use of online and related services and software offered by Western Digital Technologies, Inc. and its affiliates (collectively, “WDT”), including services and software that may allow you to access, submit, upload, store, share, post, transmit, publish, display, or otherwise make available to others content and materials (“Services”). Services that are governed by this Acceptable Use Policy will expressly link to this Acceptable Use Policy.
You agree to use the Services responsibly, and you represent and agree that:
- You will not misuse or abuse the Services in any manner;
- You will not use the Services to access, submit, upload, store, share, post, transmit, publish, display, or otherwise make available to others any content that is threatening, abusive, harassing, harmful, violent, pornographic, obscene, tortious, defamatory, libelous, invasive of another’s privacy, profane, discriminatory, offensive, hate speech, intimidating, disruptive, or otherwise objectionable;
- You will not use the Services to stalk, threaten, harass, harm, or bully others;
- You will not use the Services to exploit or abuse minors in any way;
- You will not use the Services to share, post, transmit, publish, display, or otherwise make available to others any unsolicited or unauthorized advertising, promotional materials, junk mail, spam, chain letters, pyramid schemes, or any other form of solicitation;
- You will not use the Services to engage in activity that is fraudulent, misleading, or deceptive, including by impersonating another person or entity, falsely stating or otherwise misrepresenting your affiliation with a person or entity, or manipulating identifiers in order to disguise the origin of any of your content (including spoofing or phishing);
- You will not use the Services to upload, store, share, post, transmit, or otherwise make available any software viruses or any other computer code, files, or programs designed to interrupt, destroy, or limit the functionality of any computer software or hardware;
- You will not act in a manner that negatively affects another user’s ability to use the Services;
- You will not interfere with, disrupt, burden, overload, hack, or otherwise attempt to gain unauthorized access to the Services or servers, networks, systems, or other devices connected to the Services, or disobey any requirements, procedures, policies, or regulations of networks connected to the Services;
- You will not modify, translate, adapt, or create derivative works of the Services;
- Your content will not contain anything that is unlawful, and you will not violate any applicable local, state, national, or international law in connection with your use of the Services, including any data privacy or export or import control laws, any regulations promulgated by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, any rules of any national or other securities exchange, including the New York Stock Exchange, the American Stock Exchange, or the NASDAQ, and any regulations having the force of law;
- You own all of your content or have obtained all permissions, releases, rights, or licenses required to engage in your activities (and allow WDT to perform its obligations) without obtaining any further releases or consents;
- You will not use the Services to access, submit, upload, store, share, post, transmit, publish, display, or otherwise make available any terrorist content or provide material support or resources to (or conceal or disguise the nature, location, source, or ownership of material support or resources for) any terrorist organization(s);
- Your content and your activities in connection with the Services will not infringe or violate the rights of any other party and will not contribute to or encourage infringing or otherwise unlawful conduct, and you will not use the Services to access, submit, upload, store, share, post, transmit, publish, display, or otherwise make available any content in a manner that infringes any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright, or other proprietary right of any party;
- You will not use the Services to access, submit, upload, store, share, post, transmit, publish, display, or otherwise make available to others any content that you do not have a right to make available under any law or under a contractual or fiduciary relationship (including inside, proprietary, or confidential information learned of or disclosed as part of an employment relationship or under a nondisclosure agreement);
- You will not use the Services to collect or store personal information about others in violation of any applicable law or in connection with any of the prohibited conduct and activities set forth in this Section;
- You will not sublicense, resell, rent, lease, lend, transfer, assign, copy, distribute, encumber, or otherwise transfer, publish, or disclose the Services or its use (except as may otherwise be provided by written agreement), or offer the Services on a time-share basis to any third party;
- You will not decompile, reverse engineer, disassemble, decrypt, or attempt to derive the source code of the Services;
- You will not attempt to circumvent or disable the Services or any technology features or measures in the Services, including any access controls or copyright protection mechanisms, by any means or in any manner;
- You will not remove or alter any trademark, logo, copyright, or other proprietary notices, legends, symbols, or labels in or on the Services or used in connection with the Services;
- You will not post an unreasonable amount of comments or comments of unreasonable length in connection with your use of the Services; and
- You will not manipulate or abuse any referrals or promotions, including to get more than one free trial.
If while using the Services, you encounter content or activity you believe is in violation of this Acceptable Use Policy, or that you otherwise find inappropriate, you may report it by contacting WDT through https://support-en.wd.com/ or by sending an email to SUPPORT@WDC.COM.
WDT may update or modify this Acceptable Use Policy from time to time. By accepting any modifications to this Acceptable Use Policy, including, by continuing to use the Services after reasonable notice is provided to you, you are agreeing to be bound by the applicable modifications to this Acceptable Use Policy.
Your failure to comply with the Acceptable Use Policy may result in suspension and/or termination of the Services.
Acceptable Use Policy for Online Services
Last Updated October 1, 2020
This Acceptable Use Policy governs your use of online and related services and software offered by Western Digital Technologies, Inc. and its affiliates (collectively, “WDT”), including services and software that may allow you to access, submit, upload, store, share, post, transmit, publish, display, or otherwise make available to others content and materials (“Services”). Services that are governed by this Acceptable Use Policy will expressly link to this Acceptable Use Policy.
You agree to use the Services responsibly, and you represent and agree that:
- You will not misuse or abuse the Services in any manner;
- You will not use the Services to access, submit, upload, store, share, post, transmit, publish, display, or otherwise make available to others any content that is threatening, abusive, harassing, harmful, violent, pornographic, obscene, tortious, defamatory, libelous, invasive of another’s privacy, profane, discriminatory, offensive, hate speech, intimidating, disruptive, or otherwise objectionable;
- You will not use the Services to stalk, threaten, harass, harm, or bully others;
- You will not use the Services to exploit or abuse minors in any way;
- You will not use the Services to share, post, transmit, publish, display, or otherwise make available to others any unsolicited or unauthorized advertising, promotional materials, junk mail, spam, chain letters, pyramid schemes, or any other form of solicitation;
- You will not use the Services to engage in activity that is fraudulent, misleading, or deceptive, including by impersonating another person or entity, falsely stating or otherwise misrepresenting your affiliation with a person or entity, or manipulating identifiers in order to disguise the origin of any of your content (including spoofing or phishing);
- You will not use the Services to upload, store, share, post, transmit, or otherwise make available any software viruses or any other computer code, files, or programs designed to interrupt, destroy, or limit the functionality of any computer software or hardware;
- You will not act in a manner that negatively affects another user’s ability to use the Services;
- You will not interfere with, disrupt, burden, overload, hack, or otherwise attempt to gain unauthorized access to the Services or servers, networks, systems, or other devices connected to the Services, or disobey any requirements, procedures, policies, or regulations of networks connected to the Services;
- You will not modify, translate, adapt, or create derivative works of the Services;
- Your content will not contain anything that is unlawful, and you will not violate any applicable local, state, national, or international law in connection with your use of the Services, including any data privacy or export or import control laws, any regulations promulgated by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, any rules of any national or other securities exchange, including the New York Stock Exchange, the American Stock Exchange, or the NASDAQ, and any regulations having the force of law;
- You own all of your content or have obtained all permissions, releases, rights, or licenses required to engage in your activities (and allow WDT to perform its obligations) without obtaining any further releases or consents;
- You will not use the Services to access, submit, upload, store, share, post, transmit, publish, display, or otherwise make available any terrorist content or provide material support or resources to (or conceal or disguise the nature, location, source, or ownership of material support or resources for) any terrorist organization(s);
- Your content and your activities in connection with the Services will not infringe or violate the rights of any other party and will not contribute to or encourage infringing or otherwise unlawful conduct, and you will not use the Services to access, submit, upload, store, share, post, transmit, publish, display, or otherwise make available any content in a manner that infringes any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright, or other proprietary right of any party;
- You will not use the Services to access, submit, upload, store, share, post, transmit, publish, display, or otherwise make available to others any content that you do not have a right to make available under any law or under a contractual or fiduciary relationship (including inside, proprietary, or confidential information learned of or disclosed as part of an employment relationship or under a nondisclosure agreement);
- You will not use the Services to collect or store personal information about others in violation of any applicable law or in connection with any of the prohibited conduct and activities set forth in this Section;
- You will not sublicense, resell, rent, lease, lend, transfer, assign, copy, distribute, encumber, or otherwise transfer, publish, or disclose the Services or its use (except as may otherwise be provided by written agreement), or offer the Services on a time-share basis to any third party;
- You will not decompile, reverse engineer, disassemble, decrypt, or attempt to derive the source code of the Services;
- You will not attempt to circumvent or disable the Services or any technology features or measures in the Services, including any access controls or copyright protection mechanisms, by any means or in any manner;
- You will not remove or alter any trademark, logo, copyright, or other proprietary notices, legends, symbols, or labels in or on the Services or used in connection with the Services;
- You will not post an unreasonable amount of comments or comments of unreasonable length in connection with your use of the Services; and
- You will not manipulate or abuse any referrals or promotions, including to get more than one free trial.
If while using the Services, you encounter content or activity you believe is in violation of this Acceptable Use Policy, or that you otherwise find inappropriate, you may report it by contacting WDT through https://support-en.wd.com/ or by sending an email to SUPPORT@WDC.COM.
WDT may update or modify this Acceptable Use Policy from time to time. By accepting any modifications to this Acceptable Use Policy, including, by continuing to use the Services after reasonable notice is provided to you, you are agreeing to be bound by the applicable modifications to this Acceptable Use Policy.
Your failure to comply with the Acceptable Use Policy may result in suspension and/or termination of the Services.
Acceptable Use Policy for Online Services
Last Updated October 1, 2020
This Acceptable Use Policy governs your use of online and related services and software offered by Western Digital Technologies, Inc. and its affiliates (collectively, “WDT”), including services and software that may allow you to access, submit, upload, store, share, post, transmit, publish, display, or otherwise make available to others content and materials (“Services”). Services that are governed by this Acceptable Use Policy will expressly link to this Acceptable Use Policy.
You agree to use the Services responsibly, and you represent and agree that:
- You will not misuse or abuse the Services in any manner;
- You will not use the Services to access, submit, upload, store, share, post, transmit, publish, display, or otherwise make available to others any content that is threatening, abusive, harassing, harmful, violent, pornographic, obscene, tortious, defamatory, libelous, invasive of another’s privacy, profane, discriminatory, offensive, hate speech, intimidating, disruptive, or otherwise objectionable;
- You will not use the Services to stalk, threaten, harass, harm, or bully others;
- You will not use the Services to exploit or abuse minors in any way;
- You will not use the Services to share, post, transmit, publish, display, or otherwise make available to others any unsolicited or unauthorized advertising, promotional materials, junk mail, spam, chain letters, pyramid schemes, or any other form of solicitation;
- You will not use the Services to engage in activity that is fraudulent, misleading, or deceptive, including by impersonating another person or entity, falsely stating or otherwise misrepresenting your affiliation with a person or entity, or manipulating identifiers in order to disguise the origin of any of your content (including spoofing or phishing);
- You will not use the Services to upload, store, share, post, transmit, or otherwise make available any software viruses or any other computer code, files, or programs designed to interrupt, destroy, or limit the functionality of any computer software or hardware;
- You will not act in a manner that negatively affects another user’s ability to use the Services;
- You will not interfere with, disrupt, burden, overload, hack, or otherwise attempt to gain unauthorized access to the Services or servers, networks, systems, or other devices connected to the Services, or disobey any requirements, procedures, policies, or regulations of networks connected to the Services;
- You will not modify, translate, adapt, or create derivative works of the Services;
- Your content will not contain anything that is unlawful, and you will not violate any applicable local, state, national, or international law in connection with your use of the Services, including any data privacy or export or import control laws, any regulations promulgated by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, any rules of any national or other securities exchange, including the New York Stock Exchange, the American Stock Exchange, or the NASDAQ, and any regulations having the force of law;
- You own all of your content or have obtained all permissions, releases, rights, or licenses required to engage in your activities (and allow WDT to perform its obligations) without obtaining any further releases or consents;
- You will not use the Services to access, submit, upload, store, share, post, transmit, publish, display, or otherwise make available any terrorist content or provide material support or resources to (or conceal or disguise the nature, location, source, or ownership of material support or resources for) any terrorist organization(s);
- Your content and your activities in connection with the Services will not infringe or violate the rights of any other party and will not contribute to or encourage infringing or otherwise unlawful conduct, and you will not use the Services to access, submit, upload, store, share, post, transmit, publish, display, or otherwise make available any content in a manner that infringes any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright, or other proprietary right of any party;
- You will not use the Services to access, submit, upload, store, share, post, transmit, publish, display, or otherwise make available to others any content that you do not have a right to make available under any law or under a contractual or fiduciary relationship (including inside, proprietary, or confidential information learned of or disclosed as part of an employment relationship or under a nondisclosure agreement);
- You will not use the Services to collect or store personal information about others in violation of any applicable law or in connection with any of the prohibited conduct and activities set forth in this Section;
- You will not sublicense, resell, rent, lease, lend, transfer, assign, copy, distribute, encumber, or otherwise transfer, publish, or disclose the Services or its use (except as may otherwise be provided by written agreement), or offer the Services on a time-share basis to any third party;
- You will not decompile, reverse engineer, disassemble, decrypt, or attempt to derive the source code of the Services;
- You will not attempt to circumvent or disable the Services or any technology features or measures in the Services, including any access controls or copyright protection mechanisms, by any means or in any manner;
- You will not remove or alter any trademark, logo, copyright, or other proprietary notices, legends, symbols, or labels in or on the Services or used in connection with the Services;
- You will not post an unreasonable amount of comments or comments of unreasonable length in connection with your use of the Services; and
- You will not manipulate or abuse any referrals or promotions, including to get more than one free trial.
If while using the Services, you encounter content or activity you believe is in violation of this Acceptable Use Policy, or that you otherwise find inappropriate, you may report it by contacting WDT through https://support-en.wd.com/ or by sending an email to SUPPORT@WDC.COM.
WDT may update or modify this Acceptable Use Policy from time to time. By accepting any modifications to this Acceptable Use Policy, including, by continuing to use the Services after reasonable notice is provided to you, you are agreeing to be bound by the applicable modifications to this Acceptable Use Policy.
Your failure to comply with the Acceptable Use Policy may result in suspension and/or termination of the Services.
Acceptable Use Policy for Online Services
Last Updated October 1, 2020
This Acceptable Use Policy governs your use of online and related services and software offered by Western Digital Technologies, Inc. and its affiliates (collectively, “WDT”), including services and software that may allow you to access, submit, upload, store, share, post, transmit, publish, display, or otherwise make available to others content and materials (“Services”). Services that are governed by this Acceptable Use Policy will expressly link to this Acceptable Use Policy.
You agree to use the Services responsibly, and you represent and agree that:
- You will not misuse or abuse the Services in any manner;
- You will not use the Services to access, submit, upload, store, share, post, transmit, publish, display, or otherwise make available to others any content that is threatening, abusive, harassing, harmful, violent, pornographic, obscene, tortious, defamatory, libelous, invasive of another’s privacy, profane, discriminatory, offensive, hate speech, intimidating, disruptive, or otherwise objectionable;
- You will not use the Services to stalk, threaten, harass, harm, or bully others;
- You will not use the Services to exploit or abuse minors in any way;
- You will not use the Services to share, post, transmit, publish, display, or otherwise make available to others any unsolicited or unauthorized advertising, promotional materials, junk mail, spam, chain letters, pyramid schemes, or any other form of solicitation;
- You will not use the Services to engage in activity that is fraudulent, misleading, or deceptive, including by impersonating another person or entity, falsely stating or otherwise misrepresenting your affiliation with a person or entity, or manipulating identifiers in order to disguise the origin of any of your content (including spoofing or phishing);
- You will not use the Services to upload, store, share, post, transmit, or otherwise make available any software viruses or any other computer code, files, or programs designed to interrupt, destroy, or limit the functionality of any computer software or hardware;
- You will not act in a manner that negatively affects another user’s ability to use the Services;
- You will not interfere with, disrupt, burden, overload, hack, or otherwise attempt to gain unauthorized access to the Services or servers, networks, systems, or other devices connected to the Services, or disobey any requirements, procedures, policies, or regulations of networks connected to the Services;
- You will not modify, translate, adapt, or create derivative works of the Services;
- Your content will not contain anything that is unlawful, and you will not violate any applicable local, state, national, or international law in connection with your use of the Services, including any data privacy or export or import control laws, any regulations promulgated by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, any rules of any national or other securities exchange, including the New York Stock Exchange, the American Stock Exchange, or the NASDAQ, and any regulations having the force of law;
- You own all of your content or have obtained all permissions, releases, rights, or licenses required to engage in your activities (and allow WDT to perform its obligations) without obtaining any further releases or consents;
- You will not use the Services to access, submit, upload, store, share, post, transmit, publish, display, or otherwise make available any terrorist content or provide material support or resources to (or conceal or disguise the nature, location, source, or ownership of material support or resources for) any terrorist organization(s);
- Your content and your activities in connection with the Services will not infringe or violate the rights of any other party and will not contribute to or encourage infringing or otherwise unlawful conduct, and you will not use the Services to access, submit, upload, store, share, post, transmit, publish, display, or otherwise make available any content in a manner that infringes any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright, or other proprietary right of any party;
- You will not use the Services to access, submit, upload, store, share, post, transmit, publish, display, or otherwise make available to others any content that you do not have a right to make available under any law or under a contractual or fiduciary relationship (including inside, proprietary, or confidential information learned of or disclosed as part of an employment relationship or under a nondisclosure agreement);
- You will not use the Services to collect or store personal information about others in violation of any applicable law or in connection with any of the prohibited conduct and activities set forth in this Section;
- You will not sublicense, resell, rent, lease, lend, transfer, assign, copy, distribute, encumber, or otherwise transfer, publish, or disclose the Services or its use (except as may otherwise be provided by written agreement), or offer the Services on a time-share basis to any third party;
- You will not decompile, reverse engineer, disassemble, decrypt, or attempt to derive the source code of the Services;
- You will not attempt to circumvent or disable the Services or any technology features or measures in the Services, including any access controls or copyright protection mechanisms, by any means or in any manner;
- You will not remove or alter any trademark, logo, copyright, or other proprietary notices, legends, symbols, or labels in or on the Services or used in connection with the Services;
- You will not post an unreasonable amount of comments or comments of unreasonable length in connection with your use of the Services; and
- You will not manipulate or abuse any referrals or promotions, including to get more than one free trial.
If while using the Services, you encounter content or activity you believe is in violation of this Acceptable Use Policy, or that you otherwise find inappropriate, you may report it by contacting WDT through https://support-en.wd.com/ or by sending an email to SUPPORT@WDC.COM.
WDT may update or modify this Acceptable Use Policy from time to time. By accepting any modifications to this Acceptable Use Policy, including, by continuing to use the Services after reasonable notice is provided to you, you are agreeing to be bound by the applicable modifications to this Acceptable Use Policy.
Your failure to comply with the Acceptable Use Policy may result in suspension and/or termination of the Services.
Acceptable Use Policy for Online Services
Last Updated October 1, 2020
This Acceptable Use Policy governs your use of online and related services and software offered by Western Digital Technologies, Inc. and its affiliates (collectively, “WDT”), including services and software that may allow you to access, submit, upload, store, share, post, transmit, publish, display, or otherwise make available to others content and materials (“Services”). Services that are governed by this Acceptable Use Policy will expressly link to this Acceptable Use Policy.
You agree to use the Services responsibly, and you represent and agree that:
- You will not misuse or abuse the Services in any manner;
- You will not use the Services to access, submit, upload, store, share, post, transmit, publish, display, or otherwise make available to others any content that is threatening, abusive, harassing, harmful, violent, pornographic, obscene, tortious, defamatory, libelous, invasive of another’s privacy, profane, discriminatory, offensive, hate speech, intimidating, disruptive, or otherwise objectionable;
- You will not use the Services to stalk, threaten, harass, harm, or bully others;
- You will not use the Services to exploit or abuse minors in any way;
- You will not use the Services to share, post, transmit, publish, display, or otherwise make available to others any unsolicited or unauthorized advertising, promotional materials, junk mail, spam, chain letters, pyramid schemes, or any other form of solicitation;
- You will not use the Services to engage in activity that is fraudulent, misleading, or deceptive, including by impersonating another person or entity, falsely stating or otherwise misrepresenting your affiliation with a person or entity, or manipulating identifiers in order to disguise the origin of any of your content (including spoofing or phishing);
- You will not use the Services to upload, store, share, post, transmit, or otherwise make available any software viruses or any other computer code, files, or programs designed to interrupt, destroy, or limit the functionality of any computer software or hardware;
- You will not act in a manner that negatively affects another user’s ability to use the Services;
- You will not interfere with, disrupt, burden, overload, hack, or otherwise attempt to gain unauthorized access to the Services or servers, networks, systems, or other devices connected to the Services, or disobey any requirements, procedures, policies, or regulations of networks connected to the Services;
- You will not modify, translate, adapt, or create derivative works of the Services;
- Your content will not contain anything that is unlawful, and you will not violate any applicable local, state, national, or international law in connection with your use of the Services, including any data privacy or export or import control laws, any regulations promulgated by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, any rules of any national or other securities exchange, including the New York Stock Exchange, the American Stock Exchange, or the NASDAQ, and any regulations having the force of law;
- You own all of your content or have obtained all permissions, releases, rights, or licenses required to engage in your activities (and allow WDT to perform its obligations) without obtaining any further releases or consents;
- You will not use the Services to access, submit, upload, store, share, post, transmit, publish, display, or otherwise make available any terrorist content or provide material support or resources to (or conceal or disguise the nature, location, source, or ownership of material support or resources for) any terrorist organization(s);
- Your content and your activities in connection with the Services will not infringe or violate the rights of any other party and will not contribute to or encourage infringing or otherwise unlawful conduct, and you will not use the Services to access, submit, upload, store, share, post, transmit, publish, display, or otherwise make available any content in a manner that infringes any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright, or other proprietary right of any party;
- You will not use the Services to access, submit, upload, store, share, post, transmit, publish, display, or otherwise make available to others any content that you do not have a right to make available under any law or under a contractual or fiduciary relationship (including inside, proprietary, or confidential information learned of or disclosed as part of an employment relationship or under a nondisclosure agreement);
- You will not use the Services to collect or store personal information about others in violation of any applicable law or in connection with any of the prohibited conduct and activities set forth in this Section;
- You will not sublicense, resell, rent, lease, lend, transfer, assign, copy, distribute, encumber, or otherwise transfer, publish, or disclose the Services or its use (except as may otherwise be provided by written agreement), or offer the Services on a time-share basis to any third party;
- You will not decompile, reverse engineer, disassemble, decrypt, or attempt to derive the source code of the Services;
- You will not attempt to circumvent or disable the Services or any technology features or measures in the Services, including any access controls or copyright protection mechanisms, by any means or in any manner;
- You will not remove or alter any trademark, logo, copyright, or other proprietary notices, legends, symbols, or labels in or on the Services or used in connection with the Services;
- You will not post an unreasonable amount of comments or comments of unreasonable length in connection with your use of the Services; and
- You will not manipulate or abuse any referrals or promotions, including to get more than one free trial.
If while using the Services, you encounter content or activity you believe is in violation of this Acceptable Use Policy, or that you otherwise find inappropriate, you may report it by contacting WDT through https://support-en.wd.com/ or by sending an email to SUPPORT@WDC.COM.
WDT may update or modify this Acceptable Use Policy from time to time. By accepting any modifications to this Acceptable Use Policy, including, by continuing to use the Services after reasonable notice is provided to you, you are agreeing to be bound by the applicable modifications to this Acceptable Use Policy.
Your failure to comply with the Acceptable Use Policy may result in suspension and/or termination of the Services.
Acceptable Use Policy for Online Services
Last Updated October 1, 2020
This Acceptable Use Policy governs your use of online and related services and software offered by Western Digital Technologies, Inc. and its affiliates (collectively, “WDT”), including services and software that may allow you to access, submit, upload, store, share, post, transmit, publish, display, or otherwise make available to others content and materials (“Services”). Services that are governed by this Acceptable Use Policy will expressly link to this Acceptable Use Policy.
You agree to use the Services responsibly, and you represent and agree that:
- You will not misuse or abuse the Services in any manner;
- You will not use the Services to access, submit, upload, store, share, post, transmit, publish, display, or otherwise make available to others any content that is threatening, abusive, harassing, harmful, violent, pornographic, obscene, tortious, defamatory, libelous, invasive of another’s privacy, profane, discriminatory, offensive, hate speech, intimidating, disruptive, or otherwise objectionable;
- You will not use the Services to stalk, threaten, harass, harm, or bully others;
- You will not use the Services to exploit or abuse minors in any way;
- You will not use the Services to share, post, transmit, publish, display, or otherwise make available to others any unsolicited or unauthorized advertising, promotional materials, junk mail, spam, chain letters, pyramid schemes, or any other form of solicitation;
- You will not use the Services to engage in activity that is fraudulent, misleading, or deceptive, including by impersonating another person or entity, falsely stating or otherwise misrepresenting your affiliation with a person or entity, or manipulating identifiers in order to disguise the origin of any of your content (including spoofing or phishing);
- You will not use the Services to upload, store, share, post, transmit, or otherwise make available any software viruses or any other computer code, files, or programs designed to interrupt, destroy, or limit the functionality of any computer software or hardware;
- You will not act in a manner that negatively affects another user’s ability to use the Services;
- You will not interfere with, disrupt, burden, overload, hack, or otherwise attempt to gain unauthorized access to the Services or servers, networks, systems, or other devices connected to the Services, or disobey any requirements, procedures, policies, or regulations of networks connected to the Services;
- You will not modify, translate, adapt, or create derivative works of the Services;
- Your content will not contain anything that is unlawful, and you will not violate any applicable local, state, national, or international law in connection with your use of the Services, including any data privacy or export or import control laws, any regulations promulgated by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, any rules of any national or other securities exchange, including the New York Stock Exchange, the American Stock Exchange, or the NASDAQ, and any regulations having the force of law;
- You own all of your content or have obtained all permissions, releases, rights, or licenses required to engage in your activities (and allow WDT to perform its obligations) without obtaining any further releases or consents;
- You will not use the Services to access, submit, upload, store, share, post, transmit, publish, display, or otherwise make available any terrorist content or provide material support or resources to (or conceal or disguise the nature, location, source, or ownership of material support or resources for) any terrorist organization(s);
- Your content and your activities in connection with the Services will not infringe or violate the rights of any other party and will not contribute to or encourage infringing or otherwise unlawful conduct, and you will not use the Services to access, submit, upload, store, share, post, transmit, publish, display, or otherwise make available any content in a manner that infringes any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright, or other proprietary right of any party;
- You will not use the Services to access, submit, upload, store, share, post, transmit, publish, display, or otherwise make available to others any content that you do not have a right to make available under any law or under a contractual or fiduciary relationship (including inside, proprietary, or confidential information learned of or disclosed as part of an employment relationship or under a nondisclosure agreement);
- You will not use the Services to collect or store personal information about others in violation of any applicable law or in connection with any of the prohibited conduct and activities set forth in this Section;
- You will not sublicense, resell, rent, lease, lend, transfer, assign, copy, distribute, encumber, or otherwise transfer, publish, or disclose the Services or its use (except as may otherwise be provided by written agreement), or offer the Services on a time-share basis to any third party;
- You will not decompile, reverse engineer, disassemble, decrypt, or attempt to derive the source code of the Services;
- You will not attempt to circumvent or disable the Services or any technology features or measures in the Services, including any access controls or copyright protection mechanisms, by any means or in any manner;
- You will not remove or alter any trademark, logo, copyright, or other proprietary notices, legends, symbols, or labels in or on the Services or used in connection with the Services;
- You will not post an unreasonable amount of comments or comments of unreasonable length in connection with your use of the Services; and
- You will not manipulate or abuse any referrals or promotions, including to get more than one free trial.
If while using the Services, you encounter content or activity you believe is in violation of this Acceptable Use Policy, or that you otherwise find inappropriate, you may report it by contacting WDT through https://support-en.wd.com/ or by sending an email to SUPPORT@WDC.COM.
WDT may update or modify this Acceptable Use Policy from time to time. By accepting any modifications to this Acceptable Use Policy, including, by continuing to use the Services after reasonable notice is provided to you, you are agreeing to be bound by the applicable modifications to this Acceptable Use Policy.
Your failure to comply with the Acceptable Use Policy may result in suspension and/or termination of the Services.
Policy for akseptabel bruk
Sist oppdatert 1. oktober 2020
Denne policyen for akseptabel bruk styrer din bruk av nettbaserte- og relaterte tjenester og programvare som tilbys av Western Digital Technologies, Inc. og dets tilknyttede selskaper (samlet «WDT»), inkludert tjenester og programvare som gir deg tillatelse til å få tilgang til, sende inn, laste opp, lagre, dele, poste, overføre, publisere, vise eller på annen måte gjøre tilgjengelig for annet innhold og materiale («Tjenester»). Tjenester som er underlagt policyen for akseptabel bruk, vil eksplisitt referere til denne policyen for akseptabel bruk.
Du samtykker i å bruke Tjenestene på en ansvarlig måte, og du representerer og samtykker i følgende:
- Du skal ikke misbruke Tjenestene på noen måte;
- Du skal ikke bruke Tjenestene til å få tilgang til, sende inn, laste opp, lagre, dele, poste, overføre, publisere, vise eller på annen måte gjøre innhold som er truende, fornærmende, trakasserende, skadelig, voldelig, pornografisk, uanstendig, torturisk, ærekrenkende, injurierende, invaderende for en annens personvern, profant, diskriminerende, krenkende, hatefullt, skremmende, forstyrrende eller på annen måte kritikkverdig, tilgjengelig for andre;
- Du skal ikke bruke Tjenestene til å forfølge, true, trakassere, skade eller mobbe andre;
- Du skal ikke bruke Tjenestene til å utnytte eller misbruke mindreårige på noen måte;
- Du skal ikke bruke Tjenestene til å dele, poste, overføre, publisere, vise eller på annen måte gjøre tilgjengelig for andre, uønsket eller uautorisert reklame, reklamemateriell, søppelpost, spam, kjedebrev, pyramidespill eller annen form for oppfordringer;
- Du skal ikke bruke Tjenestene til å delta i aktiviteter som er uredelige, villedende eller bedragersk, inkludert ved å utgi seg for en annen person eller enhet, feilaktig oppgi eller på annen måte feilrepresentere din tilknytning til en person eller enhet, eller manipulere identifikatorer for å skjule opphavet til noe av innholdet ditt (inkludert forfalskning eller phishing);
- Du skal ikke bruke Tjenestene til å laste opp, lagre, dele, legge ut, overføre eller på annen måte gjøre tilgjengelig programvarevirus eller annen datakode, filer eller programmer designet for å avbryte, ødelegge eller begrense funksjonaliteten til noen programvare eller maskinvare;
- Du skal ikke opptre på en måte som negativt påvirker en annen brukers mulighet til å bruke Tjenestene;
- Du skal ikke forstyrre, avbryte, belaste eller overbelaste, hacke eller på annen måte forsøke å få uautorisert tilgang til tjenestene eller serverne, nettverket, systemene eller andre enheter koblet til Tjenestene, og du skal adlyde krav, prosedyrer, retningslinjer eller forskrifter for nettverk tilknyttet Tjenestene;
- Du skal ikke endre, oversette, tilpasse eller lage avledede verk av Tjenestene eller serverne, nettverket, systemene eller andre enheter koblet til Tjenestene;
- Innholdet ditt skal ikke inneholde noe som er ulovlig, og det skal ikke krenke gjeldende lokal, statlig, nasjonal eller internasjonal lovgivning i forbindelse med din bruk av Tjenestene, inkludert lover om personverndata eller eksport- eller importkontroll, forskrifter som er kunngjort av den amerikanske verdipapir- og utvekslingskommisjonen, eventuelle regler i enhver nasjonal eller annen verdipapirbørs, inkludert New York-børsen, den amerikanske børsen eller NASDAQ, og eventuelle forskrifter som har lovmessig kraft;
- Du eier alt innholdet ditt eller har fått alle tillatelser, utgivelser, rettigheter eller lisenser som kreves for å delta i aktivitetene dine (og la WDT utføre sine forpliktelser) uten å få ytterligere utgivelser eller samtykker;
- Du skal ikke bruke Tjenestene til å få tilgang til, sende inn, laste opp, lagre, dele, poste, overføre, publisere, vise eller på annen måte gjøre tilgjengelig noe terroristinnhold eller gi materiell støtte eller ressurser til (eller skjule eller skjule arten, plasseringen, kilden eller eierskap til materiell støtte eller ressurser til) enhver terroristorganisasjon;
- Innholdet ditt og dine aktiviteter i forbindelse med Tjenestene skal ikke krenke eller forringe rettighetene til noen annen part, og skal ikke bidra til eller oppmuntre krenkende eller på annen måte ulovlig oppførsel, og du skal ikke bruke Tjenestene til å få tilgang til, sende inn, laste opp, lagre, dele, poste, overføre, publisere, vise eller på annen måte gjøre tilgjengelig innhold på en måte som krenker noen patent, varemerke, forretningshemmelighet, opphavsrett eller annen eiendomsrett til noen part;
- Du skal ikke bruke Tjenestene for å få tilgang til, sende inn, laste opp, lagre, dele, poste, overføre, publisere, vise eller på annen måte gjøre tilgjengelig for andre, innhold som du ikke har rett til å gjøre tilgjengelig under noen lov eller i henhold til en kontrakt eller fortrolige forhold (inkludert informasjon om intern eller proprietær eller konfidensiell informasjon som har blitt lært om eller avslørt som en del av et ansettelsesforhold eller under taushetsplikt);
- Du skal ikke bruke Tjenestene til å samle inn eller lagre personlig informasjon om andre i strid med gjeldende lov eller i forbindelse med noen av de forbudte oppførslene og aktivitetene som er nevnt i dette avsnittet;
- Du vil ikke underlisensiere, videreselge, leie, låne, lease, overføre, tildele, kopiere, distribuere, belaste eller på annen måte overføre, publisere eller formidle Tjenestene eller bruk av den (bortsett fra det som kan gis ved skriftlig avtale), eller tilby Tjenestene på delingsbasis til en tredjepart;
- Du vil ikke dekompilere, omvendt konstruere, demontere, dekryptere eller forsøke å utlede kildekoden til tjenestene;
- Du vil ikke forsøke å omgå eller deaktivere tjenestene eller teknologiske funksjoner eller målinger i tjenestene, inkludert tilgangskontroll eller opphavsrettsbeskyttelsesmekanismer, med noen midler eller på noen måte;
- Du vil ikke fjerne eller endre noe varemerke, logo, copyright eller andre proprietære merknader, forklaringer, symboler eller etiketter i eller på tjenestene eller brukt i forbindelse med tjenestene;
- Du skal ikke legge ut en urimelig mengde kommentarer eller urimelig lange kommentarer i forbindelse med din bruk av Tjenestene; og
- Du skal ikke manipulere eller misbruke henvisninger eller kampanjer, inkludert for å få mer enn én gratis prøveperiode.
Hvis du oppdager innhold eller aktivitet mens du bruker Tjenestene som du mener bryter med policyen for akseptabel bruk, eller som du på andre måter mener er upassende, kan du rapportere det ved å kontakte WDT via https://support-eu.wd.com eller ved å sende en e-post til SUPPORT@WDC.COM.
WDT kan oppdatere eller endre denne policyen for akseptabel bruk fra tid til annen. Ved å godta eventuelle endringer i policyen for akseptabel bruk, inkludert ved å fortsette å bruke Tjenestene etter at tilstrekkelig med varsler har blitt kommunisert til deg, samtykker du i å være bundet av slike endringer i denne policyen for akseptabel bruk.
