Wir ändern die Art und Weise, wie Sie HDD- und Flash-Produkte aus der Western Digital-Markenfamilie kaufen können.
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Wir ändern die Art und Weise, wie Sie HDD- und Flash-Produkte aus der Western Digital-Markenfamilie kaufen können.
Um fortzufahren, wählen Sie bitte eine der folgenden Optionen:
Sie benötigen weitere Informationen? FAQs anzeigen
Wir ändern die Art und Weise, wie Sie HDD- und Flash-Produkte aus der Western Digital-Markenfamilie kaufen können.
Um fortzufahren, wählen Sie bitte eine der folgenden Optionen:
Sie benötigen weitere Informationen? FAQs anzeigen
Wir ändern die Art und Weise, wie Sie HDD- und Flash-Produkte aus der Western Digital-Markenfamilie kaufen können.
Um fortzufahren, wählen Sie bitte eine der folgenden Optionen:
Sie benötigen weitere Informationen? FAQs anzeigen
Wir ändern die Art und Weise, wie Sie HDD- und Flash-Produkte aus der Western Digital-Markenfamilie kaufen können.
Um fortzufahren, wählen Sie bitte eine der folgenden Optionen:
Sie benötigen weitere Informationen? FAQs anzeigen
Western Digital hat sich in zwei unabhängige Unternehmen aufgeteilt und der Supportprozess für Ihre HDD- und Flash-Produkte der Marken Western Digital und Sandisk hat sich möglicherweise geändert.
Um fortzufahren, wählen Sie bitte eine der folgenden Optionen:
Sie benötigen weitere Informationen? FAQs anzeigen
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{{item.prices.sale.amountFormatted}}{{item.prices.sale.amountFormatted}} / {{item.prices.sale.billingPlanName}} *
Last Modified: December 1, 2023
Western Digital Technologies, Inc. (“WD,” “we,” “us”) offers its reseller and system integrator customers who buy a select line-up of WD products the opportunity to participate in the Western Digital Pro Rewards Program (the “Program”) and earn rewards and incentives such as direct incentives, training, member-only promotions, exclusive access to marketing tools, and more while maintaining established purchasing and fulfillment relationships with our distributors and other specific vendors (as WD may identify within a Member account from time to time) (“Vendors”). These Program terms and conditions (“Terms & Conditions”) govern the Program and WD’s relationship with members of the Program (each a “Member” and, collectively, the “Members”) and users of the Program on the www.westerndigital.com website (“Site”). Membership in the Program (and/or use of the Site) is subject to these Terms & Conditions, and unless specifically indicated otherwise, these Terms & Conditions apply to all Members and users of the Site. By continuing to use this Site and/or becoming a Member of the Program, you, the Member and/or user accept and agree to comply with these Terms & Conditions. If you, the Member and/or user do not agree to these Terms & Conditions, you, the Member and/or user may not access, browse, or otherwise use the Site. These Terms & Conditions and the Program Details (as defined in Section I.1 below) contain the entire agreement with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersede all representations made, whether oral or written, and previous promotional rewards or loyalty program terms and conditions, rules, regulations, policies, and procedures that may have previously been in effect with respect to the subject matter herein.
By submitting a request to WD to become a Member, you, the representative of such business, organization, and/or institution (“you”) hereby confirm that you have read and agree to these Terms & Conditions and agree, warrant and represent that:
If you require clarification or further information with regard to any of these Terms & Conditions, you may contact WD via the Contact Us link at https://www.westerndigital.com/company/contact-us
Last Modified: December 1, 2023
Western Digital Technologies, Inc. (“WD,” “we,” “us”) offers its reseller and system integrator customers who buy a select line-up of WD products the opportunity to participate in the Western Digital Pro Rewards Program (the “Program”) and earn rewards and incentives such as direct incentives, training, member-only promotions, exclusive access to marketing tools, and more while maintaining established purchasing and fulfillment relationships with our distributors and other specific vendors (as WD may identify within a Member account from time to time) (“Vendors”). These Program terms and conditions (“Terms & Conditions”) govern the Program and WD’s relationship with members of the Program (each a “Member” and, collectively, the “Members”) and users of the Program on the www.westerndigital.com website (“Site”). Membership in the Program (and/or use of the Site) is subject to these Terms & Conditions, and unless specifically indicated otherwise, these Terms & Conditions apply to all Members and users of the Site. By continuing to use this Site and/or becoming a Member of the Program, you, the Member and/or user accept and agree to comply with these Terms & Conditions. If you, the Member and/or user do not agree to these Terms & Conditions, you, the Member and/or user may not access, browse, or otherwise use the Site. These Terms & Conditions and the Program Details (as defined in Section I.1 below) contain the entire agreement with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersede all representations made, whether oral or written, and previous promotional rewards or loyalty program terms and conditions, rules, regulations, policies, and procedures that may have previously been in effect with respect to the subject matter herein.
By submitting a request to WD to become a Member, you, the representative of such business, organization, and/or institution (“you”) hereby confirm that you have read and agree to these Terms & Conditions and agree, warrant and represent that:
If you require clarification or further information with regard to any of these Terms & Conditions, you may contact WD via the Contact Us link at https://www.westerndigital.com/company/contact-us
Last Modified: December 1, 2023
Western Digital Technologies, Inc. (“WD,” “we,” “us”) offers its reseller and system integrator customers who buy a select line-up of WD products the opportunity to participate in the Western Digital Pro Rewards Program (the “Program”) and earn rewards and incentives such as direct incentives, training, member-only promotions, exclusive access to marketing tools, and more while maintaining established purchasing and fulfillment relationships with our distributors and other specific vendors (as WD may identify within a Member account from time to time) (“Vendors”). These Program terms and conditions (“Terms & Conditions”) govern the Program and WD’s relationship with members of the Program (each a “Member” and, collectively, the “Members”) and users of the Program on the www.westerndigital.com website (“Site”). Membership in the Program (and/or use of the Site) is subject to these Terms & Conditions, and unless specifically indicated otherwise, these Terms & Conditions apply to all Members and users of the Site. By continuing to use this Site and/or becoming a Member of the Program, you, the Member and/or user accept and agree to comply with these Terms & Conditions. If you, the Member and/or user do not agree to these Terms & Conditions, you, the Member and/or user may not access, browse, or otherwise use the Site. These Terms & Conditions and the Program Details (as defined in Section I.1 below) contain the entire agreement with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersede all representations made, whether oral or written, and previous promotional rewards or loyalty program terms and conditions, rules, regulations, policies, and procedures that may have previously been in effect with respect to the subject matter herein.
