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We're making changes to how you buy HDD and flash products from the Western Digital family of brands.
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We're making changes to how you buy HDD and flash products from the Western Digital family of brands.
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We're making changes to how you buy HDD and flash products from the Western Digital family of brands.
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We're making changes to how you buy HDD and flash products from the Western Digital family of brands.
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We're making changes to how you buy HDD and flash products from the Western Digital family of brands.
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Western Digital has separated into two independent companies and the support process for your Western Digital and Sandisk brand HDD and flash products may have changed.
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It’s a big responsibility but one we take very seriously. And we couldn’t be prouder to be trusted to protect what’s yours.
It’s a big responsibility but one we take very seriously. And we couldn’t be prouder to be trusted to protect what’s yours.
Incident response, phishing and penetration tests that ensure readiness within our organization
Routine evaluation of our data privacy and security management systems
Internal policies to provide guidance on protecting our infrastructure from cyber attacks
IP Compliance, Information Security and Physical Security teams that address security throughout the organization
Choose strong, unique passwords, and use multi-factor authentication wherever it’s available. And if you believe your account has been compromised, contact us immediately.
Incident response, phishing and penetration tests that ensure readiness within our organization
Routine evaluation of our data privacy and security management systems
Internal policies to provide guidance on protecting our infrastructure from cyber attacks
IP Compliance, Information Security and Physical Security teams that address security throughout the organization
Choose strong, unique passwords, and use multi-factor authentication wherever it’s available. And if you believe your account has been compromised, contact us immediately.
Incident response, phishing and penetration tests that ensure readiness within our organization
Routine evaluation of our data privacy and security management systems
Internal policies to provide guidance on protecting our infrastructure from cyber attacks
IP Compliance, Information Security and Physical Security teams that address security throughout the organization
Choose strong, unique passwords, and use multi-factor authentication wherever it’s available. And if you believe your account has been compromised, contact us immediately.
Incident response, phishing and penetration tests that ensure readiness within our organization
Routine evaluation of our data privacy and security management systems
Internal policies to provide guidance on protecting our infrastructure from cyber attacks
IP Compliance, Information Security and Physical Security teams that address security throughout the organization
Choose strong, unique passwords, and use multi-factor authentication wherever it’s available. And if you believe your account has been compromised, contact us immediately.
Incident response, phishing and penetration tests that ensure readiness within our organization
Routine evaluation of our data privacy and security management systems
Internal policies to provide guidance on protecting our infrastructure from cyber attacks
IP Compliance, Information Security and Physical Security teams that address security throughout the organization
Choose strong, unique passwords, and use multi-factor authentication wherever it’s available. And if you believe your account has been compromised, contact us immediately.
Incident response, phishing and penetration tests that ensure readiness within our organization
Routine evaluation of our data privacy and security management systems
Internal policies to provide guidance on protecting our infrastructure from cyber attacks
IP Compliance, Information Security and Physical Security teams that address security throughout the organization
Choose strong, unique passwords, and use multi-factor authentication wherever it’s available. And if you believe your account has been compromised, contact us immediately.
Incident response, phishing and penetration tests that ensure readiness within our organization
Routine evaluation of our data privacy and security management systems
Internal policies to provide guidance on protecting our infrastructure from cyber attacks
IP Compliance, Information Security and Physical Security teams that address security throughout the organization
Choose strong, unique passwords, and use multi-factor authentication wherever it’s available. And if you believe your account has been compromised, contact us immediately.