Din manglende overholdelse av policyen for akseptabel bruk kan føre til suspensjon og/eller avslutning av Tjenestene.
上一次更新: 2020年10月1日
可接受使用政策对您使用 Western Digital Technologies, Inc.及其附属公司(统称“WDT”)提供的在线及相关服务和软件进行管理,包括可允许您访问、提交、上载、存储、共享、发帖、传播、发布、展示或者以其他方式向其他人披露内容及材料的服务和软件(“服务”)。受可接受使用政策管理的服务将明确链接至可接受使用政策。
- 您不会以任何方式误用或者滥用服务;
- 您不会使用服务访问、提交、上载、存储、共享、发帖、传播、发布、展示或者 以其他方式向其他人公开 具有威胁性、滥用性、扰乱性、伤害性、暴力性、色情性、淫秽性、侵权性、诽谤性、中伤性、侵犯他人隐私性、亵渎性、歧视性、攻击性、仇恨言论、吓人的、分裂性或者其他令人不快的任何内容;
- 您不会使用服务追踪、威胁、骚扰、伤害或者欺凌他人;
- 您不会以任何方式使用服务剥削或者虐待未成年人;
- 您不会使用服务共享、发帖、传播、发布、展示或者以其他方式向他人公布任何来路不明或者未经授权的广告、促销材料、邮寄宣传品、垃圾邮件、连锁信、非法传销或者任何其他形式的征集;
- 您不会使用服务参与欺骗、误导或者虚伪活动,包括扮演他人或者其他实体,虚假声明或者以其他方式误述您与个人或者实体联盟,或者为了掩饰任何您的内容的来源操纵标识符(包括行骗或者网络钓鱼);
- 您不会使用服务上载、存储、共享、发帖、传播或者以其他方式制造任何软件病毒或者任何意欲扰乱、毁坏或者限制任何计算机软件或者硬件功能的计算机代码、文件、或者项目;
- 您不会以对其他用户使用服务的能力有不利影响的方式行事;
- 您不会干扰、破坏、烦扰、过载、攻击,或试图以其他方式获取未经授权的权限以访问服务或者与服务相关的服务器、网络、系统或者其他设备,或者不遵守服务相关的任何网络要求、程序、政策或者监管;
- 您不会修改、转换、改编服务,或制作其衍生作品;
- 您的内容不会包含任何非法信息,您不会违反与您使用服务相关的任何适用当地、州、国家或者国际法律,包括任何数据隐私或者进出口控制法律、美国证券交易委员会制定的任何法规、任何国家或者其他证券交易所,包括纽约证券交易所、美国证券交易所或者纳斯达克证券交易所的任何规则,以及具有法律效力的任何规则;
- 您拥有您的全部内容或者已取得参与您的活动所需的所有权限、豁免、权利或者许可(允许WDT履行其义务),无需取得任何进一步豁免或者同意;
- 您不会使用服务访问、提交、上载、存储、共享、发帖、传播、发布、展示或者以其他方式散播任何恐怖主义内容或者向任何恐怖主义组织提供材料支持或者资源(或者隐藏或伪装材料支持或者资源的性质、位置、来源或者拥有权);
- 与服务相关的您的内容及您的活动不会侵犯或者违反任何其他方的权利,不会有助于或者鼓励侵犯或者从事其他非法行为,您不会使用服务访问、提交、上载、存储、共享、发帖、传播、发布、展示或者以其他方式散播会侵犯任何方的任何专利、商标、商业秘密、版权或者其他所有物权利的任何内容;
- 您不会使用服务访问、提交、上载、存储、共享、发帖、传播、发布、展示或者以其他方式向他人散播您无权根据任何法律或者契约性或信托关系公开的任何内容(包括作为雇佣关系的一部分或者保密协议项下得知或者披露的内情、所有权或者机密信息);
- 您不会使用服务收集或者存储违反任何适用法律或者与本节规定的任何禁止行为及活动相关的其他人的个人信息;
- 您不会再许可、转售、租用、出租、出借、移交、转让、复制、分发、妨碍,或以其他方式传送、出版或披露服务或其使用(除非书面协议另行规定),或者基于分时使用向任何第三方提供服务;
- 您不会对服务的源代码进行反编译、反向工程、反汇编、解密,或试图制作衍生作品;
- 您不会试图以任何手段或方式,避开或禁用任何技术功能或措施,包括任何访问控制或版权保护机制;
- 您不会移除或改动服务中、服务上或与服务相关的任何商标、标志、版权或其他专有通知、图例、符号或标签;
- 您不会关于您使用服务发布任何不合理的评论数量或者长度不合理的评论;
- 您不会操纵或者滥用任何推荐或者促销活动,包括多次取得免费试用。
如果您使用服务时遇到您认为违反可接受使用政策的内容或者活动,或者您发现不合适的其他内容,您可通过https://support-cn.wd.com/或者发送电邮至 SUPPORT@WDC.COM联系 WDT,将该内容上报。
WDT 可不时更新或者修订可接受使用政策。接受可接受使用政策的任何修改,包括向您提供合理通知后继续使用服务,即表示您同意受约于可接受使用政策的适用改修。
Πολιτική Αποδεκτής Χρήσης
Τελευταία ενημέρωση στις 1 Οκτωβρίου 2020
Η παρούσα Πολιτική Αποδεκτής Χρήσης διέπει την εκ μέρους σας χρήση των ηλεκτρονικών και σχετικών υπηρεσιών και του λογισμικού που παρέχονται από την Western Digital Technologies, Inc. και τις συγγενείς εταιρείες της (συλλήβδην, η «WDT»), συμπεριλαμβανομένων των υπηρεσιών και του λογισμικού που μπορεί να σας επιτρέπουν να προσπελάζετε, υποβάλλετε, στέλνετε, αποθηκεύετε, κοινοποιείτε, αναρτάτε, μεταβιβάζετε, δημοσιεύετε, προβάλλετε ή διαθέτετε με άλλο τρόπο περιεχόμενο ή υλικά («Υπηρεσίες») σε τρίτους. Οι Υπηρεσίες, που διέπονται από την παρούσα Πολιτική Αποδεκτής Χρήσης, θα συνδέονται ρητώς με την παρούσα Πολιτική Αποδεκτής Χρήσης.
Συμφωνείτε να χρησιμοποιείτε τις Υπηρεσίες με υπευθυνότητα και δηλώνετε και συμφωνείτε ότι:
- Δεν θα προβείτε σε λανθασμένη ή κακή χρήση των Υπηρεσιών με οποιονδήποτε τρόπο,
- Δεν θα χρησιμοποιήσετε τις Υπηρεσίες προκειμένου να προσπελάσετε, υποβάλετε, στείλετε, αποθηκεύσετε, κοινοποιήσετε, αναρτήσετε, δημοσιεύσετε, προβάλετε ή να διαθέσετε με άλλο τρόπο σε τρίτους οποιοδήποτε περιεχόμενο που είναι απειλητικό, υβριστικό, ενοχλητικό, επιζήμιο, βίαιο, πορνογραφικό, άσεμνο, επιθετικό, συκοφαντικό, δυσφημιστικό, επεμβαίνει στην ιδιωτική ζωή άλλων, βλάσφημο, μεροληπτικό, προσβλητικό, εκφράζει μίσος, εκφοβιστικό, προκαλεί αναστάτωση ή είναι ανάρμοστο με άλλο τρόπο,
- Δεν θα χρησιμοποιήσετε τις Υπηρεσίες για να κατασκοπεύσετε, απειλήσετε, παρενοχλήσετε, βλάψετε ή εκφοβίσετε άλλους,
- Δεν θα χρησιμοποιήσετε τις Υπηρεσίες για εκμετάλλευση ή κακοποίηση ανηλίκων με οποιονδήποτε τρόπο,
- Δεν θα χρησιμοποιήσετε τις Υπηρεσίες για να κοινοποιήσετε, αναρτήσετε, μεταβιβάσετε, δημοσιεύσετε, προβάλλετε ή διαθέσετε με άλλο τρόπο οποιοδήποτε ανεπιθύμητο ή μη εξουσιοδοτημένο διαφημιστικό υλικό ή υλικό προώθησης, ανεπιθύμητη αλληλογραφία, αλυσιδωτές επιστολές (chain letters) , επιχειρηματικά μοντέλα τύπου «πυραμίδας» ή οποιαδήποτε άλλη μορφή άγρας πελατών,
- Δεν θα χρησιμοποιήσετε τις Υπηρεσίες για να εμπλακείτε σε δόλια, παραπλανητική ή απατηλή δραστηριότητα, συμπεριλαμβανομένου του να υποδυθείτε άλλο άτομο ή οντότητα, να αναφέρετε εσφαλμένα ή διαφορετικά να δηλώσετε ψευδώς τη σχέση σας με κάποιο άτομο ή οντότητα ή να παραποιήσετε αναγνωριστικά προκειμένου να αποκρύψετε την προέλευση του περιεχομένου σας (συμπεριλαμβανομένης της πλαστογράφησης ή του ηλεκτρονικού «ψαρέματος»),
- Δεν θα χρησιμοποιήσετε τις Υπηρεσίες για να στείλετε, αποθηκεύσετε, κοινοποιήσετε, αναρτήσετε, μεταβιβάσετε ή διαθέσετε οποιουσδήποτε ιούς λογισμικού ή άλλο κώδικα, αρχεία ή προγράμματα υπολογιστή που έχουν σχεδιαστεί για να διακόψουν, να καταστρέψουν ή να περιορίσουν τη λειτουργικότητα οποιουδήποτε λογισμικού ή υλικού υπολογιστή,
- Δεν θα ενεργήσετε με τρόπο που θα επηρεάσει αρνητικά τη δυνατότητα άλλου χρήστη να χρησιμοποιήσει τις Υπηρεσίες,
- Δεν θα παρεμποδίσετε, διακόψετε τη λειτουργία, επιβαρύνετε, υπερφορτώσετε, εισχωρήσετε παράνομα ή θα επιχειρήσετε με άλλον τρόπο να αποκτήσετε μη εξουσιοδοτημένη πρόσβαση στις Υπηρεσίες ή τους διακομιστές, τα δίκτυα, τα συστήματα ή άλλες συσκευές που συνδέονται με της Υπηρεσίες ούτε θα αγνοήσετε οποιεσδήποτε απαιτήσεις, διαδικασίες, πολιτικές ή κανονισμούς που διέπουν τα δίκτυα, τα οποία συνδέονται με τις Υπηρεσίες,
- Δεν θα τροποποιήσετε, μεταφράσετε, προσαρμόσετε ή δημιουργήσετε παράγωγα έργα από τις Υπηρεσίες,
- Το περιεχόμενό σας δεν θα περιέχει τίποτα που να είναι παράνομο και δεν θα παραβιάσετε οποιονδήποτε ισχύοντα τοπικό, πολιτειακό, εθνικό ή διεθνή νόμο σε συνάρτηση με την εκ μέρους σας χρήση των Υπηρεσιών, συμπεριλαμβανομένων οποιωνδήποτε νόμων περί απορρήτου των δεδομένων ή περί ελέγχου των εξαγωγών και των εισαγωγών, οποιωνδήποτε κανονισμών που κοινοποιούνται από την Επιτροπή Κεφαλαιαγοράς των Η.Π.Α., οποιωνδήποτε κανόνων και κανονισμών που κοινοποιούνται από εθνικά ή άλλα χρηματιστήρια αξιών, όπως το Χρηματιστήριο της Νέας Υόρκης, το Αμερικανικό Χρηματιστήριο ή το NASDAQ, καθώς και οποιωνδήποτε κανονισμών που έχουν ισχύ νόμου,
- Θα πρέπει να έχετε στην ιδιοκτησία σας όλο το περιεχόμενο ή όλες τις άδειες, τις εκδόσεις, τα δικαιώματα ή τις άδειες χρήσης που απαιτούνται προκειμένου να ασχοληθείτε με τις δραστηριότητές σας (και να επιτρέπεται στην WDT να εκπληρώνει τις υποχρεώσεις της) χωρίς την απόκτηση περαιτέρω εκδόσεων ή συγκαταθέσεων,
- Δεν θα χρησιμοποιήσετε τις Υπηρεσίες προκειμένου να προσπελάσετε, υποβάλετε, στείλετε, αποθηκεύσετε, κοινοποιήσετε, αναρτήσετε, δημοσιεύσετε, προβάλετε ή να διαθέσετε με άλλο τρόπο οποιοδήποτε περιεχόμενο σε σχέση με τρομοκρατική δραστηριότητα ή να παρέχετε υλική υποστήριξη ή πόρους (ή να συγκαλύψετε ή να αποκρύψετε τη φύση, την τοποθεσία, την πηγή ή την κυριότητα υλικής υποστήριξης ή πόρων για) σε οποιαδήποτε τρομοκρατική οργάνωση,
- Το περιεχόμενο και οι δραστηριότητές σας σε σχέση με τις Υπηρεσίες απαγορεύεται να καταπατούν ή να παραβιάζουν τα δικαιώματα οποιουδήποτε τρίτου και δεν θα συμβάλλουν ούτε θα ενθαρρύνουν συμπεριφορά που οδηγεί σε καταπάτηση δικαιωμάτων ή διαφορετικά παράνομη συμπεριφορά και δεν θα χρησιμοποιήσετε τις Υπηρεσίες για να προσπελάσετε, υποβάλετε, στείλετε, αποθηκεύσετε, κοινοποιήσετε, μεταβιβάσετε, δημοσιεύσετε, προβάλετε ή διαθέσετε με άλλο τρόπο οποιοδήποτε περιεχόμενο έτσι ώστε να παραβιάζεται οποιοδήποτε δίπλωμα ευρεσιτεχνίας, εμπορικό σήμα, εμπορικό μυστικό, πνευματικό δικαίωμα ή άλλο δικαίωμα κυριότητας οποιουδήποτε συμβαλλομένου,
- Δεν θα χρησιμοποιήσετε τις Υπηρεσίες προκειμένου να προσπελάσετε, υποβάλετε, στείλετε, αποθηκεύσετε, κοινοποιήσετε, αναρτήσετε, δημοσιεύσετε, προβάλετε ή να διαθέσετε με άλλο τρόπο σε άλλους οποιοδήποτε περιεχόμενο το οποίο δεν έχετε το δικαίωμα να διαθέσετε βάσει οποιουδήποτε νόμου ή δυνάμει συμβατικής σχέσης ή σχέσης εμπιστοσύνης (συμπεριλαμβανομένων των εκ των έσω πληροφοριών, των αποκλειστικών και των εμπιστευτικών πληροφοριών που γίνονται γνωστές ή κοινοποιούνται στο πλαίσιο εργασιακής σχέση ή δυνάμει σύμβασης περί μη γνωστοποίησης),
- Δεν θα χρησιμοποιήσετε τις Υπηρεσίες για να συλλέξετε ή να αποθηκεύσετε προσωπικές πληροφορίες σχετικά με άλλα άτομα, παραβιάζοντας οποιονδήποτε ισχύοντα νόμο ή σε σχέση με οποιαδήποτε άλλη απαγορευμένη συμπεριφορά και δραστηριότητα που διατυπώνεται στην παρούσα Ενότητα,
- Δεν θα προβείτε σε υποαδειοδότηση, μεταπώληση, ενοικίαση, εκμίσθωση, δανεισμό, μεταβίβαση, εκχώρηση, αντιγραφή, διανομή, επιβάρυνση ή με άλλον τρόπο μεταβίβαση, δημοσίευση ή κοινοποίηση των Υπηρεσιών ή της χρήσης τους (εκτός όπως μπορεί να προβλέπεται διαφορετικά μέσω γραπτής συμφωνίας) ούτε θα προσφέρετε τις Υπηρεσίες υπό καθεστώς χρονομερισμού σε οποιονδήποτε τρίτο,
- Δεν θα κάνετε αποσυμπίληση, αντίστροφη σχεδίαση, αποσυναρμολόγηση, αποκρυπτογράφηση ούτε θα επιχειρήσετε να εξάγετε τον πηγαίο κώδικα των Υπηρεσιών,
- Δεν θα επιχειρήσετε να παρακάμψετε ή να απενεργοποιήσετε τις Υπηρεσίες ή οποιαδήποτε τεχνολογικά χαρακτηριστικά ή μέτρα στις Υπηρεσίες, συμπεριλαμβανομένων οποιωνδήποτε στοιχείων ελέγχου πρόσβασης ή μηχανισμών προστασίας πνευματικών δικαιωμάτων, με οποιαδήποτε μέσα ή με οποιονδήποτε τρόπο,
- Δεν θα καταργήσετε ούτε θα αλλοιώσετε οποιοδήποτε εμπορικό σήμα, λογότυπο, πνευματικά δικαιώματα ή άλλες ειδοποιήσεις, λεζάντες, σύμβολα ή ετικέτες ιδιοκτησίας εντός ή επί των Υπηρεσιών ή που χρησιμοποιούνται σε σύνδεση με τις Υπηρεσίες,
- Δεν θα αναρτήσετε αδικαιολόγητο αριθμό σχολίων ή σχόλια αδικαιολόγητου μεγέθους σε σχέση με την εκ μέρους σας χρήση των Υπηρεσιών, και
- Δεν θα παραποιήσετε ούτε θα προβείτε σε κακή χρήση οποιωνδήποτε συστάσεων ή προωθητικού υλικού για να λάβετε περισσότερες από μία δωρεάν δοκιμαστικές εκδόσεις.
Εάν, κατά τη χρήση των Υπηρεσιών, εντοπίσετε περιεχόμενο ή δραστηριότητα που πιστεύετε ότι παραβιάζει την παρούσα Πολιτική Αποδεκτής Χρήσης ή θεωρείτε ότι είναι ανάρμοστα με άλλον τρόπο, μπορείτε να το αναφέρετε επικοινωνώντας με την WDT μέσω της διαδικτυακής τοποθεσίας https://support-eu.wd.com/ ή στέλνοντας email στη διεύθυνση SUPPORT@WDC.COM.
Η WDT δύναται κατά καιρούς να ενημερώνει ή να τροποποιεί την παρούσα Πολιτική Αποδεκτής Χρήσης. Με την αποδοχή τυχόν τροποποιήσεων στην παρούσα Πολιτική Αποδεκτής Χρήσης, όπως, μεταξύ άλλων, με τη συνέχιση χρήσης των Υπηρεσιών μετά την αποστολή εύλογης ειδοποίησης σε εσάς, συμφωνείτε να δεσμεύεστε από τις αντίστοιχες τροποποιήσεις στην παρούσα Πολιτική Αποδεκτής Χρήσης.
Η εκ μέρους σας μη συμμόρφωση με την Πολιτική Αποδεκτής Χρήσης ενδέχεται να έχει ως αποτέλεσμα την αναστολή ή/και την παύση των Υπηρεσιών.
Richtlinien zur akzeptablen Nutzung
Zuletzt aktualisiert am 1. Oktober 2020
Diese Richtlinien zur akzeptablen Nutzung regeln Ihre Nutzung von Online- und zugehörigen Diensten und Software, die von Western Digital Technologies, Inc. sowie deren Tochter- oder Verbundunternehmen (im Folgenden zusammenfassend „WDT“) angeboten werden, einschließlich der Dienste und Software, mithilfe derer Sie auf Inhalte oder Materialien zugreifen, sie absenden, hochladen, speichern, teilen, posten, übertragen, veröffentlichen, anzeigen oder anderen anderweitig zur Verfügung stellen können („Dienste“). Die durch diese Richtlinien zur akzeptablen Nutzung geregelten Dienste beziehen sich ausdrücklich auf diese Richtlinien zur akzeptablen Nutzung.
Sie erklären sich damit einverstanden, die Dienste verantwortungsvoll zu nutzen und sichern zu, dass;
- Sie die Dienste auf keine Weise missbrauchen oder unsachgemäß verwenden;
- Sie die Dienste nicht nutzen, um auf Inhalte zuzugreifen, sie abzusenden, hochzuladen, zu speichern, zu teilen, zu posten, zu übertragen, zu veröffentlichen, anzuzeigen oder anderen anderweitig zur Verfügung zu stellen, die bedrohlich, missbräuchlich, belästigend, schädigend, gewalttätig, pornografisch, obszön, unerlaubt, verleumderisch, beleidigend, die Privatsphäre einer anderen Person verletzend, profan, diskriminierend, anstößig, verhetzend, einschüchternd, störend oder anderweitig fragwürdig sind;
- Sie die Dienste nicht dazu verwenden, um anderen nachzustellen, sie bedrohen, verletzen oder zu tyrannisieren;
- Sie die Dienste nicht verwenden, um Minderjährige in irgendeiner Form auszubeuten oder zu missbrauchen;
- Sie die Dienste nicht verwenden, um unerwünschte oder unbefugte Werbung, Reklamematerialien, Junkmail, Spam, Kettenbriefe, Pyramidensysteme oder eine andere Form von Kundenwerbung zu teilen, posten, übertragen, veröffentlichen, anzeigen oder anderen anderweitig zur Verfügung zu stellen;
- Sie die Dienste nicht verwenden, um Handlungen auszuüben, die betrügerisch, irreführend oder täuschend sind, wie unter anderem eine andere Person oder Identität vorzugeben, falsche Aussagen in Bezug auf Ihre Beziehung zu einer Person oder Körperschaft zu machen oder diese anderweitig falsch darzustellen oder Identifizierungsmerkmale zu manipulieren, um den Ursprung Ihrer Inhalte zu verschleiern (einschließlich Spoofing und Phishing);
- Sie die Dienste nicht verwenden, um Software-Viren oder anderweitigen Computer-Code, Dateien oder Programme, die zur Unterbrechung, Zerstörung oder Einschränkung der Funktionalität von Computersoftware oder -hardware entwickelt wurden, hochzuladen, zu speichern, teilen, posten, übertragen oder anderen anderweitig zur Verfügung stellen;
- Sie auf keine Weise handeln werden, die die Fähigkeit anderer zur Nutzung der Dienste beschränken könnte;
- Sie die Dienste oder Server, Netzwerke, Systeme oder anderen mit den Diensten verbundenen Geräte nicht stören, behindern, belasten, überlasten, hacken oder versuchen, auf andere Weise unbefugten Zugang zu ihnen zu erhalten, oder anderen Anforderungen, Verfahren, Richtlinien oder Vorschriften der mit den Diensten verbundenen Netzwerke nicht folgen;
- Sie die Dienste nicht modifizieren, übersetzen, anpassen oder abgeleitete Werke derselben erstellen;
- Ihre Inhalte nichts Rechtswidriges enthalten und sie nicht gegen geltende lokale, Länder-, nationale oder internationale Gesetze in Zusammenhang mit der Verwendung der Dienste verstoßen, einschließlich von Datenschutz- oder Aus- bzw. Einfuhrkontrollgesetzen oder Vorschriften, die von der US-Börsenaufsichtsbehörde (SEC) bekanntgegeben wurden, Regulierungen nationaler oder anderer Börsen wie der New Yorker Börse, der US-amerikanischen Börse oder dem NASDAQ sowie aller Vorschriften mit Gesetzeskraft;
- Sie Eigentümer Ihrer Inhalte sind oder alle erforderlichen Berechtigungen, Freigaben, Rechte oder Lizenzen eingeholt haben, um Ihre Aktivitäten auszuführen (und WDT gestatten, seinen Verpflichtungen nachzukommen), ohne weitere Freigaben oder Einwilligungen einzuholen;
- Sie die Dienste nicht nutzen, um auf Inhalte zuzugreifen, sie abzusenden, hochzuladen, zu speichern, zu teilen, zu posten, zu übertragen, zu veröffentlichen, anzuzeigen oder anderen anderweitig zur Verfügung zu stellen, die bedrohlich, missbräuchlich, belästigend, schädigend, gewalttätig, pornografisch, obszön, unerlaubt, verleumderisch, beleidigend, die Privatsphäre einer anderen Person verletzend, profan, diskriminierend, anstößig, verhetzend, einschüchternd, störend oder anderweitig fragwürdig sind;
- Ihre Inhalte und Aktivitäten in Verbindung mit den Diensten keine Rechte einer anderen Partei beeinträchtigen oder verletzen und nicht zur Beeinträchtigung oder anderweitig rechtswidrigen Handlungen beisteuern wird und dass Sie die Dienste nicht verwenden werden, um auf Inhalte zuzugreifen, sie einzureichen, hochzuladen, zu speichern, zu teilen, zu posten, zu übertragen, zu veröffentlichen, anzuzeigen oder anderweitig zur Verfügung zu stellen, wodurch Patente, Handelsmarken, Branchengeheimnisse, Urheberrechte oder andere Eigentumsrechte einer Partei zu verletzen;
- Sie die Dienste nicht nutzen, um auf Inhalte zuzugreifen, sie abzusenden, hochzuladen, zu speichern, zu teilen, zu posten, zu übertragen, zu veröffentlichen, anzuzeigen oder anderen anderweitig zur Verfügung zu stellen, für die Sie nicht das Recht haben, sie nach einem Gesetz oder einer anderen vertraglichen oder treuhänderischen Vereinbarung bereitzustellen (einschließlich Insider-, Eigentums- oder vertrauliche Informationen, die Sie infolge eines Anstellungsverhältnisses oder einer Vertraulichkeitsvereinbarung erfahren haben oder die dadurch offengelegt wurden);
- Sie die Dienste nicht verwenden, um personenbezogene Daten über andere in Konflikt mit geltenden Gesetzen oder in Verbindung mit einem in diesem Abschnitt dargelegten verbotenen Verhalten oder einer Handlung zu erfassen oder zu speichern;
- Sie die Dienste oder deren Nutzung nicht unterlizenzieren, weiterverkaufen, verpachten, vermieten, verleihen, übertragen, abtreten, kopieren, verbreiten, verpfänden oder auf andere Weise übertragen, veröffentlichen oder weitergeben (mit Ausnahme anderweitiger schriftlicher Vereinbarungen) oder einer Drittpartei die Dienste zur Teilzeitnutzung anbieten;
- Sie die Dienste nicht dekompilieren, zurückentwickeln, zerlegen, entschlüsseln oder versuchen, deren Quellcode abzuleiten;
- Sie auf keine Weise oder durch beliebige Mittel versuchen, die Dienste oder beliebige technische Funktionen bzw. Maßnahmen innerhalb der Dienste zu umgehen oder zu deaktivieren, einschließlich sämtlicher Zugangskontrollen oder Mechanismen zum Schutz des Urheberrechts;
- Sie keinerlei Handelsmarken, Logos, Urheberrechts- oder sonstige Eigentumsvermerke, Legenden, Symbole oder Kennzeichnungen, die sich in oder an den Diensten befinden bzw. die in Verbindung mit den Diensten verwendet werden, entfernen oder verändern;
- Sie keine unangemessen hohe Anzahl an Kommentaren oder Kommentare von unangemessener Länge in Verbindung mit Ihrer Nutzung der Dienste posten; und
- Sie keine Empfehlungen oder Angebote manipulieren oder missbrauchen werden, einschließlich der Beschaffung von mehr als einer kostenlosen Probezeit.
Sollten Sie während der Nutzung der Dienste Inhalte oder Aktivitäten bemerken, die Ihrer Ansicht nach diese Richtlinien zur akzeptablen Nutzung verletzen oder die Sie anderweitig unangemessen halten, können Sie sie melden, in dem Sie WDT wie folgt kontaktieren https://support-de.wd.com/ oder per E-Mail an SUPPORT@WDC.COM.
WDT ist berechtigt, die vorliegenden Richtlinien zur akzeptablen Nutzung jederzeit zu aktualisieren oder zu ergänzen. Durch das Annehmen von Änderungen dieser Richtlinien zur akzeptablen Nutzung, darunter durch Fortsetzung der Nutzung der vertragsgegenständlichen Dienste nach einer angemessenen Vorankündigung hierzu Ihnen gegenüber, erklären Sie Ihr Einverständnis, an die Geltung der betreffenden Änderungen der vorliegenden Richtlinien zur akzeptablen Nutzung gebunden zu sein.
Ihr Versäumnis, diese Richtlinien zur akzeptablen Nutzung einzuhalten, kann die Aussetzung und/oder Kündigung der Dienste zur Folge haben.
Acceptable Use Policy for Online Services
Last Updated October 1, 2020
This Acceptable Use Policy governs your use of online and related services and software offered by Western Digital Technologies, Inc. and its affiliates (collectively, “WDT”), including services and software that may allow you to access, submit, upload, store, share, post, transmit, publish, display, or otherwise make available to others content and materials (“Services”). Services that are governed by this Acceptable Use Policy will expressly link to this Acceptable Use Policy.
You agree to use the Services responsibly, and you represent and agree that:
- You will not misuse or abuse the Services in any manner;
- You will not use the Services to access, submit, upload, store, share, post, transmit, publish, display, or otherwise make available to others any content that is threatening, abusive, harassing, harmful, violent, pornographic, obscene, tortious, defamatory, libelous, invasive of another’s privacy, profane, discriminatory, offensive, hate speech, intimidating, disruptive, or otherwise objectionable;
- You will not use the Services to stalk, threaten, harass, harm, or bully others;
- You will not use the Services to exploit or abuse minors in any way;
- You will not use the Services to share, post, transmit, publish, display, or otherwise make available to others any unsolicited or unauthorized advertising, promotional materials, junk mail, spam, chain letters, pyramid schemes, or any other form of solicitation;
- You will not use the Services to engage in activity that is fraudulent, misleading, or deceptive, including by impersonating another person or entity, falsely stating or otherwise misrepresenting your affiliation with a person or entity, or manipulating identifiers in order to disguise the origin of any of your content (including spoofing or phishing);
- You will not use the Services to upload, store, share, post, transmit, or otherwise make available any software viruses or any other computer code, files, or programs designed to interrupt, destroy, or limit the functionality of any computer software or hardware;
- You will not act in a manner that negatively affects another user’s ability to use the Services;
- You will not interfere with, disrupt, burden, overload, hack, or otherwise attempt to gain unauthorized access to the Services or servers, networks, systems, or other devices connected to the Services, or disobey any requirements, procedures, policies, or regulations of networks connected to the Services;
- You will not modify, translate, adapt, or create derivative works of the Services;
- Your content will not contain anything that is unlawful, and you will not violate any applicable local, state, national, or international law in connection with your use of the Services, including any data privacy or export or import control laws, any regulations promulgated by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, any rules of any national or other securities exchange, including the New York Stock Exchange, the American Stock Exchange, or the NASDAQ, and any regulations having the force of law;
- You own all of your content or have obtained all permissions, releases, rights, or licenses required to engage in your activities (and allow WDT to perform its obligations) without obtaining any further releases or consents;
- You will not use the Services to access, submit, upload, store, share, post, transmit, publish, display, or otherwise make available any terrorist content or provide material support or resources to (or conceal or disguise the nature, location, source, or ownership of material support or resources for) any terrorist organization(s);
- Your content and your activities in connection with the Services will not infringe or violate the rights of any other party and will not contribute to or encourage infringing or otherwise unlawful conduct, and you will not use the Services to access, submit, upload, store, share, post, transmit, publish, display, or otherwise make available any content in a manner that infringes any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright, or other proprietary right of any party;
- You will not use the Services to access, submit, upload, store, share, post, transmit, publish, display, or otherwise make available to others any content that you do not have a right to make available under any law or under a contractual or fiduciary relationship (including inside, proprietary, or confidential information learned of or disclosed as part of an employment relationship or under a nondisclosure agreement);
- You will not use the Services to collect or store personal information about others in violation of any applicable law or in connection with any of the prohibited conduct and activities set forth in this Section;
- You will not sublicense, resell, rent, lease, lend, transfer, assign, copy, distribute, encumber, or otherwise transfer, publish, or disclose the Services or its use (except as may otherwise be provided by written agreement), or offer the Services on a time-share basis to any third party;
- You will not decompile, reverse engineer, disassemble, decrypt, or attempt to derive the source code of the Services;
- You will not attempt to circumvent or disable the Services or any technology features or measures in the Services, including any access controls or copyright protection mechanisms, by any means or in any manner;
- You will not remove or alter any trademark, logo, copyright, or other proprietary notices, legends, symbols, or labels in or on the Services or used in connection with the Services;
- You will not post an unreasonable amount of comments or comments of unreasonable length in connection with your use of the Services; and
- You will not manipulate or abuse any referrals or promotions, including to get more than one free trial.
If while using the Services, you encounter content or activity you believe is in violation of this Acceptable Use Policy, or that you otherwise find inappropriate, you may report it by contacting WDT through https://support-en.wd.com/ or by sending an email to SUPPORT@WDC.COM.
WDT may update or modify this Acceptable Use Policy from time to time. By accepting any modifications to this Acceptable Use Policy, including, by continuing to use the Services after reasonable notice is provided to you, you are agreeing to be bound by the applicable modifications to this Acceptable Use Policy.
Your failure to comply with the Acceptable Use Policy may result in suspension and/or termination of the Services.
Beleid voor acceptabel gebruik
Laatst bijgewerkt op 1 oktober 2020
Dit Beleid voor acceptabel gebruik is van toepassing op uw gebruik van online en gerelateerde diensten en software die door Western Digital Technologies, Inc. en zijn gelieerde ondernemingen (gezamenlijk 'WDT') worden aangeboden, met inbegrip van diensten en software waarmee u toegang kunt krijgen tot inhoud en materialen of deze kunt indienen, uploaden, opslaan, delen, posten, verzenden, publiceren, weergeven of anderszins beschikbaar stellen aan anderen ('Diensten'). Bij de beschrijving van Diensten die onder dit Beleid voor acceptabel gebruik vallen, zal uitdrukkelijk naar dit beleid worden verwezen.