By submitting a request to WD to become a Member, you, the representative of such business, organization, and/or institution (“you”) hereby confirm that you have read and agree to these Terms & Conditions and agree, warrant and represent that:
If you require clarification or further information with regard to any of these Terms & Conditions, you may contact WD via the Contact Us link at https://www.westerndigital.com/company/contact-us
Last Modified: December 1, 2023
Western Digital Technologies, Inc. (“WD,” “we,” “us”) offers its reseller and system integrator customers who buy a select line-up of WD products the opportunity to participate in the Western Digital Pro Rewards Program (the “Program”) and earn rewards and incentives such as direct incentives, training, member-only promotions, exclusive access to marketing tools, and more while maintaining established purchasing and fulfillment relationships with our distributors and other specific vendors (as WD may identify within a Member account from time to time) (“Vendors”). These Program terms and conditions (“Terms & Conditions”) govern the Program and WD’s relationship with members of the Program (each a “Member” and, collectively, the “Members”) and users of the Program on the www.westerndigital.com website (“Site”). Membership in the Program (and/or use of the Site) is subject to these Terms & Conditions, and unless specifically indicated otherwise, these Terms & Conditions apply to all Members and users of the Site. By continuing to use this Site and/or becoming a Member of the Program, you, the Member and/or user accept and agree to comply with these Terms & Conditions. If you, the Member and/or user do not agree to these Terms & Conditions, you, the Member and/or user may not access, browse, or otherwise use the Site. These Terms & Conditions and the Program Details (as defined in Section I.1 below) contain the entire agreement with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersede all representations made, whether oral or written, and previous promotional rewards or loyalty program terms and conditions, rules, regulations, policies, and procedures that may have previously been in effect with respect to the subject matter herein.
By submitting a request to WD to become a Member, you, the representative of such business, organization, and/or institution (“you”) hereby confirm that you have read and agree to these Terms & Conditions and agree, warrant and represent that:
If you require clarification or further information with regard to any of these Terms & Conditions, you may contact WD via the Contact Us link at https://www.westerndigital.com/company/contact-us
Last Modified: December 1, 2023
Western Digital Technologies, Inc. (“WD,” “we,” “us”) offers its reseller and system integrator customers who buy a select line-up of WD products the opportunity to participate in the Western Digital Pro Rewards Program (the “Program”) and earn rewards and incentives such as direct incentives, training, member-only promotions, exclusive access to marketing tools, and more while maintaining established purchasing and fulfillment relationships with our distributors and other specific vendors (as WD may identify within a Member account from time to time) (“Vendors”). These Program terms and conditions (“Terms & Conditions”) govern the Program and WD’s relationship with members of the Program (each a “Member” and, collectively, the “Members”) and users of the Program on the www.westerndigital.com website (“Site”). Membership in the Program (and/or use of the Site) is subject to these Terms & Conditions, and unless specifically indicated otherwise, these Terms & Conditions apply to all Members and users of the Site. By continuing to use this Site and/or becoming a Member of the Program, you, the Member and/or user accept and agree to comply with these Terms & Conditions. If you, the Member and/or user do not agree to these Terms & Conditions, you, the Member and/or user may not access, browse, or otherwise use the Site. These Terms & Conditions and the Program Details (as defined in Section I.1 below) contain the entire agreement with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersede all representations made, whether oral or written, and previous promotional rewards or loyalty program terms and conditions, rules, regulations, policies, and procedures that may have previously been in effect with respect to the subject matter herein.
By submitting a request to WD to become a Member, you, the representative of such business, organization, and/or institution (“you”) hereby confirm that you have read and agree to these Terms & Conditions and agree, warrant and represent that:
If you require clarification or further information with regard to any of these Terms & Conditions, you may contact WD via the Contact Us link at https://www.westerndigital.com/company/contact-us
Last Modified: December 1, 2023
Western Digital Technologies, Inc. (“WD,” “we,” “us”) offers its reseller and system integrator customers who buy a select line-up of WD products the opportunity to participate in the Western Digital Pro Rewards Program (the “Program”) and earn rewards and incentives such as direct incentives, training, member-only promotions, exclusive access to marketing tools, and more while maintaining established purchasing and fulfillment relationships with our distributors and other specific vendors (as WD may identify within a Member account from time to time) (“Vendors”). These Program terms and conditions (“Terms & Conditions”) govern the Program and WD’s relationship with members of the Program (each a “Member” and, collectively, the “Members”) and users of the Program on the www.westerndigital.com website (“Site”). Membership in the Program (and/or use of the Site) is subject to these Terms & Conditions, and unless specifically indicated otherwise, these Terms & Conditions apply to all Members and users of the Site. By continuing to use this Site and/or becoming a Member of the Program, you, the Member and/or user accept and agree to comply with these Terms & Conditions. If you, the Member and/or user do not agree to these Terms & Conditions, you, the Member and/or user may not access, browse, or otherwise use the Site. These Terms & Conditions and the Program Details (as defined in Section I.1 below) contain the entire agreement with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersede all representations made, whether oral or written, and previous promotional rewards or loyalty program terms and conditions, rules, regulations, policies, and procedures that may have previously been in effect with respect to the subject matter herein.