IP 合规性、信息安全和物理安全团队,负责解决整个组织的安全问题
Διενεργούμε ελέγχους ανταπόκρισης σε συμβάντα, δοκιμές υποκλοπής στοιχείων και διείσδυσης, για να διασφαλίσουμε την ετοιμότητα εντός του οργανισμού μας
Αξιολογούμε τακτικά την απόδοση των συστημάτων διαχείρισης του ιδιωτικού απορρήτου και της ασφάλειας των δεδομένων μας
Εφαρμόζουμε εσωτερικές πολιτικές παροχής καθοδήγησης για την προστασία της υποδομής μας από κυβερνο-επιθέσεις
Ομάδες Συμμόρφωσης με την Ψηφιακή Πνευματική Ιδιοκτησία, την Ασφάλεια των Πληροφοριών και τη Σωματική Ασφάλεια ασχολούνται με την ασφάλεια σε ολόκληρο τον οργανισμό
Επιλέξτε ισχυρούς, μοναδικούς κωδικούς πρόσβασης και χρησιμοποιήστε έλεγχο ταυτότητας πολλαπλών παραγόντων, όπου είναι διαθέσιμος. Και εάν πιστεύετε ότι ο λογαριασμός σας έχει παραβιαστεί, επικοινωνήστε αμέσως μαζί μας.
Vorfallsreaktions-, Phishing- und Penetrationstests, um die Bereitschaft in unserem Unternehmen sicherzustellen
Regelmäßige Begutachtung unserer Datenschutz- und Sicherheitsmanagementsysteme
Interne Richtlinien als Leitfaden zum Schutz unserer Infrastruktur vor Cyberangriffen
Teams für IP-Compliance, Datensicherheit und physische Sicherheit, die für die Sicherheit im Unternehmen sorgen
Wählen Sie starke, einmalige Passwörter und nutzen Sie, wenn möglich, Multi-Faktor-Authentifizierung. Wenn Sie glauben, dass Ihr Konto missbräuchlich verwendet wurde, wenden Sie sich umgehend an uns.
Incident response, phishing and penetration tests that ensure readiness within our organization
Routine evaluation of our data privacy and security management systems
Internal policies to provide guidance on protecting our infrastructure from cyber attacks
IP Compliance, Information Security and Physical Security teams that address security throughout the organization
Choose strong, unique passwords, and use multi-factor authentication wherever it’s available. And if you believe your account has been compromised, contact us immediately.
Incidentrespons-, phishing- en penetratietests die zorgen voor paraatheid binnen onze organisatie
Routinematige evaluatie van onze systemen voor privacy- en beveiligingsbeheer
Intern beleid om richtlijnen te geven voor de bescherming van onze infrastructuur tegen cyberaanvallen
IP Compliance, informatiebeveiliging en fysieke beveiligingsteams die zich bezighouden met beveiliging in de hele organisatie
Kies sterke, unieke wachtwoorden, en gebruik meervoudige verificatie indien beschikbaar. En als je denkt dat je account gecompromitteerd is, neem dan onmiddellijk contact met ons op.
Incident response, phishing and penetration tests that ensure readiness within our organization
Routine evaluation of our data privacy and security management systems
Internal policies to provide guidance on protecting our infrastructure from cyber attacks
IP Compliance, Information Security and Physical Security teams that address security throughout the organization
Choose strong, unique passwords, and use multi-factor authentication wherever it’s available. And if you believe your account has been compromised, contact us immediately.
Incident response, phishing and penetration tests that ensure readiness within our organization
Routine evaluation of our data privacy and security management systems
Internal policies to provide guidance on protecting our infrastructure from cyber attacks
IP Compliance, Information Security and Physical Security teams that address security throughout the organization
Choose strong, unique passwords, and use multi-factor authentication wherever it’s available. And if you believe your account has been compromised, contact us immediately.
Incident response, phishing and penetration tests that ensure readiness within our organization
Routine evaluation of our data privacy and security management systems
Internal policies to provide guidance on protecting our infrastructure from cyber attacks
IP Compliance, Information Security and Physical Security teams that address security throughout the organization
Choose strong, unique passwords, and use multi-factor authentication wherever it’s available. And if you believe your account has been compromised, contact us immediately.