U stemt ermee in om de Diensten op verantwoorde wijze te gebruiken en u verklaart en gaat akkoord met het volgende:
- U zult de Diensten op geen enkele wijze verkeerd gebruiken of misbruiken;
- U zult de Diensten niet gebruiken om toegang te krijgen tot inhoud die bedreigend, grof, beledigend, schadelijk, gewelddadig, pornografisch, obsceen, onrechtmatig, smadelijk, lasterlijk, inbreukmakend op de privacy van anderen, profaan, discriminerend, aanstootgevend, haatzaaiend, intimiderend, verstorend of anderszins laakbaar is, noch om dergelijke inhoud in te dienen, te uploaden, op te slaan, te delen, te posten, te verzenden, te publiceren, weer te geven of anderszins aan anderen beschikbaar te stellen;
- U zult de Diensten niet gebruiken om anderen te stalken, te bedreigen, lastig te vallen, schade te berokkenen of te pesten;
- U zult de Diensten niet gebruiken om minderjarigen op enigerlei wijze uit te buiten of te misbruiken;
- U zult de Diensten niet gebruiken om ongevraagde of ongeoorloofde reclame, promotiemateriaal, junkmail, spam, kettingbrieven, piramidespelen of andere vormen van verzoeken te delen, te posten, te verzenden, te publiceren, weer te geven of anderszins aan anderen beschikbaar te stellen;
- U zult de Diensten niet gebruiken om u in te laten met frauduleuze, misleidende of bedrieglijke activiteiten, onder meer door u voor te doen als een andere persoon of entiteit, door valse verklaringen af te leggen met betrekking tot of anderszins een verkeerde voorstelling te geven van uw banden met een persoon of entiteit, of door identificatoren te manipuleren om de oorsprong van uw inhoud te verhullen (met inbegrip van spoofen of phishing);
- U zult de Diensten niet gebruiken voor het uploaden, opslaan, delen, posten, verzenden of anderszins beschikbaar stellen van softwarevirussen of andere computercode, bestanden of programma's die zijn ontworpen om computersoftware of -hardware te verstoren, te vernietigen of de functionaliteit ervan te beperken;
- U zult niet handelen op een wijze die een negatieve invloed heeft op het vermogen van een andere gebruiker om de Diensten te gebruiken;
- U zult de Diensten of servers, netwerken, systemen of andere apparaten die met de Diensten zijn verbonden niet hinderen, verstoren, belasten, overbelasten, hacken of er anderszins op ongeoorloofde wijze toegang toe trachten te krijgen, en u zult vereisten, procedures, beleidsregels of voorschriften van netwerken die met de Diensten zijn verbonden niet negeren;
- U zult de Diensten niet wijzigen, vertalen of aanpassen en er geen afgeleide werken van maken;
- Uw inhoud zal niets bevatten dat onwettig is en u zult geen inbreuk maken op enige toepasselijke lokale, staats-, nationale of internationale wet in verband met uw gebruik van de Diensten, met inbegrip van wetgeving inzake gegevensbescherming of export- of importcontrole, door de Amerikaanse Securities and Exchange Commission uitgevaardigde voorschriften, regels van een nationale of andere effectenbeurs, met inbegrip van de New York Stock Exchange, de American Stock Exchange of de NASDAQ, en alle voorschriften die kracht van wet hebben;
- U bent eigenaar van al uw inhoud of u hebt alle machtigingen, vrijgaven, rechten of licenties verkregen die nodig zijn om over te gaan tot uw activiteiten (en om WDT in staat te stellen zijn verplichtingen na te komen) zonder verdere vrijgaven of toestemmingen te verkrijgen;
- U zult de Diensten niet gebruiken voor het verkrijgen van toegang tot of het indienen, uploaden, opslaan, delen, posten, verzenden, publiceren, weergeven of anderszins beschikbaar stellen van terroristische inhoud of het verlenen van materiële steun of verstrekken van middelen aan (of het verbergen of verhullen van de aard, locatie, bron of eigendom van materiële steun of middelen voor) een terroristische organisatie;
- Uw inhoud en uw activiteiten in verband met de Diensten zullen geen inbreuk maken op of schending inhouden van de rechten van een andere partij en zullen niet bijdragen aan of aanzetten tot inbreukmakend of anderszins onwettig gedrag, en u zult de Diensten niet gebruiken voor het verkrijgen van toegang tot of het indienen, uploaden, opslaan, delen, posten, verzenden, publiceren, weergeven of anderszins beschikbaar stellen van inhoud op een wijze die inbreuk maakt op een octrooi, handelsmerk, handelsgeheim, auteursrecht of ander eigendomsrecht van een partij;
- U zult de Diensten niet gebruiken voor het verkrijgen van toegang tot of het indienen, uploaden, opslaan, delen, posten, verzenden, publiceren, weergeven of anderszins aan anderen beschikbaar stellen van inhoud waarvoor u niet het recht hebt om deze krachtens een wet of op grond van een contractuele of fiduciaire relatie beschikbaar te stellen (met inbegrip van inside-, eigendoms- of vertrouwelijke informatie die in het kader van een arbeidsverhouding of op grond van een geheimhoudingsovereenkomst is verkregen of meegedeeld);
- U zult de Diensten niet gebruiken om persoonlijke informatie over anderen te verzamelen of op te slaan in strijd met een toepasselijke wet of in verband met in dit deel beschreven verboden gedrag en activiteiten;
- U zult de Diensten of het gebruik ervan niet in sublicentie geven, doorverkopen, verhuren, leasen, (uit)lenen, overdragen, toewijzen, kopiëren, distribueren, bezwaren of anderszins overdragen, publiceren of openbaar maken (tenzij schriftelijk anders is overeengekomen) of de Diensten op basis van deeltijds gebruik aan een derde aanbieden;
- U zult de Diensten niet decompileren, onderwerpen aan reverse engineering, demonteren of decoderen en geen pogingen doen om de broncode daarvan te achterhalen;
- U zult op geen enkele manier of wijze proberen om de Diensten of een daarin geïntegreerde technische functie of voorziening, waaronder toegangscontroles of auteursrechtelijke beschermingen, te omzeilen of uit te schakelen;
- U zult handelsmerken, logo’s, mededelingen van auteursrecht of andere eigendomsrechten, opschriften, symbolen en labels in of op de Diensten of die in verband met de Diensten worden gebruikt, niet aanpassen of wijzigen;
- U zult geen onredelijk aantal commentaren noch commentaren van onredelijke lengte met betrekking tot uw gebruik van de Diensten posten; en
- U zult geen verwijzingen of promoties manipuleren of misbruiken, ook niet om meer dan één gratis proefperiode te krijgen.
Als u tijdens het gebruik van de Diensten op inhoud of een activiteit stoot die volgens u in strijd is met dit Beleid voor acceptabel gebruik of die u anderszins ongepast vindt, kunt u dit melden door contact op te nemen met WDT via https://support-eu.wd.com/ of door te mailen naar SUPPORT@WDC.COM.
WDT kan dit Beleid voor aanvaardbaar gebruik van tijd tot tijd bijwerken of wijzigen. Door wijzigingen van dit Beleid voor acceptabel gebruik te aanvaarden, wat onder meer het geval is als u de Diensten na het verstrijken van een redelijke kennisgevingstermijn blijft gebruiken, gaat u ermee akkoord gebonden te zijn aan de toepasselijke wijzigingen van dit Beleid voor acceptabel gebruik.
Als u het Beleid voor acceptabel gebruik niet naleeft, kan dat ertoe leiden dat de Diensten worden opgeschort en/of beëindigd.
Acceptable Use Policy for Online Services
Last Updated October 1, 2020
This Acceptable Use Policy governs your use of online and related services and software offered by Western Digital Technologies, Inc. and its affiliates (collectively, “WDT”), including services and software that may allow you to access, submit, upload, store, share, post, transmit, publish, display, or otherwise make available to others content and materials (“Services”). Services that are governed by this Acceptable Use Policy will expressly link to this Acceptable Use Policy.
You agree to use the Services responsibly, and you represent and agree that:
- You will not misuse or abuse the Services in any manner;
- You will not use the Services to access, submit, upload, store, share, post, transmit, publish, display, or otherwise make available to others any content that is threatening, abusive, harassing, harmful, violent, pornographic, obscene, tortious, defamatory, libelous, invasive of another’s privacy, profane, discriminatory, offensive, hate speech, intimidating, disruptive, or otherwise objectionable;
- You will not use the Services to stalk, threaten, harass, harm, or bully others;
- You will not use the Services to exploit or abuse minors in any way;
- You will not use the Services to share, post, transmit, publish, display, or otherwise make available to others any unsolicited or unauthorized advertising, promotional materials, junk mail, spam, chain letters, pyramid schemes, or any other form of solicitation;
- You will not use the Services to engage in activity that is fraudulent, misleading, or deceptive, including by impersonating another person or entity, falsely stating or otherwise misrepresenting your affiliation with a person or entity, or manipulating identifiers in order to disguise the origin of any of your content (including spoofing or phishing);
- You will not use the Services to upload, store, share, post, transmit, or otherwise make available any software viruses or any other computer code, files, or programs designed to interrupt, destroy, or limit the functionality of any computer software or hardware;
- You will not act in a manner that negatively affects another user’s ability to use the Services;
- You will not interfere with, disrupt, burden, overload, hack, or otherwise attempt to gain unauthorized access to the Services or servers, networks, systems, or other devices connected to the Services, or disobey any requirements, procedures, policies, or regulations of networks connected to the Services;
- You will not modify, translate, adapt, or create derivative works of the Services;
- Your content will not contain anything that is unlawful, and you will not violate any applicable local, state, national, or international law in connection with your use of the Services, including any data privacy or export or import control laws, any regulations promulgated by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, any rules of any national or other securities exchange, including the New York Stock Exchange, the American Stock Exchange, or the NASDAQ, and any regulations having the force of law;
- You own all of your content or have obtained all permissions, releases, rights, or licenses required to engage in your activities (and allow WDT to perform its obligations) without obtaining any further releases or consents;
- You will not use the Services to access, submit, upload, store, share, post, transmit, publish, display, or otherwise make available any terrorist content or provide material support or resources to (or conceal or disguise the nature, location, source, or ownership of material support or resources for) any terrorist organization(s);
- Your content and your activities in connection with the Services will not infringe or violate the rights of any other party and will not contribute to or encourage infringing or otherwise unlawful conduct, and you will not use the Services to access, submit, upload, store, share, post, transmit, publish, display, or otherwise make available any content in a manner that infringes any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright, or other proprietary right of any party;
- You will not use the Services to access, submit, upload, store, share, post, transmit, publish, display, or otherwise make available to others any content that you do not have a right to make available under any law or under a contractual or fiduciary relationship (including inside, proprietary, or confidential information learned of or disclosed as part of an employment relationship or under a nondisclosure agreement);
- You will not use the Services to collect or store personal information about others in violation of any applicable law or in connection with any of the prohibited conduct and activities set forth in this Section;
- You will not sublicense, resell, rent, lease, lend, transfer, assign, copy, distribute, encumber, or otherwise transfer, publish, or disclose the Services or its use (except as may otherwise be provided by written agreement), or offer the Services on a time-share basis to any third party;
- You will not decompile, reverse engineer, disassemble, decrypt, or attempt to derive the source code of the Services;
- You will not attempt to circumvent or disable the Services or any technology features or measures in the Services, including any access controls or copyright protection mechanisms, by any means or in any manner;
- You will not remove or alter any trademark, logo, copyright, or other proprietary notices, legends, symbols, or labels in or on the Services or used in connection with the Services;
- You will not post an unreasonable amount of comments or comments of unreasonable length in connection with your use of the Services; and
- You will not manipulate or abuse any referrals or promotions, including to get more than one free trial.
If while using the Services, you encounter content or activity you believe is in violation of this Acceptable Use Policy, or that you otherwise find inappropriate, you may report it by contacting WDT through https://support-en.wd.com/ or by sending an email to SUPPORT@WDC.COM.
WDT may update or modify this Acceptable Use Policy from time to time. By accepting any modifications to this Acceptable Use Policy, including, by continuing to use the Services after reasonable notice is provided to you, you are agreeing to be bound by the applicable modifications to this Acceptable Use Policy.
Your failure to comply with the Acceptable Use Policy may result in suspension and/or termination of the Services.
Acceptable Use Policy for Online Services
Last Updated October 1, 2020
This Acceptable Use Policy governs your use of online and related services and software offered by Western Digital Technologies, Inc. and its affiliates (collectively, “WDT”), including services and software that may allow you to access, submit, upload, store, share, post, transmit, publish, display, or otherwise make available to others content and materials (“Services”). Services that are governed by this Acceptable Use Policy will expressly link to this Acceptable Use Policy.
You agree to use the Services responsibly, and you represent and agree that:
- You will not misuse or abuse the Services in any manner;
- You will not use the Services to access, submit, upload, store, share, post, transmit, publish, display, or otherwise make available to others any content that is threatening, abusive, harassing, harmful, violent, pornographic, obscene, tortious, defamatory, libelous, invasive of another’s privacy, profane, discriminatory, offensive, hate speech, intimidating, disruptive, or otherwise objectionable;
- You will not use the Services to stalk, threaten, harass, harm, or bully others;
- You will not use the Services to exploit or abuse minors in any way;
- You will not use the Services to share, post, transmit, publish, display, or otherwise make available to others any unsolicited or unauthorized advertising, promotional materials, junk mail, spam, chain letters, pyramid schemes, or any other form of solicitation;
- You will not use the Services to engage in activity that is fraudulent, misleading, or deceptive, including by impersonating another person or entity, falsely stating or otherwise misrepresenting your affiliation with a person or entity, or manipulating identifiers in order to disguise the origin of any of your content (including spoofing or phishing);
- You will not use the Services to upload, store, share, post, transmit, or otherwise make available any software viruses or any other computer code, files, or programs designed to interrupt, destroy, or limit the functionality of any computer software or hardware;
- You will not act in a manner that negatively affects another user’s ability to use the Services;
- You will not interfere with, disrupt, burden, overload, hack, or otherwise attempt to gain unauthorized access to the Services or servers, networks, systems, or other devices connected to the Services, or disobey any requirements, procedures, policies, or regulations of networks connected to the Services;
- You will not modify, translate, adapt, or create derivative works of the Services;
- Your content will not contain anything that is unlawful, and you will not violate any applicable local, state, national, or international law in connection with your use of the Services, including any data privacy or export or import control laws, any regulations promulgated by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, any rules of any national or other securities exchange, including the New York Stock Exchange, the American Stock Exchange, or the NASDAQ, and any regulations having the force of law;
- You own all of your content or have obtained all permissions, releases, rights, or licenses required to engage in your activities (and allow WDT to perform its obligations) without obtaining any further releases or consents;
- You will not use the Services to access, submit, upload, store, share, post, transmit, publish, display, or otherwise make available any terrorist content or provide material support or resources to (or conceal or disguise the nature, location, source, or ownership of material support or resources for) any terrorist organization(s);
- Your content and your activities in connection with the Services will not infringe or violate the rights of any other party and will not contribute to or encourage infringing or otherwise unlawful conduct, and you will not use the Services to access, submit, upload, store, share, post, transmit, publish, display, or otherwise make available any content in a manner that infringes any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright, or other proprietary right of any party;
- You will not use the Services to access, submit, upload, store, share, post, transmit, publish, display, or otherwise make available to others any content that you do not have a right to make available under any law or under a contractual or fiduciary relationship (including inside, proprietary, or confidential information learned of or disclosed as part of an employment relationship or under a nondisclosure agreement);
- You will not use the Services to collect or store personal information about others in violation of any applicable law or in connection with any of the prohibited conduct and activities set forth in this Section;
- You will not sublicense, resell, rent, lease, lend, transfer, assign, copy, distribute, encumber, or otherwise transfer, publish, or disclose the Services or its use (except as may otherwise be provided by written agreement), or offer the Services on a time-share basis to any third party;
- You will not decompile, reverse engineer, disassemble, decrypt, or attempt to derive the source code of the Services;
- You will not attempt to circumvent or disable the Services or any technology features or measures in the Services, including any access controls or copyright protection mechanisms, by any means or in any manner;
- You will not remove or alter any trademark, logo, copyright, or other proprietary notices, legends, symbols, or labels in or on the Services or used in connection with the Services;
- You will not post an unreasonable amount of comments or comments of unreasonable length in connection with your use of the Services; and
- You will not manipulate or abuse any referrals or promotions, including to get more than one free trial.
If while using the Services, you encounter content or activity you believe is in violation of this Acceptable Use Policy, or that you otherwise find inappropriate, you may report it by contacting WDT through https://support-en.wd.com/ or by sending an email to SUPPORT@WDC.COM.
WDT may update or modify this Acceptable Use Policy from time to time. By accepting any modifications to this Acceptable Use Policy, including, by continuing to use the Services after reasonable notice is provided to you, you are agreeing to be bound by the applicable modifications to this Acceptable Use Policy.
Your failure to comply with the Acceptable Use Policy may result in suspension and/or termination of the Services.
Acceptable Use Policy for Online Services
Last Updated October 1, 2020
This Acceptable Use Policy governs your use of online and related services and software offered by Western Digital Technologies, Inc. and its affiliates (collectively, “WDT”), including services and software that may allow you to access, submit, upload, store, share, post, transmit, publish, display, or otherwise make available to others content and materials (“Services”). Services that are governed by this Acceptable Use Policy will expressly link to this Acceptable Use Policy.
You agree to use the Services responsibly, and you represent and agree that:
- You will not misuse or abuse the Services in any manner;
- You will not use the Services to access, submit, upload, store, share, post, transmit, publish, display, or otherwise make available to others any content that is threatening, abusive, harassing, harmful, violent, pornographic, obscene, tortious, defamatory, libelous, invasive of another’s privacy, profane, discriminatory, offensive, hate speech, intimidating, disruptive, or otherwise objectionable;
- You will not use the Services to stalk, threaten, harass, harm, or bully others;
- You will not use the Services to exploit or abuse minors in any way;
- You will not use the Services to share, post, transmit, publish, display, or otherwise make available to others any unsolicited or unauthorized advertising, promotional materials, junk mail, spam, chain letters, pyramid schemes, or any other form of solicitation;
- You will not use the Services to engage in activity that is fraudulent, misleading, or deceptive, including by impersonating another person or entity, falsely stating or otherwise misrepresenting your affiliation with a person or entity, or manipulating identifiers in order to disguise the origin of any of your content (including spoofing or phishing);
- You will not use the Services to upload, store, share, post, transmit, or otherwise make available any software viruses or any other computer code, files, or programs designed to interrupt, destroy, or limit the functionality of any computer software or hardware;
- You will not act in a manner that negatively affects another user’s ability to use the Services;
- You will not interfere with, disrupt, burden, overload, hack, or otherwise attempt to gain unauthorized access to the Services or servers, networks, systems, or other devices connected to the Services, or disobey any requirements, procedures, policies, or regulations of networks connected to the Services;
- You will not modify, translate, adapt, or create derivative works of the Services;
- Your content will not contain anything that is unlawful, and you will not violate any applicable local, state, national, or international law in connection with your use of the Services, including any data privacy or export or import control laws, any regulations promulgated by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, any rules of any national or other securities exchange, including the New York Stock Exchange, the American Stock Exchange, or the NASDAQ, and any regulations having the force of law;
- You own all of your content or have obtained all permissions, releases, rights, or licenses required to engage in your activities (and allow WDT to perform its obligations) without obtaining any further releases or consents;
- You will not use the Services to access, submit, upload, store, share, post, transmit, publish, display, or otherwise make available any terrorist content or provide material support or resources to (or conceal or disguise the nature, location, source, or ownership of material support or resources for) any terrorist organization(s);
- Your content and your activities in connection with the Services will not infringe or violate the rights of any other party and will not contribute to or encourage infringing or otherwise unlawful conduct, and you will not use the Services to access, submit, upload, store, share, post, transmit, publish, display, or otherwise make available any content in a manner that infringes any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright, or other proprietary right of any party;
- You will not use the Services to access, submit, upload, store, share, post, transmit, publish, display, or otherwise make available to others any content that you do not have a right to make available under any law or under a contractual or fiduciary relationship (including inside, proprietary, or confidential information learned of or disclosed as part of an employment relationship or under a nondisclosure agreement);
- You will not use the Services to collect or store personal information about others in violation of any applicable law or in connection with any of the prohibited conduct and activities set forth in this Section;
- You will not sublicense, resell, rent, lease, lend, transfer, assign, copy, distribute, encumber, or otherwise transfer, publish, or disclose the Services or its use (except as may otherwise be provided by written agreement), or offer the Services on a time-share basis to any third party;
- You will not decompile, reverse engineer, disassemble, decrypt, or attempt to derive the source code of the Services;
- You will not attempt to circumvent or disable the Services or any technology features or measures in the Services, including any access controls or copyright protection mechanisms, by any means or in any manner;
- You will not remove or alter any trademark, logo, copyright, or other proprietary notices, legends, symbols, or labels in or on the Services or used in connection with the Services;
- You will not post an unreasonable amount of comments or comments of unreasonable length in connection with your use of the Services; and
- You will not manipulate or abuse any referrals or promotions, including to get more than one free trial.
If while using the Services, you encounter content or activity you believe is in violation of this Acceptable Use Policy, or that you otherwise find inappropriate, you may report it by contacting WDT through https://support-en.wd.com/ or by sending an email to SUPPORT@WDC.COM.
WDT may update or modify this Acceptable Use Policy from time to time. By accepting any modifications to this Acceptable Use Policy, including, by continuing to use the Services after reasonable notice is provided to you, you are agreeing to be bound by the applicable modifications to this Acceptable Use Policy.
Your failure to comply with the Acceptable Use Policy may result in suspension and/or termination of the Services.
מדיניות השימוש הנאות
עודכנה לאחרונה ב-1 באוקטובר, 2020. מדיניות זו נכתבה בלשון זכר מטעמי נוחות בלבד והיא מיועדת לגברים ולנשים כאחד.
'מדיניות השימוש הנאות' הזו מסדירה את השימוש שלך בתוכנות ובשירותים מקוונים וקשורים המוצעים על-ידי Western Digital Technologies, Inc. והחברות המסונפות לה (WDT), לרבות תוכנות ושירותים שעשויים לאפשר לך לבצע גישה אל, שליחה, העלאה, אחסון, שיתוף, רישום, שידור, פרסום, הצגה או הנגשה באופן אחר לאחרים של תוכן וחומרים (ה'שירותים'). השירותים שאינם מוסדרים על-פי 'מדיניות השימוש הנאות' הזו יקושרו אליה במפורש.
אתה מסכים להשתמש ב'שירותים' באופן אחראי ומצהיר ומסכים כי:
- לא תעשה שימוש לרעה או שימוש לא חוקי ב'שירותים', בשום צורה שהיא;
- לא תשתמש ב'שירותים' כדי לבצע גישה אל, שליחה, העלאה, אחסון, שיתוף, רישום, שידור, פרסום, הצגה או הנגשה באופן אחר לאחרים של תוכן כלשהו שהוא מאיים, גס, מטריד, מזיק, אלים, פורנוגרפי, תועבה, מעוול, משמיץ, מוציא דיבה, פולש לפרטיותו של אחר, מהווה ניבולי פה, מפלה, פוגעני, מסית, מפחיד או מעורר התנגדות באופן אחר;
- לא תשתמש ב'שירותים' כדי לעקוב אחר אחרים, לאיים עליהם, להטריד אותם, לפגוע בהם או להציק להם;
- לא תשתמש ב'שירותים' כדי לנצל קטינים או להתעלל בהם באופן כלשהו;
- לא תשתמש ב'שירותים' כדי לשתף, לרשום, לשדר, לפרסם, להציג או להנגיש באופן אחר לאחרים כל פרסום שלא התבקש או שלא אושר, חומרים שיווקיים, דואר זבל, ספאם, מכתבי שרשרת, תרמית פירמידה או כל סוג אחר של שידול;
- לא תשתמש ב'שירותים' כדי לעסוק בפעילות הונאה, מטעה או מוליכה שולל, לרבות על-ידי התחזות לאדם אחר או לישות אחרת, ציון במרמה או הצגת מצג שווא באופן אחר של השיוך שלך לאדם או לישות, או שינוי מאפיינים מזהים על מנת להסתיר את מקורו של תוכן כלשהו (כולל זיוף זהות (spoofing) או דיוג);
- לא תשתמש ב'שירותים' כדי להעלות, לאחסן, לשתף, לרשום, לשדר או להנגיש באופן אחר תוכנה או וירוסים כלשהם או כל קוד מחשב אחר, קבצים או תוכניות שנועדו להפריע לפעולה של תוכנת או חומרת מחשב, לסכלה או להגבילה;
- לא תפעל באופן שמשפיע בצורה שלילית על יכולתו של אחר להשתמש ב'שירותים';
- לא תיצור הפרעה לפעולה של, הכבדה, עומס יתר, פריצה או ניסיון באופן אחר לקבל גישה לא מורשית ל'שירותים' או שרתים, רשתות, מערכות או מתקנים אחרים המחוברים ל'שירותים', או תפר דרישות, נהלים, מדיניות או תקנות כלשהם של רשתות המחוברות ל'שירותים';
- לא תבצע שינוי, תרגום, התאמה, או יצירת עבודות שונות של ה'שירותים';
- התוכן שלך לא יכלול דבר שאינו חוקי, ולא תפר כל חוק חל מקומי, מדינתי, לאומי או בינלאומי בקשר עם השימוש שלך ב'שירותים', לרבות חוקים כלשהם בדבר פרטיות נתונים או בקרת יצוא או יבוא, תקנות כלשהן שנקבעו על-ידי רשות ניירות הערך האמריקאית (SEC), כללים כלשהם של בורסה לניירות ערך ארצית או אחרת, לרבות הבורסה לניירות ערך של ניו יורק, הבורסה האמריקאית לניירות ערך או נסדא"ק, או תקנות תקפות כלשהן;
- אתה מחזיק בבעלותך בכל התוכן שלך או שברשותך כל ההיתרים, השחרורים, הזכויות או הרישיונות הדרושים כדי לעסוק בפעילויותיך (ולאפשר ל-WDT לבצע את התחייבויותיה) מבלי לקבל כל שחרור או הסכמה נוספים;
- לא תשתמש ב'שירותים' כדי לבצע גישה אל, שליחה, העלאה, אחסון, שיתוף, רישום, שידור, פרסום, הצגה או הנגשה באופן אחר של תוכן בעל אופי טרוריסטי או כדי לספק תמיכה או משאבים מהותיים (או כדי להסתיר או להסוות את האופי, המקום, המקור או הבעלות של תמיכה או משאבים מהותיים) עבור ארגוני טרור כלשהם;
- התוכן שלך והפעילויות שלך בקשר עם 'השירותים' לא יפרו או יפרו את הזכויות של אף גורם אחר ולא יתרמו או יעודדו התנהלות מפרה או לא חוקית אחרת, ולא תשתמש בשירותים כדי לגשת, להגיש, להעלות, לאחסן, לשתף, לפרסם, לשדר, להציג או להנגיש כל תוכן באופן הפוגע בכל פטנט, סימן מסחרי, סוד מסחרי, זכויות יוצרים או זכות קניינית אחרת של צד כלשהו;
- לא תשתמש ב'שירותים' כדי לגשת, להגיש, להעלות, לאחסן, לשתף, לפרסם, להעביר, להציג, או להעמיד לרשות אחרים כל תוכן שאין לך זכות להעמיד לרשותו על פי כל דין או על פי חוזה. או יחסי אמון (כולל מידע פנים, קנייני או סודי שנלמד או נחשף כחלק מיחסי עבודה או במסגרת הסכם סודיות);
- לא תשתמש ב'שירותים' כדי לאסוף או לאחסן מידע אישי אודות אחרים בניגוד לכל דין חל או בקשר לאף אחת מההתנהלות והפעילויות האסורות המפורטות בסעיף זה;
- לא תעניק רישיון משנה, תמכור, תשכיר, תשאיל, תעביר, תקצה, תעתיק, תפיץ, תשעבד, או תעביר, תפרסם או תחשוף את ה'שירותים' או את השימוש בהם (למעט כפי שיתאפשר אחרת בהסכם בכתב), או תציע השירותים על בסיס שיתוף זמן לצד שלישי כלשהו;
- לא תפרק, תבצע הנדסה הפוכה, תפענח או תנסה לייצא את קוד המקור של ה'שירותים';
- לא תנסה לעקוף או להשבית את ה'שירותים' או כל תכונות או אמצעים טכנולוגיים בשירותים, לרבות בקרות גישה או מנגנוני הגנת זכויות יוצרים, בכל דרך שהיא ובאופן כלשהו;
- לא תסיר או תשנה שום סימן מסחרי, לוגו, זכויות יוצרים או הודעות, אגדות, סמלים או תוויות קנייניות אחרים ב'שירותים' או בשירותים או המשמשים בקשר לשירותים;
- לא תפרסם כמות לא סבירה של הערות או הערות באורך לא סביר בקשר עם השימוש שלך ב'שירותים'; וכן
- לא תבצע מניפולציה על הפניות או קידומים או תנצל אותם לרעה, גם כדי לקבל יותר מניסיון חינם אחד.
אם במהלך השימוש ב'שירותים' אתה נתקל בתוכן או בפעילות שלדעתך מפרים את 'מדיניות השימוש הנאות' הזו, או שמסיבה אחרת אינם הולמים לדעתך, באפשרותך לדווח על כך באמצעות פניה ל-WDT דרך האתר https://support-eu.wd.com או על-ידי שליחת דוא"ל לכתובת SUPPORT@WDC.COM.
WDT רשאית לעדכן או לשנות את 'מדיניות השימוש הנאות' הזו מעת לעת. הסכמתך לכל שינוי ב'מדיניות השימוש הנאות' הזו, לרבות על ידי המשך השימוש ב'שירותים' לאחר שנמסרה לך הודעה זמן סביר מראש, מהווה את הסכמתך להיות מחויב על-פי השינויים המתאימים ל'מדיניות השימוש הנאות' הזו.
אי ציות שלך לתנאי 'מדיניות השימוש הנאות' עשוי להוביל להשעיית ה'שירותים' ו/או לסיומם.
Zásady přijatelného používání
Naposledy změněno: 1. října, 2020
Tyto Zásady přijatelného používání upravují vaše používání online služeb a souvisejících služeb a softwaru nabízených společností Western Digital Technologies, Inc. a jejími přidruženými subjekty (společně dále jen „WDT“), včetně služeb a softwaru, které vám mohou umožňovat přístup, odesílání, nahrávání, ukládání, sdílení, zveřejňování, přenášení, publikování, zobrazování nebo jiné zpřístupňování obsahu a materiálů ostatním (dále jen „Služby“). Služby, které se řídí těmito Zásadami přijatelného používání, budou přímo odkazovat na tyto Zásady přijatelného používání.
Souhlasíte, že budete Služby využívat odpovědně, a stvrzujete a souhlasíte s tím, že:
- Službu žádným způsobem nezneužijete;
- Službu nevyužijete pro přístup, odesílání, nahrávání, ukládání, sdílení, zveřejňování, přenášení, publikování, zobrazování nebo jiné zpřístupňování druhým jakéhokoli obsahu, který je výhružný, zneužívající, obtěžující, škodlivý, násilný, pornografický, obscénní, mučivý, pomlouvačný, hanlivý, narušením soukromí druhého, vulgární, diskriminační, urážlivý, nenávistným projevem, zastrašující, rušivý nebo jinak nepřijatelný;
- Službu nevyužijete pro sledování, vyhrožování, obtěžování, způsobení újmy nebo šikanování ostatních;
- Službu nevyužijete pro jakékoli vykořisťování nebo zneužívání nezletilých;
- Službu nevyužijete pro sdílení, zveřejňování, přenášení, publikování, zobrazování nebo jiné zpřístupňování druhým jakékoli nevyžádané nebo neoprávněné reklamy, propagačních materiálů, nevyžádané pošty, spamu, řetězových e-mailů, pyramidových schémat nebo jakékoli jiné formy obchodní nabídky;
- Službu nevyužijete pro zapojení se do činnosti, která je podvodná, zavádějící nebo klamavá, včetně vydávání se za jinou osobu nebo subjekt, klamavého tvrzení nebo jiného uvádění v omyl ohledně vašeho vztahu s osobou či subjektem nebo manipulace identifikátorů za účelem zamaskování původu jakéhokoli vašeho obsahu (včetně technik jako spoofing nebo phishing);
- Službu nevyužijete pro nahrávání, ukládání, sdílení, přenášení nebo jiné zpřístupňování druhým jakýchkoli softwarových virů nebo jakéhokoli jiného počítačového kódu, souborů nebo programů navržených za účelem přerušení, zničení nebo omezení funkčnosti jakéhokoli počítačového softwaru nebo hardwaru;
- Nebudete jednat způsobem, který negativně ovlivňuje možnost ostatních uživatelů využívat Služby;
- Nebudete zasahovat, narušovat, zatěžovat, přetěžovat ani napadat Služby nebo servery, sítě, systémy nebo jiná zařízení připojená ke Službám ani se nebudete jinak pokoušet o získání neoprávněného přístupu k nim a budete dodržovat veškeré požadavky, postupy, zásady nebo nařízení sítí připojených ke Službám;
- Nebudete Služby upravovat, překládat, přizpůsobovat ani z nich vytvářet odvozená díla;
- Váš obsah nebude obsahovat nic, co je nezákonné, a vy neporušíte žádné platné místní, státní, národní nebo mezinárodní právní předpisy v souvislosti s používáním Služeb, včetně jakýchkoli zákonů o ochraně osobních údajů nebo o kontrole dovozu a vývozu, žádná nařízení vyhlášená Komisí pro cenné papíry Spojených států amerických, žádná pravidla jakékoli národní nebo jiné burzy cenných papírů, včetně Newyorské burzy cenných papírů, Americké burzy cenných papírů nebo NASDAQ, a žádná nařízení, která mají účinnost stejnou jako zákony;
- Jste vlastníkem veškerého obsahu nebo jste získali veškerá oprávnění, osvobození, práva nebo licence nezbytné pro provádění vašich činností (a umožnění společnosti WDT dostát svým závazkům) bez nutnosti získání dalšího osvobození nebo souhlasu;
- Službu nevyužijete pro přístup, odesílání, nahrávání, ukládání, sdílení, zveřejňování, přenášení, publikování, zobrazování nebo jiné zpřístupňování druhým jakéhokoli teroristického obsahu nebo pro poskytování materiálové podpory nebo zdrojů jakékoli teroristické organizaci (ani nezamaskujete či nezatajíte povahu, umístění, zdroj nebo vlastnictví materiálové podpory nebo zdrojů pro ni určených);
- Váš obsah a vaše činnosti v souvislosti se Službami neporuší práva jiné strany a nepřispějí ani nepodpoří porušení nebo jiné nezákonné chování; Službu také nevyužijete pro přístup, odesílání, nahrávání, ukládání, sdílení, zveřejňování, přenášení, publikování, zobrazování nebo jiné zpřístupňování druhým jakéhokoli obsahu způsobem, který porušuje jakýkoli patent, ochrannou známku, obchodní tajemství, autorská práva nebo jiná vlastnická práva jiné strany;
- Službu nevyužijete pro přístup, odesílání, nahrávání, ukládání, sdílení, zveřejňování, přenášení, publikování, zobrazování nebo jiné zpřístupňování druhým jakéhokoli obsahu, na který v souladu se zákonem nebo smluvím či fiduciárním vztahem nemáte právo zpřístupňovat (včetně vnitřních, vlastnických nebo důvěrných informací získaných nebo zveřejněných v rámci pracovního vztahu nebo na základě dohody o mlčenlivosti);
- Službu nevyužijete ke shromažďování nebo ukládání osobních údajů o jiných osobách v rozporu s platnými právními předpisy nebo v souvislosti s jakýmkoli zakázaným jednáním a činnostmi uvedenými v tomto oddílu;
- Službu nebo její používání nebudete sublicencovat, přeprodávat, pronajímat, pronajímat na leasing, půjčovat, převádět, postupovat, kopírovat, distribuovat, zatěžovat ani jinak převádět, publikovat či zveřejňovat (s výjimkou případů, kdy je toto povoleno písemnou smlouvou) nebo třetím stranám nabízet Služby k užívání po určitý časový úsek;
- Nebudete dekompilovat zdrojový kód Služby, získávat jej postupy reverzního inženýrství ani jej rozkládat, dešifrovat nebo se jej pokoušet odvodit;
- Nebudete se pokoušet žádným způsobem obcházet ani deaktivovat Službu či technologické funkce či prvky Služby, jako například mechanismy kontroly přístupu či ochrany autorských práv;
- Nebudete odstraňovat ani upravovat ochranné známky, loga, oznámení o autorských právech ani jiná oznámení, legendy, symboly či označení ve Službě ani taková, jež se používají ve spojitosti se Službou;
- Nebudete v souvislosti s používáním Služeb zveřejňovat nepřiměřené množství komentářů nebo komentáře o nepřiměřené délce;
- Nebudete manipulovat nebo zneužívat jakékoli doporučení nebo propagace, včetně pokusů o získání více než jednoho zkušebního období.
Pokud během používání Služeb narazíte na obsah nebo činnost, které jsou podle vás porušením těchto Zásad přijatelného používání nebo které jsou podle vás jinak nevhodné, můžete je nahlásit společnosti WDT na stránce https://support-cz.wd.com/ nebo zasláním e-mailu na adresu SUPPORT@WDC.COM.
Společnost WDT může tyto Zásady přijatelného používání čas od času aktualizovat nebo měnit. Tím, že akceptujete jakékoli změny těchto Zásad přijatelného používání, včetně toho, že budete pokračovat ve využívání Služeb po uplynutí přiměřené výzvy, která je vám poskytnuta, souhlasíte s tím, že budete vázáni příslušnými změnami těchto Zásad přijatelného používání.
Nedodržení těchto Zásad přijatelného používání z vaší strany může mít za následek pozastavení a/nebo ukončení Služeb.