By submitting a request to WD to become a Member, you, the representative of such business, organization, and/or institution (“you”) hereby confirm that you have read and agree to these Terms & Conditions and agree, warrant and represent that:
If you require clarification or further information with regard to any of these Terms & Conditions, you may contact WD via the Contact Us link at https://www.westerndigital.com/company/contact-us
Letzte Änderung: 01. Dezember 2023
Western Digital Technologies, Inc. („WD“, „wir“, „uns“) bietet seinen Wiederverkäufern und Systemintegratoren, die ein ausgewähltes Sortiment von WD Produkten kaufen, die Möglichkeit, am Western Digital Pro-Rewards-Prämienprogramm (das „Programm“) teilzunehmen und Prämien und Anreize zu erhalten, wie direkte Anreize, Schulungen, auf Mitglieder beschränkte Werbeaktionen, exklusiven Zugang zu Marketing-Tools und vieles mehr, während sie gleichzeitig etablierte Einkaufs- und Erfüllungsbeziehungen mit unseren Vertriebspartnern und anderen spezifischen Anbietern (die WD von Zeit zu Zeit innerhalb eines Mitgliedskontos identifizieren kann) („Anbieter“) unterhalten. Diese Programmbedingungen („Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen“) regeln das Programm und die Beziehung von WD zu den Mitgliedern des Programms (jeweils ein „Mitglied“ und gemeinsam die „Mitglieder“) und den Nutzern des Programms auf der Website www.westerndigital.com („Site“). Die Mitgliedschaft im Programm (und/oder die Nutzung der Website) unterliegt diesen Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen, und sofern nicht ausdrücklich anders angegeben, gelten diese Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen für alle Mitglieder und Nutzer der Website. Indem Sie diese Website weiterhin nutzen und/oder Mitglied des Programms werden, akzeptieren Sie, das Mitglied und/oder der Nutzer, diese Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen und erklären sich mit ihnen einverstanden. Wenn Sie, das Mitglied und/oder der Nutzer diesen Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen nicht zustimmen, dürfen Sie, das Mitglied und/oder der Nutzer die Website nicht aufrufen, durchsuchen oder anderweitig nutzen. Diese Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen und die Programmdetails (wie in Abschnitt I.1 unten definiert) enthalten die gesamte Vereinbarung in Bezug auf den Gegenstand dieser Vereinbarung und ersetzen alle mündlichen oder schriftlichen Zusicherungen sowie frühere Bedingungen für Werbeprämien oder Treueprogramme, Regeln, Vorschriften, Richtlinien und Verfahren, die zuvor in Bezug auf den Gegenstand dieser Vereinbarung in Kraft waren
Indem Sie einen Antrag auf Mitgliedschaft bei WD stellen, bestätigen Sie als Vertreter des Unternehmens, der Organisation und/oder der Institution („Sie“), dass Sie diese Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen gelesen haben und damit einverstanden sind, und Sie erklären sich damit einverstanden, garantieren und erklären, dass:
Wenn Sie eine Klärung oder weitere Informationen in Bezug auf diese Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen benötigen, können Sie sich an WD über den Link „Kontakt“ wenden.
Last Modified: December 1, 2023
Western Digital Technologies, Inc. (“WD,” “we,” “us”) offers its reseller and system integrator customers who buy a select line-up of WD products the opportunity to participate in the Western Digital Pro Rewards Program (the “Program”) and earn rewards and incentives such as direct incentives, training, member-only promotions, exclusive access to marketing tools, and more while maintaining established purchasing and fulfillment relationships with our distributors and other specific vendors (as WD may identify within a Member account from time to time) (“Vendors”). These Program terms and conditions (“Terms & Conditions”) govern the Program and WD’s relationship with members of the Program (each a “Member” and, collectively, the “Members”) and users of the Program on the www.westerndigital.com website (“Site”). Membership in the Program (and/or use of the Site) is subject to these Terms & Conditions, and unless specifically indicated otherwise, these Terms & Conditions apply to all Members and users of the Site. By continuing to use this Site and/or becoming a Member of the Program, you, the Member and/or user accept and agree to comply with these Terms & Conditions. If you, the Member and/or user do not agree to these Terms & Conditions, you, the Member and/or user may not access, browse, or otherwise use the Site. These Terms & Conditions and the Program Details (as defined in Section I.1 below) contain the entire agreement with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersede all representations made, whether oral or written, and previous promotional rewards or loyalty program terms and conditions, rules, regulations, policies, and procedures that may have previously been in effect with respect to the subject matter herein.
By submitting a request to WD to become a Member, you, the representative of such business, organization, and/or institution (“you”) hereby confirm that you have read and agree to these Terms & Conditions and agree, warrant and represent that:
If you require clarification or further information with regard to any of these Terms & Conditions, you may contact WD via the Contact Us link at https://www.westerndigital.com/company/contact-us
Last Modified: December 1, 2023
Western Digital Technologies, Inc. (“WD,” “we,” “us”) offers its reseller and system integrator customers who buy a select line-up of WD products the opportunity to participate in the Western Digital Pro Rewards Program (the “Program”) and earn rewards and incentives such as direct incentives, training, member-only promotions, exclusive access to marketing tools, and more while maintaining established purchasing and fulfillment relationships with our distributors and other specific vendors (as WD may identify within a Member account from time to time) (“Vendors”). These Program terms and conditions (“Terms & Conditions”) govern the Program and WD’s relationship with members of the Program (each a “Member” and, collectively, the “Members”) and users of the Program on the www.westerndigital.com website (“Site”). Membership in the Program (and/or use of the Site) is subject to these Terms & Conditions, and unless specifically indicated otherwise, these Terms & Conditions apply to all Members and users of the Site. By continuing to use this Site and/or becoming a Member of the Program, you, the Member and/or user accept and agree to comply with these Terms & Conditions. If you, the Member and/or user do not agree to these Terms & Conditions, you, the Member and/or user may not access, browse, or otherwise use the Site. These Terms & Conditions and the Program Details (as defined in Section I.1 below) contain the entire agreement with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersede all representations made, whether oral or written, and previous promotional rewards or loyalty program terms and conditions, rules, regulations, policies, and procedures that may have previously been in effect with respect to the subject matter herein.
By submitting a request to WD to become a Member, you, the representative of such business, organization, and/or institution (“you”) hereby confirm that you have read and agree to these Terms & Conditions and agree, warrant and represent that:
If you require clarification or further information with regard to any of these Terms & Conditions, you may contact WD via the Contact Us link at https://www.westerndigital.com/company/contact-us
Last Modified: December 1, 2023
Western Digital Technologies, Inc. (“WD,” “we,” “us”) offers its reseller and system integrator customers who buy a select line-up of WD products the opportunity to participate in the Western Digital Pro Rewards Program (the “Program”) and earn rewards and incentives such as direct incentives, training, member-only promotions, exclusive access to marketing tools, and more while maintaining established purchasing and fulfillment relationships with our distributors and other specific vendors (as WD may identify within a Member account from time to time) (“Vendors”). These Program terms and conditions (“Terms & Conditions”) govern the Program and WD’s relationship with members of the Program (each a “Member” and, collectively, the “Members”) and users of the Program on the www.westerndigital.com website (“Site”). Membership in the Program (and/or use of the Site) is subject to these Terms & Conditions, and unless specifically indicated otherwise, these Terms & Conditions apply to all Members and users of the Site. By continuing to use this Site and/or becoming a Member of the Program, you, the Member and/or user accept and agree to comply with these Terms & Conditions. If you, the Member and/or user do not agree to these Terms & Conditions, you, the Member and/or user may not access, browse, or otherwise use the Site. These Terms & Conditions and the Program Details (as defined in Section I.1 below) contain the entire agreement with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersede all representations made, whether oral or written, and previous promotional rewards or loyalty program terms and conditions, rules, regulations, policies, and procedures that may have previously been in effect with respect to the subject matter herein.
