Count on us to help you transform data, achieving breakthroughs to create a better, safer, and more connected world.
Years pioneering data storage innovations
HDD—the highest achieved, leveraging Western Digital’s most advanced technologies
Active HDD patents secured by Western Digital’s innovative technologists
HelioSeal drives have been deployed since its introduction in 2013
Western Digital HDD innovations help turn data into actionable insights and life-changing outcomes.
From powering AI to battle climate change to processing ML data to build smart cars, Triple Stage Actuator is a mechanical innovation that integrates with other technologies to enable organizations to ramp up storage capacity and performance.
Go inside the Western Digital nanoscale lab to see how our scientists, physicists, and engineers are pushing the boundaries of storage technology.
Data storage products are becoming even more important in the zettabyte era.
We are empowering our customers to realize their audacious visions.
Carl Che, CTO of Western Digital HDD
Experience the future of innovation today!