最終更新日 2020年10月 1日
この受け入れ可能な使用ポリシーは、ウェスタンデジタル Technologies、Inc.およびその関連会社(以下、総称して「WDT」)が提供するアクセス、送信、アップロード、保存、共有、投稿、送信、公開、表示、または他のコンテンツや素材を利用可能にするサービスおよびソフトウェアなどのオンラインおよび関連サービス、ならびにソフトウェアの使用を規定しています(「サービス」)。この受け入れ可能な使用ポリシーが適用されるサービスは、この受け入れ可能な使用ポリシーに明示的にリンクします。
- いかなる方法でも本サービスを誤用または悪用しないでください。
- 本サービスを使用して、 脅迫的、虐待的、嫌がらせ、有害、暴力的、ポルノ、わいせつ、不法、中傷的、中傷的、他者のプライバシー、冒とく、差別的、攻撃的、憎悪的スピーチ、脅迫的、破壊的、またはその他の不快なコンテンツへの アクセス、送信、アップロード、保存、共有、投稿、送信、公開、表示、または他の人が利用できるようにすることはありません。
- お客様は本サービスを使用して、他者をストーキング、脅迫、嫌がらせ、危害、またはいじめをすることはありません。
- お客様は、本サービスを使用して未成年者を悪用または悪用することは一切ありません。
- お客様は、本サービスを使用して、未承諾または未承認の広告、販促資料、迷惑メール、スパム、チェーンレター、ピラミッドスキーム、またはその他の形式の勧誘を共有、投稿、送信、公開、表示、または他者に提供することはありません。
- お客様は、本サービスを使用して、他の個人またはエンティティのなりすまし、個人またはエンティティとの提携の虚偽の記載または不実表示、またはコンテンツの起源(なりすましまたはフィッシングを含む)を偽装するための識別子の操作によるものなど、詐欺的、誤解を招く、または不正な行為を行うことはありません。
- お客様は、本サービスをを使用して、ソフトウェアウイルス、またはコンピューターソフトウェアまたはハードウェアの機能を中断、破壊、または制限するように設計されたその他のコンピューターコード、ファイル、またはプログラムをアップロード、保存、共有、投稿、送信、またはその他の方法で利用可能にしないものとします。
- お客様は他のユーザーのサービス利用能力に悪影響を与えるような行動をとりません。
- お客様は、本サービスまたは本サービスに接続されたサーバー、ネットワーク、システム、またはその他のデバイスを妨害・混乱させたり、デバイスに負荷かけたり、過負荷状態としたり、ハッキングやその他の方法で不正なアクセスを試みたり、本サービスに接続されたネットワークの要件、手順、ポリシー、または規制に違反したりしません。
- お客様は、本サービスを変更、変換、適応、またはその派生サービスを作成しません。
- お客様のコンテンツには違法なものは含まれません。また、データプライバシーまたは輸出入規制法、米国証券取引委員会によって公布された規制など、該当するサービスの使用に関連する現地法、州法、国内法、または国際法、 ニューヨーク証券取引所、アメリカ証券取引所、またはナスダック、および法の効力を持つ規制など国内またはその他の証券取引所の規則なに違反することはありません。
- お客様はすべてのコンテンツを所有されています。または、さらなるリリースまたは同意を得ることなく、お客様の活動に従事するために必要なすべての許可、リリース、権利、またはライセンスを取得されています。(およびWDTがその義務を果たすことを許可します。)
- お客様は、本サービスを使用して、アクセス、送信、アップロード、保存、共有、投稿、送信、公開、表示、または、テロリストのコンテンツを利用できるようにするか、テロ組織に重要なサポートまたはリソースを提供します(または、重要なサポートまたはリソースの性質、場所、ソース、所有権を隠蔽または偽装します)。
- 本サービスに関連するお客様のコンテンツおよびアクティビティは、他の当事者の権利を侵害または侵害することはありません。また、侵害行為または違法行為に貢献したり、助長したりすることはありません。そして、お客様はあらゆる当事者の特許、商標、企業秘密、著作権、またはその他の所有権を侵害する方法で、コンテンツにアクセス、提出、アップロード、保存、共有、投稿、送信、公開、表示、またはその他の方法で利用可能にするために サービスを使用しません。
- 本サービスを使用して、法律または契約または(雇用関係の一部として、または秘密保持契約の下で学習または開示された内部、専有、または機密情報を含む)信託関係の下で利用可能にする権利を持たないコンテンツへのアクセス、送信、アップロード、保存、共有、投稿、送信、公開、表示、またはその他の方法で利用可能にすることはできません。
- お客様は、適用法に違反して、または本セクションに記載されている禁止行為や活動に関連して、他者に関する個人情報を収集または保存するためにサービスを使用しません。
- お客様は、本サービスまたはその使用(書面による合意により別途提供される場合を除く)のサブライセンス、再販、レンタル、リース、貸与、譲渡、割り当て、コピー、配布、妨害、またはその他の方法での転送、公開を行わず、第三者にサービスをタイムシェアで提供しません。
- お客様は、本サービスのソースコードを逆コンパイル、リバースエンジニアリング、逆アセンブル、解読、または派生させません。
- お客様は、アクセス制御や著作権保護メカニズムを含む、本サービスまたは本サービスに含まれるテクノロジーの機能または手段を、その手段に関係なく、迂回させたり無効化したりしません。
- お客様は、本サービス内または本サービス上にある、または本サービスに関連して使用される商標、ロゴ、著作権、またはその他の所有権に関する注意書、凡例、記号、またはラベルを取り外したり、変更したりしません。
- お客様は本サービスの使用に関連して、不合理な量のコメントまたは不合理な長さのコメントを投稿することはありません。 また、
- 複数の無料トライアルを取得することなど、お客様が紹介やプロモーションを操作したり悪用したりすることはありません。
サービスの使用中に、本受け入れ可能な使用ポリシーに違反していると思われるコンテンツまたはアクティビティに遭遇された場合、または不適切と思われる場合は、 https://support-jp.wd.com/からWDTに連絡するか、 SUPPORT@WDC.COMにメールしてください。
سياسة الاستخدام المقبول
آخر تحديث 1 أكتوبر 2020
تعمل سياسة الاستخدام المقبول هذه على حوكمة استخدامك للخدمات والبرامج عبر الإنترنت وذات الصلة التي تقدمها شركة Western Digital Technologies، Inc، والشركات التابعة لها (المشار إليها مجتمعة باسم("WDT" ، بما في ذلك الخدمات والبرامج التي قد تسمح لك بالوصول إلى الخدمات أو إرسالها أو تحميلها أو تخزينها أو مشاركتها أو نقلها أو نشرها أو عرضها أو إتاحة المحتوى والمواد للآخرين بأي صورة أخرى (المشار إليها فيما يلي باسم "الخدمات"). سترتبط الخدمات الخاضعة لسياسة الاستخدام المقبول هذه صراحة بسياسة الاستخدام المقبول.
أنت توافق على استخدام الخدمات بمسؤولية، وتقر وتوافق على ما يلي:
- لن تقوم بإساءة استخدام الخدمات أو إساءة استغلالها بأي طريقة؛
- لن تستخدم الخدمات للوصول أو لإرسال أو لتحميل أو لتخزين أو لمشاركة أو لنقل أو لنشر أو لعرض أو لإتاحته أي محتوى مهدد أو مسيء أو مزعج أو ضار أو عنيف أو إباحي أو مخل بالآداب أو فاحش أو مسيء للغير أو تشهيري أو ينتهك خصوصية الآخرين أو منتهك للحرمات أو تمييزي أو عدائي أو يحث على الكراهية، أو التخويف، أو التخريب، أو مثير للاعتراض بأي شكل آخر للآخرين بأي صورة كانت ؛
- لن تستخدم الخدمات لتطارد الآخرين أو تهددهم أو تضايقهم أو تلحق بهم أذى أو تتنمر عليهم؛
- لن تستخدم الخدمات لاستغلال القاصرين أو لإساءة معاملتهم بأي طريقة كانت؛
- لن تستخدم الخدمات لمشاركة أو توزيع أو نقل أو نشر أو عرض أو إتاحة بصورة أخرى لأي إعلانات غير مرغوب فيها أو غير مصرح بها أو مواد ترويجية أو بريد غير هام أو بريد مزعج أو سلسلة رسائل أو مخططات هرمية أو أي شكل آخر من أشكال الاستدراج؛
- لن تستخدم الخدمات للمشاركة في نشاط احتيالي أو مضلل أو خادع، بما في ذلك انتحال شخصية شخص أو كيان آخر، أو الإفادة الكاذبة أو تحريف انتسابك لشخص أو كيان، أو التلاعب بالمعرفات لإخفاء أصل أي من المحتوى الخاص بك (بما في ذلك سرقة الهوية أو التصيد)؛
- لن تستخدم الخدمات لتحميل أو تخزين أو مشاركة أو نشر أو نقل أو إتاحة أي فيروسات برمجية أو أي رمز أو ملفات أو برامج كمبيوتر أخرى مصممة لمقاطعة أو تدمير أو تقييد وظيفة أي برنامج أو جهاز كمبيوتر.
- لن تتصرف بطريقة تؤثر سلبًا على قدرة مستخدم آخر على استخدام الخدمات؛
- لن تتدخل في الخدمات أو الخوادم أو الشبكات أو الأنظمة أو الأجهزة الأخرى المتصلة بالخدمات أو تعطلها أو تحمل أثقال عليها أو تقوم بتحميل زائد أو تخترقها أو تحاول الدخول إليها بشكل غير مصرح به أو لا تمتثل لأي متطلبات أو إجراءات أو سياسات أو لوائح للشبكات المتصلة بالخدمات؛
- لا يجوز لك تعديل أو ترجمة أو تكييف أو خلق أي أعمال مشتقة من الخدمات.
- لن يحتوي المحتوى الخاص بك على أي شيء غير قانوني، ولن ينتهك أي قانون داخلي أو محلي أو وطني أو دولي معمول به فيما يتعلق باستخدامك للخدمات - بما في ذلك أي من قوانين خصوصية البيانات أو قوانين التصدير أو الاستيراد - وأي لوائح تصدرها لجنة الأوراق المالية والبورصات الأمريكية، وأي قواعد لأي بورصة وطنية أو غيرها من الأوراق المالية - بما في ذلك بورصة نيويورك للأوراق المالية أو البورصة الأمريكية أو بورصة ناسداك - وأي لوائح لها قوة القانون؛
- أنت مسؤول عن كل المحتوى الخاص بك أو الحصول على جميع الأذونات أو التصاريح أو الحقوق أو التراخيص اللازمة للمشاركة في أنشطتك (وأن تتيح لـ WDT أداء التزاماتها) دون الحصول على أي تصاريح أو موافقات أخرى؛
- لن تستخدم الخدمات للوصول إلى أو تقديم أو تحميل أو تخزين أو مشاركة أو توزيع أو نقل أو نشر أو عرض أو إتاحة أي محتوى إرهابي بأي شكل آخر أو تقديم دعم مادي أو موارد (أو إخفاء أو تنكر طبيعة أو موقع أو مصدر أو ملكية دعم المادي أو موارد لـ) أي منظمة (منظمات) إرهابية؛
- لن ينتهك أو يخرق المحتوى الخاص بك وأنشطتك المتعلقة بالخدمات حقوق أي طرف آخر ولن يسهم أو يشجع على السلوكيات المخالفة أو غير القانونية، ولن تستخدم الخدمات للوصول إلى أو إرسال أو تحميل أو تخزين أو مشاركة أو نشر أو نقل أو توزيع أو عرض أو إتاحة أي محتوى بطريقة أخرى تنتهك أي براءة اختراع أو علامة تجارية أو أسرار تجارية أو حقوق طبع ونشر أو أي حقوق ملكية أخرى لأي طرف؛
- لن تستخدم الخدمات للوصول إلى أو تقديم أو تحميل أو تخزين أو مشاركة أو توزيع أو نقل أو نشر أو عرض أو إتاحة للآخرين بطريقة أخرى أي محتوى لا يحق لك إتاحته بموجب أي قانون أو بموجب علاقة تعاقدية أو ائتمانية (بما في ذلك المعلومات الداخلية أو المسجلة أو السرية التي يتم تعلمها أو الكشف عنها كجزء من علاقة العمل أو بموجب اتفاقية عدم الإفصاح)؛
- لن تستخدم الخدمات لجمع أو تخزين المعلومات الشخصية عن الآخرين بشكل ينتهك أي قانون معمول به أو فيما يتعلق بأي من السلوكيات والأنشطة المحظورة المنصوص عليها في هذا القسم؛
- لن تقوم بالترخيص من الباطن أو إعادة بيع أو إيجار أو تأجير أو إقراض أو نقل ملكية أو تخصيص أو نسخ أو توزيع أو إعاقة الخدمات أو استخدامها (باستثناء ما قد يتم توفيره بخلاف ذلك بموجب اتفاق كتابي) أز نقلها أو نشرها أو الإفصاح عنها، أو تقديم الخدمات على أساس المشاركة الزمنية إلى أي طرف ثالث؛
- ص. لن تقوم بإعادة ترجمة الكود المصدري للخدمات أو عكس هندسته أو تفكيكه أو فك تشفيره أو محاولة اشتقاقه؛
- لن تحاول التلاعب في الخدمات أو أي ميزات أو إجراءات تقنية في الخدمات أو تعطيلها، بما في ذلك أي ضوابط وصول أو آليات لحماية حقوق النسخ، بأي وسيلة أو بأي طريقة؛
- لن تقوم بإزالة أو تغيير أي علامة تجارية أو شعار أو حقوق طبع ونشر أو غيرها من إشعارات الملكية أو العناوين التفسيرية أو الرموز أو الملصقات في الخدمات أو عليها أو المستخدمة فيما يتعلق بالخدمات؛
- لن تنشر مقدار غير معقول من التعليقات أو التعليقات ذات الطول غير المعقول فيما يتعلق باستخدامك للخدمات؛
- لن تتلاعب أو تعتدي على أي إحالات أو عروض ترويجية، بما في ذلك الحصول على أكثر من تجربة مجانية.
إذا كنت تستخدم الخدمات، فقد تواجه محتوى أو نشاطًا تعتقد أنه ينتهك سياسة الاستخدام المقبول، أو تجد أنه غير مناسب بطريقة أخرى، فيمكنك الإبلاغ عن ذلك عن طريق الاتصال بـ WDT من خلال https://support-en.wd.com/ أو عن طريق إرسال البريد الإلكتروني إلى SUPPORT@WDC.COM
قد تُحدِّث شركة WDT سياسة الاستخدام المقبول هذه أو تعدلها من وقت لآخر. ويعني قبولك لأي تعديلات على سياسة الاستخدام المقبول هذه، بما في ذلك من خلال الاستمرار في استخدام الخدمات بعد إشعارك بها على نحو معقول، أنك توافق على الالتزام بذلك التطبيق الذي جرى على هذه سياسة الاستخدام المقبول هذه.
قد يؤدي عدم امتثالك لسياسة الاستخدام المقبول إلى تعليق و/أو إنهاء الخدمات.
Richtlinien zur akzeptablen Nutzung
Zuletzt aktualisiert am 1. Oktober 2020
Diese Richtlinien zur akzeptablen Nutzung regeln Ihre Nutzung von Online- und zugehörigen Diensten und Software, die von Western Digital Technologies, Inc. sowie deren Tochter- oder Verbundunternehmen (im Folgenden zusammenfassend „WDT“) angeboten werden, einschließlich der Dienste und Software, mithilfe derer Sie auf Inhalte oder Materialien zugreifen, sie absenden, hochladen, speichern, teilen, posten, übertragen, veröffentlichen, anzeigen oder anderen anderweitig zur Verfügung stellen können („Dienste“). Die durch diese Richtlinien zur akzeptablen Nutzung geregelten Dienste beziehen sich ausdrücklich auf diese Richtlinien zur akzeptablen Nutzung.
Sie erklären sich damit einverstanden, die Dienste verantwortungsvoll zu nutzen und sichern zu, dass;
- Sie die Dienste auf keine Weise missbrauchen oder unsachgemäß verwenden;
- Sie die Dienste nicht nutzen, um auf Inhalte zuzugreifen, sie abzusenden, hochzuladen, zu speichern, zu teilen, zu posten, zu übertragen, zu veröffentlichen, anzuzeigen oder anderen anderweitig zur Verfügung zu stellen, die bedrohlich, missbräuchlich, belästigend, schädigend, gewalttätig, pornografisch, obszön, unerlaubt, verleumderisch, beleidigend, die Privatsphäre einer anderen Person verletzend, profan, diskriminierend, anstößig, verhetzend, einschüchternd, störend oder anderweitig fragwürdig sind;
- Sie die Dienste nicht dazu verwenden, um anderen nachzustellen, sie bedrohen, verletzen oder zu tyrannisieren;
- Sie die Dienste nicht verwenden, um Minderjährige in irgendeiner Form auszubeuten oder zu missbrauchen;
- Sie die Dienste nicht verwenden, um unerwünschte oder unbefugte Werbung, Reklamematerialien, Junkmail, Spam, Kettenbriefe, Pyramidensysteme oder eine andere Form von Kundenwerbung zu teilen, posten, übertragen, veröffentlichen, anzeigen oder anderen anderweitig zur Verfügung zu stellen;
- Sie die Dienste nicht verwenden, um Handlungen auszuüben, die betrügerisch, irreführend oder täuschend sind, wie unter anderem eine andere Person oder Identität vorzugeben, falsche Aussagen in Bezug auf Ihre Beziehung zu einer Person oder Körperschaft zu machen oder diese anderweitig falsch darzustellen oder Identifizierungsmerkmale zu manipulieren, um den Ursprung Ihrer Inhalte zu verschleiern (einschließlich Spoofing und Phishing);
- Sie die Dienste nicht verwenden, um Software-Viren oder anderweitigen Computer-Code, Dateien oder Programme, die zur Unterbrechung, Zerstörung oder Einschränkung der Funktionalität von Computersoftware oder -hardware entwickelt wurden, hochzuladen, zu speichern, teilen, posten, übertragen oder anderen anderweitig zur Verfügung stellen;
- Sie auf keine Weise handeln werden, die die Fähigkeit anderer zur Nutzung der Dienste beschränken könnte;
- Sie die Dienste oder Server, Netzwerke, Systeme oder anderen mit den Diensten verbundenen Geräte nicht stören, behindern, belasten, überlasten, hacken oder versuchen, auf andere Weise unbefugten Zugang zu ihnen zu erhalten, oder anderen Anforderungen, Verfahren, Richtlinien oder Vorschriften der mit den Diensten verbundenen Netzwerke nicht folgen;
- Sie die Dienste nicht modifizieren, übersetzen, anpassen oder abgeleitete Werke derselben erstellen;
- Ihre Inhalte nichts Rechtswidriges enthalten und sie nicht gegen geltende lokale, Länder-, nationale oder internationale Gesetze in Zusammenhang mit der Verwendung der Dienste verstoßen, einschließlich von Datenschutz- oder Aus- bzw. Einfuhrkontrollgesetzen oder Vorschriften, die von der US-Börsenaufsichtsbehörde (SEC) bekanntgegeben wurden, Regulierungen nationaler oder anderer Börsen wie der New Yorker Börse, der US-amerikanischen Börse oder dem NASDAQ sowie aller Vorschriften mit Gesetzeskraft;
- Sie Eigentümer Ihrer Inhalte sind oder alle erforderlichen Berechtigungen, Freigaben, Rechte oder Lizenzen eingeholt haben, um Ihre Aktivitäten auszuführen (und WDT gestatten, seinen Verpflichtungen nachzukommen), ohne weitere Freigaben oder Einwilligungen einzuholen;
- Sie die Dienste nicht nutzen, um auf Inhalte zuzugreifen, sie abzusenden, hochzuladen, zu speichern, zu teilen, zu posten, zu übertragen, zu veröffentlichen, anzuzeigen oder anderen anderweitig zur Verfügung zu stellen, die bedrohlich, missbräuchlich, belästigend, schädigend, gewalttätig, pornografisch, obszön, unerlaubt, verleumderisch, beleidigend, die Privatsphäre einer anderen Person verletzend, profan, diskriminierend, anstößig, verhetzend, einschüchternd, störend oder anderweitig fragwürdig sind;
- Ihre Inhalte und Aktivitäten in Verbindung mit den Diensten keine Rechte einer anderen Partei beeinträchtigen oder verletzen und nicht zur Beeinträchtigung oder anderweitig rechtswidrigen Handlungen beisteuern wird und dass Sie die Dienste nicht verwenden werden, um auf Inhalte zuzugreifen, sie einzureichen, hochzuladen, zu speichern, zu teilen, zu posten, zu übertragen, zu veröffentlichen, anzuzeigen oder anderweitig zur Verfügung zu stellen, wodurch Patente, Handelsmarken, Branchengeheimnisse, Urheberrechte oder andere Eigentumsrechte einer Partei zu verletzen;
- Sie die Dienste nicht nutzen, um auf Inhalte zuzugreifen, sie abzusenden, hochzuladen, zu speichern, zu teilen, zu posten, zu übertragen, zu veröffentlichen, anzuzeigen oder anderen anderweitig zur Verfügung zu stellen, für die Sie nicht das Recht haben, sie nach einem Gesetz oder einer anderen vertraglichen oder treuhänderischen Vereinbarung bereitzustellen (einschließlich Insider-, Eigentums- oder vertrauliche Informationen, die Sie infolge eines Anstellungsverhältnisses oder einer Vertraulichkeitsvereinbarung erfahren haben oder die dadurch offengelegt wurden);
- Sie die Dienste nicht verwenden, um personenbezogene Daten über andere in Konflikt mit geltenden Gesetzen oder in Verbindung mit einem in diesem Abschnitt dargelegten verbotenen Verhalten oder einer Handlung zu erfassen oder zu speichern;
- Sie die Dienste oder deren Nutzung nicht unterlizenzieren, weiterverkaufen, verpachten, vermieten, verleihen, übertragen, abtreten, kopieren, verbreiten, verpfänden oder auf andere Weise übertragen, veröffentlichen oder weitergeben (mit Ausnahme anderweitiger schriftlicher Vereinbarungen) oder einer Drittpartei die Dienste zur Teilzeitnutzung anbieten;
- Sie die Dienste nicht dekompilieren, zurückentwickeln, zerlegen, entschlüsseln oder versuchen, deren Quellcode abzuleiten;
- Sie auf keine Weise oder durch beliebige Mittel versuchen, die Dienste oder beliebige technische Funktionen bzw. Maßnahmen innerhalb der Dienste zu umgehen oder zu deaktivieren, einschließlich sämtlicher Zugangskontrollen oder Mechanismen zum Schutz des Urheberrechts;
- Sie keinerlei Handelsmarken, Logos, Urheberrechts- oder sonstige Eigentumsvermerke, Legenden, Symbole oder Kennzeichnungen, die sich in oder an den Diensten befinden bzw. die in Verbindung mit den Diensten verwendet werden, entfernen oder verändern;
- Sie keine unangemessen hohe Anzahl an Kommentaren oder Kommentare von unangemessener Länge in Verbindung mit Ihrer Nutzung der Dienste posten; und
- Sie keine Empfehlungen oder Angebote manipulieren oder missbrauchen werden, einschließlich der Beschaffung von mehr als einer kostenlosen Probezeit.
Sollten Sie während der Nutzung der Dienste Inhalte oder Aktivitäten bemerken, die Ihrer Ansicht nach diese Richtlinien zur akzeptablen Nutzung verletzen oder die Sie anderweitig unangemessen halten, können Sie sie melden, in dem Sie WDT wie folgt kontaktieren https://support-de.wd.com/ oder per E-Mail an SUPPORT@WDC.COM.
WDT ist berechtigt, die vorliegenden Richtlinien zur akzeptablen Nutzung jederzeit zu aktualisieren oder zu ergänzen. Durch das Annehmen von Änderungen dieser Richtlinien zur akzeptablen Nutzung, darunter durch Fortsetzung der Nutzung der vertragsgegenständlichen Dienste nach einer angemessenen Vorankündigung hierzu Ihnen gegenüber, erklären Sie Ihr Einverständnis, an die Geltung der betreffenden Änderungen der vorliegenden Richtlinien zur akzeptablen Nutzung gebunden zu sein.
Ihr Versäumnis, diese Richtlinien zur akzeptablen Nutzung einzuhalten, kann die Aussetzung und/oder Kündigung der Dienste zur Folge haben.
Elfogadható használatra vonatkozó szabályzat
Utoljára módosítva: 2020. október 1
A jelen Elfogadható használatra vonatkozó szabályzat szabályozza a Western Digital Technologies, Inc. és kapcsolt vállalkozásai (a továbbiakban együttesen: „WDT”) által kínált online, és az ezekhez kapcsolódó egyéb szolgáltatások és szoftverek Ön általi igénybevételét, amelyek lehetővé tehetik, hogy Ön tartalmakhoz és anyagokhoz férjen hozzá, valamint ilyeneket töltsön fel, tároljon, osszon meg, tegyen közzé, jelenítsen meg vagy bocsásson mások rendelkezésére egyéb módokon (a továbbiakban: „Szolgáltatások”). A jelen Elfogadható használatra vonatkozó szabályzat hatálya alá tartozó Szolgáltatások kifejezetten hivatkoznak a jelen Elfogadható használatra vonatkozó szabályzatra.
Ön vállalja, hogy a Szolgáltatásokat felelős módon használja, valamint kijelenti és vállalja, hogy:
- a Szolgáltatásokat csak rendeltetésszerűen használja, illetve azokkal nem él vissza;
- nem használja a Szolgáltatásokat arra, hogy fenyegető, bántalmazó, zaklató, káros, erőszakos, pornográf, obszcén, jogellenes károkozást megvalósító, rágalmazó, becsületsértő, más magánéletét sértő, gyalázkodó, diszkriminatív, sértő, gyűlöletbeszédnek minősülő, megfélemlítő, bomlasztó vagy egyébként kifogásolható tartalmakhoz férjen hozzá, illetve ilyeneket töltsön fel, tároljon, osszon meg, tegyen közzé, továbbítson, jelenítsen meg vagy bocsásson mások rendelkezésére más módon;
- nem használja a Szolgáltatásokat mások zaklatására, megfenyegetésére, megkárosítására vagy bántalmazására;
- nem használja a Szolgáltatásokat kiskorú személyek bármilyen kizsákmányolására vagy kiskorú személyek elleni visszaélés elkövetésére;
- nem használja a Szolgáltatásokat arra, hogy kéretlen vagy nem engedélyezett reklám- vagy promóciós anyagokat, levélszemetet, láncleveleket, piramisjátékokat vagy más formájú üzletszerzési célú közleményeket osszon meg, tegyen közzé, továbbítson, jelenítsen meg vagy bocsásson mások rendelkezésére más módon;
- nem használja a Szolgáltatásokat arra, hogy csalárd, félrevezető vagy megtévesztő tevékenységet folytasson, beleértve azt is, hogy más személynek vagy szervezetnek adja ki magát, hamisan azt állítja vagy úgy tesz, mintha valamely személlyel vagy szervezettel kapcsolatban állna, vagy bármely tartalma eredetének leplezése érdekében manipulálja az azonosítókat (ideértve a „spoofing”-ot és az adathalászatot is);
- nem használja a Szolgáltatásokat arra, hogy szoftveres vírusokat vagy más olyan számítógépes kódot, fájlt vagy programot töltsön fel, tároljon, osszon meg, tegyen közzé, továbbítson vagy bocsásson rendelkezésre más módon, amelyet arra terveztek, hogy bármilyen számítógépes szoftvert vagy hardvert megzavarjon, megsemmisítsen vagy annak funkcióit korlátozza;
- nem tanúsít olyan magatartást, amely negatívan hatna valamely másik felhasználónak a Szolgáltatások igénybevételére való képességére;
- nem zavarja vagy terheli meg, terheli túl, töri fel és nem törekszik semmilyen módon jogosulatlan hozzáférésre a Szolgáltatásokat vagy a Szolgáltatásokhoz kapcsolódó szervereket, hálózatokat, rendszereket és más eszközöket, valamint nem szegi meg a Szolgáltatásokhoz kapcsolódó hálózatok előírásait, eljárásait és szabályzatait;
- nem módosítja, fordítja le, alakítja át vagy készít a Szolgáltatásokból eredő, attól eltérő munkákat;
- az Ön tartalmai nem tartalmaznak semmi jogelleneset, és Ön a Szolgáltatások használatával összefüggésben nem szegi meg az alkalmazandó helyi, állami, nemzeti vagy nemzetközi jogszabályokat, ideértve az adatvédelmi, valamint az export- vagy importellenőrzésre vonatkozó jogszabályokat, az Amerikai Egyesült Államok Értékpapír- és Tőzsdebizottsága (U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission) által kihirdetett szabályozásokat, bármely nemzeti vagy más értéktőzsde (ideértve a New York-i Értéktőzsdét, az Amerikai Értéktőzsdét és a NASDAQ-ot is) szabályzatát, valamint bármely más törvényi erejű előírást;
- a tartalmainak Ön a tulajdonosa, vagy amennyiben nem, akkor minden ahhoz szükséges engedélyt és jogot megszerzett, hogy a tevékenységeit folytathassa (és a WDT a kötelezettségeit teljesíthesse) anélkül, hogy ehhez további engedélyek vagy hozzájárulások beszerzésére lenne szükség;
- nem használja a Szolgáltatásokat arra, hogy a terrorizmust támogató anyagokhoz férjen hozzá vagy ilyeneket töltsön fel, tároljon, osszon meg, tegyen közzé, továbbítson, jelenítsen meg vagy bocsásson rendelkezésre más módon, vagy hogy terroristaszervezet részére anyagi támogatást vagy erőforrásokat biztosítson (vagy az ilyen, terroristaszervezetnek szánt anyagi támogatás vagy erőforrások természetét, helyét, forrását vagy tulajdonosát elleplezze);
- az Ön tartalmai és a Szolgáltatásokkal kapcsolatos tevékenysége nem sérti harmadik felek jogát, továbbá nem járul hozzá jogsértő vagy egyéb módon jogszerűtlen magatartáshoz, és nem ösztönöz ilyet, továbbá Ön nem használja a Szolgáltatásokat arra, hogy bármely fél szabadalmát, védjegyét, üzleti titkát, szerzői jogát vagy más védett jogát sértő módon férjen hozzá bármilyen tartalomhoz, illetve ilyen módon bármilyen tartalmat feltöltsön, tároljon, megosszon, közzétegyen, továbbítson, megjelenítsen vagy más módon rendelkezésre bocsásson;
- nem használja a Szolgáltatásokat arra, hogy olyan tartalomhoz férjen hozzá, illetve olyan tartalmat töltsön fel, tároljon, osszon meg, tegyen közzé, továbbítson, jelenítsen meg vagy bocsásson mások rendelkezésére más módon, amelynek rendelkezésre bocsátására jogszabály, illetve szerződéses vagy vagyonkezelői jogviszony alapján nincs joga (ideértve többek között a foglalkoztatási jogviszony keretében vagy titoktartási megállapodás hatálya alatt a tudomására jutott vagy közölt belső, védett és bizalmas információkat);
- nem használja a Szolgáltatásokat arra, hogy bármely alkalmazandó jogszabályt megsértve, illetve a jelen pontban meghatározott tiltott magatartások és tevékenységek bármelyikével összefüggésben másokra vonatkozó személyes adatokat gyűjtsön vagy tároljon;
- hacsak erről írásbeli megállapodás eltérően nem rendelkezik, a Szolgáltatásokat és azok használati jogát nem adja allicencbe, nem értékesíti tovább, nem adja bérbe nem lízingeli, nem adja kölcsön, nem ruházza át, nem adja tovább, nem másolja, nem terjeszti, nem terheli meg és semmilyen módon nem ruházza át, publikálja vagy hozza nyilvánosságra, valamint nem kínálja fel azokat harmadik félnek időmegosztásos („time-share”) alapon;
- nem szedi szét, nem fejti vissza, nem bontja szét, nem dekódolja vagy próbálja visszafejteni a Szolgáltatás forráskódját;
- semmilyen módon vagy cselekedettel nem tesz kísérletet a Szolgáltatás vagy annak bármilyen technológiai vívmányának, illetve mértékének kijátszására vagy kikapcsolására; beleértve a hozzáférést, a szerzői jog védelmét szolgáló funkciókat;
- nem távolít el vagy módosít semmilyen védjegyet, logót, szerzői jog védelmét szolgáló jelzést vagy más szabadalomjelzést, feliratot, szimbólumot vagy címkét, amely a Szolgáltatásról/Szolgáltatásból, vagy azzal kapcsolatosan van használva;
- a Szolgáltatások igénybevételével összefüggésben nem tesz közzé észszerűtlenül nagy mennyiségű vagy terjedelmű hozzászólást; valamint
- az ajánlási és promóciós lehetőségeket nem manipulálja, illetve nem él vissza azokkal (pl. hogy egynél több ingyenes próbaidőszakhoz jusson).
Ha a Szolgáltatások igénybevétele során olyan tartalmat vagy tevékenységet észlel, amely az Ön megítélése szerint jelen Elfogadható használatra vonatkozó szabályzatba ütközik vagy amelyet egyébként kifogásolhatónak tart, akkor jelentse azt a WDT felé a https://support-eu.wd.com weboldalon vagy a SUPPORT@WDC.COM e-mail-címre küldött e-mailben.
WDT időről időre frissítheti vagy módosíthatja ezt az Elfogadható használatra vonatkozó szabályzatot. A jelen Elfogadható használatra vonatkozó szabályzat bármely módosításának elfogadásával Ön ezen módosításokat magára nézve kötelezőnek ismeri el. A módosítás elfogadásának minősül az is, ha Ön a Szolgáltatásokat a vonatkozó módosításról szóló, észszerű időben megadott tájékoztatást követően továbbra is igénybe veszi.
Ha Ön nem tartja be az Elfogadható használatra vonatkozó szabályzatban foglaltakat, az a Szolgáltatások biztosításának felfüggesztését, illetve beszüntetését eredményezheti.
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如果您使用服務時遇到您認為違反可接受使用政策的內容或者活動,或者您發現不合適的其他內容,您可通過https://support-zh.wd.com/ 或者發送電郵至 SUPPORT@WDC.COM 聯繫 WDT,報告該內容。
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허용 가능한 사용 정책
마지막 업데이트: 2020년10월 1일
본 허용 가능한 사용 정책은 Western Digital Technologies, Inc. 및 그 계열사 (총칭하여 “WDT”) 가 제공하는 온라인 및 관련 서비스 및 소프트웨어 사용에 적용됩니다. 여기에는 귀하가 다른 콘텐츠에 액세스, 제출, 업로드, 저장, 공유, 게시, 전송, 게시, 게시, 게시, 게시, 게시, 게시, 표시 또는 기타 방식으로 제공할 수 있는 서비스 및 소프트웨어가 포함됩니다.자료 (“서비스”). 본 사용 정책의 적용을 받는 서비스는 본 허용 가능한 사용 정책에 명시적으로 링크됩니다.