By submitting a request to WD to become a Member, you, the representative of such business, organization, and/or institution (“you”) hereby confirm that you have read and agree to these Terms & Conditions and agree, warrant and represent that:
If you require clarification or further information with regard to any of these Terms & Conditions, you may contact WD via the Contact Us link at https://www.westerndigital.com/company/contact-us
Last Modified: December 1, 2023
Western Digital Technologies, Inc. (“WD,” “we,” “us”) offers its reseller and system integrator customers who buy a select line-up of WD products the opportunity to participate in the Western Digital Pro Rewards Program (the “Program”) and earn rewards and incentives such as direct incentives, training, member-only promotions, exclusive access to marketing tools, and more while maintaining established purchasing and fulfillment relationships with our distributors and other specific vendors (as WD may identify within a Member account from time to time) (“Vendors”). These Program terms and conditions (“Terms & Conditions”) govern the Program and WD’s relationship with members of the Program (each a “Member” and, collectively, the “Members”) and users of the Program on the www.westerndigital.com website (“Site”). Membership in the Program (and/or use of the Site) is subject to these Terms & Conditions, and unless specifically indicated otherwise, these Terms & Conditions apply to all Members and users of the Site. By continuing to use this Site and/or becoming a Member of the Program, you, the Member and/or user accept and agree to comply with these Terms & Conditions. If you, the Member and/or user do not agree to these Terms & Conditions, you, the Member and/or user may not access, browse, or otherwise use the Site. These Terms & Conditions and the Program Details (as defined in Section I.1 below) contain the entire agreement with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersede all representations made, whether oral or written, and previous promotional rewards or loyalty program terms and conditions, rules, regulations, policies, and procedures that may have previously been in effect with respect to the subject matter herein.
By submitting a request to WD to become a Member, you, the representative of such business, organization, and/or institution (“you”) hereby confirm that you have read and agree to these Terms & Conditions and agree, warrant and represent that:
If you require clarification or further information with regard to any of these Terms & Conditions, you may contact WD via the Contact Us link at https://www.westerndigital.com/company/contact-us
Last Modified: December 1, 2023
Western Digital Technologies, Inc. (“WD,” “we,” “us”) offers its reseller and system integrator customers who buy a select line-up of WD products the opportunity to participate in the Western Digital Pro Rewards Program (the “Program”) and earn rewards and incentives such as direct incentives, training, member-only promotions, exclusive access to marketing tools, and more while maintaining established purchasing and fulfillment relationships with our distributors and other specific vendors (as WD may identify within a Member account from time to time) (“Vendors”). These Program terms and conditions (“Terms & Conditions”) govern the Program and WD’s relationship with members of the Program (each a “Member” and, collectively, the “Members”) and users of the Program on the www.westerndigital.com website (“Site”). Membership in the Program (and/or use of the Site) is subject to these Terms & Conditions, and unless specifically indicated otherwise, these Terms & Conditions apply to all Members and users of the Site. By continuing to use this Site and/or becoming a Member of the Program, you, the Member and/or user accept and agree to comply with these Terms & Conditions. If you, the Member and/or user do not agree to these Terms & Conditions, you, the Member and/or user may not access, browse, or otherwise use the Site. These Terms & Conditions and the Program Details (as defined in Section I.1 below) contain the entire agreement with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersede all representations made, whether oral or written, and previous promotional rewards or loyalty program terms and conditions, rules, regulations, policies, and procedures that may have previously been in effect with respect to the subject matter herein.
By submitting a request to WD to become a Member, you, the representative of such business, organization, and/or institution (“you”) hereby confirm that you have read and agree to these Terms & Conditions and agree, warrant and represent that:
If you require clarification or further information with regard to any of these Terms & Conditions, you may contact WD via the Contact Us link at https://www.westerndigital.com/company/contact-us
Last Modified: December 1, 2023
Společnost Western Digital Technologies, Inc. (dále jako „společnost WD“, „my“) nabízí svým zákazníkům z řad prodejců a systémových integrátorů, kteří nakupují vybraný sortiment produktů společnosti WD, příležitost účastnit se programu Pro Rewards společnosti Western Digital (dále jako „program“) a získávat odměny a pobídky (např. přímé pobídky, školení, propagační akce jen pro členy, výhradní přístup k marketingovým nástrojům a další možnosti) a zároveň udržovat zavedené nákupní a realizační vztahy s našimi distributory a dalšími specifickými prodejci (které může společnost WD v rámci členského účtu příležitostně určit) (dále jako „prodejci“). Těmito smluvními podmínkami programu (dále jako „smluvní podmínky“) se řídí program a vztahy společnosti WD se členy programu (dále jednotlivě jako „člen“ a kolektivně jako „členové“) a uživateli programu na webových stránkách www.westerndigital.com (dále jako „webové stránky“). Členství v programu (nebo používání webových stránek) podléhá těmto smluvním podmínkám, a pokud není uvedeno jinak, tyto smluvní podmínky se vztahují na všechny členy a uživatele webových stránek. Tím, že budete dále používat tyto webové stránky nebo se stanete členem programu, přijímáte jako člen nebo uživatel tyto smluvní podmínky a souhlasíte s jejich dodržováním. Pokud jako člen nebo uživatel s těmito smluvními podmínkami nesouhlasíte, nesmíte jako člen nebo uživatel na tyto stránky přistupovat, procházet je ani je jinak používat. Tyto smluvní podmínky a informace o programu (definované v části I.1 níže) obsahují celé ujednání týkající se předmětu tohoto dokumentu a nahrazují veškerá prohlášení, ústní či písemná, a dřívější smluvní podmínky, pravidla, předpisy, zásady a postupy předchozího programu propagačních odměn nebo věrnostního programu, které mohly být v souvislosti s předmětem tohoto dokumentu dříve v platnosti.
Tím, že společnosti WD zašlete žádost o členstvé, jako zástupce takového podniku, organizace či instituce (dále jako „vy“) potvrzujete, že jste si tyto smluvní podmínky přečetli a souhlasíte s nimi, a že souhlasíte, zaručujete a prohlašujete, že:
Pokud potřebujete vysvětlení nebo další informace týkající se těchto smluvních podmínek, můžete kontaktovat společnost WD pomocí odkazu Kontaktujte nás https://www.westerndigital.com/company/contact-us.
