We're making changes to how you buy HDD and flash products from the Western Digital family of brands.
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We're making changes to how you buy HDD and flash products from the Western Digital family of brands.
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We're making changes to how you buy HDD and flash products from the Western Digital family of brands.
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We're making changes to how you buy HDD and flash products from the Western Digital family of brands.
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We're making changes to how you buy HDD and flash products from the Western Digital family of brands.
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Western Digital has separated into two independent companies and the support process for your Western Digital and Sandisk brand HDD and flash products may have changed.
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The objective of our supply chain approach is transparency and accountability. We believe this leads to better working conditions, resulting in a more responsible and resilient supply chain.
In 2007, Western Digital joined the Responsible Business Alliance (RBA). In 2017, we reinforced our active participation in this nonprofit organization by consolidating our WD, HGST and SanDisk subsidiaries into a single Western Digital RBA membership. We continually invest in improving the social, environmental and ethical responsibility of our supply chains.
We expect our suppliers to invest equally in the above responsibilities.
Our suppliers demonstrate their commitment to responsible global supply chains by following Western Digital’s Supplier Code of Conduct.
Western Digital Supplier Code of Conduct
In addition, we ask suppliers to commit to the following complementary policies:
Global Human Rights Policy
Responsible Minerals Policy
We routinely invite our suppliers to engage with us through Western Digital Responsible Supply Chain initiatives, including:
For more details on our Responsible Supply Chain, please see our latest Sustainability Report.
For general supplier questions, please contact Western Digital at Responsible.SupplyChain@wdc.com
To report misconduct in our supply chain please use the Western Digital Ethics Helpline.
Western Digital is committed to the highest standards of ethical conduct and social and environmental responsibility. We are an active and committed member of the Responsible Business Alliance (“RBA”). Our Supplier Code of Conduct (“Code”) incorporates in its entirety the RBA Code of Conduct, which sets industry standards practiced and endorsed by Western Digital for labor, health, safety, environment, business ethics and compliance.
Western Digital strongly disapproves of the violence, unsafe working conditions and child labor in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), adjoining countries and other conflict-affected or high-risk areas. Western Digital is committed to supporting responsible sourcing of conflict minerals (gold, columbite-tantalite (also known as coltan), cassiterite, and wolframite, as well as their derivatives, tin, tantalum and tungsten (collectively 3TG)), cobalt and other minerals from the DRC region (including conformant smelters within the DRC) and other conflict-affected or high-risk areas. Western Digital is committed to source responsibly and will consider suspending or discontinuing engagement with suppliers where it identifies a reasonable risk. Western Digital conducts due diligence in line with OECD Guidance.
As a Regular Member of the RBA, Western Digital fully supports the vision and goals of the RBA:
Vision: A coalition of companies driving sustainable value for workers, the environment and business throughout the global supply chain.
Mission: Members, suppliers and stakeholders collaborate to improve working and environmental conditions and business performance through leading standards and practices.
Western Digital commits to comply to the RBA Code of Conduct in its own operations, progressively implementing the RBA approach and tools in the spirit of the industry’s common goals.
Western Digital also commits to progressively apply the RBA Code of Conduct to its first tier suppliers, to monitor its application to the best of its ability using RBA tools, consistent with the RBA’s methodology. Western Digital will encourage and support its suppliers to do the same.
View our Corporate Responsibility documents, including our annual sustainability reports, to learn more about our environmental, social, and governance policies, initiatives, and certifications.
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