귀하는 책임감 있게 서비스를 이용할 것에 동의하며, 다음의 사항을 진술하고 이에 동의합니다:
- 귀하는 어떠한 방식으로든 서비스를 오용하거나 남용하지 않을 것입니다;
- 귀하는 위협적, 학대적, 희롱적, 유해적, 폭력적, 외설적, 저설적, 불법적, 명예 훼손적, 비방적, 타인의 사생활 침해적, 세속적, 차별적, 공격적, 증오 연설, 협박적, 파괴적 또는 기타 불쾌한 콘텐츠를 이용, 제출, 업로드, 저장, 게시, 전송, 게재, 표시하거나 혹은 다른 사람이 접하도록 하는데 서비스를 사용하지 않을 것입니다;
- 귀하는 다른 사람을 스토킹 혹은 위협하거나 괴롭히거나 혹은 해를 입히는데 서비스를 사용하지 않을 것입니다;
- 귀하는 어떠한 방식으로든 미성년자를 착취하거나 학대하는데 서비스를 사용하지 않을 것입니다;
- 귀하는 원치 않거나 승인되지 않은 광고, 홍보 자료, 정크 메일, 스팸, 연쇄 편지, 다단계 또는 기타 형태의 권유를 타인에게 공유, 게시, 전송, 게재, 표시 또는 그 외의 방식으로 접하게 할 목적으로 서비스를 사용할 수 없습니다;
- 귀하는 다른 사람 또는 단체를 사칭하거나, 개인 또는 단체와 귀하의 관계를 거짓 혹은 허위로 진술하거나 혹은 귀하의 콘텐츠의 출처를 위장하기 위해 식별자를 조작하는 등 사기성, 허위성 혹은 기만성이 있는 활동에 참여하기 위해 본 서비스를 이용하지 않을 것입니다 (스푸핑 또는 피싱 포함);
- 귀하는 컴퓨터 소프트웨어 또는 하드웨어의 기능을 중단, 훼손 또는 제한하도록 설계된 소프트웨어 바이러스 또는 기타 컴퓨터 코드, 파일 또는 프로그램을 업로드, 저장, 공유, 게시, 전송 또는 사용 가능하게 만드는데 본 서비스를 사용하지 않을 것입니다;
- 귀하는 다른 사용자의 서비스 사용에 부정적인 영향을 미치는 방식으로 행동하지 않을 것입니다;
- 귀하는 서비스 혹은 서버, 네트워크, 시스템 또는 본 서비스에 연결된 기타 장치를 지장을 주거나 방해, 부담, 과부하, 해킹 또는 기타 무단 액세스를 위한 시도를 일으키거나 혹은 서비스에 연결된 네트워크의 요건, 절차, 정책 또는 규정을 위반하지 않을 것입니다;
- 귀하는 서비스를 수정, 번역, 개조 또는 파생적 작업을 생성하지 않을 것입니다;
- 귀하의 콘텐츠는 불법적인 내용을 포함하지 않으며, 귀하는 데이터 보호정책 또는 수출 또는 수입 통제법, 미국 증권거래위원회에서 공표한 규정, 뉴욕 증권 거래소, 미국 증권 거래소 또는 나스닥 (NASDAQ)을 포함한 모든 국가 또는 기타 증권 거래소의 규정 및 법적 효력을 갖는 규정을 포함하여 귀하의 서비스 사용과 관련하여 어떠한 적용되는 지역, 주, 국가 또는 국제법도 위반하지 않을 것입니다;
- 귀하는 추가 릴리스 또는 동의를 필요치 않고 귀하의 모든 콘텐츠를 소유하고 있고 귀하의 활동에 참여하는데 (그리고 WDT가 의무 사항을 수행하도록 하는데) 필요한 모든 허가, 릴리스, 권리 또는 라이선스를 획득하였습니다;
- 귀하는 서비스를 사용하여 테러리스트 콘텐츠를 이용, 제출, 업로드, 저장, 공유, 게시, 전송, 게재, 출판, 표시하거나 그 외의 방식으로 제공하거나 혹은 테러리스트 조직(들)에 자료를 지원하거나 자원을 제공하지 않을 것입니다 (또 는 자원의 지원이나 자원의 특성, 위치, 출처 또는 소유권을 숨기거나 위장);
- 서비스와 관련된 귀하의 콘텐츠 및 활동은 다른 당사자의 권리를 침해하거나 위반하지 않으며, 침해 또는 기타 불법 행위에 기여하거나 장려하지 않으며, 귀하는 본 서비스를 사용하여 다른 당사자의 특허, 상표, 영업 비밀, 저작권 또는 기타 소유권을 침해하는 방식으로 콘텐츠를 이용, 제출, 업로드, 저장, 공유, 게시, 전송, 게재, 표시 또는 사용할 수 있도록 하지 않을 것입니다;
- 귀하는 법률 또는 계약 상 또는 수탁 관계 (내부, 소유권 또는 고용 관계의 일부로서 또는 비공개 협정에 따라서 알게 되거나 공개된 기밀 정보 포함)로 인해 제공할 수 있는 권한이 없는 콘텐츠를 이용, 제출, 업로드, 저장, 공유, 게시, 전송, 게재, 표시 또는 다른 사람에게 가용하게 하는데 본 서비스를 사용하지 않을 것입니다;
- 귀하는 관련 법률을 위반하거나 본 조항에 명시된 금지된 행위 및 활동과 관련하여 타인에 대한 개인 정보를 수집 또는 저장하기 위해 서비스를 사용하지 않을 것입니다;
- 귀하는 서비스 또는 서비스 사용에 대해 서브라이선스를 발행, 재판매, 임대, 대여, 빌려줌, 양도, 할당, 복사, 유통, 지장 초래 또는 달리 양도, 출판이나 공개하거나 (서면 상 계약으로 제공된 경우 제외) 제3자에게 시분할 방식으로 서비스를 제공할 수 없습니다;
- 귀하는 서비스의 소스 코드를 디컴파일하거나 역설계, 분해, 해독 또는 파생하지 않습니다;
- 귀하는 액세스 제어 또는 저작권 보호 메커니즘을 포함한 서비스 또는 서비스 내의 어떠한 기술 기능 또는 조치도 어떤 방법으로든 회피하거나 비활성화하려고 시도하지 않습니다;
- 귀하는 서비스 내에서나 서비스와 관련하여 사용되는 상표, 로고, 저작권 또는 기타 소유권 공지 사항, 범례, 기호 또는 라벨을 제거하거나 변경할 수 없습니다;
- 귀하는 귀하의 서비스 이용과 관련하여 불합리한 분량의 의견이나 불합리한 길이의 의견을 게시하지 않을 것입니다;
- 한 개 이상의 무료 평가판을 획득하려는 행위를 포함하여 추천 또는 프로모션을 조작하거나 악용하지 않을 것입니다.
서비스를 사용하는 동안 본 허용 가능한 사용 정책을 위반하거나 부적절한 것으로 판단되는 콘텐츠 또는 활동을 발견하는 경우 https://support-ko.wd.com/을 통해 WDT에 신고하거나 SUPPORT@WDC.COM으로 이메일을 보내 신고할 수 있습니다.
WDT는 이 허용 가능한 사용 정책을 수시로 업데이트하거나 수정할 수 있습니다. 합당한 통지가 제공된 후 지속적인 서비스의 사용을 포함하여 본 허용 가능한 사용 정책에 대한 모든 수정 사항을 수락함으로써 귀하는 본 허용 가능한 사용 정책의 수정 사항의 적용을 받는 다는데 동의하게 됩니다.
허용 가능한 사용 정책을 준수하지 않을 경우 서비스가 일시 정지되거나 종료될 수 있습니다.
Política de uso aceitável
Última atualização em 1º de outubro de 2020
Esta “Política de uso aceitável” rege seu uso de serviços on-line, serviços relacionados e software oferecidos pela Western Digital Technologies, Inc. e suas afiliadas (coletivamente, “WDT”), incluindo serviços e software que podem permitir que você acesse, envie, carregue, armazene, compartilhe, publique, transmita, divulgue, exiba ou disponibilize de outra forma a outras pessoas o conteúdo e os materiais (“Serviços”). Os Serviços que são regidos por esta “Política de uso aceitável” estão expressamente associados a esta “Política de uso aceitável”.
Você concorda em usar os Serviços de forma responsável e declara e concorda que:
- Não irá usar de forma incorreta ou excessiva os Serviços em hipótese alguma;
- Não irá usar os Serviços para acessar, enviar, carregar, armazenar, compartilhar, publicar, transmitir, divulgar, exibir ou disponibilizar de outra forma a outras pessoas qualquer conteúdo que seja ameaçador, abusivo, assediante, prejudicial, violento, pornográfico, obsceno, tortuoso, difamatório, injurioso, invasivo sobre a privacidade de alguma pessoa, profano, discriminatório, ofensivo, incitante de ódio, intimidador, perturbador ou de outra forma questionável;
- Você não irá usar os Serviços de maneira a perseguir, ameaçar, assediar, prejudicar ou amedrontar outras pessoas;
- Você não irá usar os Serviços de maneira a explorar ou abusar de menores, de forma alguma;
- Você não irá usar os Serviços para compartilhar, publicar, transmitir, divulgar, exibir ou disponibilizar de outra forma a outras pessoas qualquer anúncio, material promocional, lixo eletrônico, spam, corrente de cartas, esquema de pirâmide não solicitado ou não autorizado, bem como nenhuma outra forma de abordagem;
- Você não irá usar os Serviços a fim de se envolver em atividades que sejam fraudulentas, enganosas ou mentirosas, incluindo a imitação de outra pessoa ou entidade, declarando falsamente ou desvirtuando de outra forma sua afiliação com a pessoa ou entidade, bem como manipulando identificadores a fim de disfarçar a origem de qualquer conteúdo (incluindo falsificação ou phishing);
- Você não irá usar os Serviços para carregar, armazenar, compartilhar, publicar, transmitir ou disponibilizar de outra forma qualquer vírus de software ou qualquer outro código de computador, arquivos ou programas desenvolvidos para interromper, destruir ou limitar a funcionalidade de qualquer software ou hardware computacional;
- Você não irá atuar de forma a afetar negativamente a capacidade de outro usuário em usar os Serviços;
- Você não irá interferir, interromper, sobrecarregar, agravar, hackear ou de outra forma tentar obter acesso não autorizado aos Serviços ou servidores, bem como as redes, os sistemas ou outros dispositivos conectados aos Serviços ou violar quaisquer requisitos, procedimentos, políticas ou regulamentos de redes conectadas aos Serviços;
- Você não irá modificar, converter, adaptar ou criar trabalhos derivados dos Serviços;
- Seu conteúdo não irá conter algo que seja ilegal, assim como você não irá violar qualquer legislação local, estadual, nacional ou internacional aplicável, com relação ao seu uso dos Serviços, incluindo qualquer privacidade de dados ou leis de controle de exportação ou importação, quaisquer regulamentos promulgados pela U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (Comissão de Valores Mobiliários dos EUA), quaisquer regras de qualquer país ou outra bolsa de valores, incluindo a New York Stock Exchange (Bolsa de Valores de Nova York), a American Stock Exchange (Bolsa de Valores Americana) ou a NASDAQ (“National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations” - Associação Nacional de Corretores de Títulos de Cotações Automáticas), bem como quaisquer regulamentos que tiverem força da lei;
- Você possui todo seu conteúdo ou obteve todas as permissões, as comunicações, os direitos ou as licenças exigidas para se envolver em suas atividades (e permite que a WDT realize suas obrigações) sem obtenção de qualquer liberação ou consentimento subsequente;
- Não irá usar os Serviços para acessar, enviar, carregar, armazenar, compartilhar, publicar, transmitir, divulgar, exibir ou disponibilizar de outra forma qualquer conteúdo terrorista, ou fornecer apoio ou recurso material (ou desmascarar ou disfarçar a natureza, a localização, a fonte ou a propriedade do apoio ou recurso material) para qualquer organização terrorista;
- Seu conteúdo e suas atividades relacionados aos os Serviços não irão infringir ou violar os direitos de qualquer outra parte e não irá contribuir ou incentivar a infração ou condução de outra forma ilegal, bem como você não irá usar os Serviços para acessar, enviar, carregar, armazenar, compartilhar, publicar, transmitir, divulgar, exibir ou disponibilizar de outra forma qualquer conteúdo de maneira a infringir qualquer patente, marca comercial, segredo comercial, direitos autorais ou outro direito proprietário de qualquer parte;
- Não irá usar os Serviços para acessar, enviar, carregar, armazenar, compartilhar, publicar, transmitir, divulgar, exibir ou disponibilizar de outra forma a outras pessoas qualquer conteúdo que você não tenha o direito de disponibilizar sob qualquer lei ou sob uma relação contratual ou fiduciária (incluindo sigilosa, proprietária ou confidencial que se tenha conhecimento ou seja divulgada como parte de uma relação trabalhista ou perante um acordo de não divulgação);
- Você não irá usar os Serviços para coletar ou armazenar informações pessoais sobre outras pessoas como violação de qualquer lei aplicável ou com relação a qualquer das condutas e atividades proibidas definidas nesta Seção;
- Você não irá sublicenciar, revender, alugar, arrendar, emprestar, transferir, atribuir, copiar, distribuir, onerar ou de outra forma transferir, publicar ou divulgar os Serviços ou seu uso (exceto conforme puder ser de outra forma estabelecido por contrato por escrito) ou prestar os Serviços em uma base periódica de compartilhamento para qualquer terceiro;
- Você não irá descompilar, fazer engenharia reversa, desmontar, decodificar ou tentar obter o código fonte dos Serviços;
- Você não tentará contornar ou desativar os Serviços ou quaisquer características ou medidas tecnológicas nos Serviços, incluindo quaisquer controles de acesso ou mecanismos de proteção de direitos autorais, por qualquer meio ou de qualquer maneira;
- Você não removerá ou alterará nenhuma marca registrada, logotipo, direitos autorais ou outros avisos de propriedade, legendas, símbolos ou rótulos nos Serviços ou usados em conexão com os Serviços;
- Você não irá publicar uma quantidade de comentários que sejam inaceitáveis ou comentários que sejam demasiadamente longos com relação ao seu uso dos Serviços; e
- Você não irá manipular ou abusar de quaisquer referências ou promoções, inclusive para obter mais de um teste gratuito.
Se, ao usar os Serviços, você encontrar conteúdos ou atividades que acredita que estão violando esta "Política de uso aceitável" ou que considera serem inadequados, poderá denunciar contatando a WDT por meio do link https://support-pt.wd.com/ ou pelo e-mail SUPPORT@WDC.COM.
A WDT pode atualizar ou modificar esta "Política de uso aceitável" periodicamente. Ao aceitar quaisquer modificações a esta "Política de uso aceitável" incluindo, ao continuar a usar os Serviços depois que um aviso plausível lhe for fornecido, você concorda em se comprometer com as modificações aplicáveis a esta "Política de uso aceitável".
Sua falha em cumprir a "Política de uso aceitável" pode resultar na suspensão e/ou rescisão dos Serviços.
Zásady primeraného používania
Naposledy zmenené 1 októbra 2020
Tieto Zásady prijateľného používania regulujú vaše používanie online a súvisiacich služieb a softvéru, ktoré ponúka spoločnosť Western Digital Technologies, Inc. a jej pobočky (súhrnne len ako „spoločnosť WDT“), vrátane služieb a softvéru, na základe ktorých môžete mať prístup k obsahu a materiálom, odovzdávať ich, načítavať, ukladať, zdieľať, zverejňovať, prenášať, publikovať, zobrazovať alebo inak sprístupňovať iným stranám („Služby“). Služby, ktoré sa riadia týmito Zásadami prijateľného používania, budú výslovne odkazovať na tieto Zásady primeraného používania.
Zaväzujete sa k zodpovednému využívaniu Služieb a vyhlasujete a súhlasíte, že:
- Služby nebudete nijakým spôsobom používať nevhodne alebo ich zneužívať;
- Služby nebudete používať na prístup, odovzdávanie, načítavanie, ukladanie, zdieľanie, zverejňovanie, prenášanie, publikovanie zobrazovanie alebo iné sprístupňovanie obsahu, ktorý má zastrašujúci, urážajúci, obťažujúci, škodlivý, násilný, pornografický, obscénny, protiprávny, hanlivý, nactiutŕhačský, súkromie narušujúci, zneucťujúci, diskriminačný, útočný, nenávistný, ponižujúci, rozvratný alebo inak problematický charakter;
- Služby nebudete používať na sledovanie, zastrašovanie, obťažovanie, poškodzovanie alebo šikanovanie ostatných;
- Služby nebudete používať na to, aby ste nejakým spôsobom vykorisťovali alebo zneužívali maloleté osoby;
- Služby nebudete používať na zdieľanie, zverejňovanie, prenášanie, publikovanie, zobrazovanie alebo iné sprístupňovanie nevyžiadanej alebo nepovolenej reklamy, propagačných materiálov, hromadnej pošty, spamu, reťazových listov, pyramídových systémov ani inej formy naliehavých žiadostí;
- Služby nebudete používať na zapojenie sa do činnosti, ktorá je podvodná, zavádzajúca alebo klamlivá, vrátane vydávania sa za inú osobu alebo subjekt, na účely nepravdivých tvrdení alebo iného nesprávneho výkladu vášho partnerstva s nejakou osobou alebo subjektom, alebo na manipuláciu s identifikátormi s cieľom zistiť pôvod nejakého vášho obsahu (vrátane spoofingu alebo phishingu);
- Služby nebudete používať na načítavanie, ukladanie, zdieľanie, zverejňovanie, prenášanie alebo iné sprístupňovanie softvérových vírusov alebo iných počítačových kódov, súborov alebo programov, ktoré majú za cieľ prerušiť, zničiť alebo obmedziť funkčnosť nejakého počítačového softvéru alebo hardvéru;
- nebudete konať spôsobom, ktorý by mal negatívny vplyv na schopnosť iného používateľa využívať Služby;
- do Služieb, serverov, sietí, systémov ani iných zariadení spojených so Službami nebudete zasahovať, nebudete ich prerušovať, zaťažovať, preťažovať, nabúravať sa, prípadne sa nepokúsite iným spôsobom získať k ním nepovolený prístup, a budete dodržiavať požiadavky, postupy, zásady alebo nariadenia týkajúce sa sietí, ktoré sú pripojené k Službám;
- nebudete upravovať, prekladať, prispôsobovať alebo vytvárať odvodené diela zo Služieb;
- váš obsah nebude obsahovať nič nezákonné a v súvislosti s používaním Služieb nebudete porušovať žiadny platný miestny, štátny, celoštátny alebo medzinárodný zákon vrátane zákonov o ochrane údajov alebo vývoze a dovoze, žiadne nariadenia Komisie USA pre cenné papiere a burzu, pravidlá vnútroštátnej alebo inej burzy cenných papierov vrátane Newyorskej burzy cenných papierov, Americkej burzy cenných papierov alebo NASDAQ, ani iné nariadenia so silou zákona;
- ste vlastníkom celého obsahu alebo ste získali všetky povolenia, vydania, práva alebo licencie potrebné na vykonávanie vašej činnosti (a na to, aby si spoločnosť WDT mohla plniť svoje povinnosti), bez získania ďalších vydaní alebo súhlasov;
- Služby nebudete používať na prístup, odovzdávanie, načítavanie, ukladanie, zdieľanie, zverejňovanie, prenášanie, publikovanie, zobrazovanie alebo iné sprístupňovanie teroristického obsahu alebo poskytovanie materiálnej podpory alebo zdrojov v prospech teroristickej organizácie/teroristických organizácií (ani nebudete utajovať alebo maskovať charakter, miesto, zdroj alebo vlastníctvo materiálnej podpory alebo zdrojov);
- váš obsah a vaša činnosť v súvislosti so Službami nebudú porušovať práva inej strany ani neprispejú alebo nebudú navádzať k porušeniu alebo inému nezákonnému konaniu a Služby nebudete používať na prístup, odovzdávanie, načítavanie, ukladanie, zdieľanie, zverejňovanie, prenášanie, publikovanie, zobrazovanie ani iné sprístupňovanie obsahu spôsobom, ktorý by porušoval nejaký patent, ochrannú známku, obchodné tajomstvo, autorské právo alebo iné chránené práva nejakej strany;
- Služby nebudete používať na prístup, odovzdávanie, načítavanie, ukladanie, zdieľanie, zverejňovanie, prenášanie, publikovanie, zobrazovanie alebo iné sprístupňovanie obsahu, ktorý nemáte právo sprístupňovať podľa nejakého zákona alebo na základe zmluvného alebo fiduciárneho vzťahu (vrátane interných, chránených alebo dôverných informácií, ktoré ste sa dozvedeli alebo boli sprístupnené v rámci pracovného pomeru alebo dohody o mlčanlivosti);
- Služby nebudete používať na získavanie alebo ukladanie osobných informácií o iných osobách v rozpore s platným zákonom alebo v súvislosti s nejakým zakázaným konaním a činnosťami uvedenými v tomto bode;
- na Služby alebo ich používanie nebudete poskytovať ďalšiu licenciu, nepredáte ich, neprenajmete, nepožičiate ich, neprevediete, nepostúpite, nebudete ich kopírovať, distribuovať, nezaťažíte ich, prípadne iným spôsobom neprevediete, nezverejníte ani neuverejníte (okrem toho, ako to môže byť ináč uvedené v písomnej dohode) ani ich nebudete používať na základe zdieľania času s treťou stranou;
- nebudete ich dekompilovať, vykonávať na nich spätné inžinierstvo, rozoberať, rozkódovať, prípadne sa pokúšať derivovať zdrojový kód Služieb;
- nebudete sa snažiť obchádzať alebo deaktivovať Služby, prípadne akékoľvek technologické prvky alebo opatrenia v Službách, a to vrátane akýchkoľvek mechanizmov ovládania prístupu alebo ochrany autorských práv, a to žiadnymi prostriedkami, prípadne akýmkoľvek spôsobom;
- nebudete odstraňovať alebo pozmeňovať akúkoľvek ochrannú známku, logo, autorské práva, prípadne iné oznámenia o vlastníctve, legendy, symboly, prípadne označenia v Službách alebo používané v spojení so Službami;
- v súvislosti s používaním softvéru nebudete zverejňovať neprimerané množstvo komentárov alebo komentáre neprimeranej dĺžky; a
- nebudete manipulovať s odporúčaniami alebo propagačnými kampaňami ani ich nebudete zneužívať vrátane s cieľom získať viac než jednu bezplatnú skúšobnú verziu.
Ak sa počas používania Služieb stretnete s obsahom alebo činnosťou, o ktorej sa domnievate, že je porušením tých Zásad primeraného používania, alebo ktoré budete považovať inak za nevhodné, môžete nám to oznámiť kontaktovaním spoločnosti WDT na adrese https://support-eu.wd.comalebo odoslaním e-mailu na adresu SUPPORT@WDC.COM.
Spoločnosť WDT môže príležitostne tieto Zásady primeraného používania aktualizovať alebo upraviť. Akceptovaním úprav v týchto Zásadách primeraného používania vrátane toho, že budete pokračovať vo využívaní Služieb aj po primeranom upozornení, súhlasíte s tým, že budete viazaní príslušnými úpravami týchto Zásad primeraného používania.
Ak nebudete tieto Zásady primeraného používania dodržiavať, môže to mať za následok prerušenie a/alebo ukončenie Služieb.
Política de Uso Aceptable
Última actualización: Octubre 1, 2020
Esta Política de Uso Aceptable rige su uso de los servicios y software en línea y relacionados ofrecidos por Western Digital Technologies, Inc. y sus filiales (colectivamente, "WDT"), incluyendo servicios que pueden permitirle acceder, presentar, cargar, almacenar, compartir, enviar, transmitir, publicar, mostrar o de cualquier otra forma poner a disposición de otros contenidos y materiales ("Servicios"). Los servicios que se rigen por esta Política de Uso Aceptable se vincularán expresamente a esta Política de Uso Aceptable.
Usted acepta utilizar los Servicios de manera responsable, y declara y acepta que:
- Usted no hará un uso indebido o abuso de los Servicios de ninguna manera;
- Usted no utilizará los Servicios para acceder, presentar, cargar, almacenar, compartir, enviar, transmitir, publicar, mostrar, o poner a disposición de otros cualquier tipo de contenido que sea amenazante, abusivo, hostigante, dañino, violento, pornográfico, obsceno, malicioso, difamatorio, injurioso, que invada la privacidad de otra persona, profano, discriminatorio, ofensivo, que incite al odio, intimidante, perturbador o de cualquier otra manera objetable;
- Usted no utilizará los Servicios para hostigar, amenazar, acosar, dañar o intimidar a otros;
- Usted no utilizará los Servicios para explotar o abusar de menores de ninguna manera;
- Usted no utilizará los Servicios para compartir, enviar, transmitir, publicar, mostrar o poner a disposición de otros cualquier tipo de publicidad no solicitada o no autorizada, materiales promocionales, correo basura, spam, mensajes en cadena, esquemas piramidales o cualquier otra forma de solicitud;
- Usted no utilizará los Servicios para participar en actividades fraudulentas, engañosas o que induzcan a error, incluyendo la suplantación de identidad de otra persona o entidad, la declaración falsa o cualquier otra forma de representación falsa de su afiliación con una persona o entidad, o la manipulación de identificadores con el fin de encubrir el origen de cualquier parte de su contenido (incluyendo la falsificación de IP ("spoofing") o la suplantación de identidad ("phishing"));
- Usted no utilizará los Servicios para cargar, almacenar, compartir, enviar, transmitir, o poner a disposición de otros cualquier virus de software o cualquier otro código informático, archivos o programas diseñados para interrumpir, destruir o limitar la funcionalidad de cualquier software o hardware informático;
- Usted no actuará de manera que afecte negativamente la capacidad de otro usuario para utilizar los Servicios;
- Usted no interferirá, interrumpirá, cargará, sobrecargará, pirateará ni de otro modo intentará obtener un acceso no autorizado a los Servicios o servidores, redes, sistemas u otros dispositivos conectados a los Servicios, ni desobedecerá ningún requisito, procedimiento, política o reglamento de las redes conectadas a los Servicios;
- Usted no modificará, traducirá, adaptará ni creará trabajos derivados de los Servicios;
- Su contenido no contendrá nada que sea ilegal, y usted no violará ninguna ley local, estatal, nacional o internacional aplicable en relación con su uso de los Servicios, incluyendo cualquier ley de privacidad de datos o leyes de control de exportación o importación, cualquier reglamento promulgado por la Comisión de Valores de los Estados Unidos, cualquier regla de cualquier bolsa de valores nacional o de otro tipo, incluyendo la Bolsa de Valores de Nueva York, la Bolsa de Valores de Estados Unidos o el NASDAQ, y cualquier reglamento que tenga fuerza de ley;
- Usted es el propietario de todo su contenido o ha obtenido todos los permisos, autorizaciones, derechos o licencias necesarios para participar en sus actividades (y permitir que WDT cumpla con sus obligaciones) sin obtener ninguna otra autorización o consentimiento;
- Usted no utilizará los Servicios para acceder, presentar, cargar, almacenar, compartir, enviar, transmitir, publicar, mostrar, o poner a disposición de otros cualquier tipo de contenido terrorista o proporcionar apoyo material o recursos para (u ocultar o encubrir la naturaleza, ubicación, fuente o propiedad del apoyo material o recursos para) cualquier organización u organizaciones terroristas;
- Su contenido y sus actividades en relación con los Servicios no infringirán o violarán los derechos de ninguna otra parte y no contribuirán o alentarán la infracción o cualquier otra conducta ilegal, y usted no utilizará los Servicios para acceder, presentar, cargar, almacenar, compartir, enviar, transmitir, publicar, mostrar, o poner a disposición de otros cualquier tipo de contenido de una manera que infrinja cualquier patente, marca comercial, secreto comercial, derecho de autor u otro derecho de propiedad de cualquiera de las partes;
- Usted no utilizará los Servicios para acceder, presentar, cargar, almacenar, compartir, enviar, transmitir, publicar, mostrar, o poner a disposición de otros cualquier tipo de contenido que usted no tenga derecho a poner a disposición bajo ninguna ley o bajo ninguna relación contractual o fiduciaria (incluyendo información interna, de propiedad o confidencial obtenida o divulgada como parte de una relación laboral o en virtud de un contrato de no divulgación);
- Usted no utilizará los Servicios para recopilar o almacenar información personal sobre otros en violación de cualquier ley aplicable o en relación con cualquiera de las conductas y actividades prohibidas establecidas en esta Cláusula;
- Usted no sublicenciará, revenderá, alquilará, arrendará, prestará, transferirá, cederá, copiará, distribuirá, gravará ni de otro modo transferirá, publicará ni divulgará los Servicios o su uso (salvo que se estipule lo contrario mediante un contrato por escrito), ni ofrecerá los Servicios en régimen de tiempo compartido a terceros;
- Usted no descompilará, aplicará ingeniería reversa, desmontará, descifrará ni intentará derivar el código fuente de los Servicios;
- Usted no intentará eludir ni desactivar los Servicios ni ninguna función o medida tecnológica en los Servicios, incluidos los controles de acceso y los mecanismos de protección de derechos de autor, por ningún medio ni de ninguna manera;
- Usted no eliminará ni alterará ninguna marca, logo, derecho de autor u otro aviso, leyenda, símbolo o etiqueta de propiedad en los Servicios o utilizados con relación a los Servicios;
- Usted no publicará una cantidad excesiva de comentarios o comentarios con una longitud excesiva en relación con su uso de los Servicios; y
- Usted no manipulará ni abusará de ninguna referencia o promoción, incluso para obtener más de una prueba gratuita.
Si durante el uso de los Servicios, usted encuentra contenido o actividad que considera que infringe esta Política de Uso Aceptable, o que de otro modo considera inapropiada, puede notificarlo contactando con WDT a través de https://support-es.wd.com/ o enviando un correo electrónico a SUPPORT@WDC.COM.
WDT podrá actualizar o modificar esta Política de Uso Aceptable cada cierto tiempo. Al aceptar cualquier modificación de esta Política de Uso Aceptable, usted acepta estar obligado por las modificaciones aplicables a esta Política de Uso Aceptable, que incluyen, continuar utilizando los Servicios después de que se le proporcione un aviso razonable.
El incumplimiento de la Política de Uso Aceptable puede ocasionar la suspensión y/o rescisión de los Servicios.
Politica sull’Uso Accettabile
Ultimo aggiornamento 1 ottobre 2020
Questa Politica sull’Uso Accettabile regolamenta l’uso dei servizi on-line e collegati nonché del software offerti da Western Digital Technologies, Inc. e relative affiliate (collettivamente, “WDT”), compresi i servizi e il software che possono permettere all’utente di accedere, inoltrare, caricare, archiviare, condividere, postare, trasmettere, pubblicare, mostrare o rendere altresì disponibili ad altri contenuti e materiali (“Servizi”). I Servizi regolamentati da questa Politica per l’Uso Accettabile fanno espresso riferimento a questa Politica per l’Uso Accettabile.
L'utente accetta di usare i Servizi in modo responsabile e dichiara e conviene quanto segue:
- Non farà un uso improprio né abuserà dei Servizi in alcun modo;
- L’utente si impegna a non utilizzare i Servizi per accedere, inoltrare, caricare, archiviare, condividere, postare, trasmettere, pubblicare, mostrare o rendere altresì disponibili ad altri qualsiasi contenuto che sia intimidatorio, offensivo, molesto, dannoso, violento, pornografico, osceno, lesivo, diffamatorio, calunnioso, lesivo della privacy altrui, volgare, discriminatorio, oltraggioso, inneggiante all’odio, minaccioso, destabilizzante, o altresì sgradevole;
- L’utente si impegna a non usare i Servizi per fare stalking, minacciare, molestare, nuocere o bullizzare gli altri;
- L’utente si impegna a non usare i Servizi per sfruttare o abusare di minori in alcun modo;
- L’utente si impegna a non usare i Servizi per condividere, postare, trasmettere, pubblicare, mostrare o rendere altresì disponibili ad altri materiali pubblicitari e promozionali non autorizzati, posta non autorizzata, messaggi spam, catene di Sant’Antonio, sistemi piramidali o qualsiasi altra forma di adescamento;
- L’utente si impegna a non usare i Servizi per intraprendere attività fraudolente, ingannevoli o ambigue, tra cui fingersi un’altra persona o impersonare un’altra identità, dichiarare falsamente o altresì travisare il proprio legame con una persona o entità, oppure manipolare gli identificativi al fine di celare l’origine di qualsiasi contenuto (comprese le attività di spoofing o phishing);
- L’utente si impegna a non usare i Servizi per caricare, archiviare, condividere, postare, trasmettere o rendere altresì disponibili virus o codici informatici, file o programmi progettati per interrompere, distruggere o limitare la funzionalità di qualsiasi software o hardware;
- L’utente si impegna a non agire in modo da influenzare negativamente la capacità di un altro utente di usare i Servizi;
- L’utente si impegna a non interferire con, interrompere, gravare su, sovraccaricare o altrimenti tentare di ottenere l’accesso non autorizzato ai Servizi o ai server, alle reti, ai sistemi o agli altri dispositivi connessi ai Servizi, o violare eventuali requisiti, procedure, politiche o regolamenti di reti connesse ai Servizi;
- L’utente si impegna a non creare opere derivate dai Servizi o a non modificarle, tradurle e adattarle;
- I contenuti dell’utente non possono comprendere materiale illecito e l’utente si impegna a non violare le leggi locali, statali, nazionali o internazionali applicabili relative all’uso dei Servizi, tra cui le leggi in materia di protezione dei dati personali o sul controllo di esportazioni e importazione, i regolamenti promulgati dalla Commissione Titoli e Scambi statunitense, le norme di altri istituti preposti al controllo di titoli e scambi, tra cui la Borsa Valori di New York, l’American Stock Exchange o il NASDAQ, ed altri regolamenti aventi valore di legge;
- L’utente detiene la proprietà di tutti i contenuti oppure ha ottenuto tutti i permessi, le liberatorie, i diritti o le licenze necessari per svolgere le proprie attività (e consente a WDT di adempiere i propri obblighi) senza ottenere ulteriori dispense o autorizzazioni;
- L’utente si impegna a non utilizzare i Servizi per accedere, inoltrare, caricare, archiviare, condividere, postare, trasmettere, pubblicare, mostrare o rendere altresì disponibili contenuti terroristici o fornire supporto materiale o risorse (o nascondere o camuffare la natura, il luogo, la fonte o la proprietà del supporto materiale o delle risorse) a organizzazioni terroristiche;
- I contenuti dell’utente e le attività svolte da quest’ultimo in relazione ai Servizi non devono infrangere né violare i diritti di altre parti e non devono contribuire o incoraggiare la violazione o tenere un comportamento altrimenti illecito, e l’utente si impegna a non utilizzare i Servizi per accedere, inoltrare, caricare, archiviare, condividere, postare, trasmettere, pubblicare, mostrare o rendere altresì disponibili i contenuti in modo da violare brevetti, marchi registrati, segreti industriali, diritti di copyright o altri diritti proprietari delle parti;
- L’utente si impegna a non utilizzare i Servizi per accedere, inoltrare, caricare, archiviare, condividere, postare, trasmettere, pubblicare, mostrare o rendere altresì disponibile ad altri qualsiasi contenuto che non ha il diritto di rendere disponibile ai sensi delle leggi in vigore o di rapporti contrattuali o fiduciari (comprese le informazioni interne, proprietarie o confidenziali apprese o divulgate nell’ambito di un rapporto di lavoro o ai sensi di un accordo di non divulgazione);
- L’utente si impegna a non utilizzare i Servizi per raccogliere o archiviare informazioni personali di altre persone in violazione delle leggi applicabili o in relazione ai comportamenti e alle attività proibiti indicati nella presente Sezione;
- L’utente si impegna a non concedere in sublicenza, rivendere, concedere in locazione o noleggio, concedere in prestito trasferire, cedere, copiare, distribuire, ostacolare o altrimenti trasferire, pubblicare o divulgare i Servizi o il relativo utilizzo (salvo quanto diversamente stabilito con un accordo scritto), oppure offrire i Servizi in condivisione a terze parti;
- L’utente si impegna a non decompilare, effettuare il reverse engineer, smontare, decrittare o tentare di ricavare il codice sorgente dei Servizi;
- L’utente si impegna a non eludere o disattivare i Servizi o qualsiasi funzionalità o misura tecnologica nei Servizi, compresi i controlli di accesso o i meccanismi di protezione del copyright, con qualsiasi mezzo o in qualsiasi modo;
- L’utente si impegna a non rimuovere o alterare qualsiasi marchio commerciale, logo, copyright o altri simboli, legende, informative o etichette relative alla proprietà nei o sui Servizi o utilizzate in collegamento con i Servizi;
- L’utente si impegna a non postare una quantità irragionevole di commenti o commenti di lunghezza spropositata nell’ambito dell’uso dei Servizi; e
- L’utente si impegna a non falsificare o fare abuso di referenze o promozioni, tra cui ottenere più di un periodo di prova gratuito.