Last Modified: December 1, 2023
Western Digital Technologies, Inc. (“WD,” “we,” “us”) offers its reseller and system integrator customers who buy a select line-up of WD products the opportunity to participate in the Western Digital Pro Rewards Program (the “Program”) and earn rewards and incentives such as direct incentives, training, member-only promotions, exclusive access to marketing tools, and more while maintaining established purchasing and fulfillment relationships with our distributors and other specific vendors (as WD may identify within a Member account from time to time) (“Vendors”). These Program terms and conditions (“Terms & Conditions”) govern the Program and WD’s relationship with members of the Program (each a “Member” and, collectively, the “Members”) and users of the Program on the www.westerndigital.com website (“Site”). Membership in the Program (and/or use of the Site) is subject to these Terms & Conditions, and unless specifically indicated otherwise, these Terms & Conditions apply to all Members and users of the Site. By continuing to use this Site and/or becoming a Member of the Program, you, the Member and/or user accept and agree to comply with these Terms & Conditions. If you, the Member and/or user do not agree to these Terms & Conditions, you, the Member and/or user may not access, browse, or otherwise use the Site. These Terms & Conditions and the Program Details (as defined in Section I.1 below) contain the entire agreement with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersede all representations made, whether oral or written, and previous promotional rewards or loyalty program terms and conditions, rules, regulations, policies, and procedures that may have previously been in effect with respect to the subject matter herein.
By submitting a request to WD to become a Member, you, the representative of such business, organization, and/or institution (“you”) hereby confirm that you have read and agree to these Terms & Conditions and agree, warrant and represent that:
If you require clarification or further information with regard to any of these Terms & Conditions, you may contact WD via the Contact Us link at https://www.westerndigital.com/company/contact-us
Letzte Änderung: 01. Dezember 2023
Western Digital Technologies, Inc. („WD“, „wir“, „uns“) bietet seinen Wiederverkäufern und Systemintegratoren, die ein ausgewähltes Sortiment von WD Produkten kaufen, die Möglichkeit, am Western Digital Pro-Rewards-Prämienprogramm (das „Programm“) teilzunehmen und Prämien und Anreize zu erhalten, wie direkte Anreize, Schulungen, auf Mitglieder beschränkte Werbeaktionen, exklusiven Zugang zu Marketing-Tools und vieles mehr, während sie gleichzeitig etablierte Einkaufs- und Erfüllungsbeziehungen mit unseren Vertriebspartnern und anderen spezifischen Anbietern (die WD von Zeit zu Zeit innerhalb eines Mitgliedskontos identifizieren kann) („Anbieter“) unterhalten. Diese Programmbedingungen („Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen“) regeln das Programm und die Beziehung von WD zu den Mitgliedern des Programms (jeweils ein „Mitglied“ und gemeinsam die „Mitglieder“) und den Nutzern des Programms auf der Website www.westerndigital.com („Site“). Die Mitgliedschaft im Programm (und/oder die Nutzung der Website) unterliegt diesen Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen, und sofern nicht ausdrücklich anders angegeben, gelten diese Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen für alle Mitglieder und Nutzer der Website. Indem Sie diese Website weiterhin nutzen und/oder Mitglied des Programms werden, akzeptieren Sie, das Mitglied und/oder der Nutzer, diese Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen und erklären sich mit ihnen einverstanden. Wenn Sie, das Mitglied und/oder der Nutzer diesen Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen nicht zustimmen, dürfen Sie, das Mitglied und/oder der Nutzer die Website nicht aufrufen, durchsuchen oder anderweitig nutzen. Diese Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen und die Programmdetails (wie in Abschnitt I.1 unten definiert) enthalten die gesamte Vereinbarung in Bezug auf den Gegenstand dieser Vereinbarung und ersetzen alle mündlichen oder schriftlichen Zusicherungen sowie frühere Bedingungen für Werbeprämien oder Treueprogramme, Regeln, Vorschriften, Richtlinien und Verfahren, die zuvor in Bezug auf den Gegenstand dieser Vereinbarung in Kraft waren
Indem Sie einen Antrag auf Mitgliedschaft bei WD stellen, bestätigen Sie als Vertreter des Unternehmens, der Organisation und/oder der Institution („Sie“), dass Sie diese Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen gelesen haben und damit einverstanden sind, und Sie erklären sich damit einverstanden, garantieren und erklären, dass:
Wenn Sie eine Klärung oder weitere Informationen in Bezug auf diese Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen benötigen, können Sie sich an WD über den Link „Kontakt“ wenden.
Última modificación: 1 de diciembre de 2023
Western Digital Technologies, Inc. (“WD”, “nosotros”) ofrece a sus clientes revendedores e integradores de sistemas que compran una línea selecta de productos WD la oportunidad de participar en el programa Western Digital Pro Rewards (el “Programa”) y obtener recompensas e incentivos tales como incentivos directos, formación, promociones exclusivas para miembros, acceso exclusivo a herramientas de marketing, etc., todo ello mientras mantienen relaciones establecidas y colaborativas de compra con nuestros distribuidores y otros proveedores específicos (a los que WD puede identificar como tales en una cuenta de Miembro de vez en cuando) (“Vendedores”). Estos términos y condiciones del Programa (“Términos y Condiciones”) rigen el Programa y la relación de WD con los miembros del Programa (cada uno un “Miembro” y, colectivamente, los “Miembros”) y los usuarios del Programa en el sitio web www.westerndigital.com (“Sitio”). La pertenencia al Programa (y/o el uso del Sitio) está sujeta a estos Términos y Condiciones y, a menos que se indique específicamente lo contrario, estos Términos y Condiciones se aplican a todos los Miembros y usuarios del Sitio. Al continuar utilizando este Sitio y/o convertirse en Miembro del Programa, tú, el Miembro y/o usuario, aceptas y te comprometes a cumplir estos Términos y Condiciones. Si tú, el Miembro y/o usuario no estás de acuerdo con estos Términos y Condiciones, tú, el Miembro y/o usuario no podrás acceder, navegar o utilizar de otra manera el Sitio. Los presentes Términos y Condiciones y los Detalles del Programa (tal y como se definen en la Sección I.1 a continuación) constituyen la totalidad del acuerdo con respecto al objeto del mismo y sustituyen a todas las declaraciones realizadas, ya sean orales o escritas, y a los términos y condiciones de programas de fidelización o de recompensas promocionales, disposiciones, reglamentos, políticas y procedimientos anteriores que puedan haber estado en vigor previamente con respecto al objeto del presente documento.
Al enviar una solicitud a WD para convertirte en Miembro, tú, como representante de tu empresa, organización y/o institución (“tú”) confirmas por el presente que has leído y estás de acuerdo con estos Términos y Condiciones y aceptas, garantizas y declaras que:
Si necesitas aclaraciones o más información con respecto a cualquiera de estos Términos y Condiciones, puedes ponerte en contacto con WD a través del enlace Contacto.
