Flash Memory Summit Conference & Expo
Santa Clara Convention Center
Santa Clara, CA
August 08, 2023 - August 10, 2023
Booth #521

Flash Memory Summit Conference & Expo
FMS is the largest storage industry show with high-level keynoters from leading companies, exhibits, and sessions on applications and architectures through enterprise storage, controllers, new technologies, to 3-D flash, NVMe and NVMe-oF, persistent memory, new non-volatile technologies, controllers, enterprise applications, and market research.
Santa Clara Convention Center
5001 Great America Pkwy
Santa Clara, CA 95054
Booth #521
Advancing Composable Infrastructure with NVMe over Fabric
AUGUST 9, 2023 | 1:40 PM - 2:10 PM | Mission City Ballroom
Local PCIe attached flash storage has transformed data center computing architectures over the past decade. NVMe is now the undisputed standard for SSDs and has brought many benefits in deployment reliability, multi-generational consistency, and management integration. In this keynote, Western Digital will discuss how NVMe-oF attached storage offers the ability to improve asset utilization without sacrificing the native performance characteristics offered by locally attached devices. As computing architectures continue to evolve, multi-system integration and resource coordination provide a path to increase application efficiency for the next decade.
Session Speakers
Barrett Edwards
CTO, Platforms Business Unit