Qualora durante l'uso dei Servizi l'utente si imbatta in contenuti o attività che ritenga siano in violazione della presente Politica sull'Uso Accettabile, o che ritenga altresì non appropriati, può segnalarlo contattando WDT tramite https://support-it.wd.com/ o inviare un'e-mail a SUPPORT@WDC.COM.
WDT può aggiornare o modificare di volta in volta la presente Politica sull'Uso Accettabile. Accettando eventuali modifiche alla presente Politica sull'Uso Accettabile o continuando a utilizzare i Servizi dopo avere ricevuto una notifica ragionevole, l'utente accetta di vincolarsi alle modifiche applicabili alla presente Politica sull'Uso Accettabile.
Il mancato rispetto della Politica sull'Uso Accettabile può generare la sospensione e/o l'interruzione dei Servizi.
Polityka Dozwolonego Użytku
Ostatnia aktualizacja dnia 1 października 2020 r.
Niniejsza Polityka Dozwolonego Użytku Usług Internetowych reguluje korzystanie przez Użytkownika z usług internetowych i powiązanych oraz oprogramowania oferowanych przez spółkę Western Digital Technologies Inc. i podmioty z nią powiązane (dalej łącznie „WDT”), w tym usług i oprogramowania pozwalających Użytkownikowi na dostęp do, przekazywanie, wysyłanie, przechowywanie, współdzielenie, zamieszczanie, transmisję, publikowanie, wyświetlanie lub inne udostępnianie treści i materiałów innym osobom („Usługi”). Usługi regulowane niniejszą Polityką Dozwolonego Użytku zawierać będą wyraźne łącza do niniejszej Polityki Dozwolonego Użytku.
Użytkownik wyraża zgodę na korzystanie z Usług w sposób odpowiedzialny, a także na następujące postanowienia:
- Zakazuje się niewłaściwego wykorzystywania lub nadużywania Usług w jakikolwiek sposób;
- Zakazuje się korzystania z Usług do dostępu do, przekazywania, wysyłania, przechowywania, współdzielenia, zamieszczania, transmisji, publikowania, wyświetlania lub innego udostępniania innym osobom treści o charakterze grożącym, agresywnym, nękającym, brutalnym, pornograficznym, niecenzuralnym, deliktowym, zniesławiającym, oszczerczym, naruszającym cudzą prywatność, nieprzyzwoitym, dyskryminującym, obraźliwym, nienawistnym, zastraszającym, zakłócającym spokój lub z innych powodów niepożądanym;
- Zakazuje się korzystania z Usług do popełniania czynów stanowiących napastowanie, groźby, nękanie, szkodzenie lub zastraszanie w stosunku do innych osób;
- Zakazuje się korzystania z Usług do wykorzystywania lub molestowania osób nieletnich;
- Zakazuje się korzystania z Usług do współdzielenia, transmitowania, publikowania, wyświetlania lub innego udostępniania innym osobom niezamówionych lub nieupoważnionych reklam, materiałów promocyjnych, śmieciowych wiadomości e-mail, spamu, listów łańcuszkowych, piramid finansowych lub innych form zachęty;
- Zakazuje się korzystania z Usług do dokonywania czynności oszukańczych, wprowadzających w błąd lub zwodniczych, w tym poprzez podawanie się za inną osobę lub podmiot, składanie fałszywych oświadczeń lub niewłaściwe przedstawianie w inny sposób powiązań z inną osobą lub podmiotem, bądź manipulowanie identyfikatorami w celu zatajenia pochodzenia treści Użytkownika (w tym poprzez tzw. spoofing lub phishing);
- Zakazuje się korzystania z Usług do wysyłania, przechowywania, zamieszczania, transmitowania lub udostępniania w inny sposób wirusów lub innego kodu, plików i programów komputerowych mających zakłócić, uniemożliwić lub ograniczyć funkcjonowanie jakiegokolwiek sprzętu lub oprogramowania komputerowego;
- Zakazuje się postępowania w sposób wpływający niekorzystnie na zdolność korzystania z Usług przez innego użytkownika;
- Zakazuje się wtrącania się do, zakłócania, obciążania, przeciążania, przełamywania zabezpieczeń lub uzyskiwania w inny sposób nieuprawnionego dostępu do Usług bądź serwerów, sieci, systemów lub innych urządzeń połączonych z Usługami, jak również nieprzestrzegania wymagań, procedur, polityk lub regulaminów sieci połączonych z Usługami;
- Zakazuje się modyfikowania, tłumaczenia, dostosowywania lub tworzenia utworów pochodnych na podstawie Usług;
- Treści Użytkownika nie mogą zawierać elementów sprzecznych z prawem, a przy korzystaniu z Usług zakazuje się naruszania prawa lokalnego, stanowego, krajowego lub międzynarodowego, w tym przepisów regulujących prywatność danych, eksport lub import, przepisów ogłoszonych przez amerykańską Komisję Papierów Wartościowych i Giełd, regulaminów ogólnokrajowych lub innych giełd papierów wartościowych, w tym giełdy New York Stock Exchange, American Stock Exchange, NASDAQ, a także innych regulaminów mających moc przepisów prawa;
- Użytkownik jest właścicielem wszystkich swoich treści i uzyskał wszystkie zezwolenia, zwolnienia, uprawnienia lub licencje niezbędne do wykonywania swoich czynności (oraz umożliwienia wykonywania obowiązków przez WDT) bez konieczności uzyskiwania dalszych zwolnień lub zgód;
- Zakazuje się korzystania z Usług do dostępu do, przekazywania, wysyłania, przechowywania, współdzielenia, zamieszczania, transmisji, publikowania, wyświetlania lub innego udostępniania innym osobom treści o charakterze terrorystycznym oraz przekazywania istotnego wsparcia lub zasobów organizacjom terrorystycznym, a także ukrywania lub zatajania charakteru, lokalizacji, źródła lub osoby właściciela istotnego wsparcia dla lub zasobów tych organizacji;
- Treści i działania Użytkownika związane z Usługami nie mogą naruszać praw osób trzecich i nie będą stanowić elementu ani zachęty do zachowań naruszających te prawa lub z innych powodów bezprawnych. Zakazuje się korzystania z Usług do dostępu do, przekazywania, wysyłania, przechowywania, współdzielenia, zamieszczania, transmisji, publikowania, wyświetlania lub innego udostępniania treści w sposób naruszający prawa z patentu, znaki towarowe, tajemnice handlowe, prawa autorskie lub inne prawa zastrzeżone jakiejkolwiek osoby;
- Zakazuje się korzystania z Usług do dostępu do, przekazywania, wysyłania, przechowywania, współdzielenia, zamieszczania, transmisji, publikowania, wyświetlania lub innego udostępniania innym osobom treści, których Użytkownik nie ma prawa udostępniać na mocy przepisów prawa bądź stosunku umownego lub powierniczego (co obejmuje informacje niejawne, zastrzeżone lub poufne, o których Użytkownik dowiedział się lub które utrzymał w ramach stosunku pracy lub umowy o nieujawnianiu informacji);
- Zakazuje się korzystania z Usług do gromadzenia lub przechowywania danych osobowych innych osób z naruszeniem obowiązujących przepisów lub w związku z czynami i działaniami zakazanymi niniejszym punktem;
- Zakazuje się udzielania sublicencji, odsprzedaży, najmu, dzierżawy, użyczania, cesji, kopiowania, rozpowszechniania, obciążania bądź przenoszenia, publikowania lub ujawniania Usług lub korzystania z nich (chyba że pisemna umowa stanowi inaczej) bądź oferowania Usług na zasadzie time-sharingu osobie trzeciej;
- Zakazuje się dekompilowania, dokonywania inżynierii wstecznej, dezasemblowania, odszyfrowywania lub podejmowania prób odtworzenia kodu źródłowego Oprogramowania;
- Zakazuje się podejmowania prób, jakimikolwiek środkami lub jakimkolwiek sposobem, obejścia lub wyłączenia Usług bądź ich elementów lub środków technicznych, w tym mechanizmów kontroli dostępu lub ochrony praw autorskich;
- Zakazuje się usuwania lub przerabiania znaków towarowych, logo, informacji o prawach autorskich bądź innych informacji o prawach własności intelektualnej, legend, symboli lub etykiet występujących w Usługach lub w związku z korzystaniem z Usług; oraz
- Zakazuje się zamieszczania nadmiernej liczby komentarzy lub komentarzy o nadmiernej długości w związku z korzystaniem z Usług;
- Zakazuje się manipulowania poleceniami lub promocjami bądź nadużywania ich, w szczególności w celu uzyskania więcej niż jednego darmowego okresu próbnego.
Jeśli podczas korzystania z Usług Użytkownik natknie się na treści lub działania, które jego zdaniem stanowią naruszenie niniejszej Polityki dozwolonego użytku lub są z innych powodów niestosowne, może je zgłosić, kontaktując się z WDT pod adresem https://support-pl.wd.com/ lub wysyłając e-mail na adres SUPPORT@WDC.COM.
WDT może okresowo aktualizować lub zmieniać niniejszą Politykę Dozwolonego Użytku. Akceptując wszelkie zmiany niniejszej Polityki Dozwolonego Użytku, w tym poprzez dalsze korzystanie z Usług po uprzednim powiadomieniu Użytkownika, Użytkownik wyraża zgodę na związanie takimi zmianami niniejszej Polityki Dozwolonego Użytku.
Nieprzestrzeganie niniejszej Polityki Dozwolonego Użytku może skutkować zawieszeniem lub zakończeniem świadczenia Usług.
Политика приемлемого использования
Дата последних изменений: 1 октября 2020 г.
Настоящая Политика приемлемого использования регулирует использование вами онлайн- и иных сервисов, а также программного обеспечения, предлагаемых компанией Western Digital Technologies, Inc. и ее аффилированными лицами (далее совместно именуемыми «WDT»), включая сервисы и программное обеспечение, которые могут позволить вам получать доступ, отправлять, загружать, хранить, передавать, публиковать, демонстрировать или иным образом предоставлять доступ к другому контенту и материалам (далее по тексту — «Сервисы»). Сервисы, на которые распространяется настоящая Политика приемлемого использования, будут прямо связаны с настоящей Политикой приемлемого использования.
Вы соглашаетесь ответственно пользоваться Сервисами, а также заявляете и соглашаетесь с изложенным ниже.
- Вы не будете пользоваться Сервисами не по назначению или злоупотреблять ими каким-либо образом.
- Вы не будете использовать Сервисы для доступа, отправки, загрузки, хранения, обмена, размещения, передачи, публикации, демонстрации или предоставления другим лицам любого контента, который является угрожающим, оскорбительным, связанным с домогательством, вредным, насильственным, порнографическим, неправомерным, оскорбительным, клеветническим, посягающим на личную жизнь других, богохульственным, дискриминационным, обидным, запугивающим, деструктивным, содержит язык ненависти или другой нежелательный контент.
- Вы не будете использовать Сервисы, чтобы выслеживать, угрожать, преследовать, причинять вред или запугивать других.
- Вы не будете использовать Сервисы для эксплуатации или жестокого обращения с несовершеннолетними в какой бы то ни было форме.
- Вы не будете использовать Сервисы для обмена, размещения, передачи, публикации, демонстрации или предоставления другим лицам любой нежелательной или несанкционированной рекламы, рекламных материалов, нежелательной почты, спама, «писем счастья», пирамид или любых иных форм навязывания услуг.
- Вы не будете использовать Сервисы для осуществления мошеннической, вводящей в заблуждение или обманной деятельности, включая выдачу себя за другое лицо или организацию, ложное указание или иное искажение вашей связи с физическим или юридическим лицом либо манипулирование идентификаторами с целью сокрытия происхождения любого из ваших материалов (включая подмену данных или фишинг).
- Вы не будете использовать Сервисы для загрузки, хранения, совместного использования, размещения, передачи или иного предоставления доступа к программным вирусам или любому другому компьютерному коду, файлам либо программам, предназначенным для прерывания, уничтожения или ограничения функциональности любого компьютерного программного или аппаратного обеспечения.
- Вы не будете действовать таким образом, который отрицательно влияет на способность другого пользователя пользоваться Сервисами.
- Вы не будете вмешиваться, нарушать, нагружать, перегружать, взламывать Сервисы или серверы, сети, системы либо иные устройства, подключенные к Сервисам, иным образом пытаться получить к ним несанкционированный доступ или нарушать какие-либо требования, процедуры, политики или положения сетей, подключенных к Сервисам.
- Вы не будете изменять, переводить, адаптировать или создавать производные продукты на основе Сервисов.
- Ваш контент не будет содержать ничего противозаконного, и вы не будете нарушать действующие местные, государственные, национальные или международные законы в связи с использованием вами Сервисов, включая законы о конфиденциальности данных, экспорте или импорте, любые правила, принятые Комиссией по ценным бумагам и биржам США, любые правила любой национальной или другой фондовой биржи, включая Нью-Йоркскую, Американскую фондовую биржи или NASDAQ, а также любые правила, имеющие силу закона.
- Вы являетесь владельцем всего своего контента или получили все разрешения, допуски, права или лицензии, необходимые для того, чтобы заниматься своей деятельностью (и позволить компании WDT выполнять свои обязательства) без получения каких-либо дальнейших допусков или согласований.
- Вы не будете использовать Сервисы для доступа, отправки, загрузки, хранения, обмена, размещения, передачи, публикации, демонстрации или предоставления другим лицам любого террористического контента либо предоставления материальной поддержки или ресурсов (либо сокрытия или маскировки характера, местоположения, источника или прав собственности на материальную поддержку либо ресурсы) какой-либо террористической организации (организаций).
- Ваш контент и ваша деятельность в связи с Сервисами не будут нарушать права любой другой стороны и не будут способствовать или поощрять нарушающее или иное незаконное поведение, и вы не будете использовать Сервисы для доступа, передачи, загрузки, хранения, обмена, размещения, передачи, публикации, демонстрации либо предоставления какого-либо контента таким образом, который нарушает любой патент, товарный знак, коммерческую тайну, авторское право или иное право собственности любой стороны.
- Вы не будете использовать Сервисы для доступа, отправки, загрузки, хранения, совместного использования, размещения, передачи, публикации, демонстрации или предоставления другим лицам любого контента, который вы не имеете права предоставлять согласно закону либо в рамках договорных или фидуциарных отношений (включая внутреннюю, частную или конфиденциальную информацию, полученную или раскрытую в рамках трудовых отношений либо согласно соглашению о неразглашении).
- Вы не будете использовать Сервисы для сбора или хранения персональной информации о других лицах в нарушение любого действующего законодательства или в связи с любыми вариантами запрещенного поведения и действий, изложенных в данной статье.
- Вы не будете сублицензировать, перепродавать, сдавать в наем, в аренду, передавать, переуступать, копировать, распространять, усложнять или иным образом передавать, публиковать или раскрывать Сервисы либо их использование (за исключением случаев, когда письменным соглашением может быть предусмотрено иное) или предлагать Сервисы третьим лицам на основе тайм-шеринга.
- Вы не будете декомпилировать, осуществлять инженерный анализ, дизассемблировать, расшифровывать или пытаться извлечь исходный код Сервисов.
- Вы не будете пытаться каким-либо образом обойти или отключить защиту Сервисов, а также другие технологические функции или меры защиты, в том числе любые средства контроля доступа или механизмы защиты авторских прав.
- Вы не будете удалять или видоизменять торговые знаки, логотипы, информацию об авторских правах или иные указания на авторскую принадлежность, условные обозначения, символы или метки, используемые как в самих Сервисах, так и в связи с ними.
- Вы не будете размещать необоснованно большое количество комментариев или комментариев необоснованно большого объема в связи с использованием вами Сервисов.
- Вы не будете манипулировать и злоупотреблять направлениями или акциями, включая получение нескольких бесплатных пробных версий.
Если в ходе использования Сервисов вы обнаружите контент или действия, которые, по вашему мнению, нарушают настоящую Политику приемлемого использования или которые вы иным образом сочтете неприемлемыми, вы можете сообщить об этом, связавшись с компанией WDT по адресу https://support-ru.wd.com/ или отправив сообщение по адресу SUPPORT@WDC.COM.
Компания WDT имеет право в соответствующих случаях вносить изменения или поправки в настоящую Политику приемлемого использования. Принимая любые изменения к настоящей Политике приемлемого использования, в том числе продолжая пользоваться Сервисами после того, как вам будет предоставлено предварительное уведомление, вы соглашаетесь, что такие изменения к настоящей Политике приемлемого использования имеют для вас обязательную силу.
Несоблюдение вами Политики приемлемого использования может привести к приостановке и/или прекращению вашего допуска к Сервисам.
Acceptable Use Policy for Online Services
Last Updated October 1, 2020
This Acceptable Use Policy governs your use of online and related services and software offered by Western Digital Technologies, Inc. and its affiliates (collectively, “WDT”), including services and software that may allow you to access, submit, upload, store, share, post, transmit, publish, display, or otherwise make available to others content and materials (“Services”). Services that are governed by this Acceptable Use Policy will expressly link to this Acceptable Use Policy.
You agree to use the Services responsibly, and you represent and agree that:
- You will not misuse or abuse the Services in any manner;
- You will not use the Services to access, submit, upload, store, share, post, transmit, publish, display, or otherwise make available to others any content that is threatening, abusive, harassing, harmful, violent, pornographic, obscene, tortious, defamatory, libelous, invasive of another’s privacy, profane, discriminatory, offensive, hate speech, intimidating, disruptive, or otherwise objectionable;
- You will not use the Services to stalk, threaten, harass, harm, or bully others;
- You will not use the Services to exploit or abuse minors in any way;
- You will not use the Services to share, post, transmit, publish, display, or otherwise make available to others any unsolicited or unauthorized advertising, promotional materials, junk mail, spam, chain letters, pyramid schemes, or any other form of solicitation;
- You will not use the Services to engage in activity that is fraudulent, misleading, or deceptive, including by impersonating another person or entity, falsely stating or otherwise misrepresenting your affiliation with a person or entity, or manipulating identifiers in order to disguise the origin of any of your content (including spoofing or phishing);
- You will not use the Services to upload, store, share, post, transmit, or otherwise make available any software viruses or any other computer code, files, or programs designed to interrupt, destroy, or limit the functionality of any computer software or hardware;
- You will not act in a manner that negatively affects another user’s ability to use the Services;
- You will not interfere with, disrupt, burden, overload, hack, or otherwise attempt to gain unauthorized access to the Services or servers, networks, systems, or other devices connected to the Services, or disobey any requirements, procedures, policies, or regulations of networks connected to the Services;
- You will not modify, translate, adapt, or create derivative works of the Services;
- Your content will not contain anything that is unlawful, and you will not violate any applicable local, state, national, or international law in connection with your use of the Services, including any data privacy or export or import control laws, any regulations promulgated by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, any rules of any national or other securities exchange, including the New York Stock Exchange, the American Stock Exchange, or the NASDAQ, and any regulations having the force of law;
- You own all of your content or have obtained all permissions, releases, rights, or licenses required to engage in your activities (and allow WDT to perform its obligations) without obtaining any further releases or consents;
- You will not use the Services to access, submit, upload, store, share, post, transmit, publish, display, or otherwise make available any terrorist content or provide material support or resources to (or conceal or disguise the nature, location, source, or ownership of material support or resources for) any terrorist organization(s);
- Your content and your activities in connection with the Services will not infringe or violate the rights of any other party and will not contribute to or encourage infringing or otherwise unlawful conduct, and you will not use the Services to access, submit, upload, store, share, post, transmit, publish, display, or otherwise make available any content in a manner that infringes any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright, or other proprietary right of any party;
- You will not use the Services to access, submit, upload, store, share, post, transmit, publish, display, or otherwise make available to others any content that you do not have a right to make available under any law or under a contractual or fiduciary relationship (including inside, proprietary, or confidential information learned of or disclosed as part of an employment relationship or under a nondisclosure agreement);
- You will not use the Services to collect or store personal information about others in violation of any applicable law or in connection with any of the prohibited conduct and activities set forth in this Section;
- You will not sublicense, resell, rent, lease, lend, transfer, assign, copy, distribute, encumber, or otherwise transfer, publish, or disclose the Services or its use (except as may otherwise be provided by written agreement), or offer the Services on a time-share basis to any third party;
- You will not decompile, reverse engineer, disassemble, decrypt, or attempt to derive the source code of the Services;
- You will not attempt to circumvent or disable the Services or any technology features or measures in the Services, including any access controls or copyright protection mechanisms, by any means or in any manner;
- You will not remove or alter any trademark, logo, copyright, or other proprietary notices, legends, symbols, or labels in or on the Services or used in connection with the Services;
- You will not post an unreasonable amount of comments or comments of unreasonable length in connection with your use of the Services; and
- You will not manipulate or abuse any referrals or promotions, including to get more than one free trial.
If while using the Services, you encounter content or activity you believe is in violation of this Acceptable Use Policy, or that you otherwise find inappropriate, you may report it by contacting WDT through https://support-en.wd.com/ or by sending an email to SUPPORT@WDC.COM.
WDT may update or modify this Acceptable Use Policy from time to time. By accepting any modifications to this Acceptable Use Policy, including, by continuing to use the Services after reasonable notice is provided to you, you are agreeing to be bound by the applicable modifications to this Acceptable Use Policy.
Your failure to comply with the Acceptable Use Policy may result in suspension and/or termination of the Services.
Politica de utilizare acceptabilă
Ultima actualizare la 1 octombrie 2020
Prezenta Politică de utilizare acceptabilă guvernează utilizarea de către dvs. a serviciilor și produselor software online și asociate oferite de Western Digital Technologies, Inc. și afiliații săi (denumiți în mod colectiv „WDT”), inclusiv serviciile și produsele software care vă pot permite să accesați, remiteți, încărcați, stocați, postați, transmiteți, publicați, afișați sau puneți la dispoziția altor persoane în orice mod conținut și materiale („Servicii”). Serviciile guvernate de prezenta Politică de utilizare acceptabilă vor fi legate în mod expres de prezenta Politică de utilizare acceptabilă.Sunteți de acord să utilizați Serviciile în mod responsabil, și declarați și conveniți că:
- Nu veți utiliza greșit sau abuziv Serviciile în niciun fel;
- Nu veți utiliza Serviciile pentru a accesa, remite, încărca, stoca, partaja, posta, transmite, publica, afișa, sau pune la dispoziția altor persoane în niciun mod conținut care este amenințător, abuziv, constituie hărțuire, este supărător, violent, pornografic, obscen, dăunător, defăimător, calomnios, invaziv pentru viața privată a altor persoane, profan, discriminator, ofensiv, conține discursuri instigatoare, este perturbator sau controversat în orice alt mod;
- Nu veți utiliza Serviciile pentru a urmări, amenința, hărțui, vătăma sau avea un comportament intimidant pentru alte persoane;
- Nu veți utiliza Serviciile pentru a exploata sau abuza minorii în niciun mod;
- Nu veți utiliza Serviciile pentru a partaja, posta, transmite, publica, afișa sau pune la dispoziție în orice alt mod altor persoane reclame nesolicitate sau neautorizate, materiale promoționale, corespondență nedorită, spam, scrisori în lanț, scheme piramidale sau orice altă formă de solicitare;
- Nu veți utiliza Serviciile pentru a vă implica în activități frauduloase, care induc în eroare sau înșelătoare, inclusiv prin asumarea identității unei alte persoane sau entități, declarații false sau denaturarea afilierii dvs. în orice mod cu o persoană sau entitate, sau manipularea identificatorilor pentru ascunderea originii oricărui conținut al dvs. (inclusiv falsificare sau „phishing”);
- Nu veți utiliza Serviciile pentru a încărca, stoca, partaja, posta, transmite sau pune la dispoziția altor persoane orice viruși de software sau orice alte coduri de computer, fișiere sau programe concepute pentru a întrerupe, distruge sau limita funcționalitatea oricărui software sau hardware pentru computer;
- Nu veți acționa într-o manieră care să afecteze în mod negativ abilitatea altui utilizator de a utiliza Serviciile;
- Nu veți interfera, distruge, încărca sau supraîncărca, ataca sau încerca în alt mod să obțineți acces neautorizat la Servicii sau la serverele, rețelele, sistemele sau orice alte dispozitive conectate la Servicii și nu veți încălca niciun fel de cerințe, proceduri, politici sau reglementări ale rețelelor conectate la Servicii;
- Nu veți modifica, traduce, adapta sau crea opere derivate din Servicii;
- Conținutul dvs. nu va conține nimic ilegal, iar dvs. nu veți încălca nicio lege locală, de stat, națională sau internațională aplicabilă cu privire la utilizarea de către dvs. a Serviciilor, inclusiv orice lege privind confidențialitatea datelor sau de control privind importul și exportul, orice reglementări promulgate de Agenția SUA pentru valori mobiliare și operațiuni bursiere (U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission), nicio normă a vreunei burse naționale sau de alt tip, inclusiv Bursa de la New York, Bursa Americană sau NASDAQ și orice alte reglementări cu putere de lege;
- Dvs. dețineți tot conținutul dvs. sau ați obținut toate permisiunile, autorizările, drepturile sau licențele necesare pentru a vă angaja în activitățile dvs. (și pentru a permite WDT să își îndeplinească obligațiile) fără necesitatea obținerii altor autorizări sau acorduri;
- Nu veți utiliza Serviciile pentru a accesa, remite, încărca, stoca, partaja, posta, transmite, publica, afișa, sau pune la dispoziția altor persoane în orice mod conținut cu caracter terorist sau furniza sprijin prin materiale sau resurse către (sau ascunde sau deghiza natura, locul, sursa sau proprietatea asupra sprijinului material sau prin resurse pentru) vreo organizație teroristă;
- Conținutul și activitățile dvs. cu privire la Servicii nu vor încălca sau contraveni drepturilor unei alte părți și nu vor contribui la sau nu vor încuraja încălcarea sau comportamentul nelegal în vreun mod, și nu veți utiliza Serviciile pentru a accesa, remite, încărca, stoca, partaja, posta, transmite, publica, afișa sau pune la dispoziția altor persoane în orice mod a vreunui conținut într-un mod care încalcă vreun brevet, marcă comercială, secret comercial, drept de autor sau orice alt drept de proprietate a niciunei părți;
- Nu veți utiliza Serviciile pentru a acces, remite, încărca, stoca, partaja, posta, transmite, publica, afișa sau pune la dispoziția altor persoane în orice mod orice conținut asupra căruia dvs. nu aveți dreptul de a-l pune la dispoziția altor persoane în vreo bază legală sau relație contractuală sau fiduciară (inclusiv informații interne, care fac obiectul unui drept de proprietate sau confidențiale aflate sau divulgate ca parte a unui raport de muncă sau în baza unui acord de confidențialitate);
- Nu veți utiliza Serviciile pentru a colecta sau stoca informații cu caracter personal despre alte persoane, cu încălcarea oricăror legi aplicabile sau cu privire la orice comportamente și activități interzise stabilite în această Secțiune;
- Nu veți sublicenția, revinde, închiria, oferi prin leasing, împrumuta, transfera, cesiona, copia, distribui, greva sau transmite, publica sau divulga în alt mod Serviciile sau utilizarea acestora (cu excepția cazurilor indicate prin acord scris), sau oferi Serviciile în coproprietate unui terț;
- Nu veți decompila, supune unor metode de inginerie inversă, dezasambla, decripta sau încerca să derivați codul sursă al Serviciilor;
- Nu veți încerca să eludați sau să dezactivați Serviciile sau orice alte funcții sau măsuri tehnologice din cadrul Serviciilor, inclusiv orice controale de acces sau mecanisme de protecție a drepturilor de autor prin niciun fel de mijloace și în niciun mod;
- Nu veți îndepărta sau modifica niciun fel de avize privind mărci, logo-uri, drepturi de autor sau alte drepturi de proprietate, legende, simboluri sau etichete din cadrul sau de pe Servicii sau utilizate în legătură cu Serviciile;
- Nu veți posta un număr nerezonabil de comentarii sau comentarii cu o lungime nerezonabilă în cadrul utilizării Serviciilor de către dvs. și
- Nu veți manipula sau abuza nicio recomandare sau promoție, inclusiv prin obținerea a mai mult de o versiune de încercare gratuită.
Dacă, în timpul utilizării Serviciilor, intrați în contact cu conținut sau activități despre care credeți că încalcă prezenta Politică de utilizare acceptabilă, sau le considerați neadecvate, le puteți raporta contactând WDT la adresa https://support-eu.wd.com sau prin trimiterea unui e-mail la SUPPORT@WDC.COM.
WDT poate actualiza sau modifica prezenta Politică de utilizare acceptabilă la anumite intervale de timp. Prin acceptarea oricăror modificări aduse prezentei Politici de utilizare acceptabilă, inclusiv prin continuarea utilizării Serviciilor după primirea unei notificări rezonabile, sunteți de acord să deveniți obligat prin modificările aplicabile aduse prezentei Politici de utilizare acceptabilă.
Nerespectarea Politicii de utilizare acceptabilă poate conduce la suspendarea și/sau oprirea furnizării Serviciilor.
Policy för korrekt användning
Senast uppdaterad den 1 oktober 2020
Denna Policy för korrekt användning av Onlinetjänster reglerar din användning av onlinetjänster, relaterade tjänster och programvaror som erbjuds av Western Digital Technologies, Inc. och dess associerade företag (gemensamt kallade ”WDT”), inklusive tjänster som gör det möjligt att komma åt, skicka, ladda upp, lagra, dela, publicera, överföra, visa eller på annat sätt tillgängliggöra innehåll och material (”Tjänster”). Tjänster som regleras av denna Policy för korrekt användning kommer uttryckligen att länka till denna Policy för korrekt användning.
Du samtycker till att använda Tjänsterna på ett ansvarsfullt sätt och intygar och garanterar följande:
- Du kommer inte på något sätt att felanvända eller missbruka Tjänsterna;
- Du kommer inte använda Tjänsterna för att komma åt, skicka, ladda upp, lagra, dela, publicera, överföra, visa eller på annat sätt tillgängliggöra något innehåll som är aggressivt, kränkande, trakasserande, skadligt, våldsamt, pornografiskt, obscent, skadeståndsgrundande, ärekränkande, oanständigt, integritetskränkande, osedligt, diskriminerande, stötande, främlingsfientligt, hotande, störande eller på annat sätt förkastligt;
- Du kommer inte använda Tjänsterna för att förfölja, hota, trakassera, skada eller mobba andra;
- Du kommer inte på något sätt använda Tjänsterna för att exploatera eller utnyttja minderåriga;
- Du kommer inte använda Tjänsterna för att dela, publicera, överföra, visa eller på annat sätt tillgängliggöra någon icke-ombedd eller icke-auktoriserad reklam, annonsmaterial, skräppost, kedjebrev, pyramidspel eller andra former av erbjudanden;
- Du kommer inte använda Tjänsterna för att delta i någon form av bedrägliga eller vilseledande aktiviteter, inklusive utge dig för att vara en annan person eller enhet, oriktigt ange eller på annat sätt avsiktligt uppge felaktig anknytning till en person eller enhet, eller manipulera identifieringsinformation i syfte att dölja ursprunget till något innehåll (inklusive nätfiske och s.k. spoofing (t.ex. förfalskad webbplats));
- Du kommer inte använda Tjänsterna för att ladda upp, lagra, dela, publicera, överföra eller på annat sätt tillgängliggöra någon form av datorvirus, datorkod, filer eller program som är utformade att avbryta, förstöra eller begränsa funktioner i datorprogram eller maskinvara;
- Du kommer inte agera på något sätt som negativt påverkar någon annan användares möjlighet att använda Tjänsterna;
- Du kommer inte hindra, störa, belasta, överlasta, hacka eller på annat sätt försöka få obehörig åtkomst till Tjänsterna eller servrar, nätverk, system eller andra enheter som är anslutna till Tjänsterna eller bryta mot några krav, procedurer, policyer eller bestämmelser för nätverk som är anslutna till Tjänsterna;
- Du kommer inte ändra, översätta, anpassa, eller skapa härledda verk av Tjänsterna.
- Ditt innehåll kommer inte innehålla något olagligt innehåll, och du kommer inte bryta mot någon tillämplig lokal, statlig, nationell eller internationell lagstiftning i samband med din användning av Tjänsterna, inklusive lagar om datasekretess och kontroll av import och export, bestämmelser utfärdade av den amerikanska finansinspektionen (U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission), regler för någon nationell eller internationell värdepappersbörs, inklusive New York-börsen, American Stock Exchange och NASDAQ, och bestämmelser med laga kraft;
- Du äger allt ditt innehåll eller har inhämtat alla tillstånd, friskrivningar, rättigheter och licenser som krävs för dina aktiviteter (och tillåter WDT att utöva sina rättigheter) utan ytterligare friskrivningar eller tillstånd;
- Du kommer inte använda Tjänsterna för att komma åt, skicka, ladda upp, lagra, dela, publicera, överföra, visa eller på annat sätt tillgängliggöra något terroristinnehåll eller tillhandahålla materiellt stöd eller resurser (eller hemlighålla eller avsiktligt uppge felaktig beskaffenhet, plats, källa eller ägare av materiellt stöd och resurser) till någon terroristorganisation;
- Ditt innehåll och dina aktiviteter i samband med Tjänsterna kommer inte göra intrång på eller bryta mot någon annan parts rättigheter och inte bidra till eller uppmuntra intrång eller annat olagligt uppförande, och du kommer inte att använda Tjänsterna för att komma åt, skicka, ladda upp, lagra, dela, publicera, överföra, visa eller på annat sätt tillgängliggöra något innehåll på något sätt som inkräktar på någon parts patenträtt, varumärkesrätt, affärshemligheter, upphovsrätt eller annan immaterialrätt;
- Du kommer inte använda Tjänsterna för att komma åt, skicka, ladda upp, lagra, dela, publicera, överföra, visa eller på annat sätt tillgängliggöra något innehåll som du inte har rätt till under någon lag eller under ett avtalsförhållande eller en god man-relation (inklusive insiderinformation, äganderättslig information eller konfidentiell information som du fått reda på som anställd eller under ett sekretessavtal);
- Du kommer inte använda Tjänsterna för att samla in eller lagra personuppgifter från andra på ett sätt som strider mot någon gällande lag eller i samband med uppföranden eller aktiviteter som fastställs som otillåtna i detta avsnitt;
- Du kommer inte underlicensiera, sälja vidare, hyra ut, låna, leasa, överföra, tilldela, kopiera, distribuera, belasta eller på annat sätt överföra, publicera eller avslöja Tjänsterna eller användningen av dem (förutom om annat överenskommits via skriftlig överenskommelse), eller erbjuda Tjänsterna på tidsdelningsbasis till en tredje part;
- Du kommer inte dekompilera, omvandla, demontera, dekryptera eller försöka härleda källkoden för Tjänsterna;
- Du kommer inte försöka kringgå eller inaktivera Tjänsterna eller tekniska funktioner eller åtgärder i Tjänsterna, inklusive åtkomstkontroller eller upphovsrättsskyddsmekanismer, på något sätt;
- Du kommer inte ta bort eller ändra något varumärke, logotyp, upphovsrätt eller annan äganderätt, inskrifter, symboler eller etiketter i eller på Tjänsterna eller som används i samband med Tjänsterna;
- Du kommer inte publicera en orimlig mängd kommentarer eller kommentarer med orimlig längd i samband med din användning av Tjänsterna; och
- Du kommer inte manipulera eller missbruka några hänvisningar eller erbjudanden, inklusive skaffa fler än en gratis provperiod.
Om du vid användning av Tjänsterna stöter på innehåll eller aktivitet som du tror bryter mot denna Policy om korrekt användning, eller som du på annat sätt finner olämplig, kan du anmäla det genom att kontakta WDT på https://support-eu.wd.com eller genom att skicka ett e-postmeddelande på SUPPORT@WDC.COM.
WDT kan uppdatera eller ändra denna Policy om korrekt användning emellanåt. Genom att acceptera eventuella ändringar av denna Policy om korrekt användning, inklusive, genom att fortsätta att använda Tjänsterna efter ett rimligt tillkännagivande har levererats till dig, accepterar du att vara bunden av tillämpliga ändringar i denna Policy om korrekt användning.
Underlåtenhet att följa denna Policy om korrekt användning kan leda till upphävning och/eller avslutande av Tjänsterna.
Acceptable Use Policy for Online Services
Last Updated October 1, 2020
This Acceptable Use Policy governs your use of online and related services and software offered by Western Digital Technologies, Inc. and its affiliates (collectively, “WDT”), including services and software that may allow you to access, submit, upload, store, share, post, transmit, publish, display, or otherwise make available to others content and materials (“Services”). Services that are governed by this Acceptable Use Policy will expressly link to this Acceptable Use Policy.
You agree to use the Services responsibly, and you represent and agree that:
- You will not misuse or abuse the Services in any manner;
- You will not use the Services to access, submit, upload, store, share, post, transmit, publish, display, or otherwise make available to others any content that is threatening, abusive, harassing, harmful, violent, pornographic, obscene, tortious, defamatory, libelous, invasive of another’s privacy, profane, discriminatory, offensive, hate speech, intimidating, disruptive, or otherwise objectionable;
- You will not use the Services to stalk, threaten, harass, harm, or bully others;
- You will not use the Services to exploit or abuse minors in any way;
- You will not use the Services to share, post, transmit, publish, display, or otherwise make available to others any unsolicited or unauthorized advertising, promotional materials, junk mail, spam, chain letters, pyramid schemes, or any other form of solicitation;
- You will not use the Services to engage in activity that is fraudulent, misleading, or deceptive, including by impersonating another person or entity, falsely stating or otherwise misrepresenting your affiliation with a person or entity, or manipulating identifiers in order to disguise the origin of any of your content (including spoofing or phishing);
- You will not use the Services to upload, store, share, post, transmit, or otherwise make available any software viruses or any other computer code, files, or programs designed to interrupt, destroy, or limit the functionality of any computer software or hardware;
- You will not act in a manner that negatively affects another user’s ability to use the Services;
- You will not interfere with, disrupt, burden, overload, hack, or otherwise attempt to gain unauthorized access to the Services or servers, networks, systems, or other devices connected to the Services, or disobey any requirements, procedures, policies, or regulations of networks connected to the Services;
- You will not modify, translate, adapt, or create derivative works of the Services;
- Your content will not contain anything that is unlawful, and you will not violate any applicable local, state, national, or international law in connection with your use of the Services, including any data privacy or export or import control laws, any regulations promulgated by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, any rules of any national or other securities exchange, including the New York Stock Exchange, the American Stock Exchange, or the NASDAQ, and any regulations having the force of law;
- You own all of your content or have obtained all permissions, releases, rights, or licenses required to engage in your activities (and allow WDT to perform its obligations) without obtaining any further releases or consents;
- You will not use the Services to access, submit, upload, store, share, post, transmit, publish, display, or otherwise make available any terrorist content or provide material support or resources to (or conceal or disguise the nature, location, source, or ownership of material support or resources for) any terrorist organization(s);
- Your content and your activities in connection with the Services will not infringe or violate the rights of any other party and will not contribute to or encourage infringing or otherwise unlawful conduct, and you will not use the Services to access, submit, upload, store, share, post, transmit, publish, display, or otherwise make available any content in a manner that infringes any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright, or other proprietary right of any party;
- You will not use the Services to access, submit, upload, store, share, post, transmit, publish, display, or otherwise make available to others any content that you do not have a right to make available under any law or under a contractual or fiduciary relationship (including inside, proprietary, or confidential information learned of or disclosed as part of an employment relationship or under a nondisclosure agreement);
- You will not use the Services to collect or store personal information about others in violation of any applicable law or in connection with any of the prohibited conduct and activities set forth in this Section;
- You will not sublicense, resell, rent, lease, lend, transfer, assign, copy, distribute, encumber, or otherwise transfer, publish, or disclose the Services or its use (except as may otherwise be provided by written agreement), or offer the Services on a time-share basis to any third party;
- You will not decompile, reverse engineer, disassemble, decrypt, or attempt to derive the source code of the Services;
- You will not attempt to circumvent or disable the Services or any technology features or measures in the Services, including any access controls or copyright protection mechanisms, by any means or in any manner;
- You will not remove or alter any trademark, logo, copyright, or other proprietary notices, legends, symbols, or labels in or on the Services or used in connection with the Services;
- You will not post an unreasonable amount of comments or comments of unreasonable length in connection with your use of the Services; and
- You will not manipulate or abuse any referrals or promotions, including to get more than one free trial.
If while using the Services, you encounter content or activity you believe is in violation of this Acceptable Use Policy, or that you otherwise find inappropriate, you may report it by contacting WDT through https://support-en.wd.com/ or by sending an email to SUPPORT@WDC.COM.
WDT may update or modify this Acceptable Use Policy from time to time. By accepting any modifications to this Acceptable Use Policy, including, by continuing to use the Services after reasonable notice is provided to you, you are agreeing to be bound by the applicable modifications to this Acceptable Use Policy.
Your failure to comply with the Acceptable Use Policy may result in suspension and/or termination of the Services.
Acceptable Use Policy for Online Services
Last Updated October 1, 2020
This Acceptable Use Policy governs your use of online and related services and software offered by Western Digital Technologies, Inc. and its affiliates (collectively, “WDT”), including services and software that may allow you to access, submit, upload, store, share, post, transmit, publish, display, or otherwise make available to others content and materials (“Services”). Services that are governed by this Acceptable Use Policy will expressly link to this Acceptable Use Policy.
You agree to use the Services responsibly, and you represent and agree that:
- You will not misuse or abuse the Services in any manner;
- You will not use the Services to access, submit, upload, store, share, post, transmit, publish, display, or otherwise make available to others any content that is threatening, abusive, harassing, harmful, violent, pornographic, obscene, tortious, defamatory, libelous, invasive of another’s privacy, profane, discriminatory, offensive, hate speech, intimidating, disruptive, or otherwise objectionable;
- You will not use the Services to stalk, threaten, harass, harm, or bully others;
- You will not use the Services to exploit or abuse minors in any way;
- You will not use the Services to share, post, transmit, publish, display, or otherwise make available to others any unsolicited or unauthorized advertising, promotional materials, junk mail, spam, chain letters, pyramid schemes, or any other form of solicitation;
- You will not use the Services to engage in activity that is fraudulent, misleading, or deceptive, including by impersonating another person or entity, falsely stating or otherwise misrepresenting your affiliation with a person or entity, or manipulating identifiers in order to disguise the origin of any of your content (including spoofing or phishing);
- You will not use the Services to upload, store, share, post, transmit, or otherwise make available any software viruses or any other computer code, files, or programs designed to interrupt, destroy, or limit the functionality of any computer software or hardware;
- You will not act in a manner that negatively affects another user’s ability to use the Services;
- You will not interfere with, disrupt, burden, overload, hack, or otherwise attempt to gain unauthorized access to the Services or servers, networks, systems, or other devices connected to the Services, or disobey any requirements, procedures, policies, or regulations of networks connected to the Services;
- You will not modify, translate, adapt, or create derivative works of the Services;
- Your content will not contain anything that is unlawful, and you will not violate any applicable local, state, national, or international law in connection with your use of the Services, including any data privacy or export or import control laws, any regulations promulgated by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, any rules of any national or other securities exchange, including the New York Stock Exchange, the American Stock Exchange, or the NASDAQ, and any regulations having the force of law;
- You own all of your content or have obtained all permissions, releases, rights, or licenses required to engage in your activities (and allow WDT to perform its obligations) without obtaining any further releases or consents;
- You will not use the Services to access, submit, upload, store, share, post, transmit, publish, display, or otherwise make available any terrorist content or provide material support or resources to (or conceal or disguise the nature, location, source, or ownership of material support or resources for) any terrorist organization(s);
- Your content and your activities in connection with the Services will not infringe or violate the rights of any other party and will not contribute to or encourage infringing or otherwise unlawful conduct, and you will not use the Services to access, submit, upload, store, share, post, transmit, publish, display, or otherwise make available any content in a manner that infringes any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright, or other proprietary right of any party;
- You will not use the Services to access, submit, upload, store, share, post, transmit, publish, display, or otherwise make available to others any content that you do not have a right to make available under any law or under a contractual or fiduciary relationship (including inside, proprietary, or confidential information learned of or disclosed as part of an employment relationship or under a nondisclosure agreement);
- You will not use the Services to collect or store personal information about others in violation of any applicable law or in connection with any of the prohibited conduct and activities set forth in this Section;
- You will not sublicense, resell, rent, lease, lend, transfer, assign, copy, distribute, encumber, or otherwise transfer, publish, or disclose the Services or its use (except as may otherwise be provided by written agreement), or offer the Services on a time-share basis to any third party;
- You will not decompile, reverse engineer, disassemble, decrypt, or attempt to derive the source code of the Services;
- You will not attempt to circumvent or disable the Services or any technology features or measures in the Services, including any access controls or copyright protection mechanisms, by any means or in any manner;
- You will not remove or alter any trademark, logo, copyright, or other proprietary notices, legends, symbols, or labels in or on the Services or used in connection with the Services;
- You will not post an unreasonable amount of comments or comments of unreasonable length in connection with your use of the Services; and
- You will not manipulate or abuse any referrals or promotions, including to get more than one free trial.
If while using the Services, you encounter content or activity you believe is in violation of this Acceptable Use Policy, or that you otherwise find inappropriate, you may report it by contacting WDT through https://support-en.wd.com/ or by sending an email to SUPPORT@WDC.COM.
WDT may update or modify this Acceptable Use Policy from time to time. By accepting any modifications to this Acceptable Use Policy, including, by continuing to use the Services after reasonable notice is provided to you, you are agreeing to be bound by the applicable modifications to this Acceptable Use Policy.
Your failure to comply with the Acceptable Use Policy may result in suspension and/or termination of the Services.
Kebijakan Penggunaan yang Diperbolehkan
Terakhir Diperbarui Oktober 1, 2020
Kebijakan Penggunaan yang Diperbolehkan ini mengatur penggunaan layanan online dan hal terkait serta perangkat lunak oleh Anda yang ditawarkan oleh Western Digital Technologies, Inc. dan afiliasinya (secara bersama-sama, “WDT”), termasuk layanan dan perangkat lunak yang mungkin memungkinkan Anda mengakses, menyerahkan, mengunggah, menyimpan, membagikan, memposting, mengirimkan, mempublikasikan, menampilkan, atau menyediakan konten dan materi kepada orang lain (“Layanan”). Layanan yang diatur oleh Kebijakan Penggunaan yang Diperbolehkan ini akan secara tegas terikat dengan Kebijakan Penggunaan yang Diperbolehkan ini.
Anda setuju untuk menggunakan Layanan secara bertanggung jawab, dan Anda menyatakan dan menyetujui bahwa:
- Anda tidak akan menyalahgunakan atau menyelewengkan Layanan dengan cara apa pun;
- Anda tidak akan menggunakan Layanan untuk mengakses, menyerahkan, mengunggah, menyimpan, membagikan, memposting, mengirimkan, mempublikasikan, menampilkan, atau menyediakan kepada orang lain konten yang mengancam, menghina, melecehkan, berbahaya, kasar, porno, cabul, menyiksa, memfitnah, menjelekkan, mengusik privasi orang lain, tidak senonoh, diskriminatif, menyinggung, membenci, mengintimidasi, mengganggu, atau tidak menyenangkan;
- Anda tidak akan menggunakan Layanan untuk menguntit, mengancam, melecehkan, membahayakan, atau mengintimidasi orang lain;
- Anda tidak akan menggunakan Layanan untuk mengeksploitasi atau menyalahgunakan anak di bawah umur dengan cara apa pun;
- Anda tidak akan menggunakan Layanan untuk membagikan, memposting, mengirimkan, mempublikasikan, menampilkan, atau menyediakan kepada orang lain iklan, materi promosi, email sampah, spam, surat berantai, skema piramida, atau segala bentuk permintaan lainnya yang tidak diminta atau tidak diizinkan;
- Anda tidak akan menggunakan Layanan untuk terlibat dalam aktivitas yang curang, menyesatkan, atau menipu, termasuk dengan menyamar sebagai orang atau entitas lain, salah dalam menyatakan atau salah dalam menggambarkan afiliasi Anda dengan seseorang atau suatu entitas, atau memanipulasi pengidentifikasi untuk menyamarkan asal usul salah satu konten Anda (termasuk spoofing atau phishing);
- Anda tidak akan menggunakan Layanan untuk mengunggah, menyimpan, membagikan, memposting, mengirimkan, atau menyediakan virus perangkat lunak atau kode, file, atau program komputer lainnya yang dirancang untuk mengganggu, menghancurkan, atau membatasi fungsionalitas perangkat lunak atau perangkat keras komputer;
- Anda tidak akan bertindak dengan cara yang berdampak negatif terhadap kemampuan pengguna lain dalam menggunakan Layanan;
- Anda tidak akan mengganggu, mengacaukan, menyusahkan, membebani, meretas, atau dengan cara lainnya berupaya untuk mendapatkan akses tanpa izin ke Layanan atau server, jaringan, sistem, atau perangkat lain yang terhubung ke Layanan, atau tidak memenuhi persyaratan, prosedur, kebijakan, atau regulasi jaringan yang terhubung ke Layanan;
- Anda tidak akan memodifikasi, menerjemahkan, mengadaptasi, atau membuat karya derivatif atas Layanan;
- Konten Anda tidak akan mengandung apa pun yang melanggar hukum, dan Anda tidak akan melanggar hukum lokal, negara bagian, nasional, atau internasional yang berlaku sehubungan dengan penggunaan Layanan oleh Anda, termasuk undang-undang privasi data atau undang-undang kontrol ekspor atau impor, semua peraturan yang diundangkan oleh Komisi Sekuritas dan Bursa AS, aturan pasar modal nasional atau pasar modal lainnya, termasuk Bursa Efek New York, Bursa Efek Amerika, atau NASDAQ, dan setiap peraturan yang memiliki kekuatan hukum;
- Anda memiliki semua konten Anda atau telah memperoleh semua izin, rilis, hak, atau lisensi yang diperlukan untuk terlibat dalam aktivitas Anda (dan memungkinkan WDT melakukan kewajibannya) tanpa mendapatkan rilis atau persetujuan lebih lanjut;
- Anda tidak akan menggunakan Layanan untuk mengakses, menyerahkan, mengunggah, menyimpan, membagikan, memposting, mengirimkan, mempublikasikan, menampilkan, atau menyediakan konten teroris atau menyediakan dukungan materi atau sumber daya kepada (atau menyembunyikan atau menyamarkan asal, lokasi, sumber, atau kepemilikan dukungan materi atau sumber daya untuk) organisasi teroris mana pun;
- Konten Anda dan aktivitas Anda sehubungan dengan Layanan tidak akan menyalahi atau melanggar hak-hak pihak lain dan tidak akan berkontribusi pada atau mendorong pelanggaran atau perilaku melanggar hukum, dan Anda tidak akan menggunakan Layanan untuk mengakses, menyerahkan, mengunggah, menyimpan, membagikan, memposting, mengirimkan, mempublikasikan, menampilkan, atau menyediakan konten dengan cara yang melanggar hak paten, merek dagang, rahasia dagang, hak cipta, atau hak kepemilikan lainnya dari pihak mana pun;
- Anda tidak akan menggunakan Layanan untuk mengakses, menyerahkan, mengunggah, menyimpan, membagikan, memposting, mengirimkan, mempublikasikan, menampilkan, atau menyediakan kepada orang lain konten yang tidak berhak Anda sediakan berdasarkan hukum apa pun atau berdasarkan hubungan kontrak atau fidusia (termasuk informasi orang dalam, hak milik, atau rahasia yang diketahui atau diungkapkan sebagai bagian dari hubungan kerja atau berdasarkan perjanjian larangan pengungkapan);
- Anda tidak akan menggunakan Layanan untuk mengumpulkan atau menyimpan informasi pribadi tentang orang lain yang melanggar hukum yang berlaku atau sehubungan dengan perilaku dan aktivitas terlarang yang ditetapkan dalam Pasal ini;
- Anda tidak akan mensublisensikan, menjual kembali, menyewakan, menyewagunakan, meminjamkan, mentransfer, mengalihkan, menyalin, mendistribusikan, membebani, atau dengan cara lain mentransfer, menerbitkan, atau mengungkapkan Layanan atau penggunaannya (kecuali jika ditetapkan oleh perjanjian tertulis), atau menawarkan Layanan berdasarkan pembagian waktu kepada pihak ketiga mana pun;
- Anda tidak akan mendekompilasi, merekayasa balik, membongkar, mendekripsi, atau berupaya untuk mendapatkan kode sumber dari Layanan;
- Anda tidak akan berupaya untuk mengakali atau menonaktifkan Layanan atau fitur atau langkah teknologi apa pun dalam Layanan, termasuk setiap kontrol akses atau mekanisme perlindungan hak cipta, oleh cara apa atau dengan cara apa pun;
- Anda tidak akan menghilangkan atau mengubah setiap merek, logo, hak cipta, atau pemberitahuan kepemilikan lain, legenda, simbol, atau label di atau pada Layanan atau digunakan terkait dengan Layanan;
- Anda tidak akan memposting komentar dalam jumlah yang sangat banyak atau sangat panjang sehubungan dengan penggunaan Layanan oleh Anda; dan
- Anda tidak akan memanipulasi atau menyalahgunakan rujukan atau promosi apa pun, termasuk untuk mendapatkan lebih dari satu uji coba gratis.
Jika saat menggunakan Layanan, Anda menemukan konten atau aktivitas yang Anda yakini melanggar Kebijakan Penggunaan yang Diperbolehkan ini, atau yang menurut Anda tidak patut, Anda dapat melaporkannya dengan menghubungi WDT melalui https://support-in.wd.com/ atau dengan mengirim email ke SUPPORT@WDC.COM.
WDT dapat memperbarui atau mengubah Kebijakan Penggunaan yang Diperbolehkan ini dari waktu ke waktu. Dengan menerima perubahan apa pun terhadap Kebijakan Penggunaan yang Diperbolehkan ini, termasuk, dengan terus menggunakan Layanan setelah pemberitahuan yang wajar diberikan kepada Anda, Anda setuju untuk terikat oleh perubahan yang berlaku pada Kebijakan Penggunaan yang Diperbolehkan ini.
Kegagalan Anda untuk mematuhi Kebijakan Penggunaan yang Diperbolehkan ini dapat mengakibatkan penangguhan dan/atau penghentian Layanan.
Kabul Edilebilir Kullanım Politikası
En Son 1 Ekim 2020 Tarihinde Güncellenmiştir.
Western Digital Technologies, Inc. ve bağlı şirketleri (birlikte “WDT”) tarafından sunulan içerik ve materyallere erişmenize, bunları göndermenize, yüklemenize, saklamanıza, paylaşmanıza, gönderi olarak paylaşmanıza, iletmenize, yayımlamanıza, görüntülemenize veya bunları başka şekillerde başkalarının erişimine sunmanıza olanak sağlayan hizmetler ve yazılım dâhil olmak üzere çevrimiçi ve ilgili hizmetleri (“Hizmetler”) ve yazılımı kullanımınız işbu Kabul Edilebilir Kullanım Politikasına tabidir. İşbu Kabul Edilebilir Kullanım Politikasına tabi Hizmetlerde açıkça işbu Kabul Edilebilir Kullanım Politikasına bağlantı verilecektir.
Hizmetleri sorumluluk bilinci ile kullanmayı kabul etmektesiniz, ayrıca:
- Hizmetleri hiçbir şekilde kötüye kullanmayacağınızı veya suistimal etmeyeceğinizi;
- Hizmetleri tehditkâr, istismar edici, taciz edici, zarar verici, şiddet içeren, pornografik, müstehcen, tahripkâr, onur kırıcı, karalayıcı, başkasının gizliliğini ihlal eden, dine hakaret eden, ayrımcı nitelikteki, hakaret içeren, nefret söylemi içeren, göz korkutucu, rahatsız edici veya başka şekilde uygunsuz içeriklere erişmek, bu tür içerikleri göndermek, yüklemek, saklamak, paylaşmak, gönderi olarak paylaşmak, iletmek, yayımlamak, görüntülemek veya başka şekillerde başkalarının erişimine sunmak için kullanmayacağınızı;
- Hizmetleri hiçbir şekilde başkalarını gizlice izlemek, tehdit etmek, taciz etmek, başkalarına zarar vermek veya zorbalık yapmak için kullanmayacağınızı;
- Hizmetleri hiçbir şekilde reşit olmayanları suistimal veya istismar etmek için kullanmayacağınızı;
- Hizmetleri istenmeyen veya izinsiz reklamları, promosyon materyallerini, istenmeyen postaları, zincir mektupları, piramit şemalarını veya her türlü diğer davet ve talebi paylaşmak, gönderi olarak paylaşmak, iletmek, yayımlamak, görüntülemek veya başka şekillerde başkalarının erişimine sunmak için kullanmayacağınızı;
- Hizmetleri başka birisi veya bir kuruluşun kimliğine bürünmek, bir kişi veya kuruluşla bağlantınız konusunda yalan beyanda bulunmak veya bu bağlantıyı başka şekilde yanlış olarak belirtmek ya da herhangi bir içeriğinizin kaynağını gizlemek amacıyla tanımlayıcıları manipüle etmek (aldatma saldırıları veya e-dolandırıcılık gibi) dâhil olmak üzere hileli, yanıltıcı veya aldatıcı faaliyetlerde bulunmak için kullanmayacağınızı;
- Hizmetleri herhangi bir bilgisayar yazılımı veya donanımının işlevselliğini kesintiye uğratmak, bozmak veya sınırlandırmak amacını taşıyan her türlü bilgisayar kodu, dosyası veya programını veya herhangi bir yazılım virüsünü yüklemek, saklamak, paylaşmak, gönderi olarak paylaşmak, iletmek veya başka şekillerde başkalarının erişimine sunmak için kullanmayacağınızı;
- Başka bir kullanıcının Hizmetleri kullanımını olumsuz etkileyecek şekilde hareket etmeyeceğinizi;
- Hizmetleri veya Hizmetlere bağlı sunucuları, ağları, sistemleri veya diğer cihazları engellemeyeceğinizi, bozmayacağınızı, bunlara yüklenmeyeceğinizi, aşırı yüklenmeyeceğinizi, bilgisayar korsanlığı işlemlerine tabi tutmayacağınızı veya bunlara başka şekillerde izinsiz erişim sağlamaya çalışmayacağınızı yahut Hizmetlerle bağlantılı ağların hiçbir şartına, prosedürüne, politikasına veya yönetmeliğine aykırı davranmayacağınızı;
- Hizmetleri değiştirmeyeceğinizi, tercüme etmeyeceğinizi, uyarlamayacağınızı veya türev işlerini oluşturmayacağınızı;
- İçeriğinizin yasa dışı hiçbir şey içermeyeceğini ve Hizmetleri kullanımınızla bağlantılı olarak veri gizlilik yahut ihracat veya ithalat kontrol yasaları, ABD Menkul Kıymetler ve Borsa Komisyonu tarafından ilan edilen her türlü yönetmelik, New York Menkul Kıymetler Borsası, Amerikan Menkul Kıymetler Borsası veya NASDAQ dâhil olmak üzere ulusal veya diğer menkul kıymetler borsalarının her türlü kuralı ve kanun hükmündeki her türlü yönetmelik dâhil olmak üzere yürürlükteki hiçbir yerel, devlete ait, ulusal veya uluslararası yasayı ihlal etmeyeceğinizi;
- Tüm içeriğinizin sahibi olduğunuzu veya faaliyetlerinizi gerçekleştirmeniz (ve WDT’nin yükümlülüklerini yerine getirmesi) için gerekli tüm izinleri, onamları, hakları veya lisansları başka onam veya onay almaya gerek kalmayacak şekilde aldığınızı;
- Hizmetleri herhangi bir terörist içeriğe erişmek, bu tür içerikleri göndermek, yüklemek, saklamak, paylaşmak, gönderi olarak paylaşmak, iletmek, yayımlamak, görüntülemek veya başka şekillerde başkalarının erişimine sunmak için veya herhangi bir terörist örgüte malzeme desteği veya kaynak sağlamak (yahut bu örgütler için malzeme desteği veya kaynakların yapısını, konumunu, kaynağını veya sahiplik bilgisini saklamak veya gizlemek) için kullanmayacağınızı;
- Hizmetler ile bağlantılı içeriğinizin veya faaliyetlerinizin başka herhangi bir tarafın haklarını çiğnemeyeceğini veya ihlal etmeyeceğini; ihlal edici nitelikte veya başka şekilde yasa dışı hiçbir davranışı teşvik etmeyeceğini veya bunlara katkıda bulunmayacağını ve Hizmetleri herhangi bir tarafın herhangi bir patentini, ticari markasını, ticari sırrını, telif hakkını veya başka mülkiyet haklarını ihlal eden hiçbir içeriğe erişmek, bu tür içerikleri göndermek, yüklemek, saklamak, paylaşmak, gönderi olarak paylaşmak, iletmek, yayımlamak, görüntülemek veya başka şekillerde başkalarının erişimine sunmak için kullanmayacağınızı;
- Hizmetleri herhangi bir yasa veya akdi yahut güvene dayalı ilişki uyarınca erişime sunma hakkınızın bulunmadığı her türlü içeriğe (bir iş ilişkisi veya gizlilik sözleşmesi kapsamında öğrenilen veya ifşa edilen kurum içi, tescilli veya gizli bilgiler dâhil olmak üzere) erişmek, bu tür içerikleri göndermek, yüklemek, saklamak, paylaşmak, gönderi olarak paylaşmak, iletmek, yayımlamak, görüntülemek veya başka şekillerde başkalarının erişimine sunmak için kullanmayacağınızı;
- Hizmetleri başkalarının kişisel bilgilerini yürürlükteki herhangi bir yasayı ihlal edecek veya bu Bölümde belirtilen yasak davranış ve faaliyetler ile bağlantılı şekilde toplamak veya saklamak için kullanmayacağınızı;
- Hizmetlerin veya Hizmetlerin kullanımının alt lisansını herhangi bir üçüncü tarafa vermeyeceğinizi, bunları herhangi bir üçüncü tarafa satmayacağınızı, kısa süreli veya uzun süreli olarak kiraya vermeyeceğinizi, ödünç vermeyeceğinizi, aktarmayacağınızı, devretmeyeceğinizi, kopyalamayacağınızı, dağıtmayacağınızı, yükümlülük altına sokmayacağınızı veya başka şekillerde transfer etmeyeceğinizi, yayımlamayacağınızı veya ifşa etmeyeceğinizi (yazılı sözleşme ile belirtilen olası durumlar haricinde) veya Hizmetleri zaman paylaşımlı yöntemlerle herhangi bir üçüncü tarafa sunmayacağınızı;
- Hizmetlerin kaynak kodunu geri derlemeyeceğinizi, tersine mühendislik işlemlerine tabi tutmayacağınızı, parçalarına ayırmayacağınızı, şifresini çözmeyeceğinizi veya elde etmeye çalışmayacağınızı;
- Hizmetleri veya her türlü erişim kontrolü ve telif hakkı koruma mekanizması dâhil olmak üzere Hizmetlerdeki herhangi bir teknoloji özelliğini veya önlemini hiçbir nedenle veya hiçbir şekilde engellemeye veya işlevsiz hale getirmeye çalışmayacağınızı;
- Hizmetlerde yer alan veya Hizmetler ile bağlantılı olarak kullanılan herhangi bir ticari markayı, logoyu, telif hakkını veya başka tescilli bildirim, açıklama, sembol veya etiketi kaldırmayacağınızı veya değiştirmeyeceğinizi;
- Hizmetleri kullanımınızla bağlantılı olarak makul olmayan sayıda veya makul olmayan uzunlukta yorum paylaşmayacağınızı ve
- Bir defadan fazla ücretsiz deneme hakkı edinme de dâhil olmak üzere yeni kullanıcı önerme ödülünü veya promosyonları manipüle etmeyeceğinizi veya suistimal etmeyeceğinizi de beyan ve kabul etmektesiniz.
Hizmetleri kullanımınız sırasında işbu Kabul Edilebilir Kullanım Politikasını ihlal ettiğini düşündüğünüz veya başka nedenlerle uygunsuz bulduğunuz bir içerik veya faaliyet ile karşılaşırsanız bunu https://support-tr.wd.com/ adresinden veya SUPPORT@WDC.COM adresine e-posta göndermek suretiyle irtibata geçerek WDT'ye bildirebilirsiniz.
WDT, işbu Kabul Edilebilir Kullanım Politikasını muhtelif zamanlarda güncelleyebilir veya değiştirebilir. Size makul bildirimde bulunulduktan sonra Hizmetleri kullanmaya devam etmek suretiyle dâhil olmak üzere işbu Kabul Edilebilir Kullanım Politikasındaki değişiklikleri kabul ederek, işbu Kabul Edilebilir Kullanım Politikasındaki geçerli değişikliklerin bağlayıcılığını kabul etmektesiniz.
Kabul Edilebilir Kullanım Politikasına uymamanız hâlinde Hizmetleri kullanımınız askıya alınabilir ve/veya durdurulabilir.
Regler om acceptabel brug
Senest opdateret 1. oktober 2020
Disse Regler om acceptabel brug gælder for din brug af onlinetjenester og lignende tjenester og software, som udbydes af Western Digital Technologies, Inc. og dennes datterselskaber (samlet "WDT"), herunder tjenester og software, som kan gøre det muligt for dig at tilgå, sende, uploade, gemme, dele, lægge op, overføre, offentliggøre, vise eller på anden vis gøre noget indhold eller materialer ("Tjenester") tilgængelige for andre. Tjenester, der er underlagt disse Regler om acceptabel brug, vil være udtrykkeligt forbundet med disse Regler om acceptabel brug.
Du accepterer at bruge Tjenesterne ansvarligt, og du erklærer og accepterer, at:
- Du ikke vil misbruge Tjenesterne eller bruge dem uretmæssigt på nogen måde,
- Du ikke vil bruge Tjenesterne til at tilgå, sende, uploade, gemme, dele, lægge op, overføre, offentliggøre, vise eller på anden vis gøre noget indhold tilgængeligt for andre, som er truende, nedværdigende, chikanerende, skadeligt, voldeligt, pornografisk, vulgært, ansvarspådragende, ærekrænkende, bagvaskende, krænkende for privatlivets fred, spottende, diskriminerende, stødende, hadefuld retorik, intimiderende, generende eller på anden vis uønsket,
- Du ikke vil bruge Tjenesterne til at forfølge, true, chikanere, skade eller mobbe andre,
- Du ikke vil bruge Tjenesterne til at udnytte eller misbruge mindreårige på nogen måde,
- Du ikke vil bruge Tjenesterne til at dele, lægge op, overføre, udgive, vise eller på anden vis tilgængeliggøre for andre eventuelle uønskede eller uautoriserede reklamer, reklamemateriale, spam, kædebreve, pyramidesalg eller andre former for salg,
- Du ikke vil bruge Tjenesterne til at deltage i nogen aktivitet, som er svigagtig, vildledende eller bedragerisk, herunder ved at udgive dig for at være en anden person eller enhed, give falske oplysninger om eller på anden vis give et forkert billede af din tilknytning til en person eller enhed eller manipulere med identifikatorer for at skjule oprindelsen af dit indhold (herunder spoofing eller phishing),
- Du ikke vil bruge Tjenesterne til at uploade, gemme, dele, lægge op, videresende eller på anden vis tilgængeliggøre softwarevira eller anden computerkode, filer eller programmer, som er udformede til at afbryde, destruere eller begrænse funktionaliteten af computersoftware eller -hardware,
- Du ikke vil handle på en måde, som påvirker andre brugeres mulighed for at bruge Tjenesterne negativt,
- Du ikke vil forstyrre, afbryde, belaste, overbelaste, hacke eller på anden måde gøre forsøg på at opnå uautoriseret adgang til Tjenesterne eller serverne, netværk, systemer eller andre enheder, som er tilsluttet Tjenesterne, eller ikke følge krav, procedurer, politikker eller bestemmelser fra netværk, der er tilsluttet Tjenesterne,
- Du ikke vil ændre, oversætte, tilpasse eller oprette afledte aktiviteter af Tjenesterne;
- Dit indhold ikke vil indeholde noget, som er ulovligt, og du ikke vil overtræde nogen gældende lokale, statslige, nationale eller internationale love i forbindelse med din brug af Tjenesterne, herunder love om databeskyttelse eller eksport- eller importkontrol, bestemmelser som er bekendtgjort af U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, bestemmelser fra nationale børser eller andre værdipapirbørser, herunder New York Stock Exchange, American Stock Exchange eller NASDAQ samt bestemmelser, der har retskraft,
- Du ejer alt dit indhold eller har indhentet alle tilladelser, frigivelser, rettigheder eller licenser, som er nødvendige for at udføre dine aktiviteter (og tillade, at WDT kan opfylde sine forpligtelser) uden at indhente yderligere frigivelser eller samtykke,
- Du ikke vil bruge Tjenesterne til at tilgå, indsende, uploade, gemme, dele, lægge op, sende, offentliggøre, vise eller på anden vis tilgængeliggøre terrorindhold eller stille materialesupport eller -ressourcer til rådighed for (eller skjule eller tilsløre karakteren af, placeringen af, kilden til eller ejerskabet til materialesupport eller -ressourcer til) nogen terrororganisation(er),
- Dit indhold og dine aktiviteter i forbindelse med Tjenesterne overtræder eller krænker ikke en anden parts rettigheder og vil ikke bidrage til eller opfordre til krænkelse eller på anden vis ulovlig adfærd, og du ikke vil bruge Tjenesterne til at tilgå, sende, uploade, gemme, dele, lægge op, overføre, offentliggøre, vise eller på anden vis gøre noget indhold tilgængeligt på en måde, som krænker nogen parts patent, varemærke, forretningshemmelighed, ophavsret eller anden ejendomsret,
- Du ikke vil bruge Tjenesterne til at tilgå, sende, uploade, gemme, dele, lægge op, overføre, offentliggøre, vise eller på anden vis gøre noget indhold tilgængeligt for andre, som du ikke har ret til at gøre tilgængeligt i henhold til enhver lov eller i henhold til et kontraktligt eller betroet forhold (inklusive insideroplysninger, ejendoms- eller fortrolige oplysninger, som du har fået viden om eller videregivet som del af et ansættelsesforhold eller i medfør af en hemmeligholdelsesaftale),
- Du ikke vil bruge Tjenesterne til at indsamle eller gemme personlige oplysninger om andre i strid med nogen gældende lov eller i forbindelse med nogen af de forbudte adfærdsformer og aktiviteter, som er anført i dette Afsnit,
- Du ikke vil give i underlicens, videresælge, leje, lease, udlåne, overføre, tildele, kopiere, videregive, hindre eller på anden måde overføre, offentliggøre eller fortælle om Tjenesterne eller brugen af dem (med undtagelse af det, der måtte aftales på anden vis ved skriftlig aftale), eller tilbyde Tjenesterne på en time-share basis til nogen tredjepart,
- Du ikke vil dekompilere, udføre reverse engineering, opbryde, dekryptere eller gøre forsøg på at udlede kildekoden for Tjenesterne;
- Du ikke vil gøre forsøg på at omgå eller deaktivere Tjenesterne eller nogen anden teknologisk funktion eller foranstaltning i Tjenesterne, herunder nogen adgangsstyring eller mekanismer til beskyttelse af ophavsret, med nogen midler eller på nogen måde;
- Du ikke vil fjerne eller ændre noget varemærke, logo, ophavsret eller andre navnebeskyttede meddelelser, forklaringer, symboler eller mærkater i eller på Tjenesterne eller som er anvendt i forbindelse med Tjenesterne;
- Du ikke vil lægge et urimeligt antal kommentarer eller kommentarer af en urimelig længde op i forbindelse med din brug af Tjenesterne, og
- Du ikke vil manipulere eller misbruge nogen henvisninger eller kampagner, herunder til at få mere end én gratis prøveperiode.
Hvis du, mens du bruger Tjenesterne, støder på indhold eller aktiviteter, som du mener overtræder disse Regler om acceptabel brug, eller som du på anden vis finder upassende, kan du rapportere dette ved at kontakte WDT på https://support-eu.wd.com eller ved at sende en e-mail til SUPPORT@WDC.COM.
WDT kan fra tid til anden opdatere eller ændre disse Regler om acceptabel brug. Ved accept af en ændring af disse Regler om acceptabel brug, herunder, ved fortsat at bruge Tjenesterne efter du har modtaget et rimeligt varsel, accepterer du at være bundet af de gældende ændringer i disse Regler om acceptabel brug.
Din manglende overholdelse af Regler om acceptabel brug kan medføre suspendering og/eller opsigelse af Tjenesterne.
Politique d’utilisation acceptable
Dernière mise à jour : 1er octobre 2020
La présente Politique d’utilisation acceptable régit votre utilisation des logiciels et services en ligne et connexes proposés par Western Digital Technologies, Inc. et ses sociétés affiliées (collectivement désignées « WDT »), y compris, les logiciels et services susceptibles de vous permettre d’accéder à des contenus et à des éléments, ainsi que de les envoyer, de les téléverser, de les stocker, de les partager, de les publier, de les transmettre, de les éditer, de les afficher ou de les mettre à disposition de toute autre manière en faveur de tiers (« Services »). Les Services régis par la présente Politique d’utilisation acceptable établiront un lien exprès avec cette dernière.
Vous acceptez d’utiliser les Services de manière responsable, et vous déclarez et acceptez que :
- Vous ne ferez aucune utilisation malavisée ou abusive des Services de quelque manière que ce soit ;
- Vous n’utiliserez pas les Services pour accéder, soumettre, téléverser, stocker, partager, publier, transmettre, éditer, afficher ou mettre à la disposition d’autrui tout contenu menaçant, injurieux, harcelant, nuisible, violent, pornographique, obscène, délictueux, diffamatoire, calomnieux, intrusif, blasphématoire, discriminatoire, offensant, haineux, intimidant, dérangeant ou autrement répréhensible ;
- Vous n’utiliserez pas les Services pour traquer, menacer, harceler, nuire ou intimider autrui ;
- Vous n’utiliserez pas les Services pour exploiter ou maltraiter des mineurs de quelque manière que ce soit ;
- Vous n’utiliserez pas les Services pour partager, publier, transmettre, éditer, afficher ou mettre à disposition de tiers de la publicité, de la documentation promotionnelle, des courriers indésirables, du spam, des chaînes de lettres, des pyramides ou toute autre forme de sollicitation non sollicités ou non autorisés ;
- Vous n’utiliserez pas les Services pour vous engager dans toute activité frauduleuse, fallacieuse ou trompeuse, notamment en usurpant l’identité de toute autre personne physique ou morale, en déclarant faussement ou en présentant de toute autre manière mensongère votre affiliation vis-à-vis de toute personne physique ou morale, ou en manipulant des identifiants afin de dissimuler l’origine de l’un de vos contenus (y compris le spoofing ou l’hameçonnage) ;
- Vous n’utiliserez pas les Services pour téléverser, stocker, partager, publier, transmettre ou autrement mettre à disposition tout virus logiciel, voire tout autre code, fichier ou programme informatique conçu pour interrompre, détruire ou limiter les fonctionnalités de tout logiciel ou matériel informatique ;
- Vous n’agirez pas de manière à affecter négativement la capacité de tout autre utilisateur à utiliser les Services ;
- Vous ne procéderez à aucun(e) brouillage, perturbation, encombrement, surcharge, piratage, ni ne tenterez de quelque manière que ce soit d’obtenir un accès non autorisé aux Services, serveurs, réseaux, systèmes ou autres appareils connectés aux Services, et ne dérogerez pas aux exigences, procédures, politiques ou réglementations des réseaux connectés aux Services ;
- Vous ne procéderez à aucun(e) modification, traduction, adaptation ou création d’œuvres dérivées des Services ;
- Vos contenus ne contiendront rien d’illégal et vous ne violerez aucune loi locale, étatique, nationale ou internationale applicable en rapport avec votre utilisation des Services, y compris toute loi relative à la confidentialité des données ou au contrôle des exportations ou des importations, toute réglementation promulguée par la Securities and Exchange Commission des États-Unis, le règlement de toute bourse nationale ou autre marché boursier, y compris la Bourse de New York, la Bourse américaine ou le NASDAQ, ainsi que tout règlement ayant force de loi ;
- Vous possédez l’intégralité de vos contenus ou avez obtenu l’ensemble des autorisations, accords, droits ou licences nécessaires pour exercer vos activités (et autorisez WDT à s’acquitter de ses obligations) sans obtenir d’autres accords ou consentements ;
- Vous n’utiliserez pas les Services pour accéder, soumettre, téléverser, stocker, partager, publier, transmettre, éditer, afficher ou mettre à disposition de quelque manière que ce soit des contenus à caractère terroriste ou apporter un soutien matériel ou des ressources à (voire cacher ou dissimuler la nature, l’emplacement, la source ou la propriété d’un soutien matériel ou de ressources pour) toute organisation terroriste ;
- Vos contenus et vos activités en relation avec les Services ne contreviendront pas ni ne violeront les droits de toute autre partie et ne contribueront pas ni n’encourageront toutes pratiques portant atteinte ou autrement illégales, et vous n’utiliserez pas les Services pour accéder, soumettre, téléverser, stocker, partager, publier, transmettre, éditer, afficher ou mettre à disposition de quelque manière que ce soit tout contenu d’une manière qui contrevienne à un brevet, une marque, un secret commercial, un droit d’auteur ou un autre droit de propriété d’une partie ;
- Vous n’utiliserez pas les Services pour accéder, soumettre, téléverser, stocker, partager, publier, transmettre, éditer, afficher ou mettre à disposition de tiers, de quelque manière que ce soit, tout contenu que vous n’avez pas le droit de mettre à disposition en vertu de toute loi ou de toute relation fiduciaire ou contractuelle (y compris, toutes informations internes, exclusives ou confidentielles acquises ou divulguées dans le cadre d’une relation de travail ou en vertu d’un accord de confidentialité) ;
- Vous n’utiliserez pas les Services pour recueillir ou stocker des renseignements personnels sur des tiers, en violation de toute loi applicable ou en relation avec toutes pratiques et activités interdites énoncées au présent article ;
- Vous ne devrez procéder à aucun(e) concession en sous-licence, revente, location, prêt, leasing, transfert, cession, copie, distribution, encombrement, ni procéder à aucun(e) transfert, publication ou révélation des Services ou de leur utilisation (sauf indication contraire prévue dans tout accord écrit), ni proposer les Services à temps partagé à un tiers ;
- Vous ne devrez procéder à aucun(e) décompilation, ingénierie inverse, désassemblage, décryptage, ni tenter de déterminer le code source des Services ;
- Vous ne devrez pas tenter de contourner ou de désactiver les Services ou toute fonctionnalité ou mesure technologique incluse dans les Services, y compris les système de contrôle des accès ou de protection des droits d’auteur, par quelque moyen et de quelque manière que ce soit ;
- Vous ne devrez retirer ni altérer aucun(e) marque déposée, logo, symbole de droit d’auteur, ni aucun(e) autre note de confidentialité, légende, symbole ou label présent(e) dans ou sur les Services ou utilisé(e) dans le cadre des Services ;
- Vous ne devrez pas publier un nombre déraisonnable d’observations ou des observations d’une longueur déraisonnable dans le cadre de votre utilisation des Services ; et
- Vous ne devrez pas manipuler ni utiliser de manière malavisée des références ou des promotions, y compris pour obtenir plus d’un essai gratuit.
Si, lors de l’utilisation des Services, vous rencontrez tout contenu ou activité qui, de votre avis, enfreint la présente Politique d’utilisation acceptable, ou que vous trouvez inapproprié pour tout autre motif, vous pourrez le signaler en contactant WDT sur le lien suivant https://support-fr.wd.com/ ou en envoyant un courrier électronique à l’adresse SUPPORT@WDC.COM.
WDT pourra mettre à jour ou modifier la présente Politique d’utilisation acceptable en tant que de besoin. En acceptant toute modification de la présente Politique d’utilisation acceptable, y compris en continuant à utiliser les Services après avoir reçu un préavis raisonnable à ce propos, vous convenez d’être lié par de telles modifications à ladite Politique.
Votre non-respect de la Politique d’utilisation acceptable pourra entraîner la suspension et/ou la résiliation des Services.
Cập Nhật Lần Cuối Ngày 1 Tháng 10, 2020
Chính Sách Sử Dụng Được Chấp Nhận này chi phối việc bạn sử dụng các dịch vụ và phần mềm trực tuyến và có liên quan do Western Digital Technologies, Inc. và các chi nhánh của nó cung cấp (gọi chung là “WDT”), bao gồm các dịch vụ và phần mềm cho phép bạn truy cập, gửi, tải lên, lưu trữ, chia sẻ, đăng, truyền tải, xuất bản, hiển thị hoặc cung cấp nội dung và tài liệu cho người khác (“Dịch Vụ”). Những dịch vụ chịu sự chi phối của Chính Sách Sử Dụng Được Chấp Nhận này sẽ liên kết một cách rõ ràng với Chính Sách Sử Dụng Được Chấp Nhận.
Bạn đồng ý sử dụng Dịch Vụ một cách có trách nhiệm và bạn tuyên bố và đồng ý rằng:
- Bạn sẽ không lạm dụng hoặc sử dụng sai Dịch Vụ dưới bất kỳ hình thức nào;
- Bạn sẽ không sử dụng Dịch Vụ để truy cập, gửi, tải lên, lưu trữ, chia sẻ, đăng, truyền, xuất bản, hiển thị hoặc cung cấp bất kỳ nội dung nàođe dọa, lạm dụng, quấy rối, có hại, bạo lực, khiêu dâm, đồi trụy, phỉ báng, xâm phạm quyền riêng tư của người khác, thô tục, phân biệt đối xử, xúc phạm, phát ngôn thù hận, đe dọa, gây rối hoặc phản đối;
- Bạn sẽ không sử dụng Dịch Vụ để theo dõi, đe dọa, quấy rối, làm hại hoặc bắt nạt người khác;
- Bạn sẽ không sử dụng Dịch Vụ để bóc lột hoặc lạm dụng trẻ vị thành niên dưới bất kỳ hình thức nào;
- Bạn sẽ không sử dụng Dịch Vụ để chia sẻ, đăng, truyền tải, xuất bản, hiển thị hoặc cung cấp bất kỳ quảng cáo không được yêu cầu hoặc trái phép, tài liệu quảng cáo, thư rác, spam, thư dây chuyền, kinh doanh đa cấp hoặc bất kỳ hình thức chào mời nào khác cho người khác;
- Bạn sẽ không sử dụng Dịch Vụ để tham gia vào hoạt động lừa đảo, gây hiểu lầm hoặc mang tính lừa đảo, bao gồm mạo danh người khác hoặc một tổ chức, nói sai hoặc xuyên tạc về mối quan hệ của bạn với một người hoặc tổ chức bằng một cách khác, hoặc thao túng danh tính để che giấu nguồn gốc của bất kỳ nội dung nào của bạn (bao gồm cả giả mạo hoặc lừa đảo);
- Bạn sẽ không sử dụng Dịch Vụ để tải lên, lưu trữ, chia sẻ, đăng, truyền tải hoặc cung cấp bất kỳ vi-rút phần mềm hoặc bất kỳ mã máy tính, file hoặc chương trình nào được thiết kế để làm gián đoạn, phá hủy hoặc giới hạn chức năng của bất kỳ phần mềm hoặc phần cứng máy tính nào theo hình thức khác;
- Bạn sẽ không gây ảnh hưởng tiêu cực tới khả năng sử dụng Dịch Vụ của người dùng khác;
- Bạn sẽ không can thiệp, phá hoại, làm nặng, quá tải, hack hoặc cố gắng truy cập trái phép vào Dịch Vụ hoặc máy chủ, mạng, hệ thống hoặc các thiết bị khác được kết nối với Dịch Vụ bằng hình thức khác, hoặc không tuân theo bất kỳ yêu cầu, quy trình, chính sách hoặc quy định nào của mạng được kết nối với Dịch Vụ;
- Bạn sẽ không thay đổi, dịch, điều chỉnh, hoặc tạo các sản phẩm phái sinh của Dịch Vụ;
- Nội dung của bạn sẽ không chứa bất cứ nội dung trái pháp luật nào và khi bạn sử dụng Dịch Vụ sẽ không vi phạm bất kỳ luật pháp của địa phương, bang, quốc gia hoặc quốc tế hiện hành nào, bao gồm bất kỳ luật pháp nào về quyền riêng tư hoặc xuất khẩu hoặc kiểm soát xuất nhập khẩu, bất kỳ quy định nào do Ủy ban Giao dịch và Chứng khoán Hoa Kỳ hoặc bất kỳ quy tắc nào do bất kỳ sở giao dịch chứng khoán quốc gia hay sở giao dịch chứng khoán khác ban hành, bao gồm Sở giao dịch chứng khoán New York, Sở giao dịch chứng khoán Hoa Kỳ hoặc NASDAQ và bất kỳ quy định nào có hiệu lực pháp lý;
- Bạn sở hữu tất cả nội dung của mình hoặc đã nhận được tất cả sự cho phép, phát hành, quyền lợi hoặc giấy phép cần thiết để tham gia vào các hoạt động của mình (và cho phép WDT thực hiện nghĩa vụ của mình) mà không cần nhận thêm bất kỳ sự cho phép hoặc sự đồng ý nào;
- Bạn sẽ không sử dụng Dịch Vụ để truy cập, gửi, tải lên, lưu trữ, chia sẻ, đăng, truyền tải, xuất bản, hiển thị hoặc cung cấp bất kỳ nội dung khủng bố hoặc cung cấp hỗ trợ vật chất hoặc nguồn lực để (hoặc che giấu hoặc ngụy trang bản chất, vị trí, nguồn lực hoặc quyền sở hữu hỗ trợ vật chất hoặc nguồn lực cho) bất kỳ tổ chức khủng bố nào;
- Nội dung và các hoạt động của bạn liên quan đến Dịch Vụ sẽ không vi phạm hoặc xâm phạm quyền lợi của bất kỳ bên nào khác và sẽ không đóng góp hoặc khuyến khích hành vi vi phạm hoặc hành vi trái pháp luật khác, và bạn sẽ không sử dụng Dịch Vụ để truy cập, gửi, tải lên, lưu trữ, chia sẻ, đăng, truyền tải, xuất bản, hiển thị hoặc cung cấp bất kỳ nội dung nào theo cách vi phạm bất kỳ bằng sáng chế, nhãn hiệu, bí mật thương mại, bản quyền hoặc quyền sở hữu khác của bất kỳ bên nào;
- Bạn sẽ không sử dụng Dịch Vụ để truy cập, gửi, tải lên, lưu trữ, chia sẻ, đăng, truyền tải, xuất bản, hiển thị hoặc cung cấp bất kỳ nội dung nào mà bạn không có quyền cung cấp theo bất kỳ luật nào hoặc theo hợp đồng hoặc mối quan hệ ủy thác (bao gồm thông tin nội bộ, độc quyền hoặc bí mật được tiết lộ như một phần của mối quan hệ lao động hoặc theo thỏa thuận không tiết lộ);
- Bạn sẽ không sử dụng Dịch Vụ để thu thập hoặc lưu trữ thông tin cá nhân về những hành vi vi phạm bất kỳ luật hiện hành nào hoặc liên quan đến bất kỳ hành vi và hoạt động bị cấm nào được nêu trong Phần này;
- Bạn sẽ không được cấp phép, bán lại, thuê, cho thuê, cho mượn, chuyển nhượng, chỉ định, sao chép, phân phối, gây trở ngại, hoặc chuyển giao, xuất bản hoặc tiết lộ Dịch Vụ hoặc việc sử dụng Dịch Vụ (trừ khi cung cấp theo thỏa thuận bằng văn bản) hoặc cung cấp Dịch Vụ trên cơ sở time-share cho bất kỳ bên thứ ba nào;
- Bạn sẽ không dịch ngược, dùng kỹ thuật đảo ngược, tháo rời, giải mã hoặc cố gắng lấy mã nguồn của Dịch Vụ;
- Bạn sẽ không cố gắng tìm cách tránh né hoặc vô hiệu hóa Dịch Vụ hoặc bất kỳ tính năng hoặc biện pháp công nghệ nào trong Dịch Vụ, bao gồm mọi kiểm soát truy cập hoặc cơ chế bảo vệ bản quyền, bằng bất kỳ phương tiện nào hoặc theo bất kỳ cách nào;
- Bạn sẽ không xóa hoặc thay đổi bất kỳ nhãn hiệu, biểu tượng, bản quyền hoặc các thông báo, chú giải, biểu tượng hoặc nhãn độc quyền khác trong hoặc trên Dịch Vụ hoặc được sử dụng liên quan đến Dịch Vụ;
- Bạn sẽ không đăng một số lượng bình luận hoặc nhận xét không hợp lý có độ dài không phù hợp liên quan đến việc bạn sử dụng Dịch Vụ; và
- Bạn sẽ không thao túng hoặc lạm dụng bất kỳ đề xuất hoặc quảng cáo nào, bao gồm việc được nhận được nhiều hơn một lần dùng thử miễn phí.
Khi sử dụng Dịch Vụ, nếu bạn gặp phải nội dung hoặc hành động nào mà bạn cho rằng đã vi phạm Chính Sách Sử Dụng Được Chấp Nhận này hoặc nếu bạn thấy không phù hợp, bạn có thể tố giác bằng cách liên hệ với WDT qua https://support-eu.wd.com hoặc gửi email tới SUPPORT@WDC.COM.
WDT có thể cập nhật hoặc thay đổi Chính Sách Sử Dụng Được Chấp Nhận này bất cứ khi nào. Bằng cách chấp nhận bất kỳ sự thay đổi nào đối với Chính Sách Sử Dụng Được Chấp Nhận này, bao gồm việc tiếp tục sử dụng Dịch Vụ sau khi được thông báo thích hợp, bạn đã đồng ý bị ràng buộc bởi các thay đổi hiện hành đối với Chính Sách Sử Dụng Được Chấp Nhận này.
Nếu bạn không tuân thủ Chính Sách Sử Dụng Được Chấp Nhận có thể tạm dừng và/hoặc chấm dứt Dịch Vụ.
Acceptable Use Policy for Online Services
Last Updated October 1, 2020
This Acceptable Use Policy governs your use of online and related services and software offered by Western Digital Technologies, Inc. and its affiliates (collectively, “WDT”), including services and software that may allow you to access, submit, upload, store, share, post, transmit, publish, display, or otherwise make available to others content and materials (“Services”). Services that are governed by this Acceptable Use Policy will expressly link to this Acceptable Use Policy.
You agree to use the Services responsibly, and you represent and agree that:
- You will not misuse or abuse the Services in any manner;
- You will not use the Services to access, submit, upload, store, share, post, transmit, publish, display, or otherwise make available to others any content that is threatening, abusive, harassing, harmful, violent, pornographic, obscene, tortious, defamatory, libelous, invasive of another’s privacy, profane, discriminatory, offensive, hate speech, intimidating, disruptive, or otherwise objectionable;
- You will not use the Services to stalk, threaten, harass, harm, or bully others;
- You will not use the Services to exploit or abuse minors in any way;
- You will not use the Services to share, post, transmit, publish, display, or otherwise make available to others any unsolicited or unauthorized advertising, promotional materials, junk mail, spam, chain letters, pyramid schemes, or any other form of solicitation;
- You will not use the Services to engage in activity that is fraudulent, misleading, or deceptive, including by impersonating another person or entity, falsely stating or otherwise misrepresenting your affiliation with a person or entity, or manipulating identifiers in order to disguise the origin of any of your content (including spoofing or phishing);
- You will not use the Services to upload, store, share, post, transmit, or otherwise make available any software viruses or any other computer code, files, or programs designed to interrupt, destroy, or limit the functionality of any computer software or hardware;
- You will not act in a manner that negatively affects another user’s ability to use the Services;
- You will not interfere with, disrupt, burden, overload, hack, or otherwise attempt to gain unauthorized access to the Services or servers, networks, systems, or other devices connected to the Services, or disobey any requirements, procedures, policies, or regulations of networks connected to the Services;
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- Your content will not contain anything that is unlawful, and you will not violate any applicable local, state, national, or international law in connection with your use of the Services, including any data privacy or export or import control laws, any regulations promulgated by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, any rules of any national or other securities exchange, including the New York Stock Exchange, the American Stock Exchange, or the NASDAQ, and any regulations having the force of law;
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- You will not use the Services to access, submit, upload, store, share, post, transmit, publish, display, or otherwise make available to others any content that you do not have a right to make available under any law or under a contractual or fiduciary relationship (including inside, proprietary, or confidential information learned of or disclosed as part of an employment relationship or under a nondisclosure agreement);
- You will not use the Services to collect or store personal information about others in violation of any applicable law or in connection with any of the prohibited conduct and activities set forth in this Section;
- You will not sublicense, resell, rent, lease, lend, transfer, assign, copy, distribute, encumber, or otherwise transfer, publish, or disclose the Services or its use (except as may otherwise be provided by written agreement), or offer the Services on a time-share basis to any third party;
- You will not decompile, reverse engineer, disassemble, decrypt, or attempt to derive the source code of the Services;
- You will not attempt to circumvent or disable the Services or any technology features or measures in the Services, including any access controls or copyright protection mechanisms, by any means or in any manner;
- You will not remove or alter any trademark, logo, copyright, or other proprietary notices, legends, symbols, or labels in or on the Services or used in connection with the Services;
- You will not post an unreasonable amount of comments or comments of unreasonable length in connection with your use of the Services; and
- You will not manipulate or abuse any referrals or promotions, including to get more than one free trial.
If while using the Services, you encounter content or activity you believe is in violation of this Acceptable Use Policy, or that you otherwise find inappropriate, you may report it by contacting WDT through https://support-en.wd.com/ or by sending an email to SUPPORT@WDC.COM.
WDT may update or modify this Acceptable Use Policy from time to time. By accepting any modifications to this Acceptable Use Policy, including, by continuing to use the Services after reasonable notice is provided to you, you are agreeing to be bound by the applicable modifications to this Acceptable Use Policy.
Your failure to comply with the Acceptable Use Policy may result in suspension and/or termination of the Services.
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นโยบายการใช้งานที่ยอมรับได้นี้นำเสนอโดย Western Digital Technologies, Inc. และบริษัทในเครือ (รวมเรียกว่า “WDT”) เพื่อกำกับการใช้บริการทางออนไลน์และซอฟต์แวร์ของคุณ ซึ่งรวมถึงบริการและซอฟต์แวร์ที่เกี่ยวข้องที่อนุญาตให้คุณเข้าถึง ส่งมอบ อัพโหลด จัดเก็บ แชร์ โพสต์ ส่งต่อ ตีพิมพ์ จัดแสดงหรือทำให้มีขึ้นโดยวิธีการอื่นใดซึ่งข้อมูลและเนื้อหาใดๆ (”บริการ”) บริการเหล่านี้ได้รับการกำกับโดยนโยบายการใช้งานที่ยอมรับได้นี้จะเชื่อมโยงให้เห็นอย่างชัดแจ้งตามนโยบายการใช้งานที่ยอมรับได้นี้
คุณยอมรับที่จะใช้บริการนี้ด้วยความรับผิดชอบ และคุณรับรองและตกลงว่า:
- คุณจะไม่ละเมิดและใช้บริการนี้ในทางที่ผิดด้วยวิธีการต่าง ๆ;
- คุณจะไม่ใช้บริการนี้เพื่อ เข้าถึง ส่งมอบ อัพโหลด จัดเก็บ แชร์ โพสต์ ส่งต่อ ตีพิมพ์ จัดแสดงหรือทำให้มีขึ้นโดยวิธีการอื่นใดซึ่งข้อมูลที่เป็นการข่มขู่ ก้าวร้าว คุกคาม อันตราย รุนแรง ลามก อนาจาร ดูหมิ่น ใส่ร้ายป้ายสี หยาบหยาม ล่วงละเมิดความเป็นส่วนตัวของบุคคลอื่น หยาบคาย ก้าวร้าว ใช้คำที่ทำให้เกิดความเกลียดชัง ข่มขู่ ก่อกวนหรือน่ารังเกียจโดยประการอื่นใด;
- คุณจะไม่ใช้บริการเพื่อติดตาม ข่มขู่ ประทุษร้าย ทำร้ายหรือรังแกบุคคลอื่น;
- คุณจะไม่ใช้บริการนี้เพื่อใช้ประโยชน์หรือล่วงละเมิดต่อผู้เยาว์ไม่ว่าในลักษณะใด;
- คุณจะไม่ใช้บริการนี้เพื่อแชร์ โพสต์ ส่งต่อ ตีพิมพ์ จัดแสดง; หรือทำให้มีขึ้นโดยวิธีการอื่นใดโดยไม่ได้มีการร้องขอหรือไม่ได้รับอนุญาตซึ่งเป็นการ โฆษณา สื่อส่งเสริมการขาย ไปรษณีย์ขยะ (junk mail) ข่าวขยะ (spam) จดหมายลูกโซ่ การทำธุรกิจแบบปิรามิดหรือการเชื้อเชิญในรูปแบบใด ๆ;
- ผู้ใช้จะต้องไม่มีส่วนร่วมในกิจกรรมที่เป็นการฉ้อโกง ทำให้เกิดความเข้าใจผิดหรือหลอกลวง รวมถึงปลอมเป็นบุคคลหรือนิติบุคคลอื่น แสดงข้อความอวดอ้างหรือแสดงความเกี่ยวข้องของท่านกับบุคคลหรือองค์กรใดโดยไม่เป็นจริง หรือเป็นผู้บงการเพื่ออำพรางเกี่ยวกับแหล่งที่มาของเนื้อหาใด ๆ (รวมถึงการปลอมแปลงหรือแอบอ้าง);
- คุณจะต้องไม่ใช้บริการนี้เพื่ออัพโหลด จัดเก็บ แชร์ โพสต์ ถ่ายโอนหรือทำให้มีขึ้นโดยวิธีการอื่นใดซึ่งโปรแกรมไวรัส หรือรหัสคอมพิวเตอร์อื่นใด ไฟล์ หรือโปรแกรมที่ออกแบบมาเพื่อรบกวน ทำลาย หรือจำกัดการทำงานของซอฟต์แวร์หรือฮาร์ดแวร์ของคอมพิวเตอร์;
- คุณจะไม่ทำในลักษณะที่ส่งผลเสียต่อความสามารถในการใช้งานบริการนี้ของผู้ใช้ท่านอื่น;
- คุณจะไม่รบกวน ก่อกวน สร้างภาระ โอเวอร์โหลด แฮก หรือทำความพยายามอื่นใดเพื่อเข้าถึงโดยไม่ได้รับอนุญาต ต่อบริการ หรือเซิร์ฟเวอร์ โครงข่าย ระบบหรืออุปกรณ์อื่น ๆ ที่เชื่อมต่อกับบริการนี้ หรือไม่ปฏิบัติตามข้อกำหนด ขั้นตอน นโยบาย หรือข้อบังคับของเครือข่ายที่เชื่อมต่อกับบริการนี้;
- คุณจะไม่ดัดแปลง แปล ปรับเปลี่ยน หรือสร้างงานลอกแบบต่อบริการ;
- เนื้อหาของคุณจะต้องไม่ประกอบไปด้วยสิ่งที่ผิดกฎหมาย และคุณจะไม่ละเมิดกฎหมายที่กำหนดไว้ในระดับท้องถิ่น มลรัฐ แห่งชาติหรือระหว่างประเทศที่เกี่ยวกับการใช้บริการของคุณ ซึ่งรวมถึงกฎหมาย หรือข้อบังคับการควบคุมการนำเข้าหรือส่งออกข้อมูลส่วนตัวที่ประกาศโดยคณะกรรมการกำกับหลักทรัพย์และตลาดหลักทรัพย์แห่งสหรัฐอเมริกา กฏหมายการกำกับหลักทรัพย์และตลาดหลักทรัพย์แห่งชาติใด ๆ รวมถึงตลาดหลักทรัพย์นิวยอร์ก ตลาดหลักทรัพย์ของสหรัฐอเมริกา หรือ NASDAQ หรือข้อบังคับใด ๆ ที่มีผลบังคับทางกฎหมาย;
- เนื้อหาที่คุณครอบครองหรือได้รับการอนุญาต เผยแพร่ สิทธิ์หรืออนุญาตให้ใช้สิทธิ์เพื่อมีส่วนร่วมในกิจกรรมของคุณทั้งหมด (และยอมให้ WDT ใช้สัญญาผูกมัด) โดยปราศจากการประกาศหรือรับความยินยอมล่วงหน้า;
- คุณจะไม่ใช้บริการนี้เพื่อเข้าถึง ส่งมอบ อัพโหลด จัดเก็บ แชร์ โพสต์ ส่งต่อ ตีพิมพ์ จัดแสดงหรือทำให้มีขึ้นโดยวิธีการอื่นใดซึ่งข้อมูลที่เกี่ยวกับการก่อการร้าย หรือมอบข้อมูลที่สนับสนุน หรือเป็นแหล่งข้อมูล (หรือปกปิด หรืออำพรางแหล่งธรรมชาติ ทำเลที่ตั้ง ที่มา หรือเป็นเจ้าของข้อมูลที่สนับสนุนหรือเป็นแหล่งข้อมูลให้กับ) องค์กรก่อการร้ายใด ๆ;
- เนื้อหาและกิจกรรมของคุณที่เกี่ยวข้องกับบริการนี้จะไม่ละเมิด หรือฝ่าฝืนสิทธิ์ของผู้อื่น และจะไม่ส่งเสริม หรือสนับสนุนการละเมิด หรือการทำผิดกฎหมายใด ๆ และคุณจะไม่ใช้บริการนี้เพื่อเข้าถึง ส่งมอบ อัพโหลด จัดเก็บ แชร์ โพสต์ ถ่ายโอน เผยแพร่ จัดแสดงหรือทำให้มีขึ้นโดยวิธีการอื่นใดซึ่งเนื้อหาโดยวิธีที่ละเมิดสิทธิบัตร เครื่องหมายการค้า ความลับทางการค้า ลิขสิทธิ์ หรือสิทธิ์ในการเป็นเจ้าของทรัพย์สินของผู้อื่น;
- คุณจะไม่ใช้บริการนี้เพื่อ เข้าถึง ส่งมอบ อัพโหลด จัดเก็บ แชร์ โพสต์ ถ่ายโอน ตีพิมพ์ จัดแสดงหรือทำให้มีขึ้นโดยวิธีการอื่นใดซึ่งข้อมูลที่คุณไม่ได้รับสิทธิ์ในการทำขึ้นภายใต้กฎหมาย สัญญาหรือความสัมพันธ์ที่ได้รับความไว้เนื้อเชื่อใจ (รวมถึงข้อมูลภายใน ข้อมูลองค์กร หรือข้อมูลที่เป็นความลับที่ได้รับทราบหรือได้รับการเปิดเผยที่เป็นส่วนหนึ่งของความสัมพันธ์ที่มาจากการจ้างงานหรือสัญญาปกปิดความลับ) ;
- คุณจะไม่ใช้บริการนี้เพื่อรวบรวม หรือเก็บข้อมูลส่วนบุคคลของผู้อื่นซึ่งเป็นการฝ่าฝืนกฎหมายที่บังคับใช้ หรือเกี่ยวข้องกับการกระทำและกิจกรรมที่ต้องห้ามใด ๆ ที่กำหนดไว้ในหมวดนี้;
- คุณจะไม่ให้ช่วงสิทธิ จำหน่ายต่อ ให้เช่า เช่า ให้ยืม ถ่ายโอน มอบหมาย คัดลอก แจกจ่าย ขัดขวาง หรือถ่ายโอน จัดพิมพ์ หรือเปิดเผยอื่นใดของบริการหรือการใช้บริการ (เว้นแต่มีการระบุไว้ข้อตกลงที่เป็นลายลักษณ์อักษร) หรือให้บริการเป็นแบบจัดสรรแบ่งเวลาในการเข้าใช้บริการให้กับบุคคลที่สาม;
- คุณจะไม่ทำการถอดรหัส ทำวิศวกรรมย้อนกลับ ถอดประกอบ ถอดรหัสลับ หรือพยายามที่จะได้รับซอร์สโค้ดของบริการ;
- คุณจะไม่พยายามหลีกเลี่ยง หรือปิดใช้งานบริการ หรือคุณลักษณะหรือมาตรการทางเทคโนโลยีใด ๆ ในบริการ รวมถึงการควบคุมการเข้าถึง หรือกลไกการคุ้มครองลิขสิทธิ์ ไม่ว่าด้วยวิธีการใด ๆ หรือในลักษณะใด ๆ;
- คุณจะไม่ลบ หรือเปลี่ยนแปลง เครื่องหมายการค้า โลโก้ ลิขสิทธิ์ หรือประกาศเกี่ยวกับกรรมสิทธิ์ คำจารึก สัญลักษณ์ หรือป้ายกำกับอื่น ๆ ในหรือบนบริการ หรือใช้ในการเชื่อมต่อกับบริการ;
- คุณจะไม่โพสต์ความเห็นที่มีจำนวนมากเกินไปหรือความเห็นที่มีความยาวมากเกินไปที่เกี่ยวกับการใช้บริการนี้; และ
- คุณจะไม่ควบคุมหรือใช้การอ้างอิง หรือโปรโมชั่นในทางที่ผิด ซึ่งรวมถึงการได้ทดลองใช้ฟรีมากกว่าหนึ่งครั้ง
ในระหว่างการใช้บริการ หากคุณพบเนื้อหา หรือกิจกรรมที่คุณเชื่อว่าเป็นการฝ่าฝืนนโยบายการใช้งานที่ยอมรับได้ หรือคุณเห็นว่าไม่เหมาะสม คุณอาจรายงานเรื่องนี้โดยการติดต่อกับ WTD ผ่านทาง Kebijakan Penggunaan yang Diperbolehkan หรือส่งอีเมลมาที่ SUPPORT@WDC.COM
WDT อาจปรับปรุงหรือแก้ไขนโยบายการใช้งานที่ยอมรับได้นี้เป็นครั้งคราว ด้วยการตกลงต่อนโยบายการใช้งานที่ยอมรับได้นี้ รวมถึงด้วยการใช้บริการต่อไปหลังจากมีการแจ้งอย่างเหมาะสมแก่คุณ คุณตกลงที่จะรับการผูกมัดโดยการแก้ไขดังกล่าวต่อนโยบายการใช้งานที่ยอมรับได้นี้
หากคุณไม่ปฏิบัติตามนโยบายการใช้งานที่ยอมรับได้นี้ อาจส่งผลให้ระงับและ/หรือยกเลิกการใช้บริการนี้
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