Ultima modifica: 1° dicembre 2023
Western Digital Technologies, Inc. ("WD", "l’azienda", "noi") offre a clienti rivenditori e system integrator che acquistano una specifica gamma di prodotti WD l'opportunità di partecipare al programma Pro Rewards di Western Digital (il "Programma"), guadagnare premi e beneficiare di incentivi, come agevolazioni dirette, formazione, promozioni riservate ai clienti iscritti, accesso esclusivo a strumenti di marketing e altro ancora, mantenendo al contempo solide relazioni commerciali con i propri distributori e altri fornitori (che WD può selezionare, occasionalmente, tra gli account dei Clienti iscritti) (“Fornitori”). I termini e le condizioni di questo Programma (“Termini e condizioni”) disciplinano il Programma e il rapporto di WD con i clienti iscritti al Programma (ciascuno un “Cliente iscritto” e, collettivamente, i “Clienti iscritti”) e gli utenti del Programma sul sito web www.westerndigital.com (“Sito”). L'iscrizione al Programma (e/o l'utilizzo del Sito) è soggetta ai presenti Termini e condizioni e, salvo diversamente indicato, i presenti Termini e condizioni si applicano a tutti i Clienti iscritti e agli utenti del Sito. Continuando a utilizzare questo Sito e/o iscrivendosi al Programma, Lei, il Cliente iscritto e/o l'utente, accetta di rispettare i presenti Termini e condizioni. Qualora Lei, il Cliente iscritto e/o l'utente, non accettasse i presenti Termini e Condizioni, Lei, il Cliente iscritto e/o l'utente, non potrà navigare sul Sito, accedervi o utilizzarlo in altro modo. I presenti Termini e condizioni e i Dettagli del programma (come definiti nella Sezione I.1 di seguito riportata) contengono l'intero accordo relativo all’oggetto del presente documento, e sostituiscono tutte le dichiarazioni rese, sia orali che scritte, e tutti i precedenti premi promozionali o termini e condizioni, norme, regolamenti, politiche e procedure di programmi fedeltà che possono essere stati in vigore in passato in relazione all'oggetto del presente documento.
Inviando una richiesta di iscrizione a WD, Lei, rappresentante di una specifica azienda, organizzazione e/o istituzione ("Lei") conferma di avere letto e accettato i presenti Termini e condizioni e assicura e dichiara di:
Per richiedere chiarimenti o ulteriori informazioni in merito a uno dei presenti Termini e condizioni, è possibile contattare WD tramite il link Contattaci.
Data ostatniej modyfikacji: 1 grudnia 2023
Western Digital Technologies, Inc. („WD”, „my”, „nam”) oferuje swoim pośrednikom w sprzedaży i integratorom systemów, którzy zakupią wybraną linię produktów WD, możliwość uczestnictwa w programie Western Digital Pro Rewards („Program”) i zdobywania nagród i premii w postaci bezpośrednich bonusów, szkoleń, promocji skierowanych wyłącznie do uczestników programu, wyłącznego dostępu do narzędzi marketingowych itp., przy jednoczesnym pielęgnowaniu ustanowionych relacji z dystrybutorami i innymi dostawcami (których WD może od czasu do czasu identyfikować na podstawie konta Członka) („Dostawcy”). Niniejsze warunki korzystania z Programu („Warunki”) regulują zasady realizowania Programu oraz relacje WD z członkami Programu („Członek”, zbiorczo „Członkowie”) i użytkownikami witryny www.westerndigital.com („Witryna”). Członkostwo w Programie (oraz zasady korzystania z Witryny) podlega niniejszym Warunkom. O ile nie określono inaczej, niniejsze Warunki mają zastosowanie do wszystkich Członków i użytkowników Witryny. Korzystanie z Witryny i/lub zostanie Członkiem Programu jest równoznaczne z zaakceptowaniem niniejszych Warunków. Jeśli Członek lub użytkownik nie wyrazi zgody na niniejsze Warunki, nie uzyska dostępu do Witryny, nie będzie mógł jej przeglądać i w jakikolwiek inny sposób z niej korzystać. Niniejsze Warunki i Szczegóły Programu (zdefiniowane w sekcji I.1 poniżej) stanowią całość umowy i zastępują wszelkie złożone oświadczenia, ustnie lub pisemnie, oraz wszelkie poprzednie warunki, zasady, regulacje, polityki oraz procedury dotyczące nagród promocyjnych lub programów lojalnościowych, mogących uprzednio regulować kwestie opisane w niniejszym dokumencie.
Przesyłając do WD wniosek o przyznanie członkostwa, użytkownik, jako przedstawiciel przedsiębiorstwa, organizacji i/lub instytucji („Użytkownik”), potwierdza, że zna i akceptuje niniejsze Warunki, a także potwierdza, gwarantuje i oświadcza, że:
IW razie niejasności lub chęci uzyskania dalszych informacji dotyczących niniejszych Warunków prosimy o kontakt z WD za pośrednictwem łącza dostępnego w sekcji „Kontakt z nami”
Last Modified: December 1, 2023
Western Digital Technologies, Inc. (“WD,” “we,” “us”) offers its reseller and system integrator customers who buy a select line-up of WD products the opportunity to participate in the Western Digital Pro Rewards Program (the “Program”) and earn rewards and incentives such as direct incentives, training, member-only promotions, exclusive access to marketing tools, and more while maintaining established purchasing and fulfillment relationships with our distributors and other specific vendors (as WD may identify within a Member account from time to time) (“Vendors”). These Program terms and conditions (“Terms & Conditions”) govern the Program and WD’s relationship with members of the Program (each a “Member” and, collectively, the “Members”) and users of the Program on the www.westerndigital.com website (“Site”). Membership in the Program (and/or use of the Site) is subject to these Terms & Conditions, and unless specifically indicated otherwise, these Terms & Conditions apply to all Members and users of the Site. By continuing to use this Site and/or becoming a Member of the Program, you, the Member and/or user accept and agree to comply with these Terms & Conditions. If you, the Member and/or user do not agree to these Terms & Conditions, you, the Member and/or user may not access, browse, or otherwise use the Site. These Terms & Conditions and the Program Details (as defined in Section I.1 below) contain the entire agreement with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersede all representations made, whether oral or written, and previous promotional rewards or loyalty program terms and conditions, rules, regulations, policies, and procedures that may have previously been in effect with respect to the subject matter herein.
