We're making changes to how you buy HDD and flash products from the Western Digital family of brands.
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We're making changes to how you buy HDD and flash products from the Western Digital family of brands.
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We're making changes to how you buy HDD and flash products from the Western Digital family of brands.
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We're making changes to how you buy HDD and flash products from the Western Digital family of brands.
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We're making changes to how you buy HDD and flash products from the Western Digital family of brands.
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Western Digital has separated into two independent companies and the support process for your Western Digital and Sandisk brand HDD and flash products may have changed.
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The Western Digital Data Protection Terms (the "Terms") incorporate by reference the European Commission's Standard Contractual Clauses. Annex I, Annex II, Annex III, and/or the UK Addendum all as relevantly required based on the relationship of the Parties in the Agreement, are attached exclusively to the Terms. The relevant Module of the Standard Contractual Clauses therefore cannot be entered into by a third party without prior engagement with Western Digital's Legal Department.
The Effective Date of the Terms, as signed by both Parties, shall apply to the Standard Contractual Clauses and/or the UK Addendum as appropriate. Signature by a third party of these Standard Contractual Clauses alone will not bind Western Digital Technologies, Inc. or any of its affiliates.
Click here for more information on the European Commission's Standard Contractual Clauses, and click here for more information on the UK GDPR's data transfer addendum.
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