Testování reakce na incidenty, phishing a penetraci v naší organizaci
Pravidelné vyhodnocování našich systémů správy ochrany osobních údajů a zabezpečení
Interní zásady pro poskytování pomoci při ochraně naší infrastruktury před kybernetickými útoky
Týmy pro dodržování předpisů v oblasti IP, informační bezpečnosti a fyzické bezpečnosti, které řeší bezpečnost v naší organizaci
Vybírejte si silná a jedinečná hesla a kdykoli je to možné, používejte vícefaktorové ověřování. A pokud máte podezření, že byl váš účet napaden, ihned nás kontaktujte.
نجري اختبارات الاستجابة للحوادث والتصيد الاحتيالي والاختراق للوقوف على مدى الجاهزية داخل مؤسستنا..
نحن نقيّم بانتظام أنظمة خصوصية البيانات وإدارة الأمان
نتّبع سياسات داخلية لتوفير التوجيه بشأن حماية بنيتنا الأساسية من الهجمات السيبرانية
فرق امتثال IP وأمان المعلومات والأمن الفعلي التي تتولى مسؤولية الحفاظ على الأمان في المؤسسة بأكملها
اختر كلمات مرور قوية وفريدة من نوعها، واستخدم المصادقة متعددة العوامل أينما توفّرت. وإذا كنت تعتقد أن حسابك قد تم اختراقه، فاتصل بنا على الفور.
Vorfallsreaktions-, Phishing- und Penetrationstests, um die Bereitschaft in unserem Unternehmen sicherzustellen
Regelmäßige Begutachtung unserer Datenschutz- und Sicherheitsmanagementsysteme
Interne Richtlinien als Leitfaden zum Schutz unserer Infrastruktur vor Cyberangriffen
Teams für IP-Compliance, Datensicherheit und physische Sicherheit, die für die Sicherheit im Unternehmen sorgen
Wählen Sie starke, einmalige Passwörter und nutzen Sie, wenn möglich, Multi-Faktor-Authentifizierung. Wenn Sie glauben, dass Ihr Konto missbräuchlich verwendet wurde, wenden Sie sich umgehend an uns.
處理整個組織安全問題的 IP 法遵、資訊安全和實體安全團隊
사고 대응의 일환으로 피싱 및 모의 침투 테스트를 실시하여 조직 내 준비 상태를 점검합니다.
Western Digital의 데이터 개인정보 및 보안 관리 시스템을 정기적으로 평가합니다.
사이버 공격으로부터 Western Digital의 인프라를 보호하기 위해 내부 정책을 통해 필요한 교육을 제공합니다.
조직 전체의 보안을 다루는 IP 규정 준수, 정보 보안 및 물리적 보안팀을 통해
강력하고 독특한 암호를 선택하고 가능하다면 다양한 인증 절차를 사용하십시오. 그리고 계정 정보가 유출되었다고 판단되면 즉시 당사에 문의해 주십시오.
Resposta a incidentes, testes de phishing e penetração para garantir a preparação em nossa organização
Avaliação de rotina em nossos sistemas de gerenciamento de privacidade e segurança de dados
Políticas internas para fornecer orientação sobre a proteção de nossa infraestrutura contra ciberataques
Equipes de Conformidade de IP, Segurança de Informações e Segurança Física que cuidam da segurança em toda a organização
Escolha senhas fortes e únicas, e use a autenticação multifator sempre que estiver disponível. E se você acreditar que sua conta foi comprometida, entre em contato conosco imediatamente.
Realizamos pruebas de respuesta ante incidentes, phishing y penetración para garantizar la preparación de nuestra empresa
Evaluamos habitualmente nuestros sistemas de gestión de la privacidad y la seguridad de los datos
Tenemos políticas internas para proporcionar orientación en lo relativo a la protección de nuestra infraestructura contra los ciberataques
Contamos con equipos de cumplimiento de PI, seguridad de la información y seguridad física que se encargan de la seguridad en toda la organización
Elige contraseñas seguras y únicas, además de utilizar la autenticación multifactor siempre que esté disponible. Y si crees que tu cuenta puede estar en peligro, ponte en contacto con nosotros inmediatamente.
Nous effectuons des tests de réponse aux incidents, de hameçonnage et de pénétration pour garantir la préparation de notre organisation.
Nous évaluons régulièrement nos systèmes de gestion de la sécurité et de la confidentialité des données.
Nous disposons de politiques internes pour fournir des conseils sur la protection de notre infrastructure contre les cyberattaques.
Nous avons des équipes chargées de la conformité, de la sécurité de l’information et de la sécurité physique qui s’occupent de la sécurité dans toute l’organisation.
Choisissez des mots de passe complexes et uniques, et utilisez l’authentification multifactorielle lorsqu’elle est disponible. Et si vous pensez que votre compte a été compromis, communiquez avec nous immédiatement.
Effettuiamo test di gestione degli incidenti informatici, attacchi di phishing e tentativi di violazione per agire con prontezza
Ispezioniamo regolarmente i nostri sistemi di gestione della sicurezza e della privacy dei dati
Sviluppiamo politiche interne per fornire indicazioni su come proteggere l’infrastruttura dagli attacchi informatici
I team addetti alla conformità IP, alla sicurezza delle informazioni e alla protezione fisica si occupano delle questioni legate alla sicurezza in tutti gli ambiti dell’organizzazione
Scegli password univoche complesse e utilizza l’autenticazione multi-fattore ovunque sia disponibile. Se ritieni che il tuo account sia stato compromesso, contattaci immediatamente.
Respuesta a incidentes, suplantación de identidad y penetración para garantizar que nuestra organización esté preparada
Evaluamos rutinariamente nuestros sistemas de administración de seguridad y privacidad de datos
Contamos con políticas internas para ofrecer orientación a nuestros empleados sobre cómo proteger la infraestructura ante ciberataques
Equipos de cumplimiento de la propiedad intelectual, seguridad de la información y seguridad física que se ocupan de la seguridad en toda la organización
Elija contraseñas fuertes y únicas, y utilice la autenticación multifactorial siempre que esté disponible. Si cree que su cuenta ha sido comprometida, comuníquese con nosotros de inmediato.
Wykonujemy testy związane z gotowością na incydenty, phishing i próby włamań
Regularnie sprawdzamy nasze systemy zarządzania prywatnością i bezpieczeństwem danych
Posiadamy wewnętrzne polityki zawierające wytyczne dotyczące ochrony naszej infrastruktury przed cyberatakami
Zatrudniamy zespoły ds. zgodności IP, bezpieczeństwa informacji i ochrony fizycznej, zajmujące się bezpieczeństwem w całej organizacji
Wybieraj silne, unikalne hasła i korzystaj z uwierzytelniania dwuskładnikowego zawsze, gdy tylko jest to możliwe. A jeśli uznasz, że bezpieczeństwo Twojego konta zostało naruszone, niezwłocznie skontaktuj się z nami.
Реагирование на нарушения безопасности, тесты на проникновение и фишинг, которые позволяют убедиться в готовности нашей компании.
Регулярная оценка наших систем управления конфиденциальностью и защитой данных.
Внутренние политики, предусматривающие предоставление рекомендаций по защите нашей инфраструктуры от кибератак.
Группы по соблюдению требований IP, информационной и физической безопасности, которые занимаются вопросами безопасности в рамках всей организации.
Выбирайте надежные, уникальные пароли и используйте многофакторную аутентификацию везде, где она предлагается. А если вы предполагаете, что ваша учетная запись была взломана, немедленно обращайтесь к нам.
Incident response, phishing and penetration tests that ensure readiness within our organization
Routine evaluation of our data privacy and security management systems
Internal policies to provide guidance on protecting our infrastructure from cyber attacks
IP Compliance, Information Security and Physical Security teams that address security throughout the organization
Choose strong, unique passwords, and use multi-factor authentication wherever it’s available. And if you believe your account has been compromised, contact us immediately.
Incident response, phishing and penetration tests that ensure readiness within our organization
Routine evaluation of our data privacy and security management systems
Internal policies to provide guidance on protecting our infrastructure from cyber attacks
IP Compliance, Information Security and Physical Security teams that address security throughout the organization
Choose strong, unique passwords, and use multi-factor authentication wherever it’s available. And if you believe your account has been compromised, contact us immediately.
Incident response, phishing and penetration tests that ensure readiness within our organization
Routine evaluation of our data privacy and security management systems
Internal policies to provide guidance on protecting our infrastructure from cyber attacks
IP Compliance, Information Security and Physical Security teams that address security throughout the organization
Choose strong, unique passwords, and use multi-factor authentication wherever it’s available. And if you believe your account has been compromised, contact us immediately.
Pengujian tanggapan insiden, phising, dan penetrasi yang memastikan kesiapan di dalam organisasi kami.
Evaluasi sistem manajemen privasi dan keamanan data kami secara rutin.
Kebijakan internal untuk menyediakan panduan untuk melindungi infrastruktur kami dari serangan siber
Tim Kepatuhan IP, Keamanan Informasi, dan Keamanan Fisik yang menangani keamanan di seluruh organisasi
Pilih kata sandi yang kuat dan unik, serta gunakan autentikasi multi-faktor apabila tersedia. Dan jika Anda yaki akun Anda telah diretas, segera hubungi kami.
Kurumumuz içinde hazırlıklı olmayı sağlayan olaylara müdahale, şifre hırsızlığı ve sızma testleri
Veri gizliliği ve güvenlik yönetimi sistemlerimizin düzenli olarak değerlendirilmesi
Altyapımızı siber saldırılardan korumada rehberlik edecek kurum içi politikalarımız
Kurum genelinde güvenliği ele alan IP Uyumluluğu, Bilgi Güvenliği ve Fiziksel Güvenlik ekipleri
Güçlü ve benzersiz parolalar seçin ve mümkün olan her yerde çok faktörlü kimlik doğrulama kullanın. Ayrıca hesabınızın tehlikede olduğunu düşünüyorsanız, derhal bizimle iletişime geçin.
Au sein de notre organisation, nous effectuons des tests d’intrusion, d’hameçonnage (ou phishing) et d’intervention en cas d’incident afin d’optimiser notre réactivité
Nous évaluons régulièrement nos systèmes de gestion de la sécurité et de la confidentialité des données
Nos politiques internes prodiguent des conseils à nos employés sur la protection de notre infrastructure contre les cyberattaques
Nos équipes chargées de la propriété intellectuelle, la sécurité des données et la sécurité matérielle gèrent les questions de sécurité au sein de l’organisation.
Choisissez des mots de passe forts et uniques, et mettez en place l’authentification multi-facteurs chaque fois que c’est possible. Si vous pensez que votre compte a été compromis, contactez-nous sans délai.
Incident response, phishing and penetration tests that ensure readiness within our organization
Routine evaluation of our data privacy and security management systems
Internal policies to provide guidance on protecting our infrastructure from cyber attacks
IP Compliance, Information Security and Physical Security teams that address security throughout the organization
Choose strong, unique passwords, and use multi-factor authentication wherever it’s available. And if you believe your account has been compromised, contact us immediately.
การตอบสนองต่ออุบัติเหตุ ฟิชชิ่ง และการเจาะข้อมูลเพื่อให้มั่นใจถึงความพร้อมภายในองค์กรของเรา
ฝ่ายดูแลการปฏิบัติตาม IP, รักษาความปลอดภัยของงานสารสนเทศและความปลอดภัยทางกายภาพ ที่ดูแลเรื่องการรักษาความปลอดภัยทั่วทั้งองค์กร
ตั้งรหัสผ่านที่ไม่ซ้ำใครและคาดเดาได้ยาก และใช้การพิสูจน์ตัวตนแบบหลายปัจจัยหากทำได้ และถ้าคุณคิดว่าบัญชีของคุณถูกเข้าถึงโดยไม่ได้รับอนุญาต โปรดติดต่อเราทันที
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