By submitting a request to WD to become a Member, you, the representative of such business, organization, and/or institution (“you”) hereby confirm that you have read and agree to these Terms & Conditions and agree, warrant and represent that:
If you require clarification or further information with regard to any of these Terms & Conditions, you may contact WD via the Contact Us link at https://www.westerndigital.com/company/contact-us
Last Modified: December 1, 2023
Western Digital Technologies, Inc. (“WD,” “we,” “us”) offers its reseller and system integrator customers who buy a select line-up of WD products the opportunity to participate in the Western Digital Pro Rewards Program (the “Program”) and earn rewards and incentives such as direct incentives, training, member-only promotions, exclusive access to marketing tools, and more while maintaining established purchasing and fulfillment relationships with our distributors and other specific vendors (as WD may identify within a Member account from time to time) (“Vendors”). These Program terms and conditions (“Terms & Conditions”) govern the Program and WD’s relationship with members of the Program (each a “Member” and, collectively, the “Members”) and users of the Program on the www.westerndigital.com website (“Site”). Membership in the Program (and/or use of the Site) is subject to these Terms & Conditions, and unless specifically indicated otherwise, these Terms & Conditions apply to all Members and users of the Site. By continuing to use this Site and/or becoming a Member of the Program, you, the Member and/or user accept and agree to comply with these Terms & Conditions. If you, the Member and/or user do not agree to these Terms & Conditions, you, the Member and/or user may not access, browse, or otherwise use the Site. These Terms & Conditions and the Program Details (as defined in Section I.1 below) contain the entire agreement with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersede all representations made, whether oral or written, and previous promotional rewards or loyalty program terms and conditions, rules, regulations, policies, and procedures that may have previously been in effect with respect to the subject matter herein.
By submitting a request to WD to become a Member, you, the representative of such business, organization, and/or institution (“you”) hereby confirm that you have read and agree to these Terms & Conditions and agree, warrant and represent that:
If you require clarification or further information with regard to any of these Terms & Conditions, you may contact WD via the Contact Us link at https://www.westerndigital.com/company/contact-us
Last Modified: December 1, 2023
Western Digital Technologies, Inc. (“WD,” “we,” “us”) offers its reseller and system integrator customers who buy a select line-up of WD products the opportunity to participate in the Western Digital Pro Rewards Program (the “Program”) and earn rewards and incentives such as direct incentives, training, member-only promotions, exclusive access to marketing tools, and more while maintaining established purchasing and fulfillment relationships with our distributors and other specific vendors (as WD may identify within a Member account from time to time) (“Vendors”). These Program terms and conditions (“Terms & Conditions”) govern the Program and WD’s relationship with members of the Program (each a “Member” and, collectively, the “Members”) and users of the Program on the www.westerndigital.com website (“Site”). Membership in the Program (and/or use of the Site) is subject to these Terms & Conditions, and unless specifically indicated otherwise, these Terms & Conditions apply to all Members and users of the Site. By continuing to use this Site and/or becoming a Member of the Program, you, the Member and/or user accept and agree to comply with these Terms & Conditions. If you, the Member and/or user do not agree to these Terms & Conditions, you, the Member and/or user may not access, browse, or otherwise use the Site. These Terms & Conditions and the Program Details (as defined in Section I.1 below) contain the entire agreement with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersede all representations made, whether oral or written, and previous promotional rewards or loyalty program terms and conditions, rules, regulations, policies, and procedures that may have previously been in effect with respect to the subject matter herein.
By submitting a request to WD to become a Member, you, the representative of such business, organization, and/or institution (“you”) hereby confirm that you have read and agree to these Terms & Conditions and agree, warrant and represent that:
If you require clarification or further information with regard to any of these Terms & Conditions, you may contact WD via the Contact Us link at https://www.westerndigital.com/company/contact-us
Last Modified: December 1, 2023
Western Digital Technologies, Inc. (“WD,” “we,” “us”) offers its reseller and system integrator customers who buy a select line-up of WD products the opportunity to participate in the Western Digital Pro Rewards Program (the “Program”) and earn rewards and incentives such as direct incentives, training, member-only promotions, exclusive access to marketing tools, and more while maintaining established purchasing and fulfillment relationships with our distributors and other specific vendors (as WD may identify within a Member account from time to time) (“Vendors”). These Program terms and conditions (“Terms & Conditions”) govern the Program and WD’s relationship with members of the Program (each a “Member” and, collectively, the “Members”) and users of the Program on the www.westerndigital.com website (“Site”). Membership in the Program (and/or use of the Site) is subject to these Terms & Conditions, and unless specifically indicated otherwise, these Terms & Conditions apply to all Members and users of the Site. By continuing to use this Site and/or becoming a Member of the Program, you, the Member and/or user accept and agree to comply with these Terms & Conditions. If you, the Member and/or user do not agree to these Terms & Conditions, you, the Member and/or user may not access, browse, or otherwise use the Site. These Terms & Conditions and the Program Details (as defined in Section I.1 below) contain the entire agreement with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersede all representations made, whether oral or written, and previous promotional rewards or loyalty program terms and conditions, rules, regulations, policies, and procedures that may have previously been in effect with respect to the subject matter herein.
By submitting a request to WD to become a Member, you, the representative of such business, organization, and/or institution (“you”) hereby confirm that you have read and agree to these Terms & Conditions and agree, warrant and represent that:
If you require clarification or further information with regard to any of these Terms & Conditions, you may contact WD via the Contact Us link at https://www.westerndigital.com/company/contact-us
Last Modified: December 1, 2023
Western Digital Technologies, Inc. (“WD,” “we,” “us”) offers its reseller and system integrator customers who buy a select line-up of WD products the opportunity to participate in the Western Digital Pro Rewards Program (the “Program”) and earn rewards and incentives such as direct incentives, training, member-only promotions, exclusive access to marketing tools, and more while maintaining established purchasing and fulfillment relationships with our distributors and other specific vendors (as WD may identify within a Member account from time to time) (“Vendors”). These Program terms and conditions (“Terms & Conditions”) govern the Program and WD’s relationship with members of the Program (each a “Member” and, collectively, the “Members”) and users of the Program on the www.westerndigital.com website (“Site”). Membership in the Program (and/or use of the Site) is subject to these Terms & Conditions, and unless specifically indicated otherwise, these Terms & Conditions apply to all Members and users of the Site. By continuing to use this Site and/or becoming a Member of the Program, you, the Member and/or user accept and agree to comply with these Terms & Conditions. If you, the Member and/or user do not agree to these Terms & Conditions, you, the Member and/or user may not access, browse, or otherwise use the Site. These Terms & Conditions and the Program Details (as defined in Section I.1 below) contain the entire agreement with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersede all representations made, whether oral or written, and previous promotional rewards or loyalty program terms and conditions, rules, regulations, policies, and procedures that may have previously been in effect with respect to the subject matter herein.
By submitting a request to WD to become a Member, you, the representative of such business, organization, and/or institution (“you”) hereby confirm that you have read and agree to these Terms & Conditions and agree, warrant and represent that:
If you require clarification or further information with regard to any of these Terms & Conditions, you may contact WD via the Contact Us link at https://www.westerndigital.com/company/contact-us
Dernière modification : le 1er décembre 2023
Western Digital Technologies, Inc. (ci-après « WD », « nous ») propose à ses clients revendeurs et intégrateurs de systèmes, achetant une gamme spécifique de produits WD, la possibilité d’adhérer au programme de fidélité Western Digital Pro Rewards (ci-après le « Programme »). Il permet à ces professionnels de bénéficier de récompenses, de primes incitatives directes, de formations, de promotions réservées aux membres et de l’accès exclusif à des outils de marketing, entre autres. Le tout en conservant les relations commerciales établies avec nos distributeurs et autres fournisseurs spécifiques (que WD peut identifier occasionnellement dans un compte de Membre) (ci-après les « Fournisseurs »). Les présentes conditions générales du Programme (ci-après les « Conditions générales ») régissent celui-ci et les relations de WD avec les membres de ce Programme (chacun étant un « Membre » et, collectivement, des « Membres ») et avec les utilisateurs du Programme sur le site Web www.westerndigital.com (ci-après le « Site »). L’adhésion au Programme (et/ou l’utilisation du Site) est soumise aux présentes Conditions générales qui, sauf indication contraire, s’appliquent à tous les Membres et utilisateurs du Site. En poursuivant l’utilisation de ce Site et/ou en devenant Membre du Programme, vous, en tant que Membre et/ou utilisateur, acceptez de vous conformer aux présentes Conditions générales. Si vous, en tant que Membre et/ou utilisateur, n’acceptez pas les présentes Conditions générales, vous ne pourrez pas accéder au Site, ni y naviguer ou l’utiliser d’une quelconque manière. Les présentes Conditions générales et les détails du Programme (tels que définis à la section I.1 ci-dessous) constituent l’intégralité de l’accord relatif à l’objet des présentes, et elles remplacent toutes les déclarations, orales ou écrites, ainsi que les conditions générales, règles, réglementations, politiques et procédures antérieures relatives aux récompenses promotionnelles ou aux programmes de fidélisation qui auraient pu être précédemment en vigueur eu égard à l’objet des présentes.
En soumettant à WD une demande d’adhésion afin de devenir Membre, vous, le représentant de l’entreprise, organisation et/ou institution concernée (ci-après « vous »), confirmez expressément que vous avez lu et que vous acceptez les présentes Conditions générales, et vous convenez, garantissez et déclarez ce qui suit :
Si vous avez besoin d’éclaircissements ou d’informations complémentaires au sujet de l’une des présentes Conditions générales, vous pouvez contacter WD en cliquant sur le lien « Nous contacter ».
Last Modified: December 1, 2023
Western Digital Technologies, Inc. (“WD,” “we,” “us”) offers its reseller and system integrator customers who buy a select line-up of WD products the opportunity to participate in the Western Digital Pro Rewards Program (the “Program”) and earn rewards and incentives such as direct incentives, training, member-only promotions, exclusive access to marketing tools, and more while maintaining established purchasing and fulfillment relationships with our distributors and other specific vendors (as WD may identify within a Member account from time to time) (“Vendors”). These Program terms and conditions (“Terms & Conditions”) govern the Program and WD’s relationship with members of the Program (each a “Member” and, collectively, the “Members”) and users of the Program on the www.westerndigital.com website (“Site”). Membership in the Program (and/or use of the Site) is subject to these Terms & Conditions, and unless specifically indicated otherwise, these Terms & Conditions apply to all Members and users of the Site. By continuing to use this Site and/or becoming a Member of the Program, you, the Member and/or user accept and agree to comply with these Terms & Conditions. If you, the Member and/or user do not agree to these Terms & Conditions, you, the Member and/or user may not access, browse, or otherwise use the Site. These Terms & Conditions and the Program Details (as defined in Section I.1 below) contain the entire agreement with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersede all representations made, whether oral or written, and previous promotional rewards or loyalty program terms and conditions, rules, regulations, policies, and procedures that may have previously been in effect with respect to the subject matter herein.
By submitting a request to WD to become a Member, you, the representative of such business, organization, and/or institution (“you”) hereby confirm that you have read and agree to these Terms & Conditions and agree, warrant and represent that:
If you require clarification or further information with regard to any of these Terms & Conditions, you may contact WD via the Contact Us link at https://www.westerndigital.com/company/contact-us
Last Modified: December 1, 2023
Western Digital Technologies, Inc. (“WD,” “we,” “us”) offers its reseller and system integrator customers who buy a select line-up of WD products the opportunity to participate in the Western Digital Pro Rewards Program (the “Program”) and earn rewards and incentives such as direct incentives, training, member-only promotions, exclusive access to marketing tools, and more while maintaining established purchasing and fulfillment relationships with our distributors and other specific vendors (as WD may identify within a Member account from time to time) (“Vendors”). These Program terms and conditions (“Terms & Conditions”) govern the Program and WD’s relationship with members of the Program (each a “Member” and, collectively, the “Members”) and users of the Program on the www.westerndigital.com website (“Site”). Membership in the Program (and/or use of the Site) is subject to these Terms & Conditions, and unless specifically indicated otherwise, these Terms & Conditions apply to all Members and users of the Site. By continuing to use this Site and/or becoming a Member of the Program, you, the Member and/or user accept and agree to comply with these Terms & Conditions. If you, the Member and/or user do not agree to these Terms & Conditions, you, the Member and/or user may not access, browse, or otherwise use the Site. These Terms & Conditions and the Program Details (as defined in Section I.1 below) contain the entire agreement with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersede all representations made, whether oral or written, and previous promotional rewards or loyalty program terms and conditions, rules, regulations, policies, and procedures that may have previously been in effect with respect to the subject matter herein.
By submitting a request to WD to become a Member, you, the representative of such business, organization, and/or institution (“you”) hereby confirm that you have read and agree to these Terms & Conditions and agree, warrant and represent that:
If you require clarification or further information with regard to any of these Terms & Conditions, you may contact WD via the Contact Us link at https://www.westerndigital.com/company/